StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 32 Boundary

Chapter 32 Boundary
Augustus noticed that these engineering soldiers in orange-gray engineering uniforms were still very young, and some signs on the uniforms indicated that they were only soldiers temporarily recruited by the Interstellar Marine Corps.These conscripts are usually refugees. If the war goes well, the service time of these conscripts will not exceed two years.

Today, the bridges and trains on the Padik River have been cut off by Kemerian. The famous "Seven Sisters" bridge in the colonial world has either been blown up, and the main body of the bridge has sunk to the bottom of the river, or it has been submerged in the surging river due to the soaring water level during the rainy season. among.

For about a mile on both sides of the river, all buildings, lighthouse piers, and green belts have been leveled and replaced by rubble, glass, and wind-blown dust.

On the south bank of the Padik River, there are two brigades of the Federation Interstellar Marine Corps, one Army Division, two Artillery Regiments, one Tank Armored Division, and three Avengers Wings.To the north is a Kelmorian Ripper Legion, and the land on the other side is full of bunkers built by Kelmorian construction workers relying on the original buildings and bunkers piled up with sandbags.

After entering the construction site, company commander Warfield arranged tasks for each squad through each platoon leader, detailing where each person in each squad should be at at what time, as well as the task that this person wants to complete, and who should do it? responsible for supervising him.

The task of the Augustus squad is to patrol the area about a mile near the construction site as a scout to guard against agents infiltrated by Kel Morian. Every 15 minutes, he must report to the platoon leader through the communication system inside the power armor. report.

For the rest of the day, Augustus's first squad performed its own patrol.The patrolled area was a ruined city, surrounded by ruins. The walls collapsed, the masonry cracked, and the twisted underground water pipes were exposed to the scorching sun.

This area used to be the busiest business district in the city center, full of high-rise buildings, and the Rococo luxury villa area of ​​the rich is magnificent and gorgeous.Today only a few of the most tenacious buildings remain standing, the best preserved being a half-dead statue of the goddess Europa.

While on duty Augustus had seen no one other than the other platoons of brothers, and when his patrol came close to the Padik he turned to watch with binoculars the Padik and the Camerian positions on the other side of the river.

Today, the Padik River is still very clear, as pure as the glacial lake at its source, but the picturesque banks and rippling river surface have long since disappeared, leaving only the ruins and the angry roaring sad river. .

Under such circumstances, Augustus and others could no longer see the Padik-Sister Bridge section, which once attracted countless tourists as a tourist destination.Occasionally, they could still hear the sound of fighter jets passing over their heads.

The river was very open, and the low-magnification telescope was not enough for Augustus to see clearly the fortifications and firepower of the Camerian army on the other side of the river.

On the opposite bank is the fully armed Kel-Morian Ripper Legion. In the past three years, they have already built arc-shaped forts and parapets along the river bank.

Inside the dozens of feet high parapet are missile towers, ground defense guns, and pop-up machine guns. The Camerians focused on building the north bank into an impregnable military fortress in the section where the flow was slow and easy to cross the river.

Augustus would often stare at the Padik River, thinking that if he commanded an army, how would he cross the turbulent river, project his troops to the other side, and end the war once and for all.

By the time the fourth patrol reached near the Padick River, night had fallen and the sun was sinking into the earth, and Warfield ordered Augustus to return to the new barracks under construction.

By this time, the blood-red light of the setting sun had faded, and the black skyscraper complexes cut the moonlit horizon into jagged jagged patterns.

Across the river, on the north bank of the Padik, hundreds of beams of light from Kel-Morian laser searchlights swept across the river and the sky, and now and then flares streaked across the sky.

A few miles away from Augustus Ban, an artillery position of the Tyranid Federation began to fire, and hundreds of ice-blue bright spots fell on the opposite bank. The electromagnetic pulse wave generated by the explosion lit up a piece of the night sky on the horizon.

After returning to the construction site, Warfield immediately let Augustus go alone to a garage built with pre-built steel plates, and his troops were directly commanded by the company headquarters.

Augustus originally thought that there was some task that had to be explained in person or that a meeting of officers was to be held, but he soon discovered that the other officers were staying at their posts.

After seeing Warfield, the other party didn't give a damn: "Your brother arrived at Turasis II yesterday, and the division headquarters is not far from here. Just now he told me on the phone that he hadn't seen him for seven or eight years. My younger brother, I want you to see him."

"Arcturs? Ah——this is great, I really want to see him sooner." Augustus didn't want to meet his brother.

Then Warfield ordered his new lieutenant, a gunnery sergeant, to temporarily lead the [-]st Company, and let them continue these established tasks.

This time it was Augustus who was driving, and his relationship with Warfield was quite good now.Because of his elder brother's relationship, Warfield actually regarded Augustus as his younger brother, and he also liked the strength and courage of this young man.

In Warfield's view, Augustus is very smart, and the most commendable thing is that he used this smartness in the right way, and his understanding and caring personality is indeed very pleasing.

In some ways, Augustus was like his older brother.

An hour later, Augustus drove Warfield's saber command car into an area of ​​skyscrapers with tens of hundreds of stories high. Outside the skyscrapers were lower buildings with a wide view.

This area used to be the largest stadium in Polk’s Pride, next to the amusement park, the zoo, and the Civic Plaza. About one regiment of engineers is using space construction engineering vehicles to build a whole row of layouts on the flattened open ground. Orderly modular camp quarters.

The saber command vehicle drove into the skyscrapers, and there was still a tall building in the middle of the high-rise area with lights on.

The skyscraper was not brightly lit, but some floors where the glass was still intact could be seen brightly.This shows that there should be a gas generator in the underground garage of the skyscraper, and the laid wires are buried underground.

Barricades and checkpoints were erected within five hundred yards of the skyscraper, and at least one platoon of Marines from the 33rd Ground Assault Division was guarding the skyscraper.

All the Marines were silent, staring straight ahead with Gauss rifles in hand.Some scratches could be vaguely seen on the silver-gray power armor of these marines, like the scars left after the long scratches with deep bone were scabbed.That was after the power armor was seriously damaged and repaired, new paint coats were painted over and over again to try to cover up the marks left by the wounds.

Although this obviously violates Article 144 of the power armor modification and maintenance regulations, some people's power armor has other private graffiti and spray paint, whether exquisite or scribbled, in addition to the original logo of the 33rd Ground Assault Division. Usually some part of the wolf's body, a claw, eyes or tusks.Some people's graffiti is even wilder, it is the skeleton of a wolf with white bones or a beautiful woman with a whole body of fruit.

This means that these people are either veterans who left these marks to show that they have experienced many battles, or the local Planetary Guard who can't even supply power armor and can only stitch it for another three years-these fringe worlds The garrison often claimed to be raised by a stepmother, or both.

The power armor of these guards did not have any military rank marks, and they stood still like statues, like stone lions in front of a temple.

 Thanks to Atago's beloved person, I will always like Slokai, lonely alone, the monthly ticket of the cute new rabbit, thanks to Agent Rongrong for the reward.

  Recommended on the Internet, templars, enshrine me!

(End of this chapter)

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