Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 874 Chapter 883, killing the enemy

Did you forget to send a deadly telegram when you were about to die?Well, this is probably the last thing Xiaogu Zhizheng can do.After all, when a person is about to die, one must always report the situation to the Division Headquarters, right?

Well, for the little devils, everything just happened too fast!Obviously we still had a huge advantage just now, and we are about to wipe out all the eight roads on the mountain ahead, the result?

As a result, my own cavalry team was cut off by someone who cut melons and vegetables. Even the stupid Kato hit the blade by himself. Isn't this courting death?
Well, Xiaogu Zhizheng couldn't care about Kato's affairs at this time. After reading the desperate telegram to the commander of the division, he sent the communication soldiers into the village, and Sun Desheng led the troops to attack.

In fact, at this time, Xiaogu Zhizheng still has a certain combat effectiveness, at least a small squad of devils, and about a platoon of the imperial association army's supply team are right in front of him, and the strength is not bad.

It's just... quack quack quack quack quack quack ... the Type [-] heavy machine gun under the big tree at the entrance of the village has a complete bomb protection board, and I haven't seen a blood-stained monster like a monster in front of me. The truck stops.If you look closely, you can even see sparks from bullets hitting the bulletproof shield.

"Baga! Disperse, disperse the defense, hurry up!" Xiaogu Zhizheng held the sword in his hand, commanding the devils and puppet soldiers to make the final struggle.

However, as the rattling machine guns got closer and closer, two iron hedgehogs converted from [-] trucks moved forward side by side, forward, forward, and fired while moving forward.The continuous machine gun on the roof was fully fired at the moment, and the barrel that had just been replaced was already a little scorching hot, and the fallen bullet casings jingled on the roof, making the second fool who was driving listen to it like beautiful music.

At this time, Er Hanzi had closed the observation window above his head, and could only observe the enemy's situation through the iron fence.Even more, it was through Erxi's greeting above his head.

"Brother Hanzi, drive forward, drive directly into the village, hurry up!" The voice of machine gunner Erxi came from the skylight behind his head.

"Okay, stand firm!" Erhanzi, who is not as famous as his name, quickly controlled the truck to accelerate, and rushed directly into the village.

"Follow up, enter the village!" On another truck, machine gunner Shuangxi also shouted to the communication window below him.

Soon, two trucks rushed into the village one after the other. The three machine gunners on the truck kept firing. The three machine guns on one side and the other side pointed at the devils in all directions without blind spots. The army fired deadly bullets mercilessly.The devils' counterattack hit the car, at most it made a tinkling sound, which did not affect the people in the car at all.

You thought this was the end?There is also the sub-machine gunner who has nothing to do for the time being, and throws the grenades that have been prepared a long time ago; the precision shooter with support also hides behind the shield, holding a semi-automatic shot at the devils and puppet troops he sees , and even the gunner of the shotgun took the opportunity to fire a shot at one of the devil's heavy machine guns.

That's right, the truck we modified is so arrogant when it's fully fired. In China these days, it's really not something ordinary people can afford.Not to mention anything else, for this raid, the number of bullets had to be consumed in thousands of rounds.Well, two cars, that's thousands of rounds...

The effect of such a huge consumption of bullets is also remarkable.Amid the desperate cries of the devil and the puppet soldiers, two trucks broke through the devil's defensive position at the entrance of the village one after the other, drove directly into the village and stopped.Now, there are only a dozen devils left, and there are not many puppet troops left.

Why doesn't the little devil fight in the street in the village? ?This question is very good, at least Xiaogu Zhizheng, who has been beaten into a hornet's nest and was mercilessly crushed by a truck on his legs, once thought so.However, when he ordered to burn all the houses in the village, he would never have imagined that this order left him no room to enter the village and could only form a defense at the entrance of the village.

However, how could the defense at the entrance of the village resist the iron hedgehog's full fire?Good guy, there are three machine guns, and a shotgun, and someone throwing a grenade in Baga, are you afraid of blowing yourself up?
Hmm... Well, the people in the car are really not afraid of the fragments of the grenade, not to mention throwing the grenade three to forty meters, even three or four meters.The shock wave can't hurt us, the fragments have bulletproof shields to cover important body parts, and the exposed body may not be hit by the fragments.Besides, he would lose his life just to fight devils, who is afraid of this?
Well, having said so much, it is actually just a matter of a few minutes.In the eyes of the soldiers on the mountain, it was the cavalry company that rushed to the entrance of the village with the truck, and then the truck entered the village with fire in all directions, and even drove in while pressing the bodies of several devils.

