Chapter 332 Chapter 331, Gun Tower
"Throw a grenade for cover! As soon as the bazooka fires, rush over!" In the front yard of the stronghold, Er Bao and Wang Han were ready to attack.

"Dynamite pack... Hurry up!" In the field to the east of the stronghold, the other two attacking teams also approached the base of the gun tower carrying explosive packs.

"Swoosh...boom..." In the front yard, Zhang Dabiao and the others threw a grenade again, exploding a large group of flames in the yard of the stronghold.

"Swoosh...boom..." On the back wall, the devils on the gun tower found the approaching Eight Roads and dropped several melon grenades, blowing up the approaching commandos.

"Go again!" The third company commander in charge of the attack waved his hand, and went to another group of blasting teams.This is the normal way to attack bunkers.

"The company commander... the brigade commander... the regimental commander said, give up the attack, feint on the spot, and attack in the front yard!" At this time, the communication soldier arrived panting, and rescued the next group's assault blasting group.

"Ba Ga! This is the fire cover for the enemy's attack, prepare to shoot!" On the front yard, Captain Kuize saw the exploded grenade dropped by Zhang Dabiao and the others, and made an accurate judgment.

So, except for the three devils who were left guarding the east back wall, the rest of the devils gathered in the southwest corner of the gun tower.

"Throw it again!" In the front yard, the company commander ordered another grenade cover.

"Swoosh...boom boom..." Another wave of grenades was thrown in the yard and exploded, and some fragments had already hit the wall of the gun tower.

"Quick, hit hard! The little devil can't stand it anymore! Shoot, whether you can hit it or not, shoot!" In the field, the first battalion commander began to shoot at the gun tower regardless of the consumption of bullets.

"Side fire, the devil is shooting from the side, hit!" In the darkness, Wang Xiaoer and the other sharpshooters were not idle, and just continued to shoot bullets into the devil's shooting holes.

And all of the above happened in just half a minute!There are too many people on the battlefield, and there are also many combat teams each responsible for attacking.And these combat groups, under the coordination of Li Yunlong and the others, formed an extremely orderly attack rhythm in a very short period of time.

"Tom tom... Whoosh..." At this time, taking advantage of the smoke from the explosion of the two grenades in the yard, and the devil's eyes still flickering from the explosion of the grenade, Zhao Erbao and Wang Han finally played Two rockets were fired.

"Prepare..." At the same time, the assault team led by Zhang Dabiao was preparing to launch the final attack.

"Boom..." At this time, two rockets flew over a distance of tens of meters, hit the sides of the two shooting holes one after another, and exploded violently.

They used the standard No. [-] bomb, and the wall bricks on the outer layer of the shooting hole could not withstand the impact of the explosion, and an entire layer was blown away.And the inner wall bricks couldn't stop the penetration of the metal jet, and a circular hole appeared.

This is not the point, the point is that those medicine-shaped shields made of copper turned into scorching metal jets under the action of the explosion. After penetrating through the wall of the running building, the jet continued to lasing inside the gun tower.

"Ah... um..." The scorching metal flow doesn't care about anything else, but any object that blocks their way forward is destined to be pierced, and it also has the effect of high temperature burns...

Well, Kurosawa Junya, who just played a crooked game and was about to die for the country, will never be able to do it again.I saw countless wounds on his body, some of which were pierced by the sputtered masonry, and some were penetrated by the flow of metal...

"Reload!" After shooting the rockets, Zhao Erbao and the two retreated, and with the help of the assistant shooter, they loaded new ammunition so that they could make additional shots when needed.

"Come on! Avenge the platoon leader!" As soon as the rocket exploded, Zhang Dabiao could no longer restrain his passion for killing the enemy and serving the country, and his hatred for losing his comrades in arms. He jumped out first, carrying a sword Draw a dark trail in the air.

"Come on! Avenge the platoon leader!" Following Zhang Dabiao were the soldiers of their platoon, and even the second platoon brought by the first company commander also rushed out.

"Come on, kill..." The soldiers attacked from the entrance of the stronghold to the entrance of the gun tower with the fastest speed.During this period, the devils on the gun tower seemed to be dead, and did not fight back at all.

Well, even if all the little devils are not dead, there are probably not many left.

"Grenade... quick!" Zhang Dabiao shouted loudly before reaching the door.

"Swoosh...boom..." When the commandos approached the gun tower, five or six grenades were thrown into the first floor of the gun tower by the soldiers through the firing holes.

But with the explosion of the grenade, balls of fire and smoke and dust sprayed out from the shooting hole.As for the devil still on the first floor?I'm afraid it's more ominous than good!
"Dangdangdang... Squad leader, the door is blocked and can't be opened!" At this time, Zhang Dabiao and the others who attacked the gate of the blockhouse were blocked again, because the devil actually blocked the gate of the blockhouse from inside.This is really planning to live and die with the gun tower!
"Damn it, break it open!" Zhang Dabiao looked anxiously, the door had to be opened.In case the little devil is still alive, throw a few grenades down below, and the comrades in the commando team will have to finish the game!
"Squad leader, grenade, cluster grenade!" A soldier reminded.

"Okay, let's blow up a cluster grenade! Gensheng, first throw a red grenade on it!" Zhang Dabiao said.

"Spread out...and hide in the next house!" The second squad leader actually brought a cluster of grenades, which were tied up with seven Daliang-made military grenades.But that's not the point. The point is that when the second squad leader was preparing the grenade, a soldier called Gen Sheng actually took a few steps outside and threw a red grenade into the shooting hole on the second floor from below.

"Gen Sheng, get out of here quickly!" The second squad leader knew the recruit, and shouted,

"Here we come! Boom..." When Gensheng agreed, the red grenade he threw into the second floor had exploded.

The red grenade is the chili bomb, and the exploded chili bomb filled the entire second floor with thick chili smoke in the blink of an eye.This time, the ghosts on the second floor were completely out of action.

"Boom..." At this time, the cluster grenade placed under the gate of the gun tower by the second squad leader was detonated, and the comrades in the devil's office who were hiding nearby felt their feet tremble and their ears buzzing.

Looking at the gate of the gun tower, it has become an open doorway at this time, and the door can't be found directly.

"Come on!" It was still Zhang Dabiao, he jumped out first, and stepped into the gun tower in one step.

"Kill..." Zhang Dabiao entered the blockhouse, naturally his eyes were not numb, because some wood and cloth ignited by the explosion just now were used as a light source.

PS: Thank you for the 100 rewards that have already wandered alone, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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