Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 861 Chapter 870, tacit understanding

Soon, Captain Kishida noticed something was wrong.He had just organized an attack team of more than 100 people, and was about to regain his flank position, when he discovered that there were also eight routes attacking behind him.

Well, it is true that the devil's position is a circular defensive posture, but there are only two highest hills, and the rest are small hills with not many guards.Now, the Independence Regiment has taken the second highest mountain and is already facing him.And behind him, the Xinyi Regiment also took an offensive stance, and even in the telescope, they saw observers with mortars measuring the distance.

The new regiment, the independent regiment... the brigade headquarters, the brigade commander held a red and blue pencil, looking at the location on the map, with a slight smile on his mouth.

"Blind man, it's time for us to consider the next attack plan! Now this brigade has been tightly surrounded by Li Yunlong and Ding Wei. The two regiments have a combined strength of more than 5000 troops, and they are all elite troops with strong troops and good equipment. I can't think of the possibility of these little devils escaping and ascending to heaven. What's more, we have an artillery battalion and two independent battalions waiting for their reinforcements." The brigade commander laughed.

"Don't be careless, what if the little devil mobilizes another brigade?" Political Commissar Wang said with a smile.

"Isn't that just right, the little devil just sent us 3 trucks of mountain cannon shells, and I was thinking of finding a chance to return them! Hahaha..." The brigade commander laughed happily.

"Okay, little devil, if you know that you use this method to return it to them, they will thank you very much...haha..." Political Commissar Wang also laughed.

The 386th brigade at this time was not the 386th brigade in Hu Changyi's world. The serious soldiers were strong and strong. In terms of strength... 6 regiments, how many soldiers are counted by yourself.Of course, these six regiments are troops of the Taiyue Military Region, so they can't be counted as the 6th Brigade...Anyway, it can be counted anyway, including the guerrilla zone where Captain Guo and the others are located, which are also subordinate units of the Taiyue Military Region.

On the battlefield, Captain Kishida shrank his defense, took back the team that was about to attack, and then quickly strengthened his defensive position.

In fact, the little devil has been half-starved for two and a half days. At this time, his physical strength has reached its limit. Even after taking the marching pills, he can't lift much strength.

"His grandma, you little devil is so poor, you can't find anything to eat!" On the side of the 1st company, the soldiers cleaning the battlefield scolded people while searching for bullets.

"Little comrade, if you want to be civilized, how can you swear at others casually? The little devil is a beast. If you scold his grandma, his grandma won't understand!" Immediately, an old comrade said.

"Okay, boy, don't complain, we have to thank the guerrilla comrades, they brought devils..." Immediately, the squad leader explained the tactics.

"Hurry up, dig through here, hurry up..." The devil took the lead, and the little devil was working desperately.

Plop...Suddenly, a devil who was working fell headlong to the ground, convulsed all over, foaming at the mouth...quickly there was no sound.

"Carry it away, Panasonic has been summoned by the Great God, and has gone to serve the Great God!" The team leader who was really directing the trench digging was not surprised, this was the consequence of taking too much marching pills, but the soldiers could not know.

The dead soldiers were quickly taken to the other side of the hill, where the dead devils were concentrated.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp... At this moment, there was a whistling sound of shells flying in the sky.

"Hurry up, dodge the gun, dodge the gun..." Hearing the roar of the shells, the devil's officers shouted loudly, telling the devils to dodge quickly.

In fact, if this was the former devil army, at most it would say hello, if it was set without greeting, the devils would quickly evade.However, what is the situation of the devil now?The independent mixed brigade has a lot of recruits, especially not too many recruits who have not experienced artillery battles.Therefore, the veterans exhausted their strength and did not get all the devils into the temporarily dug trenches.

how to say?The little devil is unlucky. The place he chose belongs to the kind of rocky mountain. There is only a thin layer of soil on the mountain, and the vegetation is also very thin.Can such a place dig trenches?Well, the soil layer of more than 30 centimeters is thick, and some places are directly rocky hillsides... So, the little devil is hiding and building a position with the help of huge rocks.

Well, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, the little devil has a high altitude advantage, but there is no suitable place to build a position, it is not as good as the mountain that the 1st company occupied.

No, our old Li is standing in a half-deep trench right now, stepping on a round stone, resting his arms on the sandbags above the trench, and holding the telescope in front of his eyes.

Tom tom tom... Chirp chirp... On his side, Tang Jiangyong's mortar battery fired shells round after round.

Looking at the devil's main position again, the first batch of long artillery shells used to open the way have already exploded on the mountain.With the violent explosion, some seemingly huge rocks were blown to pieces.There are also some gravels the size of a fist, which were directly blown up by the shock wave, flying in all directions along with the fragments of the shell.

This is the bombing of 8 long artillery shells, which directly covered this side of the mountain and part of the top of the mountain.

And just as Tang Jiangyong's second round of shells was about to hit the ground, there was also the whistling and explosion of shells on the other side of the mountain.Listen to the explosion, boy, it's also a long artillery grenade.

Apparently, pieces of crushed stone were blasted higher than the top of the mountain, and even flew to this side of the mountain.

"Hahaha... This kid Ding Wei also knows how to use heavy firepower, haha..." Li Yunlong also saw the gunfire and black clouds on the other side of the mountain, and smiled happily.

"I said that Lao Li appointed him to bomb first, right? Sure enough, Ding Wei guessed it! Zhuzi, the red cannonball is ready..." Ding Wei shouted from Xinyituan.

"Xiao Tang, the red cannonballs are ready..." Li Yunlong also gave the same order.

"Comrades... Now, we are bombarding the devils. After the shelling is over, we will go up... Are you afraid? Just don't be afraid! Our Eighth Route Army..." The positions of the 1st Battalion and the 2nd Battalion were led by the two battalion commanders. The two companies are mobilizing before the war.

In fact, there is no need to say much, just to boost your energy and wait for the next attack to be more vigorous.As for the hills outside the devil's main position?At this time, it was already under the attack of the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the Independent Regiment.On the other side, the Xinyi regiment also sent two battalions to attack the small satellite positions.

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei didn't have much communication during the whole process, but when they fought each other, they cooperated quite tacitly.

Soon, the shells from the last round of shelling landed on the devil's main position. The thick smoke was carried by the mountain wind, dispersed the entire mountain, and then gradually faded.

"Blow the charge, kill!" Coincidentally, both Li Yunlong and Ding Wei gave the order to attack.

Thanks to chentie981 for the reward, thank you old iron.

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