Looking at the cavalry company commander Sun Desheng behind, when the truck entered the village, he also followed the truck tens of meters behind.When the truck broke through the devil's line of defense, the cavalry company spread out towards the two wings, and rushed up to the remnant enemy who was still covered in circles—the cavalry charged.

Well, it was a cavalry collision. Facing the devils and puppet soldiers who were close at hand, the soldiers of the cavalry company rode into them without sympathy on their horses. Quickly across the neck.And some ghosts and puppet soldiers who were slow to avoid were directly knocked out by the accelerated horses and flew out desperately.

Do you know why cavalry and horses need special training?Because every time the war horse is trained, it will subconsciously hide when it encounters a fallen person.War horses won't, just step on it...

Then, the enemy that was knocked into the air was trampled on by the horse's hoof that accelerated to a weight of more than a thousand catties, not even once.

"I surrender, surrender..." On the battlefield at the entrance of the village, the desperate screams of the puppet soldiers finally came, and even the guns thrown far away and their hands raised high can be seen.

The puppet soldiers are not stupid, and they all know that the Eight Routes treat the prisoners preferentially. If the devils were not by their side, they would have surrendered long ago.Well, now that the princes can't protect themselves, it's more important to surrender first to save their lives.

Of course, there are only seven puppet troops who can wait until now, and the rest are either dead or injured, and have no chance or ability to surrender.

Huffing and wheezing... At this time, on the side of the New Second Regiment, Commander Kong Da was still galloping with the main force of the New Second Regiment. Kong Jie was panting heavily, and still had no intention of stopping.

"Hahaha... Do you see that's what happened to the little devil, and the fight is about to end!" On the top of the mountain, Li Yunlong finally burst out laughing, looking at the cavalry company that was carrying out the final strangulation of the devil.

"Hurry up, I've heard the sound of guns and guns. Li Yunlong is fighting with the devils. Let's go and help!" Kong Jie's side is actually not far from Xiahetan, but it's still close.

"Where is my guard company commander?" Li Yunlong looked towards the mountain ridge, and saw Shen Xiaofei running over quickly, Li Yunlong beckoned: "Xiao Shen, take your people and go to the devils and puppet soldiers to check their injuries one by one. Well, you must watch carefully, and don't let those seriously injured devils and puppet soldiers cause us any harm. Also, go and bring the wounded cavalry company!" Li Yunlong ordered.

"Yes!" As the new company commander of the independent regiment, Shen Xiaofei naturally knew what Li Yunlong's order meant.Immediately lead the guard company and walk down the hillside. When they pass by the devil's corpse, they will stab them severely to prevent future troubles.As for the puppet army?as usual!Traitors are something that everyone hates.

Behind them, the guerrillas and militiamen who came to support them, and even the civilians who were rescued by the reconnaissance company before, also took the initiative to follow the troops.Some of them helped clean up the corpses of the devils and puppet soldiers, and some of them carried the wounded for the Eighth Route Army.Of course, there are also those who want to meet one or two wounded puppet soldiers who are still alive, and let them vent their anger by killing them alive.

This time, many people were killed and injured in Xiahetan Village, and the village was burned to the ground. The loss was too great.Also, if Balu hadn't rescued them, the result would have been very miserable.The men will be dragged to work for the devils, and exhaustion is the only ending.The women were sent to the devil's stronghold, can there be a good thing? ?Alas, you hateful little devil!

At the entrance of the village, the cavalry company assembled again, but many soldiers had already dismounted, still holding weapons such as semi-automatic rifles and shotguns in their hands.

"Search this village carefully to see if there are any devils and folks alive!" Sun Desheng flapped his nose, and suddenly pointed to a relatively tall house and said, "Go to some people and look over there."

At this time, the fire in the village is already very small, which means that the burning is basically done.This is also a helpless thing, since the guard company found the devils, then set up an ambush to save the people, and sent an order, Li Yunlong and the others rushed to fight. It has been more than an hour, and Kong Jie's new second regiment has rushed over.

