Before Li Yunlong came over, Kong Jie brought the main force of the new second regiment into the village.Then, the comrades saw Sun Desheng and the others in the ancestral hall, and they also saw the tragic situation in the ancestral hall.

"Little devil, I call you your ancestor!" Kong Jie just glanced at it, and immediately became furious. He pulled out the machete behind him and made a slash in his palm.

"Comrades, take a look, come and take a look! This is our folks... I, Kong Jie, am here, and I swear to these dead folks, if the Japanese devils are not driven out of China, I, Kong Jie, will not be a father Birth mothers! You guys, cry if you want to, and avenge your relatives when you are done crying!" Kong Jie swore a poisonous oath, and directly ordered several soldiers in the team.

The recruiting grounds of the New Second Regiment were in Licheng and Wuxiang, and Xiahe Village was not far from where they were stationed. Naturally, some young people from the village became soldiers.

"Ahhh..." After Kong Jie shouted, five soldiers ran to the ancestral hall like crazy, and roared loudly, looking at the scene inside, looking for their relatives.

But how to find it?If it's better, you can still see the human body, if it's not good, it's already distorted and charred, what can you see?But, here are relatives...

After the 5 soldiers roared, they just stood at the door of the ancestral hall in a daze, not daring to take a step inside, as if they were in a daze.

"Ahem..." At this time, Li Yunlong came over, exchanged glances with Kong Jie, and then coughed: "The young men and women in Xiahe Village were all rescued by us, and they are outside the village at this time."

"Huh?" The soldiers who were stupefied suddenly woke up and looked at Li Yunlong.

"Shen Xiaofei, take these soldiers and go outside the village, let them choose some prestigious villagers to come in, and then clean up and handle the funeral affairs! Wei Datong, with the reconnaissance company, guard the surroundings for me, Sun Desheng, Your cavalry company cooperates with the reconnaissance company! Old Kong, I need your help here!" Li Yunlong said.

"Hey... Xiahe Village, the old and the young are all gone!" Kong Jie said after he had learned about the situation outside from the soldiers of the guard company.

"These are all our blood feuds! These hatreds must not be forgotten! Therefore, the traitors caught today are handed over to you, and let the common people identify them as doing evil things, and we will never tolerate them! And today, a total of 297 devil soldiers were wiped out, including a major. These can be used to pay homage to the folks. If it is not enough, then continue to kill!" Li Yunlong was also holding back his anger.

"Okay!" Kong Jie agreed with clenched fists and red eyes.Then, he said: "Xiahe Village, we often march here, and even used it as a camp for a few days. The people are very enthusiastic and support our work. A total of 15 young people have been sent to join our regiment. The previous During the battle, 3 people were sacrificed, and there are still a few who have not come. Unexpectedly, this time they came, but it was..."

"Then develop the team well, look for opportunities, and have a good fight with the devils, kill more devils, and avenge the folks! By the way, old Kong, the brigade commander asked you to reinforce, right?" Li Yunlong remembered and asked.

"Huh? Yes, you're done fighting now? Lao Li, are you fighting too fast? The order I received, there are more than 600 little devils and puppet troops. Are you fighting so fast? You are still a devil Escaped?" Kong Jie then remembered the mission of this trip, grabbed Li Yunlong and began to ask.

"Escape? With me, Li Yunlong, where will the little devil escape? But old Kong, this time we Lao Li got a good thing, um, not one, but some good things. This time we can kill these devils cleanly , These good things have played a big role! Let's go, follow our old Li to see!" Li Yunlong pulled Kong Jie and walked out of the village.

"Good things? You got new weapons again? You got earthen tanks a while ago, and here are good weapons again. Li Yunlong, if you have any good things here, brigade commander, you will go first!" Kong Jie said.

"Idiot Kong Er, don't wrong the brigade commander. The brigade commander won't spoil me. If our old Li can get good things, it's Li Yunlong's face and ability!" Li Yunlong said.

"Hello, Commander...Hello, Commander..." As the two of them walked, they gradually left the village. Many soldiers from the Independent Regiment also warmly came up to say hello to Kong Jie when they saw Kong Jie. They were very affectionate.

"Besides, old Kong, look at these soldiers, look at their expressions, do you dare to say that these soldiers don't have you Kong Jie in their hearts? Is there any difference between giving good things to the independent regiment and giving you old Kong?" Li Yunlong asked. .

