Chapter 334 Chapter 333, Cavalry Raid
The predecessor of the cavalry regiment was the division cavalry battalion, and it didn't take long to upgrade to the cavalry regiment.During the anti-Nine Routes siege not long ago, the cavalry battalion cooperated with the guerrilla detachment and other troops to block a group of devils at Jiulong Pass.

When the battle was in full swing, the cavalry battalion rushed out from Jiulongguan, caught the devil's attacking troops by surprise, and won the battle.

Later, the cavalry battalion entered Yuanshi, Zanhuang and other places to carry out activities. During this period, a cavalry team of more than [-] people led by a hardcore traitor was wiped out.

With continuous development, the cavalry battalion has become a cavalry regiment...

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after several battles with the little devil's cavalry, Captain Wang discovered that the devil's cavalry is not that good at fighting on horseback despite its good equipment!
In other words, Captain Wang directly discovered that the little devil's cavalry were actually mounted infantry.

After discovering this, Commander Wang vigorously trained the soldiers of the cavalry regiment in the ability to fight on horseback, especially in subjects such as cavalry equestrian chopping and horse fighting with cold weapons.

Commander Wang's purpose is simple: when we meet the devil's cavalry, our weapons are not good enough, and we can't defeat the devil in a long-distance battle; but once we approach the devil quickly on horseback, we will be wiped out when we fight in close combat.

The task of the cavalry regiment today is to use the cavalry's surprise attack ability to wipe out the devils who may come out of Yongnian County!
As the saying goes, hard work pays off, after waiting for so long, the cavalry regiment finally got the chance to fight...

Fukada Kyouji is a small captain. He is only 30 years old this year, but his military rank is captain, which is one level higher than the average lieutenant.Therefore, this time he became the leading officer who led the team to travel, check and protect the railway.

Fukada Kyouji's military rank was not raised by relying on relationships or anything, but by actual military exploits! That is to say, his hands are already filled with the blood of the people of the country, and he is a proper executioner. By!
"Mr. Fukada, I heard from my fellow countrymen that a new division is being expanded in the mainland! I think that an officer with outstanding military exploits like you will soon be transferred to a new division to take on a more important position, right? Maybe after a while, I should call you the squadron leader!"

Next to Kyouji Fukada, the leader of another team walked side by side, and there were soldiers beside him shining flashlights on the road ahead.

"Kimura, you used to be a flatterer, didn't you? How did you learn to flatter when you came to China? This is doing as the Romans do? If you have that energy, why not focus on how to protect the railway line for the emperor!" Kyouji Fukada glanced Kimura Takuzai, who was on the sidelines, said with some displeasure.

"Hay, Fukada-kun's lesson is that I will go to the back to supervise the team now, and try to kill all those who destroy the railway!" Kimura nodded and bowed, hiding the rather disdainful expression on the corner of his mouth, then turned and walked to the back.

At this moment, less than one kilometer to the northeast of the devil, the soldiers of the cavalry regiment had already put on their sabers and unsheathed them.

As far as their eyes could see, the team of little devils was still walking, and more than a dozen flashlights in the team were shaking back and forth, as if a dozen groups of will-o'-the-wisps were fluttering.And hundreds of meters to the north of the devils, it was the place where deputy head Ding and the others blew up the railway tracks and lit the fire.

"Go... drive..." Seeing that the time had come, Captain Wang put down the binoculars in his hand and urged the horse to trot.

"Drive, keep up!" His regiment leader started, and the cavalry behind him also urged their horses to keep up.The saber gleaming coldly, reflecting the not-so-bright moonlight in the sky, was shaking up and down in the hands of the soldiers...

Flick, bang, bang, bang...

The cavalry first trotted unhurriedly, then gradually accelerated, and finally increased the speed of the horses to a speed suitable for charging.And at this time, they were not far from the devil's team.

"Nani?" The sound of the cavalry attacking was particularly obvious in the dark night. Even the devils were walking, and they could hear the dull sound of horseshoes.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, the devils all looked in the direction of the sound, eager to find the traces of the cavalry.At the same time, some devils are ready to fight.

"Kill!" Before the devils could take specific defensive measures, there was a sudden roar from the front.

"Kill...!" Immediately after this roar, there was a chorus of shouts.The shouting was so loud that it even overshadowed the sound of horseshoes.

"Baga, it's the enemy's cavalry!" At this time, Fukada Kyouji couldn't tell that it was the enemy's cavalry, so he should be stupid.

However, because of the cover of the night, even if he found out and yelled out, it would basically be useless.Because at this moment, Captain Wang and the others have reached a place less than 20 meters in front of the devil.

This distance, when the speed of the war horse increases to the speed of impact, is basically reached in the blink of an eye.

So... thump thump... thump thump...

Accompanied by the dull crashing sound and the sound of bones breaking, Captain Wang and his horses had come into close contact with the devils.As a result of the contact, the swiftly approaching war horse shattered the devil's bones, and the man flew backwards.

"Kill...kill...rumble, rumble..." At this time, in addition to the sound of shouting to kill, the ghost soldiers on the road heard the sound of horseshoes hitting the road.

In this chaotic voice, some devils were knocked into the air, some were cut on their bodies by sabers, and some were simply slashed across their necks by the blades of sabers placed sideways by the soldiers...

In the dark night, the team of the cavalry regiment passed through the devil's team almost without hindrance.Behind them are the ghost soldiers who were still marching just now.

Look at these ghost soldiers again, some have blood on their necks; some have their heads chopped off; some are limp and their bodies are folded at irregular angles; The devil soldier who stepped on his body with a horseshoe could no longer look like a human being.

"First Battalion, put away your swords, and be alert! Second Battalion, turn back and make up your swords!" Before running far, Commander Wang stopped his horse and turned his horse's head, facing the position where the devils were raiding just now.

"Yes! Bass..." The soldiers replied in a loud voice, and the soldiers of the first battalion put their swords back into their sheaths, then picked up the rifles hanging behind them, and guarded the front.

On the second battalion side, the battalion commander led the team and trotted towards the devil.

"Puff... Kacha..." Soon, there was another sound of a knife piercing into flesh on the road, and there seemed to be the sound of a horse's hoof stepping on a person...

Well, the team that the cavalry regiment had been waiting for for a long time was completed in such a short time...

(End of this chapter)

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