StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 322 Nagar Portal

Chapter 322 Nagar Portal
This is a vast ocean that condensed when it was just born. It is backed by glaciers thousands of feet high. God's dwelling place.

The extreme cold and freezing prevented the federal exploration department from carrying out secondary development even after detecting abundant high-energy gas reserves, but temporarily put this plan on hold, because Haiji has other resources that are easier to obtain and lower in cost .

At the mouth of a mile-long glacial crevasse, a research station and camp just completed today are brightly lit.Outside these white buildings made of anti-environmental materials, there are several golden-blue protoss buildings, and the ice surface emits a bright sky-blue light under the illumination of the prosthetic Kaidarin crystal.

There are two huge dark purple Revolutionary Army Nova Squadron scientific ships moored on it, and a large number of transport ships and turbine detection drones are surrounding the two scientific ships, traveling between the sky and the ground.

These buildings are not mass-produced houses welded by prefabricated panels, but solid observation stations built with thick panel walls and furnaces. The exterior is connected to pipelines filled with refined high-energy gas fuel oil, shaped like tree stumps intertwined with roots .

Augustus was standing at the door of a barracks, next to Tychus, Faraday, and the dark templar Zeratul. At this time, Augustus and others were wearing warm polar overalls, and only Zeratul was still wearing his Much thinner than dark purple robes.

Since the Dark Master Zeratul claimed that the extreme cold was also part of the Dark Templar's penance, Augustus no longer worried that he would be frostbitten or frozen.

A quarter of a mile directly in front of Augustus and others is the Xel'Naga Portal that Zeratul said.

It was a gigantic arched gate more than a thousand feet high, and its base was a trapezoidal pyramid with a hundred steps.The stones that piled up the pyramids seem to be some kind of living organic matter. The surface is shining with fluorescent green light that symbolizes life. It looks like part of an altar.

The perfect combination of nature and technology, a living building that seems to have a soul.

The Xel'Naga portal was originally buried a mile below the glacier, and Zeratul's Dark Templar evaporated everything above it with beams of void energy unleashed by their Xel'Naga ship Void Seeker. The ice layer made it see the light of day again.The sharp ice cones in the surrounding area are left by the recondensation of water vapor.

Surrounding the Naganaga teleportation gate are towering buildings under construction, which are interstellar ports and transportation platforms under construction.The plan to develop a high-energy gas collection industry in the geological layer under the Haiji Arctic Glacier has been implemented. In the future, it will become a gas extraction and refining base built on the basis of gas veins.

Considering the hidden high strategic value of the Xel'Naga Portal, Augustus attached great importance to it.

This is the first Naganaga portal controlled by the Revolutionary Army. Through it, the Revolutionary Army can not only transport personnel and materials to other galaxies, but also attack planets or resource collection stations at unexpected times and locations of the Federation.

"This is the creation of Xel'Naga. The Protoss has been imitating it but cannot touch one ten-thousandth of it." Zeratul and Augustus walked towards the Xel'Naga portal in the distance.

"On its steps and erected obelisk stele, there is a long poem written by a Naganaga prophet, which records the story of them coming from the void and spreading the seeds of life in the universe. The beauty and poetic flavor of the language is my life only seen."

"With all due respect, elder, I can't see it." Augustus actually didn't care much about the artistic value of the alien ruins, he cared more about the actual value of such things to himself.This is what makes Augustus different from other members of the Mengsk family. He really lacks interest in things like appreciating art.

"Of course, so I told you this." It was Zeratul's icy sense of humor.

At this time, a small Protoss shuttle, shining golden blue in the icy polar sun, landed around Augustus.When the shuttle landed, it was as light as the leaves falling on the sponge, and it did not set off a hurricane with ice balls like a human spaceship.

Tassadar, a high-ranking templar in a golden-blue robe, stepped out from the unfolded iris of the protoss shuttle, without bringing any templar with him.

"Hello, Augustus Mengsk, although we failed to kill the new agent of the master, at least we saved this planet and the people on it." Tassadar greeted Augustus first, Then he turned slightly stiffly to the Dark Templar Zeratul beside him.

"I have admired your heroic deeds for a long time, Zeratul, the Dark Master." Although Tassadar said with reverence, he took two steps back involuntarily.Immediately the respected executive bowed his head, as if blushing.

"The teachings I have received still affect me, but that will not hinder my communication with the dark templar. In the name of Adun, I swear that I will look at the templar and the dark templar without prejudice. The grievances between the temple warriors."

"The dark templar has always respected our templar brothers. We always believe that the arbitrator class of the Supreme Council expelled Nerazim, and the Templar class Aden sheltered us." Ze Latour said.

".Usually I don't talk about the decision-making of the arbitrators, but they have indeed done many things wrong recently." Tassadar also complained about the Supreme Council, which at least shows that he is now with Zeratul. The Dark Templar have quite a few common languages.

Nonetheless, Tassadar tends to keep Zeratul at arm's length.Many Templars have an almost instinctive dislike for the Dark Templar, to the extent that some Templars develop goosebump-like spots when approached by their Dark Templar brethren.

"Go and see where the Xel'Naga Portal can take us." Augustus stretched out his hand and asked Tassadar and Zeratul to follow him to the trapezoid below the Xel'Naga Portal Pyramid base.

On the steps under the portal of Nael Naga, there stood at intervals a Revolutionary Army soldier in golden-red CMC-300 power armor holding an electromagnetic rifle, with flags fluttering in the wind.

