Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 992 Chapter 1001, I didn't expect that our old Li would sometimes take advantage of oth

"What? Can't you take it away? Impossible! It's just such a little thing, why can't we take it away? Didn't we bring heavy forces here? When we used to fight heavy machine guns..." Li Yunlong got angry.

"Commander, Commander... Calm down! Here, look, there are a total of 8 Type 100 heavy machine guns of the little devil, and this heavy machine gun weighs more than 9000 kilograms. We need four soldiers to carry it! There are heavy machine gun bullets, and it takes several people to carry two boxes. That’s all, not counting the bullets on the horses that were killed by directional mines. The little devil has more than [-] bullets for a heavy machine gun.”

"This is still the number of people occupied by heavy machine guns, and those captured crooked guns, those Czech-style ones, which take up manpower! Even if we lose these, we soldiers have to fight three guns for more than 2000 devils and puppet troops. , to take away these rifles. What about bullets? The puppet army has few bullets, but the bullets of the little devils are full of 120 rounds, how many bullets can a soldier carry?"

"Captain, don't frown, I have already counted those war horses as transport capacity! If our transport team is here, we can take those carts and pack horses away, but transport Isn’t the team not here! Don’t forget, we still have a mobile march to pass through the devil’s blockade!” Xing Dezheng said clearly and logically, which made Li Yunlong’s happy mood collapse.

Xing Dezheng was right, they are now at the forefront of the devil's attack, the south is the blockade, the soldiers can't take away too many things!Once the soldiers exhausted too much physical strength, or the things they brought affected the march, then their entire team might be held back by the devils!Li Yunlong is confident to use directional Lei and various assault firepower to ambush the devil's vanguard, but once the devil bites...

"Damn, what's this called? After working so hard, I harvested a season of crops, but I couldn't eat it in my stomach! Come on, don't talk about it, I understand!" Li Yunlong stopped Xing Dezheng and wanted to comfort him Then he shouted: "Monk, go, tell Shen Xiaofei to prepare explosives and blow up all the crooked handles and pheasant necks that were captured! Also, let the soldiers choose the captured ones according to their physical strength." , Make sure that you won’t be tired after marching for half a day! If you feel that you can’t carry it, pile it up there and blow it up!”

Li Yunlong finished his orders, and then looked at Xing Dezheng: "Old Xing, we are really at a loss this time. With so many weapons and supplies, we have to blow them up! But even if they blow up, we can't leave it to the devils!"

"Commander, you are right, you must not leave it to the devil! I suggest taking away all the bullets, as well as those rifles that cannot be taken away, remove the bolt and take away the bayonet! In this way, even if the devil is You can’t use it even if you get it. If you still have time, you can bend all the barrels!” Xing Dezheng is also a smart man, otherwise he and Li Yunlong wouldn’t be able to pee in the same pot.

"Then do this! Calculate the time, it has been more than an hour since the ambush, why haven't the devils in the city come out?" Li Yunlong looked at Yu County with a telescope.

"I think, is it because we moved so fast that the little devils didn't have time to ask for help? And the little devils in the city never imagined that we had set up their ambush?" Xing Dezheng said on the sidelines.


"Don't think about it, we don't have much time, otherwise, once the little devil reacts, we won't be able to escape! What's going on over there?" While Li Yunlong was speaking, he saw a group of people coming from the north. Xiao Erbai looked like a commoner, but someone was carrying a broken rifle and a Balu hat.

"The front is Captain Li, right? I'm the Yuxian District Team, and my surname is Meng!" Led by the soldiers of the reconnaissance company, the district captain finally saw Li Yunlong.

Well, he didn't blink his eyes during this journey, because the corpses of devils, puppet soldiers, and pack horses lay all over the ground, and he couldn't take his eyes off them.At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart, fortunately these devils were killed, if they attack north, they really can't stand it!It's okay to say other things, but those iron-clad bastards can't do it wrong.

"Oh? It's you guys! Didn't we just separate the day before yesterday? Why do you miss me, Li Yunlong again?" Li Yunlong joked.

"Haha... Thank you, comrades of the Independent Regiment... How many enemies do you have to wipe out like this? It's amazing, it's so powerful, it's worthy of being the main force regiment!" Captain Meng gave a thumbs up and exclaimed.

"Well, don't say these words, head, it's important to transfer quickly!" Xing Dezheng reminded.

"Well, it has to be transferred. The matter here is not small. Wait... wait, go to someone quickly and tell Shen Xiaofei, don't rush to blow up!" Li Yunlong reacted, and quickly sent someone out.

"Come on, I won't say much else. We are all comrades. When I, Li Yunlong, saw the devils, I took care of them. It's nothing! Now, look at these people you brought, hurry up and get rid of the spoils Choose some weapons to take away, we have to move! You do your best, take as many as you can, it is best to take all of them!" Li Yunlong pointed to the pile of weapons on Shen Xiaofei's side.

"These? Gave it to us?" Captain Meng was a little confused. Is there such a good thing?How many guns is this pile, enough to arm two of his district squads.

"Yes, it's all given to you, these [-]-type heavy machine guns are given to you, all the crooked Czech models are given to you, and all the Hanyang-made ones are also given to you!" Li Yunlong casually pointed at the weapons he saw. , said very generously.

"Then I represent..." Captain Meng was about to express his opinion excitedly.

"Don't be a representative, hurry up and take your things away! Oh, everyone said that old Li's standard thinking, said that we are sloppy, let's be generous today!" Li Yunlong stopped Captain Meng and said.

"Then thank you, comrades! Salute..." Captain Meng saluted the soldiers of the Independence Regiment, and then directed the guerrillas he brought to pick and take away the weapons they liked.

On the side, Xing Dezheng also brought over some unnecessary ammunition, which were all found on the puppet army, and there must have been more than 1 rounds: "These are also given to you, hurry up and take them away!"

Well, when did Captain Meng and the others encounter such a good thing?I was just thinking about coming over to have a look, but in the end I rushed to send you weapons and ammunition. No, thank you, no, I am not happy to bring less.I haven't seen that 13-year-old soldier, his body is covered with grenades, and the soldiers of the independent regiment stuffed bullets in his pockets, so he is not afraid of crushing the child?
Captain Meng and his group took 10 minutes from seeing Li Yunlong to leaving here.When they came, they had ragged clothes and weapons, and when they left, they were still in ragged clothes, but their weapons were all replaced with good ones from the puppet army. I brought 20 guns, 15 Czech guns, and too many bullets to count.

Well, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't take it away, Jiu Erzhong would have wanted to take it away.

"Unexpectedly, our old Li will sometimes take advantage of others! It's alright, Shen Xiaofei, it's bombed, let's withdraw!"

Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

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