Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 847 Chapter 856, this is to get rich

Chapter 847 Chapter 856, this is to get rich

Well, in the entire Eighth Route Army, only nine teams have this condition and the right to have sufficient ammunition without restrictions, which other teams would not envy.

How to say?Minister Zhang is directly in charge of the arsenal and the Ninth Detachment, and Hu Changyi is the director of the arsenal and the leader of the Ninth Detachment.Need training ammo?Hu Changyi, the leader of the Ninth Detachment, gave a report to the direct leader, Minister Zhang, and then Minister Zhang sent documents to Hu Changyi, the director of the arsenal, for production and delivery... Isn't this superfluous.

In fact, the ammunition used for normal training is basically enough just to spot-check the finished bullets of each production line.

Also, the Ninth Detachment is the garrison of the arsenal. If the devils come in, all the ammunition in the arsenal will be used by the Ninth Detachment, as much as it can be used.How do you say that?Even with ammunition piles, the devils should be piled up outside the arsenal.

In the arsenal, after Hu Changyi brought the ball to the brigade commander, he continued to study the combination of his bicycle and machine gun.I have to say that those gringos back then had really big brains. They combined bicycles and machine guns in a practical way, and some even made four-wheeled four-wheeled bicycles.

However, when cars and motorcycles become popular, this kind of brain-hole invention will be useless, especially after the tank comes out, this thing can only be used as a toy.

"So, put the bracket of the machine gun on the girder, and add a bulletproof shield to the triangular area under the girder, so that the shooter will be protected. Well, the bicycle support needs to be increased, and the two brackets on the outside can't affect the riding. The basket can't affect the center of gravity..." Hu Changyi modified the bicycle here with a big brain.

"Factory manager, if you do this, it's better to put mortars and grenades on horse-drawn carts and donkey carts. Change the boards of donkey carts into steel plates, use devil's truck tires as tires, and add some more around the boards." The support frame, isn’t this a mortar launch platform? Even our small cart can hold a mortar or even a heavy machine gun when it’s finished!” Su Wei said beside him.

"..." Hu Changyi looked at Su Wei, wondering if this is the group of friends from his dog-headed military division group, because this plan was also mentioned in the group.

"If you think it's feasible, then go for an experiment. I'll write you a note. You go find materials and find someone to modify a donkey cart. Well, it's okay to convert it into a four-wheeled cart, so that the donkey will be easier to pull. It’s best, make a launch platform for heavy machine guns!” Hu Changyi felt that Su Wei was very talented in research, so he asked Su Wei to research it by himself.

But don't say it, putting mortars and heavy machine guns on donkey carts is much more reliable than putting them on bicycles.At least there are more donkey carts, and a few more donkey carts pulling heavy machine gun combat flatbeds in the transport team will increase the safety a lot.At least, someone raided the convoy, and the machine gunner jumped out of the car, grabbed the butt of his gun and opened fire.

Perhaps, this is the helplessness of engaging in military industry.When there is not enough infrastructure and technology, and even workers and engineers are unable to produce higher-level military products, use existing equipment and technology as much as possible to develop the maximum use and expansion of existing products.Um?Why does it feel like there are five pairs of wheels, five pairs of wheels changed, and five pairs of wheels changed and changed again? ?
"I really hope that before the Battle of the Founding of the Nation, I can accumulate enough skills for five pairs of wheels! Even if there are no five pairs of wheels, it will be fine if I can accumulate enough skills for T34! Let's see, how to squeeze the sheep of Maoxiong's family... ...Bear hair! Boss Xiong is really strong at this time, and it is a little bit to be able to squeeze a little bit!" Hu Changyi deeply hopes that the first generation of Waijiao rabbits can use their maximum ability to squeeze bear hair.

"It was really a battle of nation-building! Before that battle, no one looked down on us, and Mao Xiong didn't take us seriously. When we even picked 17 halls and rubbed Eagle Sauce, Mao Xiong This is how my little brother is doing... So, he was beaten lightly! Also, the guy with the bald head also participated in that battle, but he was on the side with more people..." Thinking Knowing the history in his memory, the movements of Hu Changyi's hands involuntarily became faster.It's just a simple structural drawing, and it will be finished soon.

Of course, he still has to go to the woods these days, and then bring out some "fungal seeds" to complete his great cause of growing mushrooms.In the past two days, Jiuzhai has been collecting all kinds of raw materials for growing mushrooms, sorting out the places where mushrooms are grown, especially the tunnels in various villages, which have also been used a little.Anyway, mushrooms do not need sunlight to grow.

Speaking of growing mushrooms, Hu Changyi recalled how he experienced life in a paper mill with his uncle's construction team.That day, I killed a few decades-old willow trees for the family courtyard, but there were actually dried oyster mushrooms on the trees.That's right, it's the kind of oyster mushrooms sold in the vegetable market, but these are wild and dried.

Then... the coworkers who worked together, all of whom lived in Changbai Mountain (Zhangqiu Changbai Mountain), actually picked up the mushrooms in sacks.The next day, I said that this thing can still be eaten after being soaked in water...

Well, that's been a long time ago.Hu Changyi's plan this time is to plant oyster mushrooms, Coprinus comatus and Agaricus bisporus on a small scale.By the way, I will bring a few students to try planting together.Then, after the trial planting is successful and enough experience has been accumulated, this technology will be spread out, now in Jiuzhai, and then to various base areas.

Mushrooms are, after all, nutritious, and fungi with high nutritional value.Variety can increase the nutritional intake of soldiers and common people, and save food, right?
On this side, Hu Changyi continued to tinker with his magically modified bicycle machine gun combination; Su Wei was also sent by him to modify the mortar and heavy machine gun combat platform run by the donkey cart and horse cart; the brigade commander received Hu Changyi kicked back After the ball, he was contemplating how to share the capture with several regiments.

In other words, this time the 386th Brigade simply followed Li Yuexuan and the others, taking advantage of it for nothing.Well, it wasn't just the 386 brigade who took advantage of it for nothing, but also the guerrillas left behind by Qin Lai's detachment.That's right, it was the guerrillas active in Songshu Village. At this time, they received an order from their superiors to meet Niu Bold and the others. As a result, they met the 3rd platoon leader with the seized supplies on the way.

"These are for us?" Captain Guo of the guerrillas asked in surprise.

"That's right, our company commander said, if you meet the comrades of the guerrillas, you will give these things directly to them! It's not that if you meet you, I will give it to you! And the comrades of the puppet army, they decided to participate In our team, please help watch! Okay, Lao Guan, you follow the comrades of the guerrillas to act temporarily, others, follow me back, there is a battle with our company commander!"

After the third platoon leader finished speaking, he took his platoon and comrades from the transportation company, picked up their weapons, turned around and left.On Captain Guo's side, he looked at the pots and pans, tables and stools, clothes and bedding, small bags of grain, and even a calf and a dozen red dogs that were placed on the mountain road. The rooster shook his head helplessly, followed by another burst of ecstasy.

This is a fortune!
PS: Thank you chetie981 for your continuous rewards, thank you old man!Are you satisfied with the role of transport company commander?
(End of this chapter)

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