"What kind of bicycle do you want...Brother, fate..." To be honest, Hu Changyi always thought of Teacher Fan's voice when he saw the modified car.

What about the car modified by Su Wei?Hu Changyi was sure that these two wheels were bicycle wheels.Then, a triangular support is added to the wheel, and a pure steel plate is welded on it.At the rear of the vehicle board is the bracket for the continuous-use machine gun, but this bracket has undergone some changes, and there is a continuous-use machine gun on it.From the looks of the whole car, the overall center of gravity is somewhat rearward.

However, considering the curved forward shaft and the wooden bar crossing in front of the shaft, the center of gravity of the whole car is just placed on the wheels, so it is not difficult for one person to pull it.

It is worth mentioning that the width of this car is not large, just enough to accommodate a person to set up the car in the middle of the shaft and pull it for a run.There is also a semi-enclosed trunk similar to that of a rickshaw, which is also on the top, and it is made of bulletproof shields, which makes the weight of the whole car very high.Of course, one person can pull two or three people in a rickshaw, and it’s not a problem to pull a flatbed that weighs a few hundred kilograms, and the weight does not exceed the standard.

"Director, you still have a good eye! Did you see that this is modified according to the structure of the Guoliunov that the rickshaw told you about?" Su Wei approached Hu Changyi.

"Demonstrate it! It's a mule or a horse, pull it out!" Hu Changyi didn't comment, but said.

"Look at it!" Su Wei got excited when he heard it, and jumped directly to the middle of the shaft, hung the rope loop of the cart around his neck, and threw the standing tree supporting the shaft into the carriage.Then, holding on to the horizontal bars between the shafts of the car, he dragged the car and started running around the shooting range.Walking around the shooting range very easily, Su Wei parked the car that was tentatively called a rickshaw at the shooting position.

Of course, he parked backwards, reversed the car into the garage, and directly smashed the car's butt against the sandbag wall.

After parking the car, Su Wei's body fell short, and the shaft of the car hit the ground directly, sinking deeply into the mud.Just like that, Su Wei was still not satisfied, and stomped his feet twice before stopping the car.

As soon as the car stopped, something wonderful happened.The originally horizontal carriage was actually placed directly on top of the sandbag wall at one end, and grounded at the other end, forming an angle of about 45 degrees with the ground.The entire vehicle floor made of bulletproof steel forms an inward slope under the machine gun, and because the entire machine gun is tilted upward, the center of gravity also naturally moves backward, and stops at the support point made by the carriage and the shaft.

The previous compartment baffle behind the machine gun just formed a shielding surface in front of the machine gun, and the surrounding baffles also formed an effective shield.

In this way, the shooter hid between the shafts, and could directly step on the crossbar between the shafts, put the machine gun on his shoulders, raise the machine gun level and shoot at the front.Good guy, this is a single-soldier platform for machine gun combat just like the little bean bun, and it's the one with front and side protection.Especially on the side of the car floor, the entire bulletproof shield.

Su Wei stopped the car, but the man didn't stop. Instead, he quickly set up the machine gun and fired directly at the front.Good guy, as the shots were fired, the shell casings slammed on the floor of the car, and then slid down under the feet, blocked by a layer of wicker-woven baffles, which saved the trouble of collecting the shell casings.

"Factory manager, how is it? You think this is alright?" Su Wei asked excitedly.

"Hmm... It's more practical than my bicycle, but you'd better get a baffle for this wheel or replace it with a cast iron one. That way, it can be used on flat ground without supporting sandbag walls." Hu Changyi also I didn't think there was anything wrong, so I made a small comment.

"Well, I will improve it a little bit! Director, you said that such a small car, should we get some combat platoons for us?" Su Wei asked.

"This... Let's get some for the third brigade first, the standard of two cars in a row. You can discuss it with the combat platoon leaders tomorrow to see if there is a more suitable improvement direction. In addition, such a small car, get it Some portable ones are specially given to the transportation teams and cooking teams of each company, so that they can also bring more baggage and so on." Hu Changyi said.

"Okay, let's get some more, and cooperate with those small carts. Even if there are no big animals, our soldiers can push and pull by ourselves, and we can bring more combat supplies." Li Wenying said.

