Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 849 Chapter 858, familiarity with the road is very important

Chapter 849 Chapter 858, familiarity with the road is very important
The Murakami Squadron is a garrison squadron stationed in Laiyuan Town. It is equipped with two 6-type heavy machine guns, 6 crooked light machine guns, and 190 grenade launchers. It has a staff of 130.It's just that a few days ago, an infantry team was transferred to the direction of Zihongkou, and he only brought more than 180 devils.Of course, a company of the Royal Association Army with [-] people is actually fully staffed.

It's just that after half an hour of fighting before, the troops he brought had lost all the heavy machine gunners, 6 grenadiers, and 42 puppet troops.As for these battle damages, the eighth road on the opposite side didn't seem to have fired many shots, and the people here were already dead, so the gunshots came from the ears.

"Baga, these damn snipers!" Murakami cursed, and continued to hide behind the stone where he was hiding, waiting for the opportunity to continue the battle.Looking to his two sides, more than 100 devils and a slightly larger number of puppet soldiers are all huddled behind the roadbed of the railway in a model, for fear of being discovered by the enemy.

Whoosh...slap...crash... From time to time, bullets flew down from the mountain in the east, flew past the railway embankment, and hit the rubble pile around them, making the devils very nervous.

Rumbling...creaking...Finally, while the devils were waiting agonizingly, Fumio Tani's motorcycle stopped far to the north.

"Gu Shou-kun, the situation is like this, we..." A second lieutenant captain who stopped here specially introduced the battle situation to Gu Shoufufu.

"Yaoxi, I understand." Gu Shoufufu heard the battle situation, then looked at the surrounding mountains, and then said: "Give me an hour! After an hour, I will launch an attack and let your squadron leader Cooperate with my actions!" Gu Shouwenfu finished speaking, picked up his rifle, took his assistants and observers, chose a small path up the mountain, avoided Niu Bold's sight, and went up the mountain.

The sniper point chosen by Fumio Gushou was on a hill to the northwest of the 1st company's position.The hill is very high, with some bushes, which is a good hidden sniper point.The only bad thing is that this position is not very easy to go up the mountain, and it is not easy to go down the mountain. It is not suitable for large troops to fight, and only a sniper like him can act alone.Otherwise, the squadron leader Murakami would have divided his troops from here long ago.

Besides, Niu Boldly chose a good position. He directly watched the mountain pass. It is difficult for the devils to march in cover, so now they can only wait.

"Company Commander, this little devil hasn't moved for more than half an hour, are we still here to fight the devil?" Someone in the 1st company's position couldn't stand it any longer.

"Continue to waste, the little devil is suppressed, and it is said that he will be willing to stop here. Little devil, it is more uncomfortable than us! Just fight with him and kill them!" Niu boldly glanced at the dazzling sun, Still under this order.It was now afternoon, and the lighting conditions were not good for them. This was actually a good time for the devils to attack.

Just 10 minutes ago, Niu Bold had received the news that the convoy of supplies had arrived safely, and also received an order to evacuate them quickly.It's just that Niu Bold is not reconciled, this is a fighting opportunity that he hasn't seen for a long time, he has been wandering around Jiuzhaizhai all day, and he is already hungry and thirsty.How can you enjoy yourself just by killing a team?
Hush, wheeze... At this time, Song Zhong rushed over with the comrades from the third platoon, the transport company, and the guerrillas. The 1rd platoon leader of the 3st company was originally Chen Ergeng, but now he has been transferred to the 3rd brigade as the company commander.

"Haha, the company commander knew you would come back! Take it, these weapons were just seized when you left. The company commander said to share some with the comrades of the guerrillas, and the transport company will also change some if they need to change their guns."

At a mountain crossing, Song Zhong met the company instructor, and then inexplicably received some equipment and ammunition.Well, of course Captain Guo and the others are the ones who get the best of luck. Good guys, there are a total of 31 [-] big caps there for you to choose, and there are also full bullet boxes... Where has our old Guo seen such a rich scene?

"That's okay, equip what you need! Instructor, where is our battle position?" Song Zhong asked.

"Did you see that over there? Hurry up and climb up the mountain. It's over there. When the devils approach the main position, you all fire together to give the devils a crossfire!" said the instructor, pointing to the hilltop on the northwest side.That's right, it's the mountain that Fumio Gu Shou is climbing. At this moment, Gu Shou is climbing hard with thorns all over his body.

"Yes, I promise to complete the task...Captain Guo, let's go...Take all of them if you like, and there will be a lot of captures after the fight!" Song Zhong looked at the tricky Captain Guo and laughed.

"Hey...all put on good guns and bullets, and follow the main force!" Captain Guo followed suit, including the guerrillas with red-tasseled guns, each of whom put on a three-eighth cap, and followed Song Zhong and the others.

These days, everyone knows that Sanba Dagai is a good gun, so this is basically the first choice.Only those who know about the arsenal will take the initiative to find good-quality horse Sihuan rifles to equip.

There are thousands of ways to go up the mountain, so the choice is very important.Just when Song Zhong couldn't decide which way was the best to go, a thin guerrilla stood up.

"Captain, I know the safest and fastest way to that hill, and my family lives in the village over there!" The guerrillas pointed to a village with only a dozen families in the distance.

"Lead the way, let's go!" Looking at the dilapidated village, Song Zhong asked the guerrillas to lead the way.It is impossible for a small village so close to the devil's stronghold not to be harmed.

"Hey..." Captain Guo knew that the village was actually gone, and this guerrilla was the only living person in the village.

On this side of the mountain, under the leadership of guerrillas who are familiar with the road, Song Zhong and his party, more than 100 fighters, quickly headed towards the northwest mountain, and arrived at the mountain very smoothly.

On the other side of the mountain, with a crashing sound, Fumio Tani and his assistant both slid down a steep hillside, their bodies covered with jujube spikes.

"Bageya Road, why is this mountain so difficult to climb!" He obviously chose the best road up the mountain at the bottom of the mountain, but why is it so difficult to walk when things come to an end?Gu Shoufufu couldn't figure it out.

"Hush... I seem to have heard the devil's scolding!" On the top of the mountain, Song Zhong and the others who had just come up could vaguely hear Gu Shoufufu's scolding.

So, Song Zhong led a group of people, holding a semi-automatic in his hand, and even a soldier pulled out a shotgun, and quietly climbed to the top of the steep slope.

"Baga... Abe, let's continue going up the mountain!" Fumio Tanitosu was not discouraged after picking off a lot of wooden thorns from his body, and decided to make persistent efforts.

Then, Fumio Gushou looked up and saw a row of heads on the hillside 50 meters away, looking at him curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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