Chapter 345 Chapter 344
Hu Changyi suddenly entered a state where he couldn't stop writing. A simple production plan was completed after nearly [-] words were written by him, which was more than the number of words when he wrote the new novel. .

Of course, the result of writing high-spirited is that the writing goes astray, and it directly deviates from the original meaning. From the development of the arsenal, to the production of other supporting factories, and even to the development and construction of the army, the whole hodgepodge .

But in general, it is not beyond the theme, because his development plan is written from the perspective of material support with the arsenal as the focus.As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. No matter how strong the combat effectiveness of the troops is, if they don't have enough food, they will be blinded after starving for a week.

Therefore, for food production and various farming, Hu Changyi put it in this plan, and even wrote his own opinions emphatically.

As far as the matter of the breeding farm is concerned, the guerrillas can set up their own in Jiuzhaigou, but this can only guarantee the supply of the guerrillas.

For example, the people in each village can help raise pigs, sheep, and chickens; fish can be raised in the lake of Sunjiaji; the canals halfway can also be intercepted and expanded into ponds to raise fish, and ducks can also be raised incidentally. Geese; there are good breeds of rabbits, and you can also choose to raise some rabbits.

For example, as he wrote in his book, the jujube trees all over the mountains are useless growing on the mountains, so why not choose the right ones to graft them into jujube trees?Sour jujubes all over the mountains and plains are nothing, but jujube trees all over the mountains and plains are amazing!Not to mention anything else, a tree grows 50 catties of dates, how much is [-] trees?

In short, the livestock are prosperous, the grains are plentiful, and the mountains are full of fruit trees. It is not only done by the people's homes, but the army can also take the lead and lead the people to do it.

The question is, if Jiuzhai can be established, can other stable base areas be established?Can the rear area in northern Shaanxi also be set up?It will be done a few years in advance, and when Guofu and the devils jointly block our Eighth Route Army, they won't become so passive, will they?
Which one is better to develop Nanniwan after there is not enough food, or to develop Nanniwan a few years in advance and save a large amount of food?
Therefore, Hu Changyi, who was excited about writing, stretched his waist a little bit unsatisfactorily after finishing writing, and was led by Su Wei to find his dormitory.

"Captain, your water!" Su Wei took a basin of fetched footwashing water and put it in the room, squatting down to wash Hu Changyi's feet.

"Stop! Why didn't I see you do this before? Put the water here, I pour it out after I wash it, you go to bed quickly!" Hu Changyi was taken aback by Su Wei's actions, why did this child come to Jiuzhai? Like a different person?
"Captain, you've been running all day, and you've written documents for several hours at night. You're too tired!" Su Wei explained.

"There are not so many things, you go to sleep! Besides, comrades, how many nights do you wash your feet? Cough cough, you go and smell it, this smell can be spread from far away. But this point also needs to be corrected Yes, at least take a shower every few days and shave your head every other month."

"Of course, this is only when there is no battle. Our army is too difficult! Go to sleep, you still have work tomorrow!" Hu Changyi waved away Su Wei, took off his cloth shoes, and reached into the basin.Hey, it turned out to be hot water, so Su Wei had a heart.

After washing his feet and pouring water, Hu Changyi quickly fell asleep. Huang Ge and Lin Shouzhi stood guard alternately outside, so he slept very comfortably.The bad thing is that there is no mosquito net, and the mosquitoes in the summer are flying around the ears like bombers, dripping in a mess.

However, after many years of being ravaged by various kinds of poisonous mosquitoes in later generations, Hu Changyi has long since ignored this native soil mosquito.Even, still have some nostalgia?
Hu Changyi slept soundly here, but Lai Dongxing and the others didn't sleep. They gathered together in the small conference room of the guerrillas to discuss matters.

"As for the establishment of our guerrilla team, we have finished discussing it! The captain mentioned the establishment of a battalion, but he didn't say the specific number. We will temporarily complete the basic construction of these three companies, and just wait for the recruits to finish their training and pull them up! "

Lai Dongxing took a puff of his cigarette, and the cigarette butt lit up a red dot in the dark room.

"Pa... da da..." Hu Sihai killed a mosquito casually, knocked the dry pipe on the stool leg, and then said slowly: "The key is to train the recruits and give them good ideological education and literacy. The work of literacy! Our team can't be the kind of uneducated team! As for the training, you take care of it, and the education, I and Lao Ji take care of it!"

