StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 31 Corps of Engineers

Chapter 31 Corps of Engineers
Two days later, since completing the mission in Loen Town and returning to Polk's Pride Fifth Battalion, the first squad has been recuperating for a while, and Augustus's state of mind is also different from before.

Augustus thought that his service in the Union Army would never be too long.As soon as the war is over, he will withdraw and leave.

On this day, that is, at 6:22 am on June 6, Augustus woke up on time as usual, woke up the soldiers in his squad, and asked them to get dressed immediately and go to the canteen of the camp to have breakfast.

There were two silvery moons in the sky at this time, and another moon and a brighter sun silhouetted against it on the horizon.The company dormitory became noisy, sleepy-eyed marine soldiers crowded in the narrow corridor and flocked to the army canteen.

Augustus got a piece of toast and fried pork sausage in the cafeteria, and sat at the templated table made of alloy to chat with Reynolds opposite, talking about some inside information about the corruption of the federal government disclosed by the UNN Global News Network Harnack and Josephine were chatting loudly about dirty jokes, the report said.

"Does anyone know where we're going today? I didn't read the mission briefing." Private Zander held a piece of bread in his mouth, and Harnack on his left was gobbling it up.

"The central city of Polk's Pride, the specific location should be eight miles northwest of our camp." Josephine gnawed on the bread without the restraint and elegance of a nobleman, and looked like a starved ghost reincarnated: "Guess what? , there was an engineering team working there, and the higher ups sent us there to be their babysitters, because it was so close to the Kel-Morian kennels."

Just as he was talking, Josephine swallowed another whole roasted pig intestine, which almost made him choke. He couldn't help pinching his own neck and rolling his eyes.

So, when the rallying horn sounded, Harnack and Josephine were strangling each other's necks.

"Take your M-2 backpacks and gather at the A-2-7 barracks square!" While everyone was laughing, several non-commissioned officers came in and shouted.Regardless of whether they finished eating or not, all the soldiers followed suit.

Augustus led the first squad into the barracks and armory with the insignia of the Sigmar Gray Wolf engraved on the walls, and put on his power armor.

Since it is not too far from the central city, and it has been less than a week since the 33rd Ground Assault Division arrived in Turasis, there are very few transport aircraft available to them that can fly in the atmosphere.The [-]st Company travels to their destination in heavy trucks lent to them by the Polk's Pride Army Logistics Support Regiment, while other trucks are loaded with bullets, grenades, and explosives.

Each truck can only carry 6 to 8 marines in heavy armor at most. Augustus, Renault and several other soldiers sit in a truck body. The heavy windscreen was closed.

With the windshield folded, you can see the outside of the car, and there are dozens of the same trucks behind their car.

At first, the convoy drove to the north of the station on a straight urban road in Polk's Pride.Although there are occasional craters on the road, it is still smooth.And once the convoy entered the city center, the speed immediately slowed down.

Because this part of the city was once the main battlefield between the Federation and Kel Morian, and it changed hands repeatedly between the two sides within a few months.

Today, the entire city center has become a ruin full of huge bomb craters, barbed wire, abandoned chariots and tanks. Rows of skyscrapers stand silently, like the tombstones of this once extremely prosperous city.

About 2 miles out of the camp, Augustus saw a different scene. A large number of ragged refugees were staggering along the road.

The number of these groups ranged from dozens to hundreds of people, and Riogus had already seen thousands of them in ten minutes.

Numbly-looking people carry pockets, push carts and dilapidated suitcases, on which sit children who don’t cry or make noise, or all kinds of metal garbage, and most of these metal garbage are parts of robots or cars.

These people are known as scavengers by the native garrisons of Turasis.With the tacit approval of the local garrison, they make a living by entering the city to search for valuable trash or other things that have been abandoned in it.

The city of Polk’s Pride, where Augustus was stationed in the Fourth Brigade, originally belonged to the Tyranid Federation. It used to be a large city with 200 million Tyranids, and there were more workers and farmers in the industrial areas and farms outside the city.But after becoming a strategic location, the city has become the main battlefield.

In the part of the urban area controlled by Kel Morian, all the urban population became miners and laborers serving large factories. They were whipped and enslaved by the Kel Morian overseers, and had to work endlessly until they died of exhaustion, thinking that the war produced More weapons and supplies.

The Tyrann Federation forcibly expelled all the people in the area under its own control to the lower city and suburbs far away from the war zone, but refused to provide life guarantees for the war refugees.

Augustus's truck made its way over the staggering crowd of refugees, traveled a few more miles, and finally turned around a long east-west river and headed west along the asphalt road that had been battered by gunfire.

To the north of the convoy is the rippling Padik River, which is more than 1000 miles long and looks like a golden ribbon in the bright morning sun.

The Paddyk River, which flows through the center of Polk's Pride, bisects this magnificent city in half, and is five miles across at its widest point in the center of the city.

Before being involved in the war, there were three sky train tracks and more than ten steel bridges connecting the north and south parts of the city as a whole. The unique charm of a city on the water, and the intricate network of canals make the barge transportation industry of Polk's Pride flourish day by day.

In the most prosperous period, the gentle artificial canal of Polk's Pride not only floated large cargo ships, but also luxury yachts used by the upper class and retro sailboats using modern technology.On both sides of the river are towering skyscrapers, office buildings, squares and parks.

Due to the pollution from the prosperous oil refinery and crystal ore purification factory, the sky of Polk's Pride at that time was always filled with thick fog of crystal dust, and the blue canal network was filled with endless, sparkling crystal clouds.

Since more than 20 years ago, the music, etiquette and literary works of the Middle Ages have become the darlings of Polk's proud upper class to show their elegant taste and show off their ancient family history.

The rich sit on expensive and fashionable yachts and cruise ships and enjoy the beautiful scenery while listening to the music handed down from the ancient earth, while the libertine seeks to have fun.Time seems to go back to Victorian London in the ancient earth, rich people cruise the Thames in their boats.

The bustling cities of the past can only be found in documentaries and postcards, and most of the canals are now dry due to river siltation.When the rainy season comes, the soaring river water will refill the river channel, causing floods.Some artificial canals that have been blocked and have not yet dried up have become stinky ditches, and the dark green river surface is full of garbage.

When the convoy arrived at the destination, the engineering company was cleaning up the ruins in an area marked by a cordon, using fusion welding torches to splice prefabricated modular alloy steel building panels together to build barracks, supply depots, garages and armories. The area where they work is about two miles from the Padik River.

The division of labor within the engineering company is very clear. When some people drive engineering vehicles to build a new barracks, the other engineers are busy setting up tripods, building water towers and engines, building septic tanks, and laying wires and water pipes underground. Rows of barracks And camp signal control lights went up with astonishing speed.

(End of this chapter)

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