Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 805 Chapter 814, Li Yuexuan meets the independent group again

Chapter 805 Chapter 814, Li Yuexuan meets the independent group again
"This month, our bullet production can increase by 300 rounds a day, hahaha... Xiaoxuan, what's the matter?" Minister Zhang walked out of the cave workshop happily and saw Li Yuexuan.

As soon as Li Yuexuan explained his intention, Minister Zhang immediately asked the officer to write an order, he signed it himself, and sent Li Yuexuan to the division.

Li Yuexuan took the special forces team to the division headquarters that afternoon.Well, it's not far, and the total distance is only 8 kilometers, which is not enough for a 10-kilometer cross-country trip.

When they got here, the teacher waved his hand and sent Li Yuexuan to the brigade commander, who arranged them to go to Nanweiquan.

At this time, Nanweiquan, because of the long-term garrison of the Eighth Route Army, has long been turned into the strongest fortress village. The division field hospital is here, which shows how important it is.

The terrain of Nanweiquan is good, it is a rare flat land between mountains... Ahem, it is relatively flat, with a lot of arable land, and several villages are farming on this plain, which is a grain-producing area.Nanweiquan is the largest village in the plain, and there is a Nanweiquan River flowing here, which provides enough water for the cultivated land.These days, the output of irrigated land and dry land is very different.

At this time, the winter wheat has just been harvested, the spring corn is already high, and the corn planted after the wheat is harvested is still growing hard. It is the slack season.Of course, the common people are not idle, the militiamen are training, the women are helping to make military shoes and military uniforms, helping the nurses in the hospital to wash clothes for the wounded, heating hot water to cook porridge...

When they arrived at Nanweiquan, Li Yuexuan and the others saw a busy scene, similar to that of Jiuzhaigou.

"Hahaha, Xiao Li, you are here, hahaha..." Li Yunlong's loud voice always attracted so much attention.

"Leader Li, our detachment leader asked us to come over to help with security work, and if you need help, just let us know!" Li Yuexuan had already known from the brigade commander that Li Yunlong was here.

"Haha, Li Yuexuan! I didn't expect the chief to send you here again. Welcome! I heard that you have killed more than 400 enemies. Congratulations." Commissar Zhao also rushed over to shake hands with Li Yuexuan.

"Hello political commissar, please arrange tasks for us!" Li Yuexuan saluted.

"Fight with me first, I lost to you last time, this time I want to get it back!" said the monk who followed Commissar Zhao at this time.

"Monk, pay attention to discipline!" Commissar Zhao stopped the monk's bad habits, and then continued to look at Li Yuexuan affectionately: "Comrade Li Yuexuan, our regiment really needs your help this time. After you left last time, our guard company also I have conducted some training, but I always feel that it is almost meaningless, this time you have to teach your skills well, and you are not allowed to hide your secrets!".

As the political commissar of the independent regiment, Commissar Zhao naturally knew about Li Yuexuan's achievements, and he wasn't a stunned young man like the monk.

"Political commissar, don't worry, we are all comrades in arms. We will do it, and we will never hide anything! It's just... the nutrition supply must keep up!" Li Yuexuan glanced at Li Yunlong and said.

"Haha, well, they just came here, so don't arrange work. We will meet the special forces at noon. Speaking of which, we have fought together several times!" Li Yunlong said.

At lunch, Li Yuexuan and Li Erniu were abruptly dragged into the room by Li Yunlong. Four small dishes were placed on the kang table, and a bottle of wine was opened. Commissar Zhao took a good lunch with them.Of course, Li Yuexuan and Li Erniu didn't drink, they were all killed by Li Yunlong, which made political commissar Zhao very upset.It's not easy to cooperate with such a team leader...

After the meal, Li Yuexuan and the others met the monk again.No way, this time being dominated by the division commander, the main reason is to let the special forces know more about the situation of the Yamamoto special forces.As for the one who knows Yamamoto best, apart from the fighters from the Independent Regiment who fought against Yamamoto, this monk Wei is the one who knows him best.

"Political commissar, this is the situation. I've told you everything I know. The little devil is indeed holding our prisoners of war to practice killing people with his bare hands. And the equipment of the little devil is really good. They are all submachine guns. They are all scattered around. There are also a lot of equipment, but I don’t know what they are for! Well, let me think about it, there are ropes, there are..." Monk Wei said it many times, and it is difficult to forget the details.

"It seems to be right. We rang for a long time after we went back, and we were sure that these devils are special forces, but they are still relatively rudimentary. This time we will focus on the characteristics of devils and strengthen training!" Li Yuexuan didn't expect to come to help, but it turned out It became to help the independent regiment conduct anti-special operations training.

"Well, political commissar, you go to arrange the logistics, let the logistics find a way to bring back some more meat! Wait until tomorrow, let Li Yuexuan start training our reconnaissance company and guard company!" Li Yunlong finally made a decision.

After leaving the regiment headquarters, Monk Wei followed Li Yuexuan and the others directly to the training ground in the village. This monk still wanted to have a competition.

"Why, still not convinced? Still want to get back the scene?" Li Yuexuan looked at Monk Wei and said.

"Don't accept it, let's do it again!" Monk Wei scratched his neck.

"Okay... Aren't you good at punching and kicking? I won't bully you, I'll just use a pistol without loading bullets, let's see which of us is faster!" Li Yuexuan said to the monk who was half a head taller than him.

"How do you compare?" The monk was a little confused, what is bullying if using a pistol?
"Let's stand face to face and shoot together to see if it's my gun that hits your forehead first, or your fist that hits me first! I'll add that I have to complete the action of loading and firing!" Li Yuexuan was like that Standing, calmly speaking to the monk about the rules of the game.

"It's fighting, it's fighting... Hurry up and have a look..." At this time, the soldiers of the Independence Regiment noticed the excitement and all gathered together.

"Okay! I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back and I'll break you!" said the monk.

"Don't worry, I will hide!" While speaking, Li Yuexuan pulled out the Black Star pistol, unloaded the magazine, opened the chamber to make sure there were no bullets, and then put it back into the holster.

"Get ready..." Li Erniu took the initiative to be the referee, and even took out the iron whistle.

"Squeak..." The sharp whistle sounded, and then there was a gust of wind... In the blink of an eye, the competition ended.

I only felt that the soldiers who were in a trance in front of them could see the result clearly when the actions of both sides were frozen.

But Li Yuexuan's left hand was lying beside his ear, and the monk's fist stopped a centimeter away from Li Yuexuan's arm; but on the monk's forehead, there was a black hole in the muzzle of a gun.Even with good ears, I heard the sound of the firing pin just now.

"Monk, your power control is good, but your speed is a bit slow..." Li Yuexuan withdrew his hand, loaded the magazine, put the pistol into the holster, and took the special forces to find a place to rest.

PS: Thanks to the book friend: chentie981 for the reward, thank you Lao Tie; thanks to the book friend: 30 rewards from the assistant administrator 500 years ago, thank you the administrator.

(End of this chapter)

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