When the equipment reaches a certain level, the role of tactics becomes less important.Therefore, units with a good family background and strong military equipment (such as Eagle Sauce) will not study carefully in the development of tactics, but will increase the strength of weapons as much as possible.What are you talking about? 10 tons of aerial bombs did not solve the battle?Then come another 10 tons!
And the Eighth Route Army, a unit with poor foundation, poor foundation, and poor equipment, when its weapons are inferior to others, can only try its best to research and develop strategies and tactics, and solve the problem of firepower from a technical level.Guerrilla warfare, mine warfare, tunnel warfare, ambush warfare, tactical penetration, three-three attack, pincer offensive...

However, what happened later became interesting. For some reason, we crossed the river with Ying Jiang, but suddenly found that Jiang and us were both happy to look like each other.

Eagle Sauce: It saves money by interspersing tactics; I Rabbit: It’s really easy to fry for me.

But...how should I say it?Studying strategies and tactics, studying the struggle against the enemy, and studying various political contests, we have never been afraid of anyone!We have been studying military warfare since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The research foundation of thousands of years cannot be caught up in decades or hundreds of years.Of course, if you put mushroom bombs on both sides, don't say anything.

In the Shuangfeng battlefield, naturally there will be no mushroom bombs here, at most there are a few small mushrooms in the grass on the mountain.

But now, this little mushroom was stepped on by a pair of big feet of size 43 and turned into mushroom mud.

Li Yunlong didn't care that the mushrooms under his feet were turned into mushroom mud. He stepped on the mushrooms with one foot, and stepped on a stone with his knees arched, his right elbow resting on his knees, and the telescope in his hand was in front of his eyes. Looking at the fighting on the battlefield: "He's still alive, Zhang Dabiao, a bastard, hasn't put down his big blade yet, my good guy, this sword technique is even fiercer, one knife kills a devil's head! Look at this, The little devil is just like this... Oh, Shen Quan is a bitch, his feet are getting smoother and smoother, if you step down, the little devil will be kicked away, and that thing is probably gone..."

That's right, Li Yunlong has left the position of the 1st company at this moment, and came to a suitable place to observe the attack on the devil's main position.

Beside him, professional snipers like Wang Xikui were still protecting Li Yunlong, while Monk Wei and Political Commissar Zhao went to the 1st company's position to help collect the spoils.

"Regimental Commander, the surrounding devils have been cleaned up!" At this time, the communications soldier reported the surrounding battle situation to Li Yunlong.

"Finished? Very good, let the recruit battalion clean up the battlefield, the 4th battalion will help lead it, and the main force of the 3rd battalion, press me up!" Li Yunlong pointed to the main position of the devils who were still fighting fiercely.

"Yes!" The communications soldier hurried to deliver the order.The communications soldier is also a veteran, and he can tell at a glance that the battle on the hill is almost over. If he runs slowly, the 3rd Battalion may not even have a drink of soup.

A few minutes later... "Kill..." At a distance of several hundred meters, the commander of the 3rd Battalion immediately led the 3rd Battalion to kill up the hill from one side after hearing the order shouted by the communications soldiers.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, the main force of the devils was not much left, only more than 60 devils were guarding the chaotic place with a radius of tens of meters on the top of the mountain, and they kept shooting downwards.

"Damn, you little devils are actually wearing gas masks!" Zhang Dabiao, who was blocked on the hillside, scolded angrily as he watched the devils with little grimaces.

"Our attack was still a bit slow, and the little devil was also decisive. He even gave up the surrounding positions and directly established a new blocking position on the main peak." Shen Quan said.

"Little devil, this is looking for a dead end! Everyone pay attention to concealment! Communication soldier, tell me the commander, I request fire support! Where are our snipers and precision shooters? Fight back!" Zhang Dabiao lay on his stomach He stepped behind a stone and shouted loudly.That's right, if this had been left in the past, Zhang Dabiao would have led the charge long ago, but now he has learned to ask for help.

On the other side of the hill, the Xinyi regiment was also crushed on the hillside. The devils gathered around Kishida were the most elite of their brigade, but they had the ability to stop them.

"Leader, are we going to charge?" someone asked Ding Wei.

"Give me the call to Li Yunlong!" Ding Wei said.

Soon, the telephone soldiers of the Independent Regiment came to Li Yunlong dragging the phone line: "Regimental...Regimental Commander Ding's phone..."

"Haha, this old Ding, a call is coming at this critical moment! Hello? Old Ding... Yes, let your troops back up a little bit, don't get booed by the rocks, it's my old Li who worked so hard to bring you The soldiers who came out... Damn it, Zhang Dabiao, that bastard, has learned to summon artillery bombardment!" Li Yunlong didn't talk too much nonsense, and got straight to the point.

"Haha... Your soldier is now Ding Wei's soldier, hahaha..." Ding Wei put down the phone after scratching Li Yunlong.

At this time, in front of the hill, many snipers and precision shooters from the Independent Regiment and the New Regiment were directly distributed on the hillside, more than 300 meters apart, and carried out long-range sniping according to the devils on the hill.The soldiers who received the order hid 400 meters away.

Behind them, Tang Jiangyong took two 82s, found a suitable position, adjusted the angle of the barrel to a high level, and filled the barrel with long artillery grenades.

"Damn it, there are still these devils left. It's our artillery's dereliction of duty. Let me blow them up!" Tang Jiangyong pointed his sword at the top of the devil's mountain and shouted angrily.

Chi... tom... tom... The two long artillery shells flew towards the sky like this. After flying to a certain height, they fell headlong, rushing to the mountain where the devil was, and then fell.

Boom... Boom... The long artillery grenade with an explosion radius of up to 100 meters exploded on the top of the mountain lined with strange rocks where the devil was.

During the explosion, fireworks quickly filled the entire mountain, and huge black clouds formed quickly. Countless gravel shot rapidly on the mountain, and some of them fell directly on the soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment and the Independent Regiment, which was enough to see the power of the explosion. How huge.

Before all the rocks flying in the sky fell, Zhang Dabiao stood up from his hiding place: "The first battalion, follow me..."

"2nd Battalion, follow me..." Shen Quan was not willing to be left behind, and rushed up with 2nd Battalion.Then, the 3rd Battalion and the Xinyi Regiment on the other side of the mountain also rushed to the top of the mountain.

"Okay, the battle is over, go and notify the political commissar and let him organize people to clean up the battlefield! These two shells go down, and you can count as much as you can pick up! Damn, it's a big loss!" Li Yunlong complained.

"Yes..." Immediately, a messenger sent a message to Commissar Zhao.

And on the top of the mountain, Zhang Dabiao, who was carrying a machete, successfully joined forces with the old comrades from the opposite Xinyi regiment.Well, Zhang Dabiao was a member of Xinyituan half a year ago, and he knew everyone at a glance.

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