And during this period of time, enough grass-roofed houses were burned down, but the devils added gasoline.

Things in the village were not over yet, the soldiers scattered in the village in groups of three and three, endured the smoke and fire, and searched for possible enemies and survivors.

Things outside the village are still going on.Shen Xiaofei has checked the injuries of the devils and puppet soldiers one by one, but found nothing, and they all died, which is very regrettable.However, there is also good news, that is, there are still seven or eight soldiers of the cavalry company who fought close to the devil cavalry before, still alive.

Well, it’s true that more than a dozen were lost in the previous meeting, but some of these soldiers were injured and fell off their horses. They were lucky enough to escape the trampling of the horse’s hooves, and now they just happened to be carried back for treatment.Devil?No wounded, no wounded, absolutely no wounded!Well, as for why there are more wounds on the corpses of those devils?Who knows.

At the foot of Nai Nai Mountain, Li Yunlong had already driven down with a large army, and the wounded were also carried to a shady field under a few trees.The hygienists, while driving away the flies that smelled, carefully cleaned the wounds of the wounded, sewed them up or wrapped them with anti-bleeding and anti-inflammatory powder.Of course, it is necessary to take two sulfa tablets per person first.

"Commander...I hacked a devil to death! I'm capable..." A soldier with bandages all over his face said with a grin.

"Haha, good job, but you are disfigured, and it will be difficult to find a wife in the future." Li Yunlong looked at the bandage on the wounded shoulder that was still bleeding, and knew that it was cut open by a saber .

"No... hiss..." The wounded still wanted to struggle, but the wound was affected.

"Good boy, don't be nervous, it doesn't matter if you lose your face, man, who doesn't have a few scars on his body? That is the best medal for our soldiers! Well, this is what our political commissar Zhao said. Haha, take care of your wounds!" Li Yunlong comforted After finishing this soldier, let's look at the next wounded.

"Head... woo woo... I'm ashamed, I didn't kill the devil, and I was injured by the devil..." The unlucky wounded man cried directly.

"What are you crying about? Who are you throwing away? If you didn't kill the devil this time, then heal your wounds and train hard. Next time you will kill three or five more! Comrades, do you still remember what our old Li said? ? When we fight, what we pay attention to is that a brave man wins when he meets a narrow road! No matter who the opponent is, the enemy must use his sword! Today, you showed your saber, that is a good job!"

"Comrades, everyone participated in today's battle and saw it! They all said how powerful the little devil is, and why he couldn't win. But what happened? We had an encounter with the devil this time, and we only paid 17 sacrifices At the price of 24 injuries, we wiped out the enemy with the same strength as ours! What is this? This is a great victory! This shows that our independent regiment can completely fight a regiment of devils head-on. You can still beat them!"

"Comrades, our weapons are getting better and better, and our ammunition is also getting more and more. The weapons are better, the ammunition is more, the more victories we have won, and the more captured! Behind us are [-] million The people here are determined to die to drive out the little devil! With this kind of determination, how many years can the little devil last? Victory will definitely belong to us!" Li Yunlong shouted.

"Victory belongs to us..." The soldiers around shouted, and even the common people felt the invisible spiritual power and felt at ease.

In the village, the soldiers of the cavalry company finally came to the largest building in the village.The appearance of the building should be an ancestral hall, but it seems that the devil added a lot of firewood outside, and now only ashes remain.

When the soldiers swept away the ashes and pushed aside the carbonized ancestral hall door, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.Then, raging anger rose from his chest!

The ancestral hall is supposed to be a place where clan elders discuss important matters in the clan, or a place where ancestor worship and other things are held.Now, some distorted humanoid remains are in the ancestral hall, and some can be identified as the remains of children.Inside the ancestral hall, there was the smell of charcoal, barbecue, and stink, and... all kinds of smells rushed over, making the soldiers want to vomit uncontrollably.

"This is... the devil locked the old man and the child in the ancestral hall and roasted them alive!" A soldier gritted his teeth and said.

"Smoked and grilled...these are our folks..." Some soldiers shed tears.

"Go and call the villagers in... Well, before you call, tell the group leader!" Sun Desheng thought for a while with tears in his eyes.

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