Starting from the bright sword to engage in military industry

Chapter 994 Chapter 1003, the locomotive was blown up, and the devil rushed

The telegram was sent out at noon, but Li Yunlong didn't know it... Of course it wasn't that Xing Dezheng was usurping power, but that they were marching at that time. Xing Dezheng temporarily acted as Zhao's political commissar, so of course he could decide on the telegram.Of course, this is not a big deal, as long as no one pursues it.

On the headquarters side, after receiving a telegram from Li Yunlong, the chief slapped the table angrily: "Li Yunlong is such an idiot, I knew I would send him out, he must cause trouble!" Then, the chief laughed again: " But this time, Li Yunlong did a good job! At the beginning of the devil's operation, annihilating their vanguard troops was a pre-emptive gesture, and it also made the devil's arrangement careless."

"Now, send this news to Beiyue District immediately, so that they know what to do! However, my suggestion is not to fight head-on, but to jump out and attack the periphery!"

How many times have the chief's method been used, it is the safest method.It's just that in this way, the people without the protection of the army will be harmed by the devils.Now, it depends on whether the remaining small troops, militias and guerrillas can hold back the enemy inside and let the enemy fall into a war of attrition inside the base area.

The devil's combat target is already known here, and even the devil has more than 1 troops feigning a shot. They all know where the target is to attack, and they are well prepared to deal with it.

However, the disparity in the strength of troops and the disparity in weapons and ammunition can only make the chiefs of the military region choose these countermeasures to deal with the devils.Fighting must be fought, but not according to the routines formulated by the devils, but according to our methods!According to the devil's idea, we will stay in the base area, and then the troops from Jizhong will fight the devil head-on, and the devil will be happy.

At that time, several armies will encircle one place, and more than 7 troops will surround more than 4 people. No matter how they fight, there is no chance of winning.Or fight outside lines, fight logistics, fight the devil's salient, and fight some small units that deviate...

In short, the Eighth Route Army, who are used to mobile warfare, will not fight the devils head-on.

Therefore, after distributing the ammunition, the organs of each military sub-division are shifting. Apart from those who jumped out of the outside line, the main force also splits out a part of the troops, which are divided into small units of battalions and companies, with militia guerrillas, Choose to play sports with the devils.The intention is to consume the devil inside, to consume the devil's resources, to consume the devil's patience, to consume the devil's vigor...

On the Zhengtai Railway, the independent regiment had already gone south, and the damaged barbed wire had been restored to its original state, which prevented the devil's wayfinding team from finding any abnormalities.At noon the next day, Li Yunlong and the others finally caught up with the transport team from the 18th Regiment and the headquarters, and the team had already entered the guerrilla zone of the Taihang base area, so there was no battle to fight for the time being.

However, on the morning of that day, a traffic accident occurred on the Zhengtai Line: a freight train full of coal was suddenly hit by a bomb while passing a certain section of railway in Shouyang County, and the front of the train was blown up. The railway was blown up, but the entire train continued to move forward under the huge inertia, and rolled over on the Zhengtai line.

Now, the Zhengtai line has been paralyzed again, at least the section of Shouyang is hard to pass.On the one hand, the bombed railway needs to be repaired; second, the overturned train needs to be sorted out; third?A train pulls so much coal, it's all piled up on the railway, it needs to be cleared away...  

Of course, the devils would not talk about these things. Even when they found out that the vanguard of the northward movement had been wiped out this morning, they did not send any news.

At this time, it is the most sensible way to conceal such defeat information.After all, as soon as the raid started, one-twentieth of the troops were wiped out by others, which is not a good thing.

Since no news was sent out, the original plan was still being implemented.The Devil's 26th and 41st Divisions and the Independent 3rd and 9th Mixed Brigades, each with a total of more than 2 people, dispatched from Lingqiu, Wutai, and Yuxian County, and entered the border of Shanxi and Hebei provinces on the 22nd. Key points such as Shangzhai, Xiaguan, Gaohongkou, Bolan, Shangshe, and Niangziguan vertically separate the second division of Beiyue District from other divisions.

Well, this is the devil's first attack plan: encircling with an iron wall.Use heavy soldiers to surround you in a range and compress your activity space.Of course, the devils in Yu County were added later, because the first phase was destroyed by the independent regiment.So, taking advantage of this vacancy, some of our troops jumped out and put the devils in.In other directions, they jumped out long ago, leaving the devil completely empty-handed.

And this dozen lasted for half a month, and it was already the end of August and the beginning of September.And during this period, the little devil wanted to find our military region agencies and our main force, but he hadn't done harm to the people on a large scale.

However, from the beginning of September, the devils who entered the base area showed their animal nature and fully implemented the Gang Village's Sanguang policy.

How can the common people respond to the devil's butcher's knife?Except for those who escaped, they were slaughtered, raped, captured, and their homes were burned.This time, the little devils arrested people wantonly in the base area, with the intention of sending them to the Northeast to build a fortress and Datong to dig coal.

Of course, the people are not powerless to resist, but the price is very high!
Lingqiu, Nanshan area, the peak of soldiers mopped up by the little devils has arrived, and here, death and killing have also been brought here.It was only here that the devils encountered the greatest resistance.

In a certain mountain village, the people moved ahead of time, and three women hid in the cornfield, trembling with fright when they heard the screaming ghosts.The women knew that if the ghosts found out, the ending would be very miserable, so they could only try to lower their bodies down, lowering their bodies, intending to let the dense corn leaves block their figures.

"Wahhaha...Look what I found? Three flower girls..." Suddenly, the devil's lewd and arrogant voice sounded from above the women's heads.

"Nani? Did you finally find out? Hahaha, don't rush to kill, we can be prosperous together!" Hearing the shout, the devil's sub-leader walked over excitedly, unfastening his belt as he walked.

"Hahaha...Hua girl, hello!" The devils who have done so many evil things have already imagined the next scene in their minds.

"Eldest sister, second sister, we must not be caught by devils!" A young and childish voice sounded.

"Yes! Then we can only use the last resort! That is... Brother Dasheng, see you in the next life!" The elder sister's voice sounded, and the devils heard despair, anger, and panic.

And these are the voices that the devils like to hear the most. Although they can't understand what they are saying, the nervousness and the despair between life and death can stimulate their bestiality.

Crash... The corn stalks were trampled down, and a dozen devils surrounded them, some of whom had already taken off their pants.However, when they saw the cold and desperate eyes of the three sisters clearly, they suddenly went crazy and howled... Boom boom boom... And with their howling, three grenades exploded one after another.

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