"Cough, cough... can't you smoke less?...cough..." Teacher Ji was smoked as soon as he opened his mouth, and then he said after coughing: "I am only responsible for literacy and reading, and you are still responsible for ideological education. ! But there is one thing we need to be prepared for, and that is the captain's protection work!"

"That's right! Everyone knows the importance of the captain, but now he has sent an orderly and two guards, I think it's a little less! The captain must at least have a special guard squad to be responsible for safety! "Zhang Henshui said.

"The captain's skills are no worse than ours, but the protection that should be given is a must!" Zhou Changfa said.

"Then pick the best fighters, set up a security squad, and assign them to the captain! Li Yuexuan, with the security squad, your tasks will be easier!" Hu Sihai said to Li Yuexuan, who attended the small meeting.

"Instructor, the security squad is good, but what about the equipment? We don't have all the equipment in our hands!" Li Yuexuan looked at things very practically.

"Equipment? Are we still short of equipment for guarding the arsenal? When the semi-automatic is manufactured, all members of the guard squad will be equipped with semi-automatic! Not to mention, the semi-automatic is really easy to use!" Jia Xuefeng, who had not spoken much, said.

"Speaking of semi-automatic, I vaguely heard the captain tell Minister Zhang that the excellent shooters of the whole army should be gathered in Jiuzhai for training, and then equip them with semi-automatic. This is my fault, I shouldn't have eavesdropped on the captain's words , but the captain and the others didn’t avoid us on purpose, so I just said it!”

While Li Yuexuan was speaking, he looked at Hu Sihai who was closest to the oil lamp, for fear that Hu Sihai would criticize him.

Hu Sihai frowned slightly, but he did not criticize Li Yuexuan, but thought for a while and said: "There is no need to worry about this matter, because the semi-automatic production has not yet started! When the time comes, Minister Zhang and the others will give us time Ready! Another point is, since those people are training with us, can we find a way to keep some of them?"

Um?When Hu Sihai said this, everyone's eyes lit up. This is a good idea, huh?

When Hu Sihai said this, everyone's minds began to wander, thinking about how to retain suitable comrades among the sharpshooters in the training camp in the future.

As the cadres who first came into contact with the concept of precision shooters, and even Li Yuexuan and others as living examples, these people all knew how effective an excellent precision shooter would be in a team.

"Okay, don't even think about it, that's all we discussed today. I will write a reorganized report tomorrow, sign it, and let's hand it to the captain!" After discussing in a low voice for more than ten minutes, Hu Sihai Finished this little meetup and let everyone go to sleep.

The next day, when the sky was getting bright...

"Squeak... squeak..." The sharp whistle sounded in Sun Jiaji's barracks, especially the barracks where the recruits slept.ring
"Get up, hurry up, get up!" The instructors in charge of training the recruits shouted to the recruits under them with the greatest ability.

tired?Why do you want to be a soldier when you are complaining about suffering and tiredness?Want to avenge your loved ones?Still want to take back the lost homeland?still want...

In short, anyone who dares to serve as a soldier will not complain of suffering or fatigue. Soldiers these days have nothing to say about hard work and hard work.

Of course, there were some complaints, but they were quickly suppressed.

Methods of suppression?It's very simple: "Run, take your things and run, this morning's subject is a five-kilometer trail run, and the last 10 have no breakfast! Hurry up!"

That's right, with just such a sentence from the instructor, the sleepy-eyed recruits all became refreshed.It doesn't matter if you are tired, you can't do without food.

While the recruits were slowly running as a team, the veterans of the original guerrillas had already assembled and set off.After selecting the 20 best instructors, the remaining veterans formed a reinforced platoon and continued their training.

I saw them carrying guns and bags, with bullets and grenades hanging on their bodies, and even the dry food bags were filled with river sand to increase the load.

That's right, the training in Jiuzhaigou is not only for recruits, but also for veterans!Even the loads of the veterans are much higher, directly loaded with a full load of 25 kg!So, don't look at the selected instructors who are very tired leading the recruits, these veterans are even more tired.

It's just that one is mentally tired, the other is physically tired, they are all tired anyway.

