Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 338 Chapter 337 , Lost Weapon Workshop

Chapter 338 Chapter 337 , Lost Weapon Workshop
Eggs can't be put in one basket, this is a simple truth, not much different from the three caves of the cunning rabbit, it is to prevent others from being dumped.

It's like building an arsenal.After selecting a location to build the main arsenal, it is necessary to spread the arsenal to the surroundings and then build some small arsenals.

In fact, many leaders, including Minister Zhang, are paying attention to the guerrilla military workshop.One reason is that everyone is looking forward to something good from Hu Changyi; the other reason is that they actually want to use the military workshop as a pilot.

What do you mean?It is that the chiefs really want to see how much production capacity does such a military workshop with only a few pieces of equipment and dozens of people have?It can supply the operational needs of troops of any size.

Therefore, when Hu Changyi arrived in Xijing Town, he did not wait for the machinery and equipment and all the staff from the Jiabing Workshop, but only a small number of technical backbones.

"What, you guys are the only ones here? What about our equipment? And Minister Zhang?" Hu Changyi asked with a frown as he looked at the dozen or so technical backbones waiting under a big willow tree.

Naturally, Li Fugui took the lead among the technical backbone, followed by Zhu Xingyu, and behind them were the technicians in charge of other departments.That is to say, among the technicians of the entire military workshop, only the technical director and the technical backbone are left, and the rest are not here.

"Director, this is an order from the superior, we can only carry it out!" Li Fugui adjusted his glasses, looked at Hu Changyi's face, and said carefully.

"Changyi, you have to understand that the organizational order has a deeper purpose. Besides, don't we have more and better equipment!" Zhu Xingyu has a close relationship with Hu Changyi, so he speaks more casually.

"Since it's an order from the superior, I naturally have no opinion! Just can you tell me in advance? We also have a mental preparation! The chief is really serious, and put the surprise attack on our military workshop!" Although Hu Changyi was somewhat reluctant, he had no objections.

"Haha, I knew you had a high level of consciousness, so it's definitely fine! Take it, this is an order written by the chief, please keep it after reading it!" Minister Zhang came out from the side yard, and saw that Hu Changyi was very angry. He kindly gave him an order.

Hearing that the order was written by the chief himself, Hu Changyi wiped the sweat from his hands, then took the order and read it carefully.After reading it, quickly put it in the satchel and put it away.Fortunately, the original owner was familiar with the chief's handwriting when he was a security guard for the chief, so he could easily recognize the content of the order.

That's right, the guerrilla equipment and most of the skilled workers were taken over by the chief... Ahem, this analogy is not appropriate.

It should be that the original equipment of the military workshop and the workers who can ensure the stable operation of the equipment were mobilized by the headquarters as a whole. It is said that they went to a place near the Jizhong Plain to establish a new military workshop.

The meaning of the chief is very simple: you, Hu Changyi, put up a large arsenal with peace of mind, and the original small soldier workshop will go to a place closer to the enemy-occupied area to produce weapons and ammunition to ensure the supply of weapons and ammunition for front-line combat units!

Hu Changyi understood what the chiefs meant: put a military workshop that could reload bullets, produce rifles in small batches, and hand grenades in large batches with a few more people. In the plains, the logistics supply of the front-line troops will be much more convenient.

At least, he won't have to run hundreds of kilometers of mountain roads just to reload a batch of bullets.

Moreover, the chiefs are also very familiar with the technical conditions of the arsenal.The production technicians of high-precision weapons such as rocket launchers, directional mines, and semi-automatic rifles have not been transferred from the headquarters, and they still operate with the guerrillas.

The chiefs also know that in fact, those military workshops with technologies placed in front are very dangerous, and once the secrets are leaked, it will be a big event!Moreover, the weapon workshop ahead is easy to be discovered and destroyed by the enemy.So, only the horse rifle, reloading bullets and grenades were transferred away...

In the past, Hu Changyi wondered if the chiefs realized the importance of technological blockade and secrecy?But judging from today's situation, the chiefs are aware of this problem!And Hu Changyi also found a small problem.

That is the specific whereabouts of the military workshop after it left the guerrillas. The people present did not know at all!Maybe Minister Zhang will know, but the others don't know at all.And Hu Changyi only knew that he moved to a place very close to Shijiazhuang through orders.Where exactly?There is nowhere to guess!

"Since an arsenal workshop has to be kept so secret, what about the recruitment of my guerrilla team? The guerrilla team is supposed to protect the arsenal, so how should we proceed with the review of recruits?" Hu Changyi was thinking secretly, but he didn't pay attention to Minister Zhang. Been looking at him.

"What's the matter, what did the chief tell you?" Minister Zhang asked with concern seeing Hu Changyi's sad face.

"Ah? Oh..." Hu Changyi realized that he was distracted again, and quickly adjusted his expression and said, "The chief didn't say anything, but I was thinking about the future development of the arsenal and the expansion of our guerrillas! Minister Zhang, You know that the secrecy level of the arsenal is too high, what should we do when we recruit recruits?"

"This question... the headquarters will send a guard company to take charge of the security work of the arsenal temporarily. The guerrillas you bring will be stationed in the village on the Jiuzhai side for training. As for the guard work of the arsenal, don't let the recruits work for the time being. touch."

"During this period, there will be special political workers responsible for the ideological education of the guerrilla fighters. I think that within a year, the guerrillas will have no problem! Of course, if there is a fight, I will find a way to find opportunities for them to fight , Complete the growth as soon as possible!"

"In addition, the headquarters special task force, your division special task force will also be stationed nearby for training, and there will be no problems with security and security." Minister Zhang seems to have really thought about the guerrilla issue, so it is not a good idea to talk about the plan. Hit Burgundy.

"Then there's no problem! It's just Minister Zhang, what's going on in Jiuzhai?" Hu Changyi and Minister Zhang had already moved to one side, so he asked.

"Haha, you finally can't hold back, can you? Haha..." Minister Zhang suddenly laughed, then patted Hu Changyi's shoulder and said in a low voice: "You won't be able to feel the specific situation even if I tell you. So, yourself Just go and see!"

After Minister Zhang finished speaking, he turned around and took his guards back to the yard, and a word came from a distance: "You guys rest early, and leave early tomorrow morning!" Minister Zhang left without looking back...

(End of this chapter)

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