"By the way, Director Li, you are an expert in this field. You are in charge of a regiment's luggage. Can you give me some advice?" Hu Changyi asked Li Wenying.

"What can I say? Who in the past thought of saving the soldiers more energy and bringing more ammunition and military supplies? If you have two such vehicles in a row, it would be a big deal to have a heavy machine gun in each row. But... ..." Li Wenying scratched her chin, and then said: "You'd better send such a new thing to the independent group to try!"

"Ahem, let me explain first that I am not a chauvinist. I am now the deputy director of the arsenal. Things like this must be tested on the battlefield. Captain Li of the Independent Regiment likes these novelty things the most. It is most appropriate to give him an experiment!" Li Wenying said.

"Well, let's send a few of these small cars to the independent group first! Oh, I suddenly remembered that Comrade Li Tieniu came, a strong man who can carry more than 200 catties and run forty miles of mountain roads by himself. Such cars will be sent to In his hands, with a few people and a machine gun squad, there is probably nowhere he can’t go. If you can’t push it up, you can disassemble it and carry it up.”

"Su Wei, you boy... put this small car here, it's not a car, it's a small tank, this bulletproof plate is first gear, it's safe!" Hu Changyi laughed.

"Hey, factory manager, I was spotted by you..." Su Wei scratched his head in embarrassment: "I just thought, squatting behind here alone, before the bullets are cleared, unless the devil's [-] The infantry guns and grenadiers were blown up, otherwise the devil's guns would not work well."

"Well, that's a good idea! I'll give you a month to figure out these types of vehicles, and then mass-produce them for the troops. We can't take care of other troops, but our Ninth Detachment, The 386 brigade near us is always going to have some light. Well... Lao Li, you have been troubled recently, I will clear up the mushroom thing first, and then we can have more dishes." Hu Changyi said.

"Okay, just go get mushrooms, we don't always have enough food, it's good to have one more mushroom!" Li Wenying also came from the Long March and knows what it's like to go hungry.

"Well... I want to get a more practical weapon after I finish the mushroom! Maybe it will take half a year, and you all have a preparation. That's it!" Hu Changyi said.

In the following time, other animal-drawn vehicle platforms also did some tests.How to put it, basically it is like this, whether it is 82 or 120, just get in the car and run, which can save some car capacity and make combat more flexible.And those machine gun platforms can stop and fight back at any time, and there is not much room for improvement.

Jiuzhai is still calm; outside, it is still fighting.

In the tranquility of Jiuzhaigou, some changes gradually appeared.For example, the railway in the arsenal area is gradually taking shape, and a railway armored vehicle has also been driven onto the railway as a test vehicle.After the test is over, get some carriages or trailers. This simple railway can transport materials between several workshops.

Well, in fact, no one has counted how useful the railway is. The main thing is to let a few devil engineers try it here now, and then send it to northern Shaanxi to help with infrastructure construction.

Another change was that one day, there was an unpleasant smell in the factory area, which made everyone who smelled it frowned.Well, it’s not so disgusting, after all, collecting urine to evaporate ammonia, adding sand to boil white phosphorus, and adding "golden juice enchantment" to the fragments have all been done, and some peculiar smells are fine.

Then, on the day when the smell appeared, in the depths of Huanglong Cave, near the spring, there were some brackets, on which were placed some packages of things, wrapped in oilcloth, I don't know what they were.Then, some more dead wood columns were erected there, and they still had to be watered.

Well, the space inside Huanglong Cave has been used as a place for everyone to rest and drink water because of poor lighting and humid air.Now, being occupied by these things, everyone can only go to the entrance of the cave to rest.This is also good, the small wind blows at the entrance of the cave, which is cool.

There are more of these things in Huanglong Cave, and in some workshops that have not been used, there are also some wooden supports, but these supports are covered with various ingredients and covered with grass thatch to moisturize.Well, someone sprays water on it regularly, and the factory manager will come to check it every day.

Not only are there more of these in these spaces, but also in the cellars of some people in Hujia Village, there are more such brackets and columns, and some people have learned to spray water regularly.

The common people don't know what it is for, but they know that Hu Changyi, the director of the factory, said that it can grow mushrooms in this way.Then, everyone followed suit...

The thing about growing mushrooms... the common people don't really believe it. This thing is picked in the mountains when it rains. Occasionally, mushrooms can grow on the wooden stakes of the fence at home, which is not very delicious.

