Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 848 Chapter 857, the devil mobilized the sniper

Chapter 848 Chapter 857, the devil mobilized the sniper
"It's really...following the main force to have meat to eat...just...can you give me some weapons?" Captain Guo was overjoyed, but he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Captain Guo used to be a small squad leader of the Qin Lai Detachment. Some time ago, the Qin Lai Detachment was reorganized, and he was left behind to continue serving as the guerrilla captain in the Jinzhong base.He is a small guerrilla officer, with 49 guerrillas under his command, plus himself, only half a hundred.

To be honest, this guerrilla team was basically expanded from his combat squad. The serious combat weapons only consisted of a Czech light machine gun, 9 rifles, and 1 shotgun.When the guerrillas were expanded, the superior added 3 shotguns, a shotgun and a Type 89 grenade to him, and 300 grenades, which were his basic weapons.

Want to develop again?Then it depends on his ability as a guerrilla leader.If you have the ability, develop it, drink and eat meat; if you don't have the ability, you will get weaker and weaker, and you can't even drink the northwest wind.

To be honest, Lao Guo thinks that his guerrilla team can be regarded as a composition that has nothing to do with the main force, right?But he found that his guerrilla team was worse than the militia team in Songshu Village.

In Songshu Village, when Li Yunlong was the head of the new regiment, he developed the militia well. There were two crooked light machine guns alone.

"Captain, the main force has demolished the watershed stronghold, right? This is because the door curtains have been removed!" When Lao Guo sighed, the deputy captain, Old Dong, said while holding a door curtain.

"Don't move, don't move that, it's the door curtain of my kitchen, wait for a place to hang this door curtain!" Guan Gong said over there.

"This...comrade from the puppet army? What's your situation?" Old Guo looked at Guan Gong and the others.

"We...we were originally from the watershed base and the Quandian base...the cooks of the cooking team. Didn't we go to the Eighth Route...Well, do you have a cooking team? We have removed all the furnace bars here... Well, don’t touch that bellows, you can rely on it to stir the pot when cooking!” Lao Guan is still playing the role of the chef.

"Hey...the trouble here...that old Dong, why don't you take these things and go to our base with the new comrades and wait, and I will take the 1st and 2nd squads to support the main force?" Old Guo I feel that today is a good opportunity to develop the guerrillas. Gunshots have been faintly heard from the west, and this is the right time to go into battle.

"Okay, come with me from Class 3 and Class 4, let's send things back first!" Old Dong was originally Lao Guo's deputy squad leader. .

Captain Dong didn't say that the order they received was to respond to bullshit like Niu Bold and the others. Now they just received the supplies, and the next thing is their main task.Of course, this is what they think. In fact, their order is to take care of the supplies that these nine detachments don't need.

Captain Guo didn't delay here, and headed west with the two most elite combat squads of the guerrillas, plus the incredible grenadier team that the guerrillas treasured.Because they were familiar with the terrain and had been running mountain roads as adults, they quickly caught up with Song Zhong, the leader of the third platoon, and his party.

"Didn't you tell us to leave with supplies? How did you catch up?" Song Zhong asked in surprise as he looked at the more than 20 guerrillas brought by Captain Guo.Good guy, the equipment of these 20 guerrillas is not as good as that of the militiamen in Jiuzhaigou. There are also 6 fighters with red tasseled guns. How much combat effectiveness can this have?

"Our task is to meet you, you haven't retreated yet, how can we retreat first?" Captain Guo had a good reason.

"You... all right, follow us!" Song Zhong didn't ask for opinions, and directly took over the command of the guerrillas.

"Go, follow!" Captain Guo didn't argue, followed the third row of teams, and hurried to the west for reinforcements.

At this time, Niu Bold and the others had indeed exchanged fire with the devils, but the extent of this exchange of fire was not great.

"Little devil, is he looking down on people? This, just... plus the puppet army, you can count as two squadrons?" Niu boldly looked at the devil's puppet army in the distance, and said with some disdain.

"Company commander, are you still suppressing? I'm worried that they will scare them away!" the sniper old iron asked on the large iron river.

"Continue, continue to fight! Just you snipers and precision shooters, if you want the devils to think that we are not many, you must have good marksmanship!" Niu boldly said.

"Understood..." Tie Heshang stopped talking, but raised his gun, aimed at a devil heavy machine gunner, and killed him with one shot.

"Hey, the little devils are really unlucky this time. They probably haven't encountered our style of play before, so we will fight you with guns from 500 meters away. Let's see how you play!" Sniper He Xianren laughed.

"We are here to let the devils learn more. Don't think that good marksmanship can overwhelm us! Now, let's overwhelm them!" The sniper Jian Jian laughed.

After the captains of the three snipers finished speaking, the mountain fell into silence again. No one spoke, only the shots from the Ma Sihuan sniper rifle and the semi-automatic precision marksman rifle rang out one after another.

"Bagaya Road, what kind of enemies are we facing?" the devil's squadron leader, Haruki Murakami, hid behind a stone 600 meters away, and cursed angrily.

"Taijun, let's retreat, the eight roads on the mountain are too powerful, you see, we have already lost more than 40 brothers, and if we fight again, we will be wiped out!" Huang Xie, who followed Murakami Captain Kong Kong said with a cat on his waist.

"Baga, you coward!" The squad leader Murakami wanted to get up and slap his mouth, but he held back.

"Baga... We don't have artillery support, and we can't reach the grenade. How do we fight this kind of battle? Where's the sharpshooter? Where's our sharpshooter? Where's Fumio Tani? Are you here yet?" Murakami asked.

"Gu Shoujun is already on his way!" the devil's messenger shouted.

On the road heading south from Laiyuan Town, a sidecar motorcycle was speeding fast, and a 30-year-old devil second lieutenant was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle.In the sidecar, a Japanese soldier was holding a Type [-] sniper rifle tightly.That's right, when Captain Murakami discovered our sniper, he urgently dispatched the only sharpshooter in their brigade to rush over.

Murakami also knew that a sharpshooter could not change the whole of the battle, and this kind of combat artillery was the most suitable.However, he couldn't mobilize, and the brigade had no artillery to mobilize him.

Therefore, he can only hope that Fumio Gushou can make a breakthrough in this battle, and then turn the tide of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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