Walking on the steps, you will have a strange feeling of stepping on the soft lawn. The spiral patterns and characters engraved on the steps and the giant obelisks on both sides are emitting a vibrant green light.The light is flickering brightly and darkly all the time, and the flickering frequency is like a heartbeat, as if it has life.

Stairs lead down to the majestic main body of the portal—a gigantic gate supposedly built for giants to accommodate a fleet of fleets.

At the top of the steps is a facility similar to a console, which is made of green organic stones, with green void energy flowing on the surface.

"How great!" It's not the first time Tassadar has seen the Xel'Naga portal, but he will still exclaim in amazement: "To this day, we have rarely used the Xel'Naga portal on Aiur. The door is open."

"Just like the Xel'Naga Temple, it is not common, but the places that the Xel'Naga have reached are by no means what we can imagine, so there may still be a considerable number of Xel'Naga portals in the universe, just separated Extremely remote and difficult to detect."

"Yes, after being expelled from Aiur by the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire thousands of years ago, our ancestors also wandered in the universe for a long time before knowing our current home, Sacoolas, the land shrouded in twilight." Zeratul agreed. Said: "The reason why we stopped in that bleak world is only because we found the Xel'Naga Temple and the portal there."

"So, we stayed there forever."

As he spoke, Zeratul walked towards the portal console inlaid with the huge green crystal, rubbing its surface as smooth as seaweed.Even after endless years of erosion, the various facilities of this portal have not been affected by many years-although it can still be damaged by external damage or even unable to be activated again, this one of Haji is still undamaged.

"Xel'Naga, 'Wanderer from afar', 'Sage', 'Teacher Ihan', they must have been here, and these relics are the evidence." Delicate construction, deeply fascinated by it.

"Why are these protoss talking about things I don't understand at all, they just need to tell me if this door can be used." Tychus listened carefully for a while, but he didn't understand. He really couldn't understand the protoss. What the hell are the gods of the spirit, Sarnaga?

"Of course, I'll activate it now." Zeratul didn't care about Tychus' impatience, he could understand the peculiarity of this human personality.

"The Xel'Naga portal can connect to all portals that are still functioning normally, unless the person on the other side refuses through the console." Infused into the crystal at the core of the console and activated it.

"I am sending instructions to connect it to the portal of Sacoolas. Although I have been away from my hometown for a long time, the dark templar who guard there must still be doing their duty. They I know it's me, so I won't refuse the portal that connects to Haji."

A bright blue light began to light up on the portal, and it radiated such a dazzling brilliance that Augustus could hardly keep his eyes open.It wasn't until a mysterious vortex formed that the light gradually dimmed.

"Elder, can this portal be connected to the Xel'Naga portal in Aiur?" Augustus said to Zeratul.And Tassadar just said that Al has a Xel'Naga portal.

"You can give it a try." Tassadar also walked over and said, "If it works, I can return to Ayer through this portal at any time."

The majestic Xel'Naga portal is more than a few miles in diameter, big enough to accommodate a Protoss carrier through.

"Try it." Augustus also admitted that the idea was tempting.

"...I was able to find the one of Aiur on this Xel'Naga console, but I remember that the portal was closed to the outside world." Zeratul said.

"I don't know much about it." Tassadar expressed regretful mood swings.

Tassadar is just a templar, his duty is to practice combat skills and understand the mysteries of Kara.The work related to the Xel'Naga's creations was blamed by the Arbiter tribe, the Sirak tribe, and the Templars were rarely involved.

"That is to say, now only exits are allowed in the building of El, and no entry is allowed?" Augustus speculated.

As soon as the words fell, Zeratul sighed and said: "Eir's Xel'Naga portal has been locked, not only that, I believe that after the golden age of the Protoss Empire, the conservative Supreme Council of the Empire will no longer The portal has not been activated."

The Aiur Protoss of the Protoss Empire is introverted and conservative. After the end of the golden age, they completely lost the spirit of expanding territory and pioneering and innovating, because they firmly believed that their civilization and technology were perfect.

In the minds of the entire race, the idea of ​​stability first subtly affects all aspects of the cultural and technological development of the Protoss Empire. They will no longer try to explore other unknown worlds through the Xel'Naga Portal.

For scholars in the Protoss Empire, the Xel'Naga Portal should be a precious cultural relic and heritage worthy of being properly preserved so that future generations can visit it again.

"I'll locate the one on Sacoolas." Zeratul looked at Tassadar after seeing Augustus nodded.

Tassadar had anticipated a possible meeting with Zeratul's kin.He hesitated, but finally agreed: "Hopefully they don't hate the Templar because of the cloud of the past."

"No, our matriarch Razagal taught us what forgiveness is. It was not you who indifferently drove us out of Ayr, but the arrogant Supreme Council." Zeratul said, their current portal vortex suddenly It fluctuated a bit.

An arm covered with dark black gauntlets pierced through the vortex iris of the portal, and then a dark templar wearing dark armor and a black battle robe stepped out of it.

"Oh—I think we just poked the dark templar den," Tychus whispered to Augustus.

"It's a good thing, Tychus," Augustus said. "The more dark templars who are willing to help us, the cerebrates will have to think twice before invading our world."

The distance between the dark templar's green eyes shortened a bit, which was a gesture similar to scrutiny, but then he sent out a mental wave of joy: "Zeratul!"

"Lerak! Brother!" Zeratul recognized him in surprise.

"By gods, is it really you?" Lilac was a Shadow Master who was tasked by the Matriarch of the Nerazim to guard the portals of Sargolas Xel'Naga.

"Can I really see you again, Zeratul."

(End of this chapter)

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