But... this is what Director Hu said, so just follow suit. Director Hu is like a fairy, can he deceive us?

Look at the old hen in the nest at home, good guy, one egg a day, it is oily, and the old hen is also fat and puffy, isn't it fed by raising maggots?

There are also a few big fat pigs in the pen, some earthworms raised, some pig food made of hogweed, all of them are very happy to eat, look at those pigs, the fat will flow oil up.

And the donkeys, mules, and calves in the livestock pen are all tall and strong, aren't they raised according to the method of the arsenal?Well, that imperial bamboo grass is a good thing!
That is... the smell in the pond in front of the village is a bit strong, and the treated chicken manure is also chicken manure. The fish in the water eat this? ?However, ducks and geese swimming on the water grow very fast.However, ducks are very annoying. They lay eggs wherever they go, and they have to be checked accordingly.Look at those big geese, who dares to move their eggs?Screw you!
Well, since there are more living creatures in the village, all of them are growing well, and my dolls have learned to write, so it’s not bad to follow the mushrooms, right?

The common people don't really understand some big truths, but they can clearly distinguish who they follow to make a fortune, who they follow can settle down, and who they follow can protect their family.

Hu Changyi felt that the matter of raising mushrooms was settled for the time being.At least the system showed that the fungus bags he made were all in good condition, and the fungus beds were also in good condition, with no bacteria growing.Well, as long as you take care of it carefully, it won't take long for mushrooms to pop up.Then?There are mushrooms to eat, what else can I do?

After finishing the mushrooms with peace of mind, Hu Changyi finally got some thoughts on the arsenal.

"Old Li, is there any problem with the production at the arsenal?" Hu Changyi asked Li Wenying early this morning.

"No problem! By the way, let me tell you something, that rickshaw... ahem, individual machine gun combat vehicle. Well, this is the only one. Four of them were made a few days ago and have been sent to the independent regiment. , I heard that Li Yunlong was very happy, and said that he would buy you a drink when he has time!" Li Wenying said.

"If you invite me to drink, you can avoid it. Killing more devils is the best reward! Besides, I got 4 consecutive machine guns and 8000 rounds of ammunition for nothing. Anyone will be happy?" Hu Changyi said.

"Hahaha...that's right! A car, a machine gun, can pull 2000 rounds of ammunition, and it can fly! Well, at this time, it's time for Li Yunlong to fight the devils!" Li Wenying said.

"Fighting again?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Well, in the Shuangfeng area of ​​Yushe, the brigade of devils who chased us for a while and were led around by Captain Guo and the others for 7 days was surrounded by our brigade!" Li Wenying said.

"The entire 386 brigade is going to defend a brigade of devils? What a shame to them! Is that brigade really powerful?" Hu Changyi said in his heart that it's only September, and the Yamazaki brigade hasn't arrived yet.

"What's so great? A group of devils were played by Captain Guo and the others. They were all like beggars. The main battles were the independent regiment and the new regiment. Two model regiment leaders almost fought for a brigade. In the end, Li Yunlong grabbed The main offensive right." Li Wenying said with a smile.

"Ha... Well, Li Yunlong and Commander Ding are old comrades in arms, and they are their own people no matter what they fight. But, bad luck for the little devil!" Hu Changyi said.

In the Shuangfeng area, Li Yunlong, who was being talked about by Hu Changyi and his wife, was in high spirits at this time.

"Zhang Dabiao, where's the earthen tank? Push it up for me, and I'll give you half an hour to knock down that hill!" Li Yunlong waved his hand, pointing to the hill guarded by a squadron.

"Haha, commander, don't worry, even without this earth tank, our first battalion can take it down! Come on, push it up, and attack!" Zhang Dabiao waved his hand, and immediately the soldiers of the machine gun squad pushed 4 of them. Individual machine gun combat vehicles called earth tanks rushed ashore.

That's right, the thing is still the same thing, and the name is changed when the unit is changed, but the function remains the same.What pushes away?Can the rickshaw only be pulled away?You can just push and walk!

Besides, on Zhang Dabiao's side, 4 "earth tanks" were pushed ahead by the soldiers, and then followed by those holding machine guns on both sides, with precision shooters and snipers covering behind, an attack began.

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