Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 973 982 is here, artillery battalion, go to target

Since it is an important fortress village, and Captain Guo and his guerrillas are stationed here, the defense measures of Songshu Village are already very complete.Among them, there is a new group of help in it, but the tunnels in Songshu Village are very complete.Don't forget, the Xinyi regiment was the first team in the Eight Routes to use the authentic team when it was piloted at Xiao Li's house.

In Songshu Village, Captain Guo stopped hiding in the pile of firewood after he finished shouting.Although the firewood pile was just a disguise, with only a layer of firewood on the outside, a hut built of stones in the middle, and a [-]th machine gun group of the militia inside, Captain Guo didn't plan to stay here anymore.

If you take a look at the map, you will find a very interesting thing: the main force of the devils has entered the village, and the headquarters is on the hill to the west; Go to the shooting point where you can shoot outside; on the hillside in the north of the village, next to the village, is the firewood stack where Captain Guo is.

It can be said that the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark, and the enemy is above and we are below, and the little devil has not found any shadow of anyone until now.Not to mention people, none of the chickens in the chicken coop were caught, but the chicken feathers were stuck to one hand.For this, the little devil has to thank that there are no booby traps in the chicken coop.

Outside the village, Xiaogou has received a report that 32 devils from a squadron have died, 37 from the Imperial Association Army have also been killed, and the rest are a hundred wounded.

The little dog stretched out a finger, poked his civilized beard, and then said to the signal soldier next to him: "Go, let the troops withdraw, and set up a defense line at the entrance of the village; let the Imperial Association Army, set the fire and burn the village!"

Xiaogou changed his strategy after a failed plan.

Setting fire to the village is a fire attack. When people are forced out, the fire circle at the entrance of the village will kill them.This one is also built on the basis of no authenticity.

The little devil's messenger quickly ran towards the village with short legs.But at this moment, gunshots rang out one after another in the village.That's right, it was gunshots, not grenade explosions.Of course, the roar of the shotgun is also among them.

In the courtyard of Lao Suntou's house, Lao Suntou, who had split up, pushed open the tunnel cover with great effort and stapled a pile of firewood aside.Then he pulled out his double-barreled shotgun, already loaded with two rounds, from his side.In the observation hole he poked open, Old Suntou saw seven or eight soldiers of the Imperial Association Army busy in the yard.

The soldiers of the Imperial Association Army carried the corpse of the devil covered in blood holes on the stretcher, and it seemed that they were going to carry it away.What made the old grandson angry was that there was actually a second devil who lit a torch and was about to throw it on the roof of his house.Can this work?There was only a layer of wheat straw on the roof, and it was burnt out after a while?
Without saying a word, the old grandson directly plugged the barrel of the double-barreled shotgun out of the observation hole, opened the gun, turned slightly, raised the muzzle of the gun, and directly pulled the trigger.


Touch... The special double-barreled shotgun made by the militia uses the largest shotgun, and the barrel has a caliber of 20mm. Of course, the shotgun is also of this caliber, but the projectile uses 5mm steel balls, so this shotgun has good Dozens of projectiles are inside, and when shot out, it will be a large piece.

Um?Not up to foreign standards?Tell me what is the standard?It is the standard to be able to shoot the most lethal and the largest number of projectiles within the most effective distance.Besides, as long as it can be used, as long as it can kill people, what is the use of the standard? We, the military industry of the Eighth Route, recognize this standard.

Therefore, the situation at that time was that after a single shot, dozens of steel ball projectiles with a diameter of 5mm rushed out of their chambers, and gradually spread out between the east wing room and the soldiers of the puppet army, finally forming a circle about three meters in diameter. A barrage of .Then, the barrage directly covered the soldiers who were lighting the fire, and by the way, brushed aside the two soldiers who were carrying the devils.

"Hmm... ah..." The soldier who was covered by the projectile just let out a groan, and then fell to the ground bleeding and exhausted, and the two puppet soldiers who were swept away screamed and dropped the stretcher.

At this moment, there was another sound of Peng, and the same barrage flew out, covering the other two groups of puppet soldiers, only punching out an unknown number of blood holes on the bodies of these puppet soldiers.

"Fire one shot and change the place..." Lao Sun finished firing two bullets, and without waiting, he buckled the tunnel's baffle as usual, and the squeezed firewood fell down again.

As for whether it will be discovered later?The old grandson didn't care about this, he was familiar with the inside of the tunnel, and outsiders would be blind if they came in, and they could be killed casually.

The battle of the old grandson is just a small scene, and the rest of the battle is more.It took Songshu Village two years to complete the tunnel system, and now it is finally showing its power.

At the entrance of the village in the west, a [-]-heavy machine gun team of the Devils, the machine gunner nervously held the handle of the gun, looked at the road in the village, and waited for the arrival of the battle.

Just as they were concentrating on looking at the village, a small periscope protruded from the well platform behind them, and retracted after looking around.

Not long after, about seven or eight grenades were thrown out from the mouth of the well, directly behind the machine gun team.

Boom boom boom... The black smoke of the explosion filled the air, and the bloody smell also filled the air. The militia grenade made in Jiuzhai is still very powerful.

At the east end of the village, there are already 3 squads of devils gathered here, forming a line of defense with a heavy machine gun team.It was no longer grenades that were used against them, but shotgun barrels protruding from the stone pier under the large roller on the side.Although the stone roller is big, the shotgun is longer. In order to use it here, Captain Guo specially asked the instructor for advice. After research, his shotgun became a short-barreled gun.

The short-barreled gun shortens the barrel, shortening the combat distance to 80 meters, and the spread area and power of the projectile are the most suitable.And the big roller is only 50 meters away from the entrance of the village...

Boom, boom, boom... Three bombardments, the dust on the big roller was shaken.Looking at the devils, a total of 45 devil soldiers were directly smashed into a sieve by countless steel balls.

Well, losing the effective range of a shotgun in exchange for the lives of so many devils, this deal is worth it...

Outside the village, the puppy listened to the gunshots and explosions again and again, and his heart was extremely anxious.Suddenly, a bullet from the hills to the north pierced his shoulder.At the same time, gunshots were heard from over there, and flags could even be seen waving and figures flickering.

"Retreat..." The little dog endured the severe pain and gave the most correct order today before he fell into a coma.

However, when the devils finally escaped from Songshu Village and joined the puppet soldiers who also escaped, they realized that the number of them had been reduced by more than half...

Three days later, in Jiuzhaigou, Xin Lu and Lei Dapeng stood at the gate of Sunjiaji's barracks in high spirits, and saluted Hu Changyi.

After turning around, Xin Lu shouted loudly: "Let's go, go shooting!"

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