Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 323 Chapter 322, Lao Li takes office

Chapter 323 Chapter 322, Lao Li takes office
Pinghan line...

As a main railway linking the north and the south of China, it has become a traffic artery of various materials since the day it was built.

And since the Eighth Route Army entered central Hebei, southern Hebei, northern Henan and other places in May, this main artery has been forced to bleed twice with a knife.

Today, it will be the third time...


This is why in Hu Changyi's book "Defenders of the Anti-Japanese War", the protagonist always attacks the Ping-Han line!
Of course, this should also be one of the reasons why the little devil put his strategic goal on the security war in the occupied area after the battle in Wuhan.

why?Well, the railway that the devils worked so hard to occupy is paralyzed every half a month, who can bear it?If the little devil can endure until that time, he has practiced ninjutsu to the level of mastery!
Don’t you see those who suffer from road rage, the car behind can arouse it by honking the horn, and other cars can fight each other, let alone cut the road directly?Okay, the little devil train is driving, and there is no way ahead... Anyone will be angry!

"Everyone is there, stand at attention... Take a break! Next, welcome to the head of the regiment to speak!" On July 7, in Quzhou County, northeast of Handan, the soldiers of the newly established Xinyi Regiment gathered together, wearing new military uniforms Li Yunlong started his speech.

The new regiment is part of the supplementary regiment of the 386 brigade, plus the first regiment of the eastward column (led by deputy brigade commander Chen), and the second regiment of the eastward column.The original regiment commander was Battalion Commander Ding, the first battalion commander of the 772 regiment, but when Lao Li came, Lao Ding could only be the deputy regiment commander.

Of course, this is not the point, and it is not even a big deal that this new group was established more than a month earlier.After all, we have the grenades and a small number of rifles provided by the military workshop, coupled with the continuously expanding results of the battle, there are far more weapons than in the same period in history.

Therefore, it is not a big deal to be established one month in advance, after all, our Eighth Route Army has money... ahem.

"Not bad, not bad! Very energetic! Come on, tell me loudly, what is our current number?" Li Yunlong walked in front of the team and said loudly.

"Report, our current number is Xinyituan!" Zhang Dabiao, who was already the squad leader, stood up and said.

"It seems that Zhang Dabiao is the only one who knows? Come on, tell me, we are a new group!" Li Yunlong's voice was stern.

"Xinyi regiment, new regiment, new regiment..." The Xinyi regiment, with a total of only 1700 people, was roaring loudly.

"Very good! I don't care which unit you were soldiers in before, whether you were from the 772nd Regiment, the Supplementary Regiment, or the First Eastern Regiment. Now, you all have a name: I am a new member of the 386th Brigade. Soldiers of the regiment! Shout out to me three more times, a new regiment!" Li Yunlong said.

"New regiment, new regiment, new regiment!" The shout was louder this time.

"Very good, you all look like a soldier! You remember, look for it, I am your regiment leader Li Yunlong! From now on, you all know me, and I know you too! Starting today, you They are the soldiers of my new regiment! They are the soldiers under my Li Yunlong!"

Li Yunlong yelled loudly, making the political commissar Wang not far away frown, and wanted to bring Li Yunlong over to educate him.

Well, Commissar Wang is the political commissar of the 386 brigade, and the new regiment has no political commissar yet.reason?It's really not easy to match Li Yunlong with someone who doesn't have a certain ability, so he can only wait.

"Of course, you may ask, why should you be our head when you are a young and handsome young man? Do you have that ability?" Li Yunlong lowered his voice.

"Hahaha..." Several veterans who were familiar with Li Yunlong laughed.

"I'll tell you, my old Li is capable! If you don't believe me, you can go and find out what our old Li did before? Also ask about the battles our old Li fought! Can't find out? Then, Lao Li will let you see our abilities now!"

"Tiger smash, pull those guys that our old Li brought here!" Li Yunlong shouted.

Soon, his bodyguard, Hu Zi, led a group of soldiers, and pulled over a dozen large carts. On the carts were 30 brand-new Bayi-style horse rifles and 200 rifles of various kinds, of which thirty-eight large ones could not be covered. few.

Of course, there are few guns, and the most are still boxes of grenades, at least 6.In addition to these, there are 300 shotguns with [-] fixed shotguns, and two bazookas hidden in a long box by Lao Li, which cannot be shown at will.

"So many guns? Our regiment leader is amazing!"

"What is this? You go and find out. Our regiment leader led the 772rd Battalion of the 3nd Regiment to fight several ambush battles, killing a lot of devils!"

"I also heard that our regiment leader was the division commander during the Red Army period, but now he is only the regiment commander!"

"Equipment, we were originally called the Dongzong First Regiment, but each regiment only has 200 guns. The new regiment leader brought so many guns when he arrived!"

"Grenade, grenade! There are so many grenades, I can divide them into four or five..."

As the weapons and ammunition were revealed, the soldiers of the new regiment began to whisper and whisper to each other.The guerrillas, the Dongzong First Regiment, the Supplementary Regiment, and even some key veterans from the 772 Regiment, quickly spread Li Yunlong's history to the entire regiment.

Well, I have to say that Li Yunlong still understands the psychology of these fighters better.What kind of commander do soldiers like?The first is to lead everyone to win battles, the second is to get everyone good weapons and equipment, and the third is to be able to achieve equality with soldiers and so on.

Li Yunlong has never doubted himself that he can lead everyone to victory, but it will take time.But getting weapons and equipment for everyone can be done immediately.

When it was approaching, Lao Li deliberately ran to the military workshop, found Hu Changyi and Minister Zhang, and brought all these equipments by playing tricks.

In order to bring these weapons and equipment, our old Li took a lot of effort, and even asked the comrades of the division's transportation company to help.Otherwise, Li Yunlong couldn't have come to take office so late.

"Okay, don't even look at it, you can't pull it out if you look at it! Look at me!" After the guy's pose was revealed, and the soldiers were talking about it, Li Yunlong attracted the attention of the soldiers .

"These are the equipment I brought. These equipment will be distributed to you according to everyone's situation! But before distributing them, my old Li said first." Seeing the high emotions of the soldiers, Li Yunlong began his inaugural speech ...

(End of this chapter)

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