Chapter 990 Chapter 999

Now that Li Yunlong gave the order, Zhang Dabiao and Shen Quan could only execute it.Of course, these two guys are not good at it, they are both militants, and they are gearing up for it right now.

"Platoon Shen, are your engineers ready? Our directional mines are all rusted in the warehouse. It's hard to catch up with such an opportunity, so don't be fooled when the time comes!" Li Yunlong called over to the independent regiment Engineer platoon leader, making the last interrogation before the battle.

"Don't worry, commander, these directional mines have already been properly arranged. I will check them one by one, and the devils will not be able to find them in custody, and I will keep them when they explode!" Platoon Leader Shen assured.

"Very well, go ahead and hide quickly. I guess it will be two days before the little devil left the city!" While Li Yunlong was speaking, he saw a gray figure flashing around in the mountains and forests, and the last jump stopped. Li Yunlong stepped forward: "Regimental Commander, the observation post in front found the enemy situation. Visually, there is an infantry brigade, a cavalry squadron of devils, a regiment of puppet troops, and 5 tanks."

"There are still tanks? Monk, go and tell Zhang Dabiao and Shen Quan to let the tanks and cavalry in the front go and fight the infantry and puppet troops in the back for Lao Tzu! Wei Datong, Wang Xikui, you are here to work, let you Take out the bazooka you brought and prepare for it, and get some armor-piercing shells for the grenadier to prepare for it! When the fight started later, the devil’s tank was blown up, the cavalry was killed, and the horses were left for me! The cavalry company of our regiment can It's up to you not to have more than 100 horses!" Li Yunlong responded to the devil's marching team.

Soon, there were more than 100 figures moving quickly in the originally hidden mountain forest. The bazooka, which had not been used for a long time, was taken out of the canvas bag by the soldiers, cleaned carefully, and then loaded on the bazooka.A few of the grenadier soldiers who had been hiding behind the mountain ridge also came over, and the grenades of the grenadiers were replaced with armor-piercing projectiles.

Rumble...Tap Tat...The little devil's team came from far to near, coming from afar on the winding mountain road.

The devils marched very quickly, one by one, with the [-]th cover on their shoulders, and the elite veterans carrying flags took the lead in front, and followed the tanks and cavalry far behind.However, the cavalry in front scattered towards the forked roads on both sides from time to time, and returned to the main road after a wave of investigation.The tanks also stopped from time to time, shooting towards both sides.

"You little devil has so many bullets!" Seeing the little devil's wasteful behavior, the soldiers felt sorry for the devil and for themselves.These are all our trophies!
That's right, after the devil's vanguard entered the ambush circle, the soldiers naturally thought it was our trophy, and the devil's extra bullets were a waste of our ammunition.

Therefore, when the tank in front walked up a small hill and then walked down the mountain road, and the devil's cavalry followed, Zhang Dabiao launched the attack.

Crack...crack... The clear gunshots from the Black Star pistol rang out three times in a row, shaking the spirits of the soldiers ambushing on both sides of the mountain road.Then, all kinds of weapons rang out at the first moment.

Especially on the side of Platoon Leader Shen, he even did it himself, pressing the detonation button of the directional mine.

With his pressing down, the circuit with several dry batteries as the power supply was immediately unblocked, and the current was sent to the detonator of each directional mine.The detonators couldn't bear the stimulation of the current, and they burst open one after another, driving the surrounding TNT explosives to explode as well.Then, a huge shock wave was formed, and countless steel balls were driven by this shock wave, flying towards the marching devils and puppet soldiers.

The independent regiment brought not many directional mines this time, only more than 50. They were lined up on the mountain road, but they were enough to cover a road section of more than two kilometers, just covering the devils and puppet soldiers.

This little devil has just left the city, and he has only walked four or five kilometers. How could he have thought that he was ambushed here?In other words, I didn't expect to be ambushed by such a large-scale attack!
Therefore, at this time, the devils marched in four columns, and the puppet soldiers also followed suit and marched in a line.This also maximizes the power of the directional mine!

Huh... The fragments of steel balls blowing like a gust of wind, directly overwhelmed the devil's team, allowing the soldiers who were shooting to see what it means to be ferocious under the metal storm!
That's right, it's brutal!The mountain road is narrow, the devils get together, and the puppet soldiers get together even more, and they are mercilessly hit by dense steel balls like this. Those steel balls are calculated in units of thousands. If they hit fifty or sixty people like this, then The effect is that the ghosts and puppet soldiers on the layer closest to the directional thunder directly beat half of their flesh and blood, and the steel balls hit the devils on the second layer with blood stains, and then there are the third and fourth layers... In short, the devils are too Dense, which maximizes the effect of steel balls.

The devils were too miserable, more than half of the casualties were directly caused by the bang, and it was still this miserable way of death like Ling Chi, which stunned the soldiers who fired.

"Why are you standing still? Keep fighting!" Li Yunlong was unhappy when the gunshots stopped, and shouted directly.

Then, the gunshots rang out sparsely again, because the soldiers suddenly realized that there were not many targets to hit except for the wounded all over the place.

And in front, just as the directional mine exploded, a total of 15 rockets with tails, plus 5 grenade grenades, flew towards the devil's tanks on the side of the mountain road.

Boom boom boom... The devils inside the tank didn't know what was going on, they felt the body of the tank vibrate, and then countless metal jets penetrated the armor and hit them, even in the magazine.

Boom boom boom... The shells in the magazine exploded, the turret of the tank was blown away, and the tank was scrapped.

Facing all this, the devil's cavalry felt a little at a loss. What's going on?Why, in the blink of an eye, the tanks in front were gone, and the infantry in the back were gone, so they were the only ones left?
Pa... Papa... When Wang Xikui led the precision shooters of the independent regiment to start the precision shooting mode, the devil's cavalry disappeared...

That's right, Li Yunlong stepped in and used an almost brutal method to ambush the vanguard of the devils here. The process was a perfect performance of firepower suppression, but it was a bit expensive.

"Captain, the fight is over, we have defeated so many devils and puppet troops at once!" The battle ended quickly, and the soldiers jumped up and down happily.

"What the hell are you so happy about? Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, let's retreat! There are more than 1 devils and puppet troops in the county town in the south (the direction in the previous chapter was wrong, it has been changed), that is a hornet's nest, let's retreat quickly! "Li Yunlong is taking advantage, why don't you run away quickly?As for how the devils reacted?What's the matter with him, Li Yunlong?

(End of this chapter)

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