Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 983 Chapter 992, one more old warehouse object

Chapter 983 Chapter 992, there is one more old object in the warehouse

"Well, isn't this the official seal of someone else? Why was it sent here? There is also the waist badge of the nine-door admiral? This row of waist badges belong to Jin Yiwei? Look at this, this is the waist badge of Baihu The card, um, is copper...there is also a black one, the good guy is actually a thousand households? System appraisal, the waist card of a thousand households is silver?"

In the raw material warehouse in Jiuzhaigou, Hu Changyi looked at the dazzling variety of objects, and was very happy to become a rookie treasure appraiser, using his poor and almost ignorant knowledge of antiques to select some valuable objects from among them. Come out as a souvenir.Well, with the system verification turned on, the material of things can still be identified, and other things are ignored, the system is different.

In fact, strictly speaking, these things could be worth some money in the era when he came.Some of the least valuable copper coins can be exchanged for some money, but he doesn't know it.

These things didn’t come in a day. A few days ago, relying on the knowledge he got from various treasure-appreciating novels and Fengshui novels, he got together a set of Big Five Emperor’s Money, and also got together two sets of Small Five Emperor’s Money. Send them into the system space as a souvenir.In the remaining days, he also saw an object that seemed to be a Xuande furnace, so he ordered the warehouse to store it separately and not send it to the smelter.

Later, he felt that some of the things sent by the common people must be valuable, so he simply asked the logistics support team to send them to the warehouse and put them away first.

Then he came to look at it from time to time, but today he found a bunch of copper lumps (so the common people said) and it turned out to be official seals, and there were many waist cards of Jinyiwei.

"Hang this up for you, you are a hundred households of Jinyiwei!" Hu Changyi hung a waist badge of Jinyiwei Town Fushi on his waist, and threw a hundred households badge to Su Wei.

"Detachment Captain, what is this thing?" Su Wei asked, rubbing his rusty waist badge.

"In the Ming Dynasty, the emperor's army of one hundred households in Jinyiwei...well, probably the company commander who was in charge of one hundred people?" Hu Changyi was not sure, anyway, he didn't understand this, so he could only understand it literally.

"It's just a company's okay, he's older than me!" Su Wei put his badge on his waist and gestured like a model; "Then this Qianhu is equivalent to our captain. ? What is yours?"

"Public my level? Of course, I heard that at this level, the power seems to be great. If we don't study that, we don't understand. But this thing is not copper, it is silver, black and not black. It is oxidized." Hu Changyi is driving the system identification, so he can know this.

"Silver?" Su Wei's eyes brightened: "If you sell this, you can exchange it for a lot of money, right? Can you buy a lot of supplies?"

"Forget it, no one wants this these days, and the gold ones are okay. Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times, the little devils are now searching for those antiques, ancient paintings, and curios from our land all day long, and then ship them back to them one by one. Go to China, and send some ancient books back to their country for research. In the future, they will say that this is their family, what are they..."

Hu Changyi shook his head while speaking: "For these things, find someone who knows how to do it. It's best to find an old court servant from those pawnshops and let them appraise them. These, after all, are left by our ancestors. Keep it, maybe it will be useful for studying history in the future. If it is useless, go back to the furnace, turn it into copper water, turn it into copper plate, and make bullets!"

"Chao Feng... Those who are high above? They are full of bad words. No matter what, it is worthless in their mouths. A good leather jacket, in their mouths, it is a rotten leather jacket that is eaten by insects and rats." ! Do they really understand this?" Su Wei expressed doubts.

"I should know better than me. I'm just a researcher of weapons and ammunition. What can I know? Well, I'll report to Minister Zhang, don't really give away some good things." Hu Changyi walked out while speaking, There are a lot of things in this warehouse, what if there are so many things in it?Although the probability of getting good things from the people's homes is very low, what if?
Besides, there is no such thing as nothing now, so I have to use these old objects.

After reporting to Minister Zhang, Minister Zhang said that he would find someone to identify it, and Hu Changyi continued to stay in his office.After taking a few sips of water and taking a break, he went to machining and stared at the production of rocket launchers.

It has been another three months since the experiment of the third phase of the rocket launcher, and the equipment on the machining side has long been adjusted to the best condition by the workers and engineers.And the workers, after a lot of processing, have reached the level of skilled workers.Although the workers don't do rocket shell processing around the clock, they have been trained for such a long time.

Hu Changyi didn't press very hard, because this rocket launcher is not a gun or something, it is very dangerous and more precise.Well, maybe some people say how the 107 rocket launcher has something to do with precision?But the fact is that this material is very cheap, and the rocket launcher that is easy to process does require sophisticated processing technology.Of course, if Jiuzhai Arsenal has many advanced CNC machine tools, it will be much simpler.

After driving the system appraisal, after reading the latest batch of various parts, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Hu Changyi's mouth.That's right, the processing of the parts is all qualified, and they can be sent to the temporary assembly workshop for dosing and assembly.These parts are all qualified, and then the propellant is added to the propellant tube, and the fuze and explosives are added, and it will be done.

As for what medicine to pack?In line with the principle of stability first, Hu Changyi made all the rockets loaded with TNT explosives.Now, just wait until the loading is complete, and then find the devil's target for a live ammunition shooting test.

Well, there is a system to assist in the detection. In fact, these do not require live ammunition to be fired.However, if you find a chance to give the devil a chance, what else can you say?

Hu Changyi did not disclose the news that the rocket launcher had actually been successful, but machined it one after another. The processed parts of a total of 240 rockets were sent to the assembly workshop for assembly, and he also ordered them to process 12 sets of 10-tube launchers. for future combat use.As for the previous two-pack launchers, don't combine them again, just spread them out like that, and find opportunities for guerrillas to use them.

The rocket was successful, Hu Changyi could only be secretly happy, everything was waiting for a big one, to surprise the chiefs.

After finishing the rocket launcher, Hu Changyi felt that there was nothing else to do for the time being.

If you think about it, Jiuzhai Armory now produces bullets as its main products, followed by continuous machine guns, semi-automatic, squad machine guns, 120 heavy mortars, 82 mortars, and shells for these two types of mortars.The grenades were all transferred from the production project of Jiuzhai Arsenal to the arsenal below, but the production capacity of grenades was left to ensure the ammunition supply of the surrounding troops.

(End of this chapter)

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