Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 985 Chapter 994, old crooked cloud

Chapter 985 Chapter 994, old crooked cloud

Some things have not been personally experienced, and they will only be used as a kind of talk, at most sympathetic, and then it will be nothing.

But just imagine, tens of thousands of people were locked in an air-raid shelter, crowded with everyone, and it was still summer, and it was very boring and sweaty.

Then, there was not enough oxygen, and I was out of breath, but the door was closed, and no one answered no matter how desperately you called for help, and no one heard the door.Next, there is crowding, trampling, more and more shortness of breath and oxygen demand that cannot be met.Unable to bear it, he would scratch his throat vigorously, even tearing his neck to pieces, but it didn't help.

Crying and wailing, no one responded, only moaning around, heavy panting, and the body that could no longer support the weight of the body and fell down.

Men, women, old people, children... the stronger ones can still squeeze in the gap of the air-raid shelter door and take a breath of oxygen-laden air; After exhausting the last bit of oxygen, he fell into a complete coma and never woke up again.

Then, after an unknown period of time, the gate opened, and the fallen people were roughly lifted up and thrown in the Jiang Office at random, and they had to endure the search and groping by well-meaning people.There are even more unlucky ones, who were still breathing, but were roughly dragged, discarded, or buried by corpses, and did not come back to life in the end.

If you are lucky, you will gradually wake up after being blown by the river wind with sufficient oxygen.It’s just that after waking up, there was nothing on her body, including watches, wallets, and worthless French coins; some women, after waking up, found that their clothes were torn and their bodies were strange, but they could only fall on the ground powerlessly. , let people look at it with strange eyes, look at it, look at it indifferently...

This is a man-made disaster, and it is one of the three major man-made disasters in the tragic history of the War of Resistance.Although the stampede will still happen in 81, it is completely avoidable.

Of course, it's hard to say how many shady scenes and black hands are behind this.Anyway, those who deserved death did not die, those who should be punished were not punished, and the unlucky ones were only the common people.

Hu Changyi knows this period of history very well, because he has information in his mind, and he also has various analyses.But no matter what happened, people just disappeared. There were more than 1 people. The devils bombed and didn't kill so many people. They were killed by their own people.And next year, the great famine will be even more miserable.

The old crooked cloud: Those who died by swords belonged to gold; those who died in the great famine belonged to wood; those who died in the embankment floods belonged to water; those who died in the great fire in Changsha belonged to fire; those who died in the air-raid shelter belonged to earth ...the five elements are complete.

Now, after learning of this tragedy, Hu Changyi could only sigh in the direction of the southwest in his office, but he was helpless.There are some things that you can't avoid if you know it.The status is there, the ability is there, and there is a rotten fruit that no one can play with, and no one can use it.

"It's time too?" After sighing, Hu Changyi looked at the calendar hanging on the wall, and then turned his gaze to the north...

It was a sunny morning, and the river wind, accompanied by the aroma of green grass, was blowing on the fortress on the east bank of the Bug River, bringing a slight coolness in the morning.

It's summer now, the most beautiful time of the year.The children were laughing, the military band was playing joyful music, and the young man finally pursued his beloved girl. He hid in a small warehouse for one night, accomplished the most important thing in his life, and grew into a real man.

On the big tree by the river, the little boy and the little girl were barefoot, fishing with a fishing rod, laughing and laughing from time to time, enjoying the wonderful childhood.

Then, the roar of the plane came from afar, and the people on the ground were still cheering, saluting their air force.

It wasn't until the plane passed by at low altitude that people saw the Iron Cross painting on the wing, and they exclaimed: The invaders are coming!
Accompanied by the exclamation, there are aerial bombs roaring down, machine gun bullets strafing down, infantry accompanying the tanks marching, and artillery bombardment.

Exclamations, screams, roars, calling for relatives, calling for officers, calling for soldiers... All the sounds and scenes are painted with a layer of red and a layer of black.The red one is blood, the black one is iron!

In iron and blood, there is a rising flame, and it is the anger of a nation.Then, the furry bear in the north finally showed his strength... and then got scratched all over his face by Hans the cat.

In the empty office, Hu Changyi took out his notebook from the system warehouse, wrote down his current mood, and put it away.

"Who would write the real heart in a notebook? Who would write a diary for a normal person? What is written is processed and beautified for later people to read. What really needs to be written down can only be the most hidden in the heart. In the corner of the room, I secretly record my truest thoughts. Zi once said: I wake up three times a day, but Zi has never said that, I write a diary every day."

In the empty office, Hu Changyi's lips moved slightly, and he said these words in a voice that only he could hear, which was considered a repayment to the world.Then, he suddenly thought of a question—is he in the world of Bright Sword?Is it?Shouldn't it be?Probably a mixture of many worlds.Well, the Hundred Regiments War is over, what should be the next one?

In other words, where has Li Yunlong's plot changed?It will be next year to take part in the field observation group, and he knows this.Moreover, Li Yunlong did not go to Northwest Shanxi, and some people just wrote nonsense.

"A chaotic but orderly world, a world that tries not to be noticed by a certain beast?" This sentence was thought by Hu Changyi in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it.

Bang, the people in the office were suddenly pushed away, and Minister Zhang walked in: "Chang Yi, let me tell you something."

"You said, is it serious?" Looking at Minister Zhang with a serious face, Hu Changyi asked.Well, he didn't know what else made Minister Zhang nervous at this time.

"It's either very serious, or Germany has just launched a full-scale attack on Mao Xiong. Our side may be affected. You have to be prepared." Minister Zhang said.

"They beat them, it has nothing to do with us, right? We got the equipment we need to get, and those engineers who need to clean their bodies, I guess they are not uncommon. At most, it is metal chromium and metal nickel. It’s not easy for us to deal with the two metals. But even if we don’t have it, we can still use high-carbon steel for the barrel?” Hu Changyi analyzed.

"You... okay, it really doesn't matter, it's just the little devil, after getting the letter, will there be any movement?" Minister Zhang asked.

"You keep asking me? I don't know, I'm not Neiji Okamura. Or, I send special forces out to kill Okamura?" Hu Changyi said.

"You...forget it, it's useless to ask you." Minister Zhang sighed and walked out.

PS: Thanks to chengtie981 for the continuous rewards, thank you old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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