StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 323 Sacoolas

Chapter 323 Sacoolas
"You've got some new friends."

The dark templar Lilak who came out from the opposite side of the Xel'Naga portal looked at Augustus and Tychus, and the distance between his eyes widened a little: "They are human beings who are vulgar and ugly, weak but violent. Killing each other always brings violence and destruction."

"Whoa, you're on to something, ugly bastard," Tychus shot back immediately.

"...You may be right, but Augustus Mengsk and his human revolutionary army are different from those humans." Zeratul is the human friend who introduced himself to his fellow Dark Templars.

Zeratul praised Augustus so much: "Augustus has the soul of a protoss."

When a protoss said that a human was like a protoss, it meant that they had recognized the noble qualities of this human being and were willing to treat him as the same kind.

"I believe in you, Zeratul. This human being indeed has a straightforward, cheerful and fearless heart." Lilac looked at Augustus for a few seconds, then turned to Tychus: "But why, the same is Human beings, these two people are completely opposite."

"I can't understand."

"I'm going to be angry," Tychus warned Lilak.

"Tychus Finley is actually a man of integrity and selflessness, as reliable as a wall you lean against." Augustus had a few good words for his old friend.

"I don't mind if you compliment me a little more." Tychus smiled, without shame or blush.Augustus is good at spotting and praising the good qualities in others, but Tychus is almost never praised.

"." The dark templar, Lilak, lost interest in the humans, and narrowed his eyes defensively as he turned to Tassadar.

"A templar. A high-ranking templar. I am very unhappy to see you here." Lilac expressed his thoughts frankly.Granted, his loathing of the Aiur protoss was less profound than that of some of his fellow Nerazim, but neither was he fond of it.

"To this day, you are still hunting us!" His smooth skin, which was darker than Tassadar's, was blotchy with anger: "Even if they were executed, the Dark Templar would never agree with Kara. "

"Kara is a cage, a chain around our necks."

"It clamps our minds, suppresses independent individuality, and blurs the differences and boundaries between each other. We choose to liberate freedom and embrace freedom and truth. This is the meaning of Nerazim, people who embrace truth."

"I'm not here to hunt down the dark templar, on the contrary, we should be compatriots and allies." Tassadar confessed his views on the dark templar: "I always thought that you and the power you have are heresy and wrong Yes, but now that I have met Zeratul, the Dark Master, I have been shown the bravery and mercy of the Dark Templar."

"What did he say? Cages and chains?" Tychus, who was listening on the side, retrieved the key words, and he whispered to Augustus: "Someone put chains around the necks of those protoss. Reminds me of dog leashes."

"What kind of person would do that? Treat Protoss like a dog."

"I'm more concerned about whose hand the other end of the chain is in." Augustus' tone sounded like he was joking.

"That must feel good, anyway," Tychus said.

"Tassadar, a former protoss executive, has broken with the Conclave, exiled for defying the Conclave's orders to destroy zerg-infested colonies. ’ Zeratul explained to Lilak at this moment.

" surprised me." When Lilac heard that Tassadar broke with the Supreme Council as an executive officer, his attitude towards him suddenly took a 180-degree turn: "High Templar, I am in your I see something of the Twilight Apostle Adun in him. Salute you, Tassadar, you are a friend of the Nerazim."

"It's my honor, brother." Tassadar made a motion of leaning forward and bowing.

"Zeratul, there must have been many magnificent stories during the long years you left Sacoolas." Lilac turned to Zeratul and Augustus again: "Just now you mentioned the Zerg."

"The unsettling whispers in the void have intensified again, and this portends disaster to come. Abominations are ravaging the gardens of the Xel'Naga, and this may be the beginning of the end." He said, looking at Zeratul.

"The matriarch has learned that the Xel'Naga Creator Zerg is raging in the Koprulu sector. You are the only dark patriarch who is around there. The patriarch hopes to know what is going on there."

"Happy to do so." Zeratul spread his right hand flat on his shoulder to show respect for the matriarch Lilak said, and then he looked at Augustus and Tassadar.

