When the soldiers of the Independence Regiment heard this, it was really the case, so they had to hurry up and tidy up, and then put oil on the soles of their feet, let's run away!

Because Commissar Zhao was not around, Xing Dezheng, who followed him, became the temporary logistics manager, leading some regimental officers to busy around the battlefield, and kept records from time to time.And those soldiers have long been familiar with Xing Dezheng's behavior, which is counting the consumption and seizure of ammunition.Well, the head of the group said, don't do business at a loss!

In the far north, Wei Datong led his men and surrounded the three tanks that had turned into lumps of scrap iron, and surrounded the horses by the way.These war horses are good things, and they will make the animal callers quickly gather them up and take them away!
At this time, there were still two tanks whose ammunition had been killed, burning and igniting. The big guys didn't dare to approach them at all, and there was no need to approach them, because the two tanks were burnt out, leaving at most a pile of scrap iron.

But those three tanks that were penetrated by armor-piercing shells and bazookas became "good treasures" in everyone's eyes. At this time, seventeen or eighteen soldiers were circling around.

Ding Ding Dang Dang... A soldier found a hammer, chisel and other things from the toolbox brought by the company's engineers, and attacked the devil's tank tracks.It is said that the steel mouth of this crawler is good, and it may be able to hit a sharp machete or two when brought back.Of course, if the arsenal needs it, so much the better!
Bang, bang, bang... On the other side, the roof door of the tank was violently opened, and then a pepper bomb was thrown in.Hearing that there was no movement inside, and the pungent smell of smoke was wafting, he squinted his eyes and drilled in with confidence, resisting the unpleasant smell of chili, burnt, barbecue, blood, and even excrement. Mixed smells, fumbled inside the tank.

On the outside of the tank, the helping soldiers were also fanning the vents of the tank with improvised fans, so that the chili smoke would escape.Soon, the devil's body was thrown out, and soldiers immediately went up to search for the spoils.Well, tank soldiers are technical arms, and they have a lot of good things on them, so they must be searched and cleaned.

The soldiers who got into the tank also had room to move at this time, found the tank's magazine, and sent out tank shells one by one.Outside, there were naturally responding soldiers who packed these shells with them.Although everyone doesn't know what these shells can be used for when they are brought back, they must not be left to the devils.If it really doesn't work, it can blow up devils' military vehicles even if it is made into a landmine.

The reconnaissance company is very busy here, not only to search for loot, but also to send reconnaissance posts to the north to guard.But Xi Zi and the others who helped the reconnaissance company complete the task of sniping and killing the cavalry returned to Li Yunlong's side.For them, protecting the captain is what matters.Didn't see the whole battle, the comrades of the guard company didn't participate in the battle, and they kept guarding in front of Li Yunlong.

Of course, the guard company wasn't just responsible for guarding Li Yunlong. At this time, he went to the southernmost point, looked in the direction of the county town, and watched the enemy for the comrades who cleaned the battlefield.

At this time, the devils and puppet soldiers in the county also saw the black smoke rising from the north (from the burning tanks), and knew that there was a situation in the north.In addition, the sound of explosions from the battle just now had already spread to the county seat one after another.Although the sound of the explosion was weak, the devils who had been guarding the top of the city also judged that there was a battle in the vanguard about 4 kilometers north of the city.


"Yaoxi, very good! We have tank troops, cavalry, and a brigade of elite troops, plus the brigade of the Imperial Association Army led by our officers, the Eight Routes to the north will be hit head-on!" said the county seat of Yu County , one of the devil's joint captains said confidently.After speaking, he glanced at the map.

"This distance should be Aojia Village. It seems that they have thoroughly implemented the policy of burning everything, killing everything and looting everything!" The devil's regiment leader was very satisfied with the results of the vanguard's actions.

Of course, they don't think that their vanguard troops have turned into dead bodies all over the place at this moment, and they are still being searched for spoils by more than 1000 Eighth Route Army troops.

"Hey? Is anyone of us laying an ambush in the south? Why are there such intense gunshots?" On the mountain a few miles northwest of the Independence Regiment's ambush point, someone whispered doubts.

"I don't know. Our mission is to plant landmines on the mountain road going north. Didn't we just separate from the ammunition transport team, and we are busy here. Where did the team come from?" Someone said.

"Captain...Captain, don't shoot, it's me..." At this moment, an investigator disguised as a puppet army ran up the mountain while shouting: "Captain, just now, on the mountain road south of Aojia Village, The devils were ambushed, a thousand devils and more than 1000 puppet troops were defeated in one blow!" The investigator shouted as he took off his disguise.

"Are you sure? Who played?" the district captain asked excitedly.

"It's the Independent Regiment, Captain Li Yunlong led two battalions and two companies to fight! I was caught by scouts just now, and after explaining the situation, I followed me here, right at the foot of the mountain!"

"Hurry up, let's go and have a look!" The district captain stopped hiding on the mountain with his team, and directly led a dozen people down the mountain, because he could see part of the battle here, and knew that his own people had beaten the devils.

Soon, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company connected with the district captain here, explaining that his regiment leader was leading the big guys to clean up the battlefield, and there were many things that could not be taken away.As soon as the district captain heard this, he hurriedly led all the people south, intending to pick up some leftovers.For them, even getting a few bullets is a good thing.

"Commander, the statistics are in! In this battle, the first battalion consumed 3785 rounds of rifle ammunition and 2412 rounds of machine gun ammunition; the second battalion...we wiped out a total of 1123 devils. This is the total number including those tank soldiers and cavalry. Annihilation There were 1345 puppet troops, no wounded were found, and they were all killed! We seized tanks in total... Ahem, the tanks couldn’t be taken away, and they were all destroyed, but 247 tank shells were seized, and the rest were 124 horses horses, 32 pack horses, and 12 mules. There were a lot of them, but they were all killed. In terms of weapons..."

On a hilltop somewhere in the ambush circle, Xing De was holding a small notebook, telling Li Yunlong the captures and losses in today's battle.I have to say that Lao Xing is really good at this. The bullets are counted accurately to the level of 1 round, and even the steel plates that have been buckled from the track have been counted.

"So, we've made a fortune again, right? Hahaha..." Li Yunlong laughed out loud after hearing this.

"Head, don't laugh. The soldiers originally brought a lot of guns and bullets, as well as rations and so on. It's hard to take away so much!" Xing Dezheng said to Li Yunlong.

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