"Hello, comrades. This battle was fought beautifully. I have heard from Commander Li that everyone has acted bravely. You are good fighters of our independent regiment!" Kong Jie looked at the familiar soldiers and greeted them excitedly. .

"Leader, is your injury healed? Haha, that's great, great, Captain."

"Commander, I am not afraid of standing guard at night now, and I even killed three devils with my own hands, Commander!"

"Head, I am now the squad leader, the leader. Don't worry, leader, our independent group will never be scolded as dough by the boss again..."

Looking at the soldiers who greeted enthusiastically, Kong Jie's eyes suddenly turned red, and then he patted Li Yunlong's shoulder vigorously: "From now on, follow Captain Li, everything will be fine, don't be ashamed! Captain Li is capable , you all feel it too. Follow Captain Li and fight hard. In the future, the name of the independent regiment will be released, and the custody will scare the devils! Everything is fine... go, go!" Kong Jie said .

"Yes, Commander..." The soldiers agreed and hurried to work.It is said that after Kong Jie recovered from his injury, he has been working on forming a new second regiment, and this is the first time he has met with the independent regiment.

After the conversation just now, Kong Jie had completely handed over the independent group to Li Yunlong.Well, from his heart, he completely let go of the independent regiment, because the independent regiment led by Li Yunlong has achieved outstanding results and has regained the name of the independent regiment. He, the former regiment leader, Lao Kong, also has a bright face.

At this time, the villagers outside the village had already exploded. The men shouted angrily, the women cried, and some women who lost their children fell to the ground and rolled.In fact, everyone has guessed the situation in the village, but after the soldiers of the village and the main family told what they saw, the sadness and anger immediately occupied the hearts of the people.

Who has no parents at home?Who has no children?Who doesn't have an ancestral tablet enshrined in the ancestral hall?Now, it's all gone, gone... The pain of losing a loved one is unforgettable.

What is unforgettable?Even if it is engraved on the bone, engraved on the tip of the heart, even if you die, you can't forget it. Whenever you think of it, your heart will hurt like a knife!
"Little devil..." Suddenly, a strong man madly rushed to the corpse of the devil who was being picked up as a trophy, pushed the two soldiers away like crazy, and punched and kicked the corpse of the devil.

"Ah..." The behavior of the strong man attracted more villagers. Many women who were rolling over with disheveled hair overtook the villagers. They jumped on the corpses of several devils and bit them directly. Next... the horrible scene made the soldiers tremble in fear.However, why are you so relieved?

"Xiao Fei, watch carefully, don't let anything happen!" Li Yunlong told Shen Xiaofei, and then took Kong Jie to Grandma Mountain.Li Yunlong knew that the hearts of the masses were full of hatred and needed to vent.In fact, it is already very good to be able to revenge every day.Some hatred, it has been decades, isn't it still not reported?

Bypassing the crazy crowd, Li Yunlong and Kong Jie came to the river at the foot of Grandma Mountain.In fact, before he got down the mountain, Kong Jie was attracted by the two steel hedgehogs, walked straight over, and circled the modified truck.Well, this performance is the same as that of Li Yunlong back then.

"Regimental Commander, step aside, there's still blood here!" Shuangxi and Erxi, two machine gunners and commanders, were directing the cleaning of the blood on the truck.Seeing Kong Jie circling around, he hurried up to speak.

"Double Happiness, tell me, what is the fighting power of this truck?" Kong Jie asked, holding Shuang Happiness.

"Captain, Erxi is the captain of the convoy, and I'm the deputy captain. You ask him. His car was in front when charging." Shuangxi scratched the back of his head and said.

"Hey, Commander, you don't know, this car..." Erxi liked to talk, so he immediately described today's battle situation vividly.

"Captain, you haven't seen it. The captain of the cavalry squadron of the little devil thought we were easy to handle, so he led a dozen devils to confront us. Look, look at this blade, this There's still blood that hasn't been wiped clean. That little devil just hit the blade with a man and a horse, and cut it in half, but it made me sick, and the blood sprayed on my face." Two Xi said.

"Then none of you were injured?" Kong Jie asked curiously as he looked at the soldiers who were fetching water from the river.

"There is no regiment leader, and no one is injured!" At this time, a soldier came up from the river with a bucket, and he didn't care that he was already soaked.

