Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 335 Chapter 334, where did so many 8-way come from?

Chapter 335 Chapter 334, where are there so many eight ways?
On a hill a few kilometers west of the railway, Commissar Wang waited here with a company of soldiers.

As the commander-in-chief of this battle, Political Commissar Wang is actually not as calm as he appears on the surface, which can be seen from his frequent adjustment of his glasses.

However, as time went on, each action plan was completed, and the political commissar received good news one after another.

In other words, good news keeps coming!

"Report to the political commissar, the deputy head of the new regiment Ding reported: Our department has completed the plan to lure the enemy. In this campaign, a total of 87 rails were removed, 14 rails were blown up, and 3 kilometers of roads were destroyed!" Deputy head Ding led people to I went north to support Li Yunlong, and I didn't forget to report the record to the political commissar.

"The political commissar...reported to the political commissar, and the supplementary regiment reported: more than [-] puppet troops from our ambush stronghold went south, all of them were wiped out, and some weapons were seized!"

"Report to the political commissar: The Divisional Cavalry Regiment reported that more than [-] enemy Yongnian reinforcements have been wiped out, and some guns and ammunition have been seized!"

"Reporting to the political commissar, good news, good news, Li Yunlong, the head of the new regiment, reported: Our department has completed the occupation of the Minghe Bridge stronghold, wiped out more than [-] Japanese soldiers and more than ten puppet troops guarding the stronghold, and is now giving Explosives are planted on the Minghe Bridge! Commissar, look north..."

Well, this is the last news, and even Lao Li gave the political commissar an interactive...

"Look to the north? What kind of tricks is Li Yunlong doing?" At this time, Commissar Wang's face was already full of smiles, and he raised his head to look to the north while speaking, wanting to see what Li Yunlong was up to.

In other words, Li Yunlong is really accurate at this point!The moment Political Commissar Wang raised his head, he saw a bright flame flashing across the Minghe Bridge to the north.After the flames passed, a huge mushroom cloud began to rise, changing from bright to dark under the moonlight, and finally appeared a little blurry.

"Boom..." Not long after, the sound of a dull explosion came from the north, and there was even a slight breeze.

"Political commissar, our head said that after the explosion, the show for you is over! We are going to clean up the battlefield and return to our residence. Do you have any orders?"

Well, the communications soldier sent by Li Yunlong was also a bold master, and he directly told Commissar Wang what Li Yunlong said.

"Did you blow up the Minghe railway bridge just now? Haha, you go back and tell him Li Yunlong, his bridge bombing performance is good and deserves praise!! But don't cock your tail, the brigade commander and I will watch from behind. What about him?" Political Commissar Wang was in a good mood, and they all joked.

"Yes, political commissar, I will definitely bring your words!" After the messenger finished speaking, he ran away...

"Let's go, let's go back to the brigade headquarters. There is no problem here. It depends on how the other roads are doing!" Political commissar Wang decided to take people back to the brigade headquarters.

An hour later, in Yongnian County, Kusaburo Muto sat down on a chair in the county office. On the desk in front of him was a new newspaper with Kurosawa's farewell telegram on it.

"Squadron leader, the Kurosawa team still can't get in touch! In addition, according to the scout team's report, the bodies of Captain Fukada and the others have been found, right here..." said the squadron's executive officer.

"I see, let me tell everyone, guard the county seat, and prevent the Eighth Route Army from raiding the county seat in the middle of the night! As for Heize... all of them should have been killed! Also, please send a power call to the regiment leader and tell him that we were attacked by a division of the Eighth Route Army. The loss was heavy, and all the garrison troops of the Minghe Railway Bridge were killed, please ask for tactical guidance!" After Muto finished speaking, his straight spine bent and his head lowered.

"Hay, I'll go right away!" The executive officer Ozawa knew that the squadron leader was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly left the office.

"Brother, when father comes back from fishing, can we have enough to eat?"

"Brother, I learned how to fight a bayonet at school today. The teacher said that we should use the guns in our hands to open up a larger living space for our nation and put those good places occupied by inferior nations into our territory. middle!"

"Brother, why, what I saw is different from what the officers said? Are we opening up territory for the emperor, or are we cruelly being invaders? Why are there so many people who are not afraid of death in those inferior ethnic groups? ? And what we do is even more despicable?"


Kusaburo Muto stayed alone in the office for a long time, recalling what the youngest brother in the family had said from childhood to adulthood.

"Could it be... We are wrong? No! We are not wrong! Yes, there is nothing wrong! What is the difference between our behavior today and those who came in from outside the customs at the end of Ming Dynasty? It is just what the Chinese said Winners and losers! As long as..."

No one knew what Kusaburo Muto was thinking. At dawn the next day, the devils of the Muto Squadron found that their squadron leader was still the same vicious commander as before, and the squadron leader's eyes were still sharp and full of aggression.

On this day, the prisoners imprisoned in Yongnian County Prison were emptied.No one knows what happened to these prisoners, only later people found some mutilated corpses in the mass graves outside the city...

"Nani? Another division of the Eighth Route Army is attacking the railway stronghold? So where did the Eighth Route Army in Dingdian come from? Also, there is also a report of a division of the Eighth Route Army attacking north of Xingtai, and there is also a division in the north of Anyang. To the north of Shijiazhuang, there is also a division of the Eighth Route attacking... Hiss..."

Well, what Muto didn't know was that his telegram was sent, but it caused great trouble to the officers of the North China Japanese Army Command.

That's right, it was Dingdian yesterday, and it was reported that two main divisions were attacking the 105th Regiment.And tonight, from the north of Shijiazhuang to the vicinity of Anyang, there were battle reports from various strongholds.

And based on these battle reports, the enemy's strength is calculated in this way-well, the Eighth Route Army has at least eight main divisions!Is this possible?

The devil's intelligence department is not just for nothing, they are really capable!
Therefore, as to the exact strength and establishment of the Eighth Route Army at the beginning, the little devil knows everything!Even if it's been fighting for almost a year, you can't fight more and more troops, can you?Although the Eighth Route Army did not fight the locust army head-on several times, sporadic battles continued!
You can't fight all day without killing people, can you?This is obviously impossible!So what's going on now?Or maybe it wasn't or all the Eighth Route Army was fighting last night?So what is going on?

Well, the little devils have fallen into a state of confusion, because they suddenly don't know how many people there are in the Eighth Route Army?
specific reason?There are really many reasons for this!

(End of this chapter)

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