"I hope to invite you to visit my hometown Sacoolas, Augustus Mengsk, Tassadar."

"I'm honored," Tassadar said immediately.

The Dark Templar Lilac seemed to have no opinion: "Sacoolas welcomes Templars and Kalai who are not hostile, but does not allow any arbitrator of the Supreme Council to step in."

"If you invite me, elder, I will go." Augustus said after a moment of contemplation: "But I may bring a few people in with me. My people have not seen much in the world."

Augustus would not let go of the opportunity to meet the leader of the Protoss Dark Templar, and Zeratul, after all, could not represent all the Saguras Nerazim Protoss.Augustus hoped to gain the support of the Nerazim matriarch if he could.

"Sacoolas welcomes them." Zeratul looked at Tychus and Corporal Faraday, and then he led Lirac and Tassadar through the portal first.

"Notify the command that I will be away for a few hours. During this time, Major General Xander Max is Haji's supreme commander." Augustus first conveyed his order to the command, and then prepared to follow Zeratul through the Pass through the Naganaga portal in front of you.

"You really want to go there? We don't even know what's behind it." Tychus was not very willing to go there: "Do you know what kind of place that Sargolas is? Protoss is completely different from us, who Wouldn't it be harmful for us to know where they can live."

"Follow me, you have nothing to be afraid of." Augustus smiled, and Tychus said, "If Jimmy was here, he wouldn't complain about this and be afraid of that."

"Faraday, let's go."

"Do you want to bring the guards?" Faraday said: "I am worried that those protoss may be against us. I know what you think, but the revolutionary army can lose me, but you cannot lose you."

"No need, we didn't go to war." Augustus shook his head, ignored Tychus' mumbling, and walked into the vortex of the shining blue light of the Xel'Naga portal.

Augustus found himself on soft sand as soon as he stepped inside, the blue light of the portal illuminating the sand and the huge clusters of purple crystals around it, but beyond it was darkness.

Shrouded in eternal twilight, as if eternally between day and night, its lavender-reflecting deserts and mountains buried in crystal veins stretch across its vast, empty landscape.

The vegetation on this planet is sparse, and the strong wind can easily blow up the sand. These swirling sands in the wind reflect a blurred blue-purple light under the light of the moon, with a unique and strange and magnificent beauty.The clean, icy air here is good enough for humans to breathe, but beware of the wind-blown sand.

In the distance is the lavender desert, empty and vast, silent and peaceful.

There are two huge purple moons in the sky, they occupy almost half of the sky.This made Augustus feel that the sky was so close to him, and the mountains like the dragon's back seemed to be on the moon.

Not far from the portal is the magnificent protoss building complex, several giant dark green crystal towers are radiating bright light outward.

A small protoss shuttle, only a hundred feet long, was parked under the steps of the Xel'Naga portal. The three of Zeratul, Lirac, and Tassadar were walking and talking down the steps towards the ship. The small dark shuttle walked over, and the atmosphere looked quite harmonious rather than tense as it was at the beginning.

"It's so dark, it's full of sand and pebbles. How did we get to these poor planets these days, Mar Sara, Antiga, Char, Hedge, and this ghost place." Tychus though He was reluctant, but finally followed.

Tychus walked to Augustus, took out a laser lighter from his pocket, and started to light a cigarette.

"Isn't it?" Augustus glanced at Tychus, and walked to the protoss shuttle with Corporal Faraday.

Augustus followed Tassadar into the shuttle through an iris emitting green light, and was surprised to find that it was already full of dark templars in black armor.This is not so much to show that the Dark Templar attaches great importance to the guests, but rather to be wary of them.

Not even Tychus dared to complain about Sacoolas' bad weather in the face of twenty or thirty silent dark templar.Augustus sat down calmly, enjoying the magnificent and fantastic natural scenery of Sacoolas through the huge porthole of the shuttle when it took off.

