Because the arsenal made enough grenades, the people in Beiyue District were given a grenade and learned how to use it.Now, the little girls chose to die with the devil.

The women in the mountains are fierce, and would rather drag the invaders to die together than be humiliated.Moreover, it is difficult for many women to survive after being violated.Little devil, brute, after venting, you just need to draw the bayonet on your stomach, and this person will have to wait to die of pain.Or, the big wolfhound brought in will pounce on it, and it will soon empty out a person's stomach...

In the past, the devils did such bad things, and these are just some of their evil deeds.There are even some devil soldiers who were born in Bangzi, where their despicable hearts have been vented, killing people is more vicious than devils.Of course, there are also troops like the Judo Detachment...

It was mid-September, and the little devil's attack on Beiyue District had lasted for a month.Because the first stage of the attack was in vain, and neither the Eighth Route Army's organs nor the Eighth Route Army's large troops were found, the little devil was unwilling to retreat like this.Therefore, in addition to withdrawing part of the troops to the important blockades outside, there is still a third of the devils raging in the base area.

So, in the base area, the little devils killed people, set fires, robbed things, insulted women, and did all kinds of evil things.The people in the base area are very miserable, because of the raging of the devils, their production and life have been greatly affected.Once the devils arrive at a place, they will kill and set fire to insult women, and will not leave until the place is turned into a white ground.

However, as time went by, the little devil's commander found that he had fewer and fewer troops.

Even though the common people have a grenade in their hands and the militiamen have a lot of grenades in their hands, they are still too weak to fight against organized devils.Therefore, when the fierce-tempered people didn't dodge and were caught by the devils, they used their courage to slam the grenade and dragged one or two devils to their deaths, which made the devils miserable.Also, mines!A large number of landmines are also a weapon to kill the enemy.

Of course, neither of these things is important. The important thing is that the small-scale Eighth Route Army fought fiercely with the devil's mopping-up team in the base area every day.Every time the devil's mopping team came to a place, the first thing they encountered were landmines, and then these teams stayed behind to protect the people.When the devils defeated these eight routes, the common people would have almost moved.Occasionally catch one or two, but also prevent the grenades on the people from blowing up.This made the devil miserable.

Shantouzhai is a small mountain village in the 2nd district, where only more than 200 people live.But today, there is no one in the village, only the birds are hopping around in the village looking for food.

"Hurry up, all go into the mountains, disperse, and find a place to hide yourself! The militiamen stay, the party members stay, old village chief, take the people and go!" Shi Dazhu, the platoon leader of a certain regiment in the 2nd division, shouted loudly.

"Go...into the mountains...and leave all the animals behind! The chickens and ducks stay here, and take the food!" The transfer of people is not a small matter, and the old village head needs to organize well, and some living things will not be taken if they can. …

The common people couldn't bear to leave these livestock behind, but their lives were at stake, so they could only give up.When the poultry and livestock were wandering wantonly in the mountains and forests, the common people had already entered the deep mountains and hid.

"Comrades, report your ammunition!" Shi Dazhu glanced at the mountains behind him, and then shouted at 32 Balu and 17 guerrillas.

"One squad, 10 people, one semi-automatic, 40 rounds of bullets, one machine gun, 238 rounds of bullets, 7 rifles, 146 rounds of bullets, 37 grenades!" The squad leader shouted.

"Second squad, 10 people, one semi-automatic, 50 rounds of bullets, one machine gun, 197 rounds of bullets, 7 rifles, 197 rounds of bullets, 32 grenades!" The second squad leader shouted.

"Squad Three, 10 people, one machine gun, 360 rounds of bullets, eight rifles, 8 rounds of bullets, and 150 grenades!" The third squad leader shouted.

"I, the shotgun still has five shells and four grenades," the shotgunner shouted.

"I still have 3 shells in my grenade! 4 grenades." The soldier holding the grenade shouted.

"I have 30 bullets for a pistol, one semi-automatic, 65 bullets, and two grenades!" Shi Dazhu also shouted.

"Our militia team has 6 shotguns and 32 rounds of ammunition, and one elm cannon, which can be fired once. 2 old sleeves and 4 rounds of bullets! Each person has 6 grenades!" The militia leader shouted .

"Very good, comrades, very good, our weapons and ammunition are sufficient! Moreover, there are 7 mines in front of us, 27 bullet mines, and one Tiannv scattered flower mine. And our enemy is an army composed of Two squads, a sweeping team composed of 29 puppet troops. I am confident that I will fight them back! Even if it is impossible to go back, I am determined to fight them until dark."

"Comrades, the folks are hiding behind the mountain, let's risk our lives, and we can't let the common people be harmed by the devil!" Shi Dazhu shouted loudly to inspire people's hearts.

"Now, listen to my order: Squad [-], you guard the hilltop in the north, spread out and don't move; Squad [-], stay here with me, and block the devils head-on; Squad [-], you hide behind the mountain ridge on the other side of the cliff, The grenadier followed, and the guerrillas followed. When the devils come, we will fight first, and the second squad will wait for us to make a move before attacking. The third squad leader, always pay attention to our side. When we fight hand-to-hand with the devils, you all charge together Come out, hand-to-hand combat! Remember, before hand-to-hand combat, let the machine gunner hit me hard! By the way, put the elm gun here!"

Soon, the Eighth Routers hid according to their positions, and the devils also stepped on landmines and bullet mines to the outside of Shantouzhai Village.

"Baga, it's an empty village again! Put the wounded in the house at the entrance of the village, and burn the rest!" Du Qiu, the devil's squadron leader, glanced at the birds in the village and directly judged that there was no one in the village.

"Hayi!" The devils carried the wounded who had just stepped on a landmine, and chose a family at the entrance of the village, intending to put them in for recuperation.Of course, the devils opened the door very carefully, they were already scared by the booby-trapped mines.

There were no booby traps in the village, and the devils naturally completed the procedure of setting fire to the village.Next, they planned to follow the traces of the people entering the mountain, arrest people and kill them.

This time, when the devils walked down a steep slope along the path into the mountain, the platoon leader Shi Dazhu's roar sounded: "Comrades, fight!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of gunshots like popping beans from the top of the slope, during which there was a roar of a shotgun and the explosion of an elm cannon.All of a sudden, more than a dozen of the devil's team of more than 100 people disappeared.This is the credit of the elm cannon and the shotgun.

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