Chapter 331 Chapter 330, fierce battle

Li Yunlong understood that after destroying the bridgehead, the gun tower is the key!Our old Li is very tricky in war, and he doesn't like to use that old-fashioned attack routine.Therefore, one of his strategies is to let people approach the devil's bridgehead quietly first, and then use the bazooka to kill the bridgehead.

Don't ask the devils, where are those bright posts and secret posts?The question is that they were all touched by the soldiers of the new regiment!Otherwise, the bazooka soldiers would not have a chance to get close.

That is to say, the little devils in this period didn't realize that someone could knock out their firepower at this distance, and they didn't even realize that someone would play this kind of stealthy approaching battle with them, which made Li Yunlong succeed.

But anyway, as soon as the bazooka came out, the devil's bridgehead was finished, and the first step of the plan was completed.Then, it's the attack on the turret!
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...

Outside the stronghold of the Minghe Bridge, the resounding charge horn rang, which meant that the attack of the new regiment had begun!

"Damn it, Li Yunlong is such an idiot, why charge at this time!" The sound of the charge was heard so far that even Zhao Fengnian, who was galloping with his family, could hear it.

But after hearing that, he had no choice but to scold Li Yunlong.rush over?Still need to run for a while!

"First row, go!" On the north side of the bridge, the leader of the second company of the new regiment led a detour, roared, and the second company and first row that had been prepared for a long time suddenly appeared from the crop field, rushing towards the bridge head go.

"Tom tom..." At this time, two more rockets flew over the east and west sides of the bridge, and hit the severely damaged bridgehead again!
That's right, this is Huzi and Mengzi, these two fools, replenished the bridgehead with another rocket, and they don't know how to save money for their team leader.

"There is nothing that a bazooka can't solve! If there is one, then another one!" After firing the second rocket, Huzi repeated a sentence that Hu Changyi often said, which was regarded as practicing Hu Changyi's teaching.

Of course, after destroying these two bridgeheads, the northern side of the Minghe Bridge basically lost its defensive firepower.The only thing that can fire here is the heavy machine gun on the cannon tower at the south end of the bridge.

But now it is night, the sky is so dark, and the distance of more than 300 meters, when there is no additional light source and night vision equipment, it is basically blind!Even if there are searchlights to hit the beam of light, it will not be able to cover the entire battlefield.

Therefore, the soldiers in the first row did not suffer much loss, and they still lined up in a three-three formation, running towards the direction of the bridge.

What greeted them was still heavy machine gun bullets aimlessly shooting at the field.What about the areas that need to be taken care of?That's where the two bazookas were just now!Well, the devil is blind and can't see people!

Therefore, before the soldiers in the third row rushed to the bridge, the devil's machine gunner would not be able to find it!While waiting for this side to rush to the bridge, the machine gunners on the devil's gun tower couldn't care less about this side.

why?The south is also attacking!Moreover, the intensity of the attack is greater, the number of people is larger, and the firepower is even more violent!

With the help of a sentence from the storyteller: the words are divided into two ends, and each expresses one.

The attack on the north side of the bridge was actually a small part of Li Yunlong's offensive, it was nothing at all!The largest number of troops are actually waiting to attack in the field south of the bridgehead.

"Attack! Pay attention to the formation! Machine gun fire suppression!" It was the commander of the first battalion who spoke, and he was responsible for bringing the machine guns of the first battalion to deal with the firepower point running upstairs.

"Tom tom tom... da da da da..." The first battalion commander ordered, and the light and heavy machine guns scattered around him fired at the shooting holes of the devil's gun tower.

As soon as they fired shots, the devil's machine gunner's eyes were attracted, and even the searchlights and grenadiers on the roof also paid attention to this side.Therefore, the machine gunners perfectly attracted the firepower of the devils...

"Rush over, kill!" At the same time, the Eighth Route Army hiding everywhere in the southern part of the Ming River also lined up in a three-three attack formation, attacking towards the artillery towers and strongholds.

"Boom... Boom..." The grenadier soldier pillar hiding in the field fired two grenadier grenades when the charge horn blew.Now, these two grenades exploded one after another on the roof of the building where the devils ran, only blowing up the devils grenadiers and searchlights on the roof.

The devil who was blown away was still alive, struggling in the air and howling, then fell heavily on the ground below the gun tower.

Well, this time it is completely dead!
"Crack...crack, crack..." This is Xizi leading a new group of sharpshooters to shoot at the devil's shooting hole, and Wang Xiaoer is among them.

