Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 984 Chapter 993, hey, the agricultural harvest is good

Chapter 984 Chapter 993, hey, the agricultural harvest is good

As for the production of grenadiers, the Laogou Arsenal in the east has become a production center. Every day, the iron is clanging, and grenadiers are manufactured one by one and equipped for the troops.

Under Hu Changyi's proposal and under the leadership of Minister Zhang, Jiuzhai Arms Factory, as the main factory of the Eighth Route Army Arsenal, completed the transformation of production capacity in May.

Nowadays, except for grenades that are still being produced on a large scale, those products with low technical thresholds are only produced to meet the combat needs of the troops.

For example, the production of long artillery grenades only maintains a production capacity of 200 per month, with no increase or decrease, just such a stable production.And actually?Now a full 800 long artillery shells have been piled up in the warehouse and have not been issued. This is the output of 4 months this year.Why not send it?This thing is used for bombing towers and bombing bunkers. How many times have you fought such battles after the new year?

Besides, for ordinary bunkers, rocket launchers and grenade launchers can be used to shoot armor-piercing projectiles. Unless it is a cannon building for fighting devils, long artillery grenades will be used.In the past, it was used for experimental battles.

Another one, if this long artillery shell is fired, it will directly blow up a bunker.Even if the little devils have a cage policy and practice all day long, they have to be given time to practice.

In addition, the production of directional mines has also been reduced a lot.Directional mines are very useful, and they have long existed in the equipment sequence of each main regiment.However, after producing tens of thousands of these at full capacity in the past two years, not many were produced this year.Well, it was made, mainly for small-scale special forces, reconnaissance platoons, reconnaissance companies, and guerrillas.There are still stocks in the main group.

And the production of this is very simple. Although the production volume of plastic explosives is very low, it can be replaced by other explosives, so the arsenal below can produce them.For example, the Laogou Arsenal is responsible for the supply of directional mines for several brigades. How can they be provided by Jiuzhai Arsenal?
In short, Jiuzhai Arsenal focuses on the production of bullets, the production of bullet production lines, and the production of bullet reloading machines... everything is centered on bullets.

Therefore, after completing the research and development of 107 rocket shells, Hu Changyi has a relatively free time for the time being.Well, no need to spend all day in the drawing room.

Counting the days, it is actually the end of June, and the summer harvest is already over.Because the rocket launcher was at its last moment, Hu Changyi didn't even have the time to care about this year's harvest.

Now that he was free, he took out this year's production report and carefully looked at this year's summer harvest work.

"The yield of wheat in Nanweiquan is 700 catties per mu?" When Hu Changyi saw the report about the wheat production in Nanweiquan, he was stunned. Is it so high?

A yield of 700 jin would be unqualified for later generations, and those less than 800 jin would not be planted well, and 1000 jin would be a relatively good harvest.But when is this?Without all kinds of chemical fertilizers, it is really good to have this output.

"Oh... so it's like this..." When Hu Changyi saw the report from the chemical pharmaceutical factory about providing ammonia water to the people as fertilizer, he smiled knowingly, and then remembered his childhood.

At that time, it had only been a few years since the land was divided into households, and chemical fertilizers were also rare. The young people in his village went to the big chemical fertilizer to get ammonia water, and poured some in when watering the fields.Although the smell is a bit rushed, it can really increase production.In order to increase the harvest, the common people can really endure all kinds of hardships, that is, the price of food...

"Detachment Captain, you have also seen Nanweiquan's report, right? Hehe, the old village chief kept saying that he would come to our place to thank you, and that all the children in the village miss you." Su Wei said .

"What did the old village chief thank me for? I didn't do anything! But it's true that the dolls in the village miss me, but the main thing is that they miss me for bringing them candies." Hu Changyi also smiled.

"Then do you want to go and have a look?" Su Wei naturally knew that the rocket launcher was successful, so he suggested.

"Go? Forget it. I won't go. Every time I go out, there will be a large group of people roaring. It's not good." Hu Changyi thought for a while, and felt that he should stay in Jiuzhai, and going out was meaningless.

Seeing that Hu Changyi didn't intend to go out, Su Wei let go and didn't mention it again.Hu Changyi also saw the agricultural production in Jiuzhai.

It has to be said that it is close to the arsenal and has geographical advantages. Jiuzhai's agriculture is really good.Although there is not much arable land in Jiuzhaigou, in the past two years, people have worked hard to open up wasteland, build terraced fields, and graft fruit trees such as dates, walnuts, etc., and the income of the people has increased a lot.Of course, the most important thing is the development of various breeding industries, which provided a lot of meat for the nine teams.

At this time, even the little children in the village knew to drive a group of chickens to the maggot pond, not to mention the older generation.Emperor bamboo grass is a good thing. Now everyone not only grows it on the mountain, but also grows it in a quick place in their own yard.This thing grows fast, and if you take a few cuts with a sickle and throw it in the pen, it will be enough for your sheep to eat.

Moreover, every family has built a pond for raising earthworms, and the earthworms raised in them are thick and long, so it is definitely a good thing to feed pigs.Of course, it is also very convenient for naughty children to catch a few earthworms and go fishing by the river.Well, chicks and ducks also like to eat earthworms, which is definitely a good feed.And in the ponds belonging to each village, some people also put in grass feed regularly, and the grass carp in it grow fat and long one by one, which is gratifying.

As for the lake in Lijiatan?The village chief is curious about it, but this is the main source of food for our village.As long as the directors of the Ninth Detachment come to collect fish, a dozen strong young men will directly cast the net, and they can catch two to three hundred catties every time.Therefore, in the Jiuzhai Canteen, fish soup is provided every week.

In addition to these, it is the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes.The potatoes have just been harvested, and it is said that one mu of land has a harvest of more than 4000 catties, which is not bad.That is, the sweet potatoes have not yet been harvested, so we have to wait.

Well, Hu Changyi never thought that potatoes at this time could have the kind of production capacity of later generations, it is simply unrealistic.These harvests are also due to the good seeds he obtained secretly, can't he do it every year?

In short, now that time has come, the industrial development in Jiuzhaigou is very good, and the agricultural development is also very good, everything is very good.The only bad thing is that the devil is still outside and hasn't been beaten back to his hometown!
Moreover, just this month, the air-raid shelter in Chongqing finally suffocated people, which is really regrettable!
(End of this chapter)

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