Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 336 Chapter 335, the pillars are finally used for mortars

Chapter 336 Chapter 335, the pillars are finally used for mortars
With eight main divisions, the number of people must be more than [-].Does the Eighth Route Army have such a force?The little devil would never believe it!
why?The little devil's intelligence department did a good job of investigating and analyzing the battle damage and repairs of the combat units on the fruit side.

In the intelligence system of the devils, the post-war replenishment situation of the troops on Guofu's side was very poor, and they were also ranked in order of rank.

For example, those who are called the Central Army are the establishments of the main force.Once the troops are lost, they will be replenished in the shortest time, and the missing weapons and ammunition and logistical supplies will be replenished in a very short time.

Then, these troops will have a considerable period of training and rest time in order to deal with the next major war.

As for troops such as the Northwest Army, Northeast Army, and Gui Army, when the troops are replenished, they have to stand back.The Guangxi Army is better, like the Northwest Army and the Northeast Army, just like motherless children, not to mention that they have not been supplemented for a long time, maybe the number will be gone, or they will be integrated into the Central Army.

As for the Jinsui Army, it seems that they have formed their own system and are not entangled with other troops at all.

Worse than them is the Sichuan Army, which everyone despises. After the troops are finished, they will be finished, and the new Sichuan soldiers will not give priority to them.On the contrary, some generals know how to go back to their hometown to recruit young and strong people to join the army...

According to the devil's information, the Eighth Route Army, or the army now known as the Eighteenth Army, is actually different from the other warlords that make up the fruit, and is the most unpopular!It can also be said to be the poorest team.

Troops like this have never been a priority for replenishment, and the most common way is to recruit troops by themselves.

However, how many people, how many guns, how much money, how much food and ammunition did the Eighth Route Army have at the beginning of its establishment?The little devil is very clear!So, after several battles, how much ability does such an army have to pull its own troops to replenish?

It can't be, the people who come here don't eat or drink, right?You don't need guns and ammunition to fight, do you?Even if the devils saw that some Tuba roads were using big knives and spears, the devils would not classify these people as the main regular army.

So, the little devil wondered, where did the Eighth Route Army get so many people?Could it be that the Central Army and other troops still in southern Hebei are assisting the Eighth Route Army in fighting?
The little devils were struggling with this problem, but the Eighth Route Army safely withdrew from the battlefield after the sabotage battle, returned to their defense areas and bases in pieces, and continued to develop their troops.

So, how many troops did the Eighth Route Army mobilize in this raid?In fact, this is just the 129th Division's own sabotage battle. Even the 772nd Regiment helped the 344th Brigade fight the Dingdian because of the lack of two battalions, so it simply served as a guard for the brigade headquarters.

But if you really count the strength of the troops?The total number of people is [-] to [-], right?This needs to take into account those local guerrillas, militias, mass activists, etc. who participated in the war...

In this raid, the most successful ones were undoubtedly the new regiment and the supplementary regiment of the cavalry regiment.The three regiments cooperated with each other and took a stronghold in a daze, wiped out a puppet company, and killed three squads of devil soldiers.

Of course, this record is a bit worse than that of the 344th brigade, but isn't this the result of the raid, and it's okay.

"Regimental Commander, did you really get the mortar?" On the way back to Quzhou County, Wang Chengzhu finally knew about the 82 persecution, and he didn't care about the marching discipline, so he ran to Li Yunlong in a few steps .

"Mmm... I keep my word!" Li Yunlong looked at the pillar from top to bottom and said.

"Then...then..." Zhuzi wanted to say but dared not.

"Zhuzi, I have a task for you!" Li Yunlong looked at the cramped and anxious Zhuzi, and opened his mouth.

"Leader, tell me, tell me!" Wang Chengzhu nodded repeatedly.

"Well, I have a task for you. Now you are looking for people from the whole regiment, and I will pull up an artillery squad for Lao Tzu, and then find a few educated people who want to be artillery! When you finish finding people, force them The mortar is yours to use!" Li Yunlong said.

"Yes, commander, I'm going right away!" Wang Chengzhu responded, and ran towards the comrades nearby.

Zhuzi is also a veteran who has been in the army for several months. Although he was originally from the Northeast Army, he also has familiar comrades in the team. It is still very easy to pull together an artillery team.

Li Yunlong looked at the excited pillar, but didn't say anything. Instead, he silently calculated the gains of this battle in his heart.

"A telephone, a broken radio station, a large bundle of telephone wires... 24 pieces from Sanba Dagai, 20 pieces made in Hanyang, 6 crooked handles, 8 ninety-two heavy ones and 6 broken ones, Miner One quadruple machine gun, the broken one, and two Czech-style ones... It depends on whether Changyi can repair it? If it is repaired, I have 9 heavy machine gun squads here..."

"Also, send three rails. I don't know how many guns and boxes of grenades can be exchanged by Minister Zhang? It's best, give our old Li some rockets to equip..." Li Yunlong thought of Hu Changyi at this time .

"Commander, why are we giving up the mortars to the Xinyi regiment? We also gave them 20 Hanyang-made rifles? Our bazooka also contributed to the attack on the stronghold?" On the side of the supplementary regiment, the first battalion commander was somewhat asked reluctantly.

"Speaking of this? How much do you think we would have gotten if my old Zhao hadn't negotiated with Li Yunlong?" Zhao Fengnian asked rhetorically.

"Eh..." The first battalion commander remembered the past, Li Yunlong always ate more and occupied more...

"Don't think so much, it's right to give them mortars. We don't have artillery, and it's useless if we can't use them! It's also right to give them some rifles. It's our duty to support the construction of the main force! Besides, we got the 78 A rifle, three Czechs, after all, can arm a company, right?"

"Wait a little longer, when all these things are sent to the place, we can get some weapons in exchange!" Zhao Fengnian looked at the nine steel rails in the team that were struggling to carry and walked, knowing that this time he could get a lot of money in exchange. something.

Not only was Zhao Fengnian leading people to deliver things up the mountain, but there were also many Eighth Route Army soldiers leading militiamen and civilians delivering rails in other places.

Everyone knows that we are short of steel, and these rails are sent back to support the construction of the army.

That is, why did you send the things to Xijing Town this time?Many soldiers who didn't know Jiuzhai had doubts.

"Could it be that Jiuzhai has been built?" This is the speculation of the cadres who know the situation...

"Let's go directly to Jiuzhai?" Hu Changyi, who had arrived near Changzhi at this time, also received a notice from Minister Zhang, and asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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