Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 972 Chapter 981, Iron Hedgehog Village

"Brigade Commander, why are you so supportive of our work? The requirements of my target are very high, and it must be built according to the specifications of the devil's blockhouse and running building. By the way, where did you get the bricks and cement?" Here, Hu Changyi, who was working hard on the further research of the rocket launcher, held the phone in surprise, not knowing what the brigade commander meant.

"You little fox, are you busy and stupid? Can my entire 386 brigade find a bag of cement? This is all contributed by the little devil! The little devil has worked hard on the banks of the Zhuozhang River these days. Five gun towers were built in a row, each with four bunkers, with barbed wire in the middle, and a deep ditch more than two meters deep and five meters wide beside the wire fence, what do you think of these targets?" said the brigade commander.

"The little devil built gun towers and bunkers? He also dug deep trenches and built barbed wire? When did this happen?" Hu Changyi's voice was a little high.

"It started in the middle of last month. At that time, we didn't have time to talk to them. We just wanted to see what the little devils wanted to do. Now I understand that this is their cage policy applied to us. Okay, put the whole The northern side of the river valley is surrounded by barbed wire fences, which prevent us from going south at will." The brigade commander explained.

"So, you are planning to let us use these gun towers as targets to practice our hands, and take back the barbed wire fences that the devils sent to our house by the way, right?" Hu Changyi asked.

"Haha... You little fox, have you come back to your senses? You prepare first, let the devils repair it first, and we will act when it is completed. The barbed wire adds up to tens of miles. If it is taken back, what can we do? Ah, right? Alright, you can continue to work on your work, and get ready first." The brigade commander put down the phone after speaking, and then went to arrange troops.

On Hu Changyi's side, after putting down the phone, he thought for a while, picked up another phone, and called the Artillery Battalion directly: "Little Mao, you and Dapeng haven't been out for a while, right? I'll give you a job... Yes, take the 60 groups of rocket launchers that were newly given to you, and bring two 120-inch heavy-duty and two 2-inch heavy-duty guns, and let...the second brigade send out two assault companies to accompany them for protection. Departure time? To be determined, prepare first.”

After Hu Changyi put down the phone, he thought about it, went to Minister Zhang for instructions, and then returned to the office to continue tinkering with the rocket launcher.As for Minister Zhang, it was inevitable to discuss with the brigade commander what to do.It is no small matter to dispatch the artillery battalion of the nine detachments,
You have to think through the details.

To put it bluntly, the artillery battalion is dispatched now, and I really told the brigade commander that it is for practice and target shooting, not for fighting.It's just a few gun towers and bunkers, and there is no need for an artillery battalion at all.

It takes time to prepare for the artillery battalion to be dispatched, and in Songshu Village, the little devils are also preparing to "strike" the people.

The leader of Xiaogou Squadron hadn't entered the village yet, but he received a report from the front: "All the streets and intersections of the village have been completely occupied, and no enemies have been found for the time being."

Since we haven't found it yet, let's attack, can we still fly?The militiamen at the entrance of the village fired shots just now, which means that there are troops stationed in the village. If they haven't found it now, they are hiding in the yard or in the house, ready to fight in the streets.Well, the little dog thinks so, and directs in the same way. …

Under his command, the devil's heavy machine guns stood guard at the entrance of the village. There was a heavy machine gun team in the east and west, and an infantry squad followed.Songshu Village is long from east to west, with the Shipan River on the south and mountains on the north. Guarding the east and west ends, the people basically cannot escape.uphill?A bare mountain, you will be found when you go up.

Is there a problem with the command of the puppy?If it is to deal with ordinary people, ordinary villages, even if there are guerrillas and militias in the village, this method is no problem.Block the key road, and the rest is to catch a turtle in the urn, it's very easy.However, this is no ordinary village. This is one of the fortress villages built by the 386 brigade, just an iron hedgehog.

Use a net to catch fish, at most the fish will die and the net will be broken; use a net to catch iron hedgehogs?The net is broken, and there is nothing to be done to catch blood.

So, after the devils finally started the house-to-house battle, the iron hedgehog began to show its power.

Squeak... bang... At the entrance of the village, the door of Lao Suntou's house was pushed open violently, and the devil who pushed the door swiftly dodged on both sides of the door.Well, this is an experienced squad that knows the existence of the door opener and knows how easy it is to dodge.After a few seconds, no movement was heard, the squad leader waved his hand, and the grenade in his hand hit the helmet, and flung it into the atom with his wave.

Boom boom boom... Three cantaloupe grenades exploded in the yard one after another, and the wall that jumped straight fell down, but there was no movement.

The little devil didn't dare to venture in, but leaned forward, quietly poked his head in from both sides of the gate, and then quickly fired two shots at the window and the door of the house.

After repeated attempts to no avail, the Devil Squad concluded that there were no enemies in the house, so they became bolder.Immediately, three devils entered the courtyard with finished characters and began to move forward.

When clang... a devil didn't pay attention to his feet, an old enamel chicken food bowl squatting in the yard was kicked far away, and some rice bran was scattered in the yard.

"Nani?" The little devil lowered his head to look at his feet, and realized that there was still smoke on the ground?

Boom... Dark smoke rose up, and countless iron sands scattered from the ground. The three devil soldiers unreservedly absorbed most of the iron sands with their bodies, and then fell to the ground.

In the corner of the East Wing, Old Sun listened to the sound of explosions outside, poked open a lump of mud in the corner with a fire stick, and then looked closely with his eyes.

"Ha... A big firecracker (bamboo tube iron sand mine) knocked down three shitty ones, and we have made meritorious service for these!" Being happy, the old grandson quickly retracted into the tunnel and buckled the wooden plank at the tunnel entrance , The camouflaged firewood pile fell down without the support of the wooden boards, blocking the tunnel entrance from the outside.

"Bageya Road... set fire to this house!" The team leader outside was furious and wanted to set fire to the house, but he didn't dare to do so because he didn't receive an order.

Boom, boom, boom... At this time, there were explosions coming from the village one after another. This meant that other teams were attacked by booby-trapped mines.

In the ear, such as the previous family, people hid in the tunnel, with a grenade in the box above their heads.When the little devil was rummaging through the box, he opened the box door and was blown upright.

Hearing the sound of explosions one after another, in a stack of firewood piled up with timber outside the village, Captain Guo looked calm: "Right now, it's just mine warfare. Wait a minute, it should be tunnel warfare!"

After sighing, he said to the bamboo tube under him: "Attention all groups, attention each group, act!"

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