The shuttle in the blue glare from the portal was as light as a butterfly with wings spread.It's nearly non-reflective and silent.

The shuttle traveled continuously over the twilight of Sacoolas at a speed far exceeding that of conventional human near-Earth aircraft, passing through vast deserts, mountains and shallow lavender rivers. Augustus even saw a group of Creatures that looked like pterosaurs flew past the shuttle.

After about two hours, a splendid and magnificent city finally took shape.

It was a majestic city standing in the lavender twilight and dense fog, with thousands of dark golden towers and towering pyramid-shaped buildings rising from the echinaceous rocky ground.Countless green crystal towers and bridges of light connecting tall buildings form a shining city.

It seemed to be made of bright metal and crystal, flowing gold and silver in the dim twilight.A large number of detectors and long shuttle-shaped dark green spaceships are flying above the city, like fish swimming in the water.A mighty Nerazim battleship was emerging from a stargate in the sky, followed by hundreds of Dark Templar corsairs.

"Tymatros, the first city established by the Nerazim Protoss after arriving in Sacoolas." Zeratul, who was sitting opposite Augustus, introduced the city to Augustus.

"Shocking." Augustus said in admiration.

At the center of the city of Taimatros is the towering temple of Naganaga, more majestic than any human structure or temple Augustus has ever seen, its gleaming organometallic surfaces embellished with the golden ratio Geometric shapes and spiral patterns like the tender tendrils of ferns.

It was like a mountain with a shining spire, the top reaching into the sky, surrounded by hurricanes, and standing upright.

The shuttle flew around the Xel'Naga Temple, heading for another conical spire suspended in an anti-gravity flying saucer.At the top of the spire is a spectacular take-off and landing platform, on which a large number of elegant Protoss dark black shuttles take off and land.

The internal structure of this giant minaret is very peculiar. It is composed of multiple sets of spiral staircases, as if it is a hollow structure suspended in the air.Gorgeous without being setting, sparkling like metal and gemstones but light enough to be velvet.

When Augustus walked down, he noticed that he was on a huge circular platform, with the dark golden spiral patterned ground under his feet.On the edge of the platform stood dark templars in dark purple cloaks, each of them standing still.

If the matriarch of the protoss of Sarkuras is here, then those warriors think this is the Shadowguard.

The gorgeous dome carved with exquisite carvings stretched in front of Augustus, and the green crystals embedded in the dark golden alloy walls around it exuded a gentle and bright light.The statue a few hundred feet high in the center of the platform is particularly striking, a composite statue.

A protoss templar with the same decoration as the prosthetic executive Tassadar was standing in the middle, and he looked softly at the slender protoss girl who was half kneeling in front of her, holding the end of her robe close to her forehead.A few templars and a large number of ragged protoss stood around.

"That's Adun!" Tassadar said in surprise.

At this time, two dark templar elders, who were much more stooped than Zeratul, and a young and strong female dark templar appeared from the shadows, and they greeted Zeratul and the tower beside Augustus. Sardar came over.

"Zeratul, my old friend, welcome back! You are home. Hahaha." The elder Dark Templar and Zeratul hugged each other, and both of them laughed happily like old people.

"Mohandar, wise man." Zeratul was also pleased.

Dark Master Mohandar.

"Master, Mother is waiting for you." As the young female templar said, those shining green eyes lingered on Augustus and Tassadar for a moment.Her gaze is aggressive, alert and keen, like a feral ocelot in the jungle.

The tall, slender female Dark Templar wears dark armor and a purple tabard, with Zeratul's long veil billowing in the wind.Her twilight robe was a long skirt spread out, embellished with green jewels like stars.

Proud of stature, slender, and sharply defined, these are the symbols of elegance and beauty in the hearts of the Nerazim protoss.

At first, anyone who meets this Dark Templar will take it lightly because of her slender wrists, but she is definitely a powerful and majestic Shadow Master with many disciples.

Augustus knew her as the future matriarch Vorazun, daughter of the current Nerazim matriarch Rashagal.

(End of this chapter)

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