Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 337 Chapter 336, it seems that Jiuzhai is done?

Chapter 337 Chapter 336, it seems that Jiuzhai is done?

When he heard the order, Hu Changyi was thinking about whether the next step of the Bing Workshop was to repair the broken guns handed over by the 344 brigade, or continue to stabilize the production of the Bayi-style horse rifle.In the end, let him go to Jiuzhai...

Hu Changyi was a little surprised when he heard this order at first.But counting the days, it's almost time.

He came back from Jiuzhai at the beginning of May and got those equipment out.And now, it has been nearly two months, and the arsenal should be almost built.Therefore, it is also feasible to go to Jiuzhaigou now!

The Hanjiacun Bing Workshop has only a few possessions, and it can still produce as usual after moving there, and can test the newly assembled equipment at any time. This is the so-called construction and production at the same time, without delay.

"Captain, shopkeeper Zhou from Guangjuyuan is here!" The voice of guard Lin Shouzhi came from outside Hu Changyi's door.

"Oh, it seems that the carrying case I ordered is finished! Let's go out and have a look!" Hu Changyi stood up, led the messenger Su Wei, and walked out of the temporary office with another guard Huang Ge (the rented commoner) yard).

In the yard, Li Yuexuan and the others were watching a middle-aged man and a carriage outside the door vigilantly.

"Hahaha, Captain Hu, the item you want is ready, can you check it?" The middle-aged man waiting in the yard is the shopkeeper Zhou. He looks like he is in his 40s this year, and his height is slightly short. Mi six five.

"Hahaha, shopkeeper Zhou, you are so troublesome that you have to deliver it yourself!" Hu Changyi cupped his hands like a businessman.

"You're welcome! It's an honor for this small shop to make ordnance for military men! Captain Hu, please don't dislike the rough craftsmanship of our shop! Erchun, bring the things over and inspect the goods for Captain Hu!" Shopkeeper Zhou clasped his hands and smiled. It makes people feel like a spring breeze, even when talking to the guys in their own shop, they are soft-spoken, and they really look like they are kind and rich.

"Yes!" A tall and burly man walked over from the carriage carrying a huge package, put it on the bluestone ground in the yard with a bang, and opened it casually.

What was placed in the package was of course an ammunition carrier designed by Hu Changyi himself.This carrying tool is modeled on the 56-style chest carrying tool, but the magazine bag is replaced by three canvas bags that can hold 15 rounds of semi-automatic magazines. On the side are two bulk ammunition bags on each side, and there are 4 bags behind it. A hand grenade bag.

Between the magazine bag and the ammunition bag on the far left, there is also a position for a tactical dagger, which is a position for a tactical knife.

In other words, such a chest hanger basically solves all the ammunition that a soldier needs to carry in one battle, and even a tactical knife can be hung on it, which is very convenient.bayonet?That thing is too long, put it on the chest and get in the way!

Hu Changyi was very satisfied when he saw the thick material and solid workmanship of the chest hangings in the package.

Then I took one for Li Yuexuan who was beside me to hang it tight, and pulled out the magazine from Li Yuexuan's backpack and put it in the magazine bag to check the tightness, then grabbed a row of magazines from Li Yuexuan's ammunition box and put it aside In the ammunition bag on the car, he also put his tactical knife in the position of the dagger.

"Very good, very good! Lao Hu, give me the money!" Satisfied with the product, Hu Changyi called Hu Sihai to hand over the money.

"Yes, Captain!" Hu Sihai also looked surprised.Seeing that this carrying tool can perfectly carry all the magazines needed for a semi-automatic, Hu Sihai felt that his team leader had a good brain, and he deserved to be a person who can make guns, and he has the ability.

In the west wing of the courtyard, Hu Sihai met shopkeeper Zhou again, and after confirming that it was correct, Hu Sihai said: "Old Comrade Zhou, you have seen this batch of carrying equipment, and they are very similar to the new weapons in our team." Matching! So, you have to do a good job of keeping this secret!"

Hu Sihai said it very solemnly, even though Lao Zhou has been working on the secret front, Hu Sihai also reminded him again.

"Don't worry, Comrade Hu! But there is one thing I need to remind you: Regarding the safety of Comrade Changyi, you must strengthen your protection! Just like today, I can easily approach Changyi within one meter. There will be problems!" Shopkeeper Zhou said.

"Changyi knows your identity, that's why you can send it to me. Strictly speaking, what you make should not be handed over to common people's firms... Well, without further ado, we are about to transfer , Changzhi City has become Lao Jiang's world again, you must be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'm working on the secret front, and I've put life and death aside! As long as our team can develop, drive away the Japanese invaders, and let our people live a good life, everything will be worth it!" After the shopkeeper Zhou finished speaking, he left with a large stack of French coins given by Hu Sihai.

By the time Hu Sihai talked to shopkeeper Zhou, Hu Changyi had already equipped Li Yuexuan and the others with new carrying equipment.Hu Changyi ordered a lot of chest hangings this time, as many as 200 pieces.The reason why so many are made is so that when the semi-automatic is rebuilt in the future, there will be matching carrying equipment available.

Originally, he was worried about when the semi-automatic would be mass-produced, but now it is easy to handle.After going to Jiuzhaigou, the equipment is running, and it is still possible to open a semi-automatic production line!Even if all the squad leaders of the Eighth Route Army were replaced with semi-automatic, it would greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

The only downside here is that I am worried that if a little devil seizes a semi-automatic gun, he thinks this gun is good and brings it back to make a lot of imitations.

Therefore, it is necessary to issue an order to the troops, requiring that the guns not be lost, and try not to let the devils get the sample guns.As for whether the devil will imitate it when he gets it?Then... Let's solve the equipment problem of our own troops first, how can we think so far?
As far as the existing equipment is concerned, when the troops are equipped, don't know what year and month it will be?Do you really think that we are Maoxiong's family, and we can make millions of guns a year?

But speaking of Mao Xiong's family, Hu Changyi is still very satisfied with his precision shooters!At least Li Yuexuan's kill count has reached 301.It's not much worse than the one who was at the foot of the city, and it's time to work hard.

After equipping the carrying equipment, the guerrillas were also ready to march.In fact, the guerrillas are on the march, walking very fast.

But now in Changzhi, the 8 trucks from the military workshop are still here, just pulling the guerrillas with their guns to Xijing Town.

As for the big animals of the guerrillas, it would be good to let the transportation troops of the 344th Brigade send them to Xijing Town.

In other words, starting today, the guerrillas and the arsenal will develop in Jiuzhai for a period of time.

For this, Hu Changyi is still looking forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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