Xizi and the others are 26 people in total, all of them are good marksmanship masters, and they also have 50 rounds of bullets in their hands.

They were scattered around the gun tower, and at the beginning of the attack, they pulled the trigger on the fire point that was braving gunfire.

To be honest, it is very difficult to fight with such a firepower!Especially when shooting from the back, it is even more difficult to hit!Because of the angle, the bullets flew upwards obliquely, making it difficult to hit the devil soldiers behind the machine gun.

Of course, as long as it hits, there is a high probability that it will be hit on the head, and it is basically impossible to save!
And there is another key here, that is, it is impossible to determine whether the devil behind the shooting port is using a direct shooting position or a side shooting position.

Therefore, Xizi and the others first judge the distance behind the muzzle flame, and then shoot a bullet at the direct shooting position, and then shoot a bullet at the side-firing angle, and then send a few rounds to the side of the machine gun at other suitable angles. shot bullets.

Of course, it was slow to say this, but in fact Xizi and the others were hiding in the wilderness, shooting one shot at another place, and using their marksmanship to support the attacking comrades-in-arms.

But let alone, when Xizi and the others fired their shots, several firepower points were extinguished, which happened to cover several commandos and approached the devil's stronghold.

The devil's stronghold was established on the east side of the south side of the Minghe Bridge, 50 meters away from the bridge head, and the devil's gun tower was inside the stronghold.

Now, this stronghold has become the direction for several commandos to advance!And in the field to the east, two commando teams were approaching quickly with explosive packs.That means that the main entrance cannot be entered, and the back is directly blasted open.Therefore, the attack on the north side of the bridge is a trivial matter at all, as long as the bridgehead is taken, it is a victory.

The key is the attack on the devil's stronghold on the south side of the bridge!Is this the point?

"Come on! Follow me!" Among the attacking team of Xinyi Regiment, the figure of a burly man was the most eye-catching, because he had already led a squad of soldiers into the gate of the stronghold.And his most distinctive feature is that he is carrying a big knife in his hand, and a red silk is tied to the handle ring of the big knife.

Well, this guy is Zhang Dabiao, he is now the squad leader, and he rushed to the door of the devil's stronghold with his squad at the fastest speed.

When they got here, the firepower on the devil's gun tower could not hit them.Because this is the courtyard wall, and inside is a row of barracks, and then you go in to the courtyard. With the barriers between the wall and the barracks, the machine guns on the devil's gun tower have no shooting range.

"Da da da... tom tom tom..." Zhang Dabiao had just rushed to the gate of the stronghold when a series of bullets came out.That's right, this is the three machine gun groups left by the puppet army in the stronghold to fight back.The three machine gun teams were just outside the house on the north side of the yard, just blocking the gate.

Because Wu Daoyi and the others were sent out, no one guarded the simple sandbag fortifications outside the barracks of the puppet army.Now there are three machine gun groups left to guard the gun tower in the stronghold, and they are still composed of a civilian [-] and two Czechs.

"Ah... ah..." The puppet army's marksmanship is good, and the two soldiers who rushed into the gate before Zhang Dabiao were knocked down. Zhang Dabiao quickly dodged outside the gate when he saw the opportunity, and even dragged a soldier back.

"Damn it, Zhang Dabiao is blocked! Zhuzi, where did he go? Shoot me a few shells into the stronghold! Hurry up!" Li Yunlong, who was watching the battle, saw Zhang Dabiao and the others being blocked outside the stronghold. , Directly call the pillars for artillery support.

The current situation is that the devil's grenadier soldiers have been destroyed, the machine gun bunkers outside the stronghold have been blown up, and the gun towers inside the stronghold have to face the surrounding attacking teams.And Zhang Dabiao's side is the team that can best penetrate into the inside of the gun tower.

"Grenade, grenade! Quick!" Li Yunlong was mobilizing the grenade, and Zhang Dabiao was not idle here, and each of them held a grenade in his hand.

"Pull the fire...chick...throw!" Zhang Dabiao commanded the remaining 7 soldiers, and each of them threw a grenade into the stronghold.It doesn't matter whether people are killed or not, all that matters is the rhythm of the attack.

Zhang Dabiao was stunned, he wanted to attack after throwing the grenade, just in time a row of platoon leaders came up with the team: "Da Biao, wait, the regiment leader has given artillery support!" The platoon leader quickly held down Zhang Dabiao An arm about to wave.

