Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 804 Chapter 813, stable period, engage in training

Chapter 804 Chapter 813, stable period, engage in training

A simple mobilization meeting was over, and the 1st and 2nd Brigades of the Nine Detachments immediately took their supplies and ammunition, set off from Sanlixia, and stationed in some key villages around Jiuzhaigou.

Of course, the Ninth Detachment did not go to Xijing, where the headquarters is located, because Lao Kong is here to preside over the establishment of the new second regiment.The New Second Regiment will be stationed here in the next two months.

So, Jiuzhai headed east, then one south and one north, and the two brigades dispersed and stationed.

Two brigades and 6 infantry companies, except for the 1st company that was stationed in the nearest Linjia Village, and the 6th company that was stationed in Matian to the east, the rest were broken up into rows and scattered to more villages.

Don't underestimate a platoon, an armed force of about 60 people, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Only in this way, there are only 3 brigades left in Jiuzhaigou to guard and strengthen the militia teams in each village.

The defense is a little weak?Our artillery battalion is here intact, and the artillery training team is also training here.There are also guard platoons, special operations teams, and transportation teams... There are also 2000 troops. How can the defensive force be weak?The point is that in the current Jiuzhai militia, at least 40 militiamen in each village have participated in the battle, which is very rare.

Efforts should be made to build militia organizations, arm the masses of the people, let the countryside surround the cities, let the anti-Japanese armed forces spread in every corner of the countryside, and make it difficult for the invaders to take a step...

No matter how many slogans are said, it is not as realistic as Hu Changyi's actual actions.He made up his mind that in the next two months, he would continue to train the militia.

The current situation is still very good. After the attack on the Baijin Highway, Southeast Shanxi has been calm until now.The little devil still occupies the line from Changzhi to Jincheng, and does not communicate with the Eighth Road across the Zhuozhang River.The Hanchang Highway has now become an important transportation route for the Eighth Route to transfer weapons and mobilize troops to central Hebei.Some recalcitrant soldiers were too afraid to be stabbed by the previous battle, and the situation was very good.

Of course, places such as Northwest Shanxi, Central Hebei, and Eastern Hebei are still anti-mopping up or have just finished anti-mopping up, and there are also small battles in Shandong.In particular, a guerrilla group active on the Jinpu Railway launched a sabotage campaign against the highway line or directly boarded the train to sabotage it every once in a while.

The little devil feels both a headache and a heartache for this active railway guerrilla, and even more so, the helplessness of not being able to make a move.

"The sun is about to set in the west, and the Weishan Lake is quiet. I play my beloved earthen pipa and sing that touching song..." In Hu Changyi's private operating room, 200 almost new horse Sihuan rifles are neatly arranged. The ones are placed on the shelf, and 200 4x sniper scopes are also well placed in the box.But our Hu Changyi is singing and adjusting accessories quickly.

This month, perhaps the troops have paid more attention to the role of sniper rifles, or perhaps they have seized good weapons from other places, and 300 horse Sihuan rifles have been sent to the arsenal.

Hu Changyi picked and picked from the 300 rifles, picking out some damaged, poorly accurate, and even counterfeit ones. In the end, there were only 200 qualified Masihuan rifles left.

With the system fully activated, Hu Changyi started a new round of sniper rifle production with the assembly bracket for the matching sniper scope.Well, this amount is a bit too much. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it this month, and I'll get the first ten days of next month.

But this does not hinder the normal production of the arsenal, because it is Hu Changyi himself who leads the soldiers of the guard platoon to do this.

In fact, Minister Zhang also wanted to ask Hu Changyi to change some other types of guns, such as the water rifle, into sniper rifles, because Mao Xiong's family had such a model.But Hu Changyi always felt that Master Ma Sihuan was the most suitable, and the masterpieces of the Czech people were his favorite.Even... Mosin Nagant was rated as the most accurate bolt-action rifle during World War II.

Some people may ask, where did the rest of the Masihuan go?Is it okay to distribute this question to the militia, distribute it to the new second regiment, or directly prepare it for the newly recruited 200 recruits.

"Detachment Captain, this recruit has been training for 10 days, shouldn't it be time for more firearms training?" Li Yuexuan walked in and asked.

"How do you arrange it? Are you more experienced than me? If you think it's okay, arrange it! There are still 400 captured [-] caps in the warehouse, right? Take them out and equip the recruits! By the way, replace the bayonet with ours Lengthen the triangular thorn." Hu Changyi said with steady hands and without raising his head.

"Detachment Captain, our three-edged thorn is very good, but some flat cutting and slashing movements are not suitable." Li Yuexuan said.

"Yes, the function of the three-edged thorn is relatively simple, that is, to assassinate. At most, the few centimeters of the blade tip can cut. But so what? You are also a veteran. On the battlefield, the simplest, most direct and most convenient way to kill The enemy's method is to pierce the chest with a bayonet, directly piercing the heart. Besides, we have too few chances to fight the bayonet. If you want to be fully functional, you should equip it with a tactical knife and teach them how to kill with a dagger!"

"Why are you so concerned about the triangular thorn today? Come on, do you want to take the troops out for a walk?" Hu Changyi said.

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you, that's it... It's boring to train new recruits all day long, why don't you go and find the bad luck of the devil!" Li Yuexuan was so quiet that he wanted to move.

"Letting you train new recruits is to let you know these fighters from the very beginning! Then, your special forces must have reserve members, right? From this point on, you can find seedlings. Well... since you can't sit still , then go to the division headquarters, the hero meeting over there is about to start, you go and help take care of the security work! That's it, go report to Minister Zhang!" Hu Changyi waved his hand and continued to work.

At the entrance of Huanglong Cave, Li Yuexuan looked at the upward wooden ladder and took a deep breath.It's been two years, and the entire arsenal is probably the workers in the ammunition workshop who have the strongest climbing ability, right?
Follow the wooden ladder and quickly climb to the entrance of the cave, facing two bunkers with heavy machine guns.Lao Mo, who was guarding the bunker, saw that it was Li Yuexuan, and waved Li Yuexuan to stop, and then went into the workshop to find Minister Zhang... Well, Minister Zhang's climbing ability is not bad, he climbs up and down every day to watch the production of bullets, But Minister Zhang's hobby has persisted until now.

In Huanglong Cave, a lot of facilities have been added, and even a semi-manual production line was moved into the cave abruptly by the workers.Everyone knows that Huanglong Cave is the safest place in the arsenal.

Therefore, the important bullet production line is placed here, as much as it can be placed, and a new workshop was opened at the foot of the mountain when it couldn't be put down.Now that one workshop is also full, it is estimated that another workshop will have to be added.

(End of this chapter)

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