On the battlefield, Li Yunlong proudly held a big red chicken cigarette in his mouth, the collar of his military uniform was open, he stepped on a rock with a big foot in cloth shoes, and he was carrying a Black Star pistol in his hand.

"Haha...what's this called? It's called Orientals wearing tall hats and being big...Hey...it doesn't matter if we don't have a tank, it's fine if we have this! You all have a good look, with this earthen tank, the little devil will jump I can’t get up anymore!” Li Yunlong said while observing the battlefield with his binoculars.

Not far from Li Yunlong, Wang Xikui took a few accurate shooters and a few observers, and carefully guarded several directions to protect Lao Li's safety.In Wang Xikui's hand, he now uses the Ma Sihuan sniper rifle, and he gave up the semi-automatic sniper rifle he used to use to the new precision shooters.Xizi has good marksmanship and is suitable as a long-range sniper.

At this time, excellent snipers like Xizi and the others are not needed, so it is good to serve as Li Yunlong's temporary guard.why?When Li Yunlong needs to send troops, he can receive the task as soon as possible.

A few hundred meters ahead, the attack of the First Battalion continued.This time, Zhang Dabiao changed his previous fighting style of fierce attack and charge, and changed it to a strategy of encroachment step by step.

"Stop...fight..." 300 meters away from the devil's position, the four "earth tank" battle groups stopped and kept firing at the devil's position, easily attracting the devil's firepower.

Quack quack... Ce Ce Ce... On the devil's position, the [-]-type heavy machine gun and the crooked machine gun kept firing at the four "iron lumps".However, with the sound of clanging, any bullets hitting the earth tank were successfully blocked.The chassis of the earth tank is a bit high, but for feints, the body of the tank slanting upward blocks most of the bullets.

Moreover, the little devil's marksmanship is not that accurate. Even if the Type [-] heavy machine gun has a scope, it still focuses on suppression.

Just as the devils were firing on the four soil tanks, the precision shooters hidden behind the tanks found the right opportunity, used the tank body as a cover, and opened fire.At the same time, the snipers following them also fired at a distance of more than 4 meters.Soon, the 400-type heavy machine gun with only one bullet protection plate was shot blindly.

It wasn't that the machine gun was broken, but that the devils who used the machine gun were broken.The snipers are proud of this. In the past, they had to be careful of being targeted by the devil's gunners. Now there are earth tanks to attract firepower. Comfortable!Well, in their view, this earth tank is just a target to attract firepower, it is useless...

"Fight back, fire with all the firepower, and suppress the devil's position!" Unlike the snipers, the elder Huang of the 1st company seized the opportunity.

Da da da... Papa... Lao Huang gave an order, and the soldiers who followed the earth tanks and moved more than 300 meters in front of the devil's position got up and fired.Especially the three continuous machine gun groups, with the cooperation of four earth tanks, directly shot a series of bullet nets on the devil's position, so that the devil did not dare to look up.

"Transportation team, keep up...quick!" Behind the attacking team, Zhang Dabiao waved his hand, and the soldiers carrying sandbags bowed their backs and moved forward cautiously.

Soon, sandbag bunkers were piled up one by one behind the earth tanks, and the attacking soldiers had a bunker to fight against the devils and a frontier to attack.

During this time, the soldiers pushing the earth tanks were not idle. They were still pushing the carts with two people, one man operating the machine gun, and four precision shooters behind them were responsible for side support, slowly approaching the devil's position.

"The grenadiers, here..." When the earth tanks advanced, the grenadiers came to the sandbag fortifications that had just been made.Hey, it's 300 meters away, where do you think it was blown up?Guaranteed to be fried.

This is the advantage of having a bunker close to the devil's position. The grenadier soldiers hide behind the bunker, and only need to measure the distance from the devil's position a little before they can launch safely.

As for the devil's grenadier soldiers?This has to be guarded.But at this time, the devil's grenadier soldiers were obviously no match for the eight-way grenadier soldiers, especially the grenadier soldiers who used the Dinglong grenadier.

Chirp, chirp... Boom boom... Finally, the explosion of the grenadier was heard on the battlefield, but it was the sound of the eight-way grenade falling on the squadron of the devil's position.

The devil's grenadier soldiers are being suppressed in the trench at this time and cannot raise their heads, unable to judge the position of the earth tank.Moreover, there are more than a dozen snipers and more than two dozen precision shooters staring at this side, just waiting for them to show up.

"Did you see it? It's a piece of cake for Zhang Fei to eat bean sprouts! To fight these devils, our mortar company won't be able to use them!" Seeing that the progress was going well, Li Yunlong proudly put down his binoculars and took a puff of cigarette beautifully: "Shen Quan, you fucking watch over our flanks! Didn't the little devil set up a circular defense? Our old Li will just grab this mountain and fight!"

"Regiment leader, don't worry, our flanks are safe!" Shen Quan naturally ignored the 3rd, 4th, and 5th battalions sent by Li Yunlong to other directions, and pretended not to know.

The little devil has the strength of a brigade, but it is a brigade of an independent mixed brigade, so he came out with two 4 infantry artillery and two mountain artillery.In terms of heavy machine guns, one infantry squadron has two, and the following is the establishment of four infantry squadrons.Of course, this is their ostensible preparation and equipment, and these equipment are not complete now.

why?Captain Guo led the devils around the mountain for so many days, but the devils' artillery couldn't catch up, so he simply went back to the watershed stronghold to stand by.After that, the 82nd infantry artillery moved with the team, but this artillery basically had no advantage over the [-]nd mortar, and it had been killed by the artillery of our independent regiment.

In fact, even if the devils brought mountain cannons, they wouldn't be able to take advantage of this mountainous terrain. The brigade commander's artillery battalion had long been on standby, but it's a pity that they haven't had a chance to use it yet.

The current situation is that Li Yunlong leads 5 battalions of the independent regiment... Well, the 5th battalion is a new battalion, not the main lineup.These five battalions formed a three-sided attack on the devil's position, leaving only one direction for Ding Wei's new regiment.That's right, the Independent Regiment is the main attack, and the Xinyi Regiment is waiting, taking the opportunity to go up and do it hard.

"Baga...what the hell is that?" At this moment, Captain Kishida looked at the earth tank, which was still firing gunfire and kept moving forward, on the devil's main position, his head was in a daze.

"This, it should be the new weapon of the Tuba Road... I heard that some powerful new weapons often appear on the Tuba Road before, and our team will suffer a lot if they encounter it!" said the chief of staff of the brigade.

"Order: Aso Squadron, organize a counterattack immediately! Let them take the initiative to launch a counterattack, and must grab that thing. I want to see what it is." Kishida said.

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