Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 876 Chapter 885, then change to a special assault vehicle

"Add a shotgun in front of the front of the car? Is there still room for this load?" In the office of the Jiuzhai Arsenal factory, Hu Changyi was a little surprised holding the telegram just sent by the messenger.

"Minister Zhang, what do you think? This firepower is not enough?" Minister Zhang was sitting and drinking tea opposite, and Hu Changyi directly handed the telegram to Minister Zhang.

"This Li Yunlong, I thought that it would come out as soon as it came out." Minister Zhang took the telegram, and then motioned Hu Changyi to read the telegram he sent over.That's right, Minister Zhang sent a telegram to Hu Changyi. The content was naturally the battle report sent by Li Yunlong to the brigade, and then the brigade forwarded it to the arsenal. After reading it, Minister Zhang came to Hu Changyi.As a result, as soon as he sat down, the communication soldier came again.

"So, just this afternoon, Li Yunlong led his three companies, and then directly faced the devils, a cavalry squadron, two infantry squadrons led by a brigade headquarters, and more than 300 puppet troops? Then, still fighting He won, at a very small price? He even killed a dozen cavalrymen... hiss..." Hu Changyi looked at Li Yunlong's battle report, um, it was very detailed, and then thought about the battle process.

Well, Hu Changyi was really surprised, especially the two long sabers beheading the devil cavalry.Well, this idea was actually inspired by the two blades on the axle of the ancient chariot.

However, I didn't expect that the cavalry of the little devil really dared to run forward. Didn't they see it?But think of the cyclist whose neck was cut by the clothesline, and relieved.

"Minister Zhang, that is to say, our car modification is still successful, but the front-line units dislike the lack of firepower for the forward attack, and hope to add a shotgun to the front of the car, right?" Hu Changyi put down the telegram, then raised his head He looked at Minister Zhang and asked.

"Well, that's what you mean. What do you think? Do you want to add this shotgun? If you can add it, do you have any real ideas?" Minister Zhang knows Hu Changyi very well.

"This... how should I put it, the truck we just changed is actually more inclined to the performance of side combat, and even the firepower for firing backwards is sufficient, but the firepower for forwards is a little weaker." Hu Changyi thought for a while, and then said: "Anyway, we currently have more than 200 trucks, all of which are exposed to the wind and rain, which is too wasteful. So, look, should we add another one?"

"What kind of addition?" Minister Zhang became interested, took a sip of tea, and pressed the cigarette butt in his hand directly to a broken plate on the table.Well, that's the soot... dish.

"Look, we're going to build a fleet, right? Now that we have a fleet, we can use multiple vehicles together, right? Now we have this Modified No. 1, um, what Li Yunlong and the others drive is called No. 1." .There is also the envisaged 120 heavy mortar and 82 heavy fire modified vehicle, which can be called No. 2 or No. 3. There are also trucks that don’t change anything to pull luggage.”

"Just say what you want to change, and don't talk nonsense." Minister Zhang reminded.

"Well, didn't we seize some 97-style trucks? That truck is a simplified version of the 94 truck, with only 4 pairs of wheels, one less pair than the 94 truck, and the load is also less. Then, we put the back of the truck Get rid of the excess and just keep the part above the wheels, so you can free up some weight."

"And my modification plan is to add a shotgun to the front of the car and give it to the co-pilot soldier to control. On the roof, add a water-cooled Maxim or even a machine gun, and add a squadron on top of the co-pilot's head. The machine gun position of the machine gun. As for the others, there is no need, there is only one machine gunner, two ammunition men, and one squad machine gunner in the car. The whole car is just right for 6 people.”

"Of course, it carries more ammunition. The vehicle only has two machine guns and a shotgun facing the front. It has a bit of attack power on the side, but the rear is gone. Of course, in order to increase the safety of the combatants behind, there should be bulletproof There must also be shields, and even organs such as long knives. Well, such a car is used for frontal attack and assault." Hu Changyi talked about his plan.

"Well, you can add a long artillery grenade launch tube, and you don't need the one that can be loaded continuously, just one, and you can hit the devil's bunkers and gun towers when you pull it over." Director Zhang added.

"Minister Zhang...cough cough, this guy drove the truck straight to the devil's bunker, first wiped out all the external firepower points with a machine gun, and then fired a long artillery grenade to blow up the bunker?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Well, what's wrong?" Minister Zhang asked back.

"Then... get two modified cars and try it out? Or just one. One newly modified, plus two No. 1 modified cars, three cars can just form a commando team, some for frontal attack, and some for side face attack , It just fit together. Where is the shotgun launch tube? Just throw it on the roof of the car?" Hu Changyi asked.

"That's up to you. A launch tube and a long cannon grenade add up to only a few dozen catties. Where should you put it?" Minister Zhang said.

"Well, okay, I'll design a plan, and then try it out in a week. This requires the cooperation of the steel rolling workshop of the smelter to make some bulletproof shields." Hu Changyi said.

"Well, you just need to give an order, and they will modify it for you as soon as possible. Now the bulletproof shield steel has been able to be produced stably. When ensuring the modification of the existing heavy machine gun, it can also take into account your side. It is planned for modification. As long as the modification is successful and the experiment is qualified, it can be placed on the side of the mountain for modification. Here, weapons and ammunition are still the main thing.” Minister Zhang said.

"I understand this. If you always have nothing else to do, I'll be busy with the design drawings." Hu Changyi asked.

"Go and get busy, if there is anything you can't solve, find the organization." Minister Zhang waved his hand, not caring at all that he was in Hu Changyi's office, but lighted a cigarette leisurely and continued to smoke.

Well, okay, Minister Zhang is quite addicted to smoking, but in the bullet production workshop, smoking is strictly prohibited, but he can hold back from smoking.Now?I'm afraid it's just for fun.

As for Hu Changyi, he turned around and went to the drawing room to design and modify the drawings.When modifying a truck, first remove it and then add it, all parts must be considered.As for the final combat effectiveness of the assault vehicle he modified?Well, not to mention the combat effectiveness of the long artillery shells, just two machine guns and one shotgun, the firepower is enough for a kid to drink a pot.

Well, not only Li Yunlong has the phobia of insufficient firepower, but Hu Changyi also has serious symptoms. He is afraid of insufficient firepower and always wants to increase firepower. This is the most typical symptom.

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