"Commander, you don't know, we just rushed into the devil's blocking position, shot while charging, and even threw grenades. Look at this shield, I'm hiding here, the bullets are rattling Hit it several times, but it didn't hurt me hehe." The soldier carrying the bucket took out his white towel and carefully wiped the shield that blocked the bullet, taking great care of it.

"Li Yunlong, I can see it. As long as this thing is pulled on the battlefield and meets the devil's cavalry, it will be invincible. As long as there are enough bullets, enough gasoline, and the soldiers don't get tired and collapse, the cavalry will not even try to get close to it." Even if you get close, it won't be good." Kong Jie is an old soldier, after listening to Erxi's introduction, he immediately understood everything.

"Yeah, with this, if you cooperate with the cavalry and infantry to fight, you can pull it out to fight against the devil's cavalry. By the way, I heard Jiuweihu say an idea. It is such a car, coupled with the same vehicles, but they are pulling 120 heavy mortars and 82 mortars, and then pulling shells, as well as trucks that pull baggage and gasoline to form a convoy, and cooperate with cavalry infantry to form a joint formation."

"Old Kong, what do you think of this joint formation?" Li Yunlong asked with a smile after finishing speaking.

"There is really such a formation for me to bring, and I won't change it even for the brigade commander!" Kong Jie said with a nod.

"Haha, that's right. I really hope that there will be such a formation sooner. Even if we can't lead such a formation, it will be fun to watch!" Li Yunlong said.

"Well, I'm afraid we won't be able to afford such a car. How many bullets does it cost to keep firing three machine guns? Let's think about something practical. How about it? I, Lao Kong, have traveled thousands of miles to reinforce you. For your sake, can we share some of today's seizure?" Kong Jie asked.

"The bullshit is not far away, it's only seven or eight miles away, and you can get there by running. However, it is not easy for you to take the new second regiment. I will ask the brigade commander later, and I will share with you... Wait a minute, old Kong, we Have you forgotten something?" Li Yunlong suddenly slapped his head: "It's broken, the battle is over, and I haven't sent a telegram to the brigade commander yet! Communication soldier, communication soldier, come quickly..."

"Pa..." Kong Jie also took off his hat and patted his forehead. Li Yunlong hadn't sent a telegram to the brigade. This is really... Kong Jie shook his head and continued to look at the car enviously.

"Erxi, do you think there are no defects in this car?" Kong Jie asked while sitting on a rock by the river, raising his head.

"Regimental Commander, if we want to talk about the shortcomings, it is the frontal assault. A frontal machine gun doesn't have enough firepower. It would be great if we add another one." Erxi said.

"Still standing up?" Kong Jie jumped up directly: "Do you still dislike being weak with this firepower?"

"Commander, I just think that the firepower is not enough for a frontal assault. It would be okay to add a shotgun to the front... Look, there is still some space in front of the co-pilot, let's put a shotgun The cannon is on top, so the co-pilot in the car can fire the cannon. You don’t need to bring extra ammunition, there are more than a dozen shotgun shells, which are enough for us to break through.” Er Xi gestured.

"Well, not to mention, if there is such a shotgun in the front, which is dedicated to hitting cluster targets 10 meters to 200 meters in front, it will have a great lethality, which is better than putting it in the back!" Kong Jie also agreed with this opinion.

"Hey, head, can you tell our head later?" Er Xizi leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Get out of your balls, if you want to say it yourself, this is an opportunity to make meritorious service, don't miss it!" Kong Jie patted Erxi's hat brim, and straightened it.

After doing this, Kong Jie came to the front of the truck, imagining what it would be like to charge and charge with a shotgun on the front of the truck.After thinking about it, he couldn't help shivering, well, at least he didn't dare to stand in front of such a car, that thing would become a sieve once it was shot.

Soon, Li Yunlong finished sending the telegram to the brigade commander, and came to the river to watch the car.Then Kong Jie pulled him over, directly said Er Xi's suggestion, and showed that it was Er Xi's idea.

Then?Li Yunlong thought for a while, and then went to the communication soldier to send a telegram to the Ninth Detachment.Well, the matter of increasing firepower must be paid close attention.

PS: Thank you chentie981 for your continuous tipping, thank you old iron.Thank you book friend 2021724091344725 for your reward, thank you.

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