"Squad leader! Don't stop me, it's just right to attack at this time!" Zhang Dabiao became anxious and shook off his platoon leader's arm.

"Chirp...boom..." At this time, the grenade fired by the pillar also fell to the ground, and there was an explosion in the stronghold.

"You stupid bastard! Hurry up! Comrades, come with me..." When the shell hit the ground, the leader of the platoon became anxious, and rushed with the team.

"Come on!" Zhang Dabiao was unambiguous, and rushed into the stronghold with a big knife and followed a platoon leader.

"Da da da..." It was still a Czech-style gunshot, but this time there was only one gun.

"Puff puff puff..." The leader of the platoon was the most advanced, but was unfortunately hit by a bullet in the chest, and fell down on the spot.

"Ahhh... rush up for me!" Zhang Dabiao looked at the platoon leader who fell to the ground, roared loudly, and rushed into the stronghold at the fastest speed in his life.

"Ah... run quickly...they are not afraid of death..." The puppet army machine gunner who was shooting just now went crazy for some reason, put down his gun and ran towards the direction of running upstairs.

"Cracking hook..." Sanba Dagai's clear gunshot sounded, and the puppet machine gunner fell in the yard.

"Stop, stop!" At this time, Zhang Dabiao and the others had already run to the edge of the barracks. In front of them was the yard, but the yard was within reach of the machine guns on the gun tower.

"First squad leader, what should we do?" Second squad leader asked Zhang Dabiao.

"Two people, send the platoon leader out first! For the rest, follow my order: Prepare grenades!" Because Zhang Dabiao was a battalion commander in the Northwest Army, he naturally took over the command of the platoon. .

Soon, some soldiers carried the seriously injured and dying platoon leader out of the stronghold, and sent them back at the risk of being swept away by the devil's machine gun.

Of course, the devils couldn't care less about sending the wounded at the moment, because the house in the stronghold was on fire and the yard was still lit, and the devils also knew that a team had already rushed forward.

Therefore, the attention of the devils was drawn to the courtyard of the stronghold, and they could not care about other directions.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that the devils have too few troops!After all, in just one team, the bazooka alone knocked out two teams, and the pillar killed another six or seven. Later, Xizi and the machine gunners here killed a few, and the rest of the little devil Only eleven or twelve.

With such a small number of devils guarding a huge gun tower, there is no way to assign gunners to all the firepower points.

"Moses, Moses..." At this moment, in the devil's blockhouse, Captain Heize was holding the microphone of the telephone, trying to contact the city.

Unfortunately, the telephone line was cut, and Kurosawa's efforts were in vain!

"Muto, send a telegram to your brother!" Kurosawa looked around from the shooting hole again, and felt that there were attacking teams everywhere, so he quickly retracted his body.

"Hay!" A naive ghost soldier nodded and bowed.

"Muto-san: Right now, our troops are surrounded by a regiment of enemy troops. The outer bridgeheads have been lost, and the enemy has invaded the stronghold! Our troops will swear to protect the stronghold, and we will live and die together with the stronghold! If I fail to complete the task, I will Please take care of my family! Long live the Emperor! Kurosawa!"

"Okay, let's send a telegram! After sending the telegram, the telegraph machine is smashed, pick up your guns, and fight! We are soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, and only dying on the battlefield is our greatest glory!"

"Everyone! Fight! Fight! Long live the Emperor! Long live..." Kurosawa shouted in hysterics.

After shouting, Kurosawa took off his coat, took out a cloth belt with a red circle and tied it on his forehead, took out his bastard box, put it on the table after thinking about it, and went to a crooked place by himself. Shoot the gun in front of you.

It is said that after such a long time, Zhang Dabiao's grenade should have been thrown over, right?Why is there no movement?
Well, it wasn't that Zhang Dabiao didn't want to rush over, but that the company commander and his men also rushed up to stop Zhang Dabiao's desperate behavior.

"Company commander, just watch! Erbao, I'm going down, you go up! Ready!" It was Zhao Fengnian's messenger Wang Han who spoke, but his current identity is the bazooka soldier of the supplementary regiment.

That's right, as one of the guerrilla veterans, Zhao Fengnian made Wang Han a bazooka soldier and helped Li Yunlong build the bridgehead in the south of the bridge.

Now, Wang Han and Zhao Erbao brought the bazooka to the gate of the stronghold again, and pointed the bazooka at the shooting hole on the gun tower.

(End of this chapter)

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