"Tired, that's right!" Hu Changyi, who ran with him, only carried two box cannons, but he carried his backpack and satchel with him.

"Come on, shout with me! Shed blood and sweat without tears, skin and flesh without falling behind!" At this time, how can we not shout a few slogans?
"Blood and sweat without tears, skin and flesh without falling behind!" The veterans were used to it and shouted after Hu Changyi.

"All deaf? Shout after me, shed blood, sweat, but not tears...Get ready, get up!" In the ranks of recruits, those instructors who hated iron and steel led their echelons to shout slogans.

"Blood, sweat, not tears..." After several slogans, the team shouted in unison, making the sound of the slogan shake the entire mountain valley.

"What's going on? Who's bluffing?" The people in Sunjiaji were startled.

"Who is yelling? You won't be allowed to sleep in the early morning?" The people in Lijiatan were also quarreled...

Then, when everyone walked to the entrance of the village in twos and threes, they saw a team of more than 600 people running over from a distance.

"The Eighth Route Army, for the people, protect the folks, and fight Japan!" Hu Changyi changed his slogan.

"Eighth Route Army, for the people..." The soldiers didn't care about anything else, their own captain shouted, and they followed suit.

"Hey, is this the Eighth Route Army running? Huh? Isn't that my second child? Tie Daner..." A sharp-eyed aunt saw her grandson and shouted directly.

"Tie Dan, your grandma is calling you!" A sister-in-law next to her shouted loudly.After shouting, I saw my son, but shed tears. I haven't seen him for several days. I miss my son.

"Salute..." In the team, Hu Changyi shouted loudly, and raised his hand to the common people first, saluting the military.

Swish... The veterans took the lead, followed by the recruits, and a uniform military salute was formed in the team, which looked extraordinarily neat.

"Haha...Okay, okay, follow the Eighth Route Army and work hard!" An old man stroked his beard and talked to his grandson who was running close, not caring at all that his grandson had already run past him, nor did he notice the tears in the corners of his eyes.

"The ceremony is over!" After running through the village entrance, Hu Changyi put down his arms, and the team behind him also put down one by one after running through the village entrance.

"Comrades, do you see that? We are wearing military uniforms and carrying steel guns to protect our loved ones! Let's all run!" Hu Changyi shouted loudly, leading the team to continue running.

Today was the first morning run for the guerrillas in Jiuzhaigou. Wherever they passed, the people were awakened and came out to watch the excitement.Because nearly [-]% of the guerrilla soldiers are children from Jiuzhaigou and surrounding areas, villagers can always see their own children or children from the same village in the team.

Seeing that they were still around a few months or a few days ago, but now they have put on military uniforms and become the children of soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, all the people smiled with relief.That's right, this is the Eighth Route Army, a team formed by our children, so who will they guard?Of course it's us!
"Second Grandma, let's go, go home!" The team ran over, and the villagers also went back to their homes.It's not the busy season for farming, but there is still work to do at home.

"Why did you run away? My iron eggs have lost weight!" The old grandma was walking home with the help of her little grandson, leaning on a walking stick, still chanting.

"Grandma, my brother looks so good! When I grow up, I'm going to be a soldier too!" The little boy with a snotty nose didn't see his brother getting thinner or fatter, but he just thought his brother was so majestic. look.

"Second Grandma, they live in Sunjiaji, and I heard that they have to run every morning and evening!" A well-informed person nearby said to the old lady.

"Come on... Okay, son of a bitch, you have to eat more, and when you grow taller, you can join your brother as a soldier!" The old lady stroked her little grandson's head.

Running in the morning and evening is a part of the guerrilla training. The running route in Jiuzhai was drawn up by Hu Changyi himself, and it happened to go around the entrances of the villages and return to Sunjiaji.If additional training is required, just add the location of the arsenal.

Hu Changyi didn't know how much running accounted for in the Eighth Route Army's training, but the rules he gave to the guerrillas were very important.

It's still the same sentence: marksmanship may not be good, and bayonet fighting may not be good, but you must be able to run, and you must run faster than devils.

In this mountainous combat environment, the devil's mechanized vehicles will be greatly restricted. At this time, the importance of two legs is reflected.

In combat, mobility is very important!

(End of this chapter)

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