Chapter 344 Chapter 343, Development Plan
Hu Changyi thought he hadn't cultivated well enough, and his speech level was at most the level of the head teacher, not the level of the principal.

The headmaster said: "Let me just say a few words... This is the rhythm of an hour, and I will add a few more... It will be another half an hour, and I will say a little more... This time cannot be estimated..."

After speaking to the recruits and letting the recruits know him as the guerrilla leader, he left the rest alone.

Hu Changyi was clear in his heart, the focus of his work as the captain was always on the side of military engineering.As for the combat training of the guerrillas, Lai Dongxing and the others will be responsible for it.

In other words, the guerrilla captain is really a magical position, and the level depends entirely on the number and equipment level of the guerrillas under him.

They are also guerrilla captains, some are equivalent to squad leaders, some are equivalent to platoon leaders, and some are equivalent to battalion many more?I'm afraid it will have to be edited.

Back at Sun Jiaji's office, Su Wei lit up a lantern with great eyesight, and even turned the wick a little brighter.With the help of the dim light of the horse lantern, Hu Changyi glanced at his office.

The office is not big, only more than a dozen square meters. The combination of a teacher's chair and a desk is somewhat nondescript.The windows in the office are open, but only the window frames, not the window paper, which will have to wait until winter to add a layer.

There is a washbasin stand in one corner of the office, an enamel washbasin and a white towel are placed on the shelf.In front of the south wall, there is still an empty space, which should be the place where the stove is lit in winter.This can be seen from the chimney mouth on the wall.

"Su Wei, hang the map of Licheng we captured on the back wall!" Hu Changyi glanced at the simple layout of the office, and decided to hang a map on the wall for easy viewing.

"Yes, Captain!" Su Wei started to hang up the map. This job is not easy, but it needs someone to have eyes, so Huang Ge came in to help...

Hu Changyi ignored the two of them, but took out a blank drawing from his canvas satchel and put it on the desk, and began to draw the topographic map of Jiuzhaigou with a pencil.

As a future base, Hu Changyi needs to have all the terrain in Jiuzhai and its surroundings in his hands, so it is very important to draw a map.

After the map is drawn, there will be scouts to build a terrain sand table around Jiuzhai in the future. This job is just for training the scouts, so there is no rush for now.Similarly, on the basis of the topographic map, there is also a defense map of Jiuzhaigou, which also takes time to complete.

The defense map is not just drawn on the map, but a defense system must be established on the ground.

So, regardless of the fact that the guerrillas now have the strength of a battalion, once the defense of Jiuzhaigou is completed, whether this strength can be used or not is still a question.Fortunately, there is still Guo Shaoxing with a company guarding Zuohuishan, otherwise the pressure on defense will be even greater.

The good news is: the little devil is now unable to reach into the southeast of Shanxi, and the surrounding areas are either our own bases or Guofu troops garrisoned. The safety of Jiuzhai is safe for the time being. Hu Changyi has a long time to complete the defense here.

According to today's memory, with the help of the system, Hu Changyi spent an hour drawing an extremely simple topographic map of Jiuzhaigou.On this map, there are nine villages, the back mountain river, the factory valley to the west, and the Sanli Gorge.

On the other side of Huanglong Cave, Hu Changyi directly drew a circle instead, so as to know what he knew.

After finishing this, he took out his notebook and started writing.

Just like writing a novel requires an outline, Hu Changyi needs to write out the production plan and development plan of the arsenal.With a plan, you will not be in a hurry in actual work.

Some bad things are: the person in charge of the arsenal is only himself, and no one can discuss the future development direction with him, and he can only make up his own mind.But from another point of view, the development direction of the arsenal is in his hands, which is also the trust in him.

"It is said that the chief is really assured of us!" Laughing at himself, Hu Changyi picked up the pen and wrote, and the words of development and production plan came out vividly on the paper.

The first point: resume the production of the Bayi-style horse rifle as soon as possible.Comrade Li Fugui was in charge of this item, and all the equipment by the canal was used for the production of horse rifle barrels.In order to complete this item: the arsenal needs to open up new sites by the canal, and build hanging hammers, red furnaces, small stamping equipment, and so on.

The second point is to resume the production of grenades as soon as possible.Yuan Shouge is in charge of this item. A small detonator workshop needs to be established on the east side of the explosives factory for the production of detonators for grenades, landmines and other weapons.Another: A new grenade fuze production team needs to be established, the specific person in charge is Feng Xiaolei, and the site is in the West Valley.

Comrade Tian E has made considerable progress in the production of fuzes, and needs to set up a separate fuze research and development team for the production of fuzes for attacking mortar shells and the production of fuzes for grenadier shells.

Regarding the grenade production site and production workers, judging from past work experience, this production can give full play to the enthusiasm of the masses, and the arsenal provides fuzes, explosives, and casings.The specific assembly and production can be transferred to the villages to mobilize the masses.

Wooden handles are made with special tools and can be handed over to the common people for production.In addition, the production of grenade shells can also be carried out gradually in each village.

The third point is the production of directional mines, rocket launchers and rockets.This item requires the organization to send someone to be responsible, and the production site needs to be selected by Minister Zhang.

The fourth point, regarding the production and development of heavy machine guns, 40 skilled workers are needed, and masters who are familiar with forging, moulding, turning and milling, welding and other technologies are preferred.After the production is successful, a special site is required for separate production, which needs to be selected by Minister Zhang.

The fifth point, semi-automatic production, I am personally responsible for this!The required equipment is all the equipment for machining, and the material personnel are all at my disposal. The venue is in the machining workshop.

The sixth point is the development direction of the arsenal.In addition to ensuring the production of ammunition, the arsenal needs to gradually establish multiple firearm production lines, including heavy machine guns, light machine guns, semi-automatic and bolt-action rifles.On this basis, gradually increase the production of grenades, 82 mortars and corresponding ammunition.

After completing the production of melee artillery, it is necessary to imitate new bullet production equipment based on the existing bullet production equipment to expand the scale of bullet production and cope with the development of the army...

In addition, on the basis of the arsenal, it is necessary to establish various factories for the development of other supporting troops.Such as clothing factory, shoe and hat factory, enamel factory, soap factory, military horse farm, breeding farm, military reclamation farm and so on.

Among them, the breeding farms and military reclamation farms need to be implemented as soon as possible to ensure the soldiers' meat and food supply...

(End of this chapter)

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