StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 324 The Matriarch

Chapter 324 The Matriarch

Augustus followed Zeratul and the Dark Templars along the long corridors and winding stairs to the core area of ​​this towering tower. Along the way, they could see Nerazim warriors standing on both sides. Wearing purple robes and armor, silent and piercing eyes.

This place is very different from the shining and resplendent style of the Star Shuttle aircraft carrier that Augustus once visited. The wide corridors are dotted with exquisite ornaments and green crystal gems, but it gives people a depressing feeling, as if there are countless Eyes peered out of the shadows.

Though separated from their brethren in Aiur for many years, the craftsmen of the Nerazim protoss are as skilled as ever, and their creations are nothing short of exquisite.

The difference is that the Sacoolas protoss who lack sunlight do not admire gold and blue, they are more used to hiding and being in the shadows, so the buildings of Nerazim are much more low-key and restrained than the Al protoss.However, the buildings of the protoss of Sacoolas are still magnificent and shining, not inferior to their estranged Aiur relatives.

Tassadar and Augustus walked side by side, and both had a wonderful eye-opening feeling.The former always thought that the Dark Templar was a savage thug who could not control his own strength as recorded in the Templar Archives, while Augustus just felt shocked.

They walked into a circular hall together, and the oppressive atmosphere was instantly swept away.This is a spacious and bright rotunda, enough to accommodate two Tarsonis Federal Opera Houses.

The light from the outside shines down from the translucent crystal of the dome, and clusters of bright purple crystals grow on the entire dome, as if it is covered with sun, moon and stars.

On a huge seat inlaid with green gemstones and crystal hair, Razagal, the matriarch of the protoss of Saquras, is sitting. She wears reddish-brown graceful robes and golden armor and ornaments. A huge blue crystal.Dressed more like an El Protoss than a Dark Templar like Zeratul.

The matriarch's eyes are bright, as if a ray of light is penetrating her eyes.

Augustus remembered Razagal, the protoss matriarch of Saguras, as one of the oldest protoss, but was surprised to see that the signs of aging were not evident on her face.Razagal looks very similar to her daughter Vorazun, but she is undoubtedly much more mature and stable. She is peaceful and quiet, and has won the respect of all Sacoolas protoss with the majesty and justice of a female patriarch.

The signs of protoss aging are not as obvious as humans, but the years still leave their marks on them, making them weak and slow, until their strength declines greatly.

"I am Razagal, the patriarch of the Dark Templar. Welcome to our world." Lazagal's voice reflected in Augustus's mind was a mature and beautiful female voice. The protoss had no vocal cords. Depends on mental age.

The leader of the dark templar, Razagal, is solemn and beautiful, and the traces of time can be seen in her sharp green eyes.

When Raszagal was young, she led the Nerazim protoss expelled from Aiur and forged them into one.Once a majestic and powerful Dark Templar, Matriarch Razagal was visibly weakened.

Augustus walked towards Rassagal under the watchful eyes of the Dark Templar, bowing in Korhal's manner as he approached her, followed by Corporal Faraday, and Tychus He just froze for a moment, and after a brief moment of embarrassment, he also made a polite gesture that could not find fault.

Tassadar was a little uncomfortable with the oppressive atmosphere around him, but he still stood firmly by Augustus' side.The Dark Templars of Zeratul, Mohandar, and Vorazun stood behind the matriarch Raszagal.

"It's an honor to meet you, the matriarch of the Protoss Dark Templar. I'm Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Human Korhal Revolutionary Army." Augustus first introduced himself to the matriarch.

"Augustus Mengsk, I have heard Zeratul talk about the tragic experience of your people and the valor of you and your warriors." Razagal stood up, and walked to Oratul amidst the clanging of crystals on the headdress. In front of Gustus.

Razagal was much taller than Augustus who was not wearing the CMC power armor. Her gleaming green palm flicked across the air, forming a gesture of praying for peace.

As the leader of the Dark Templar, as a protoss, Lazagar is far from the word arrogance, and she even naturally regards Augustus as a protoss equal to herself, not as a protoss every day. An uncivilized primitive animal.

"The Zerg, they appeared suddenly. Neither the Dark Templar nor the Xel'Naga scholars who traveled in the universe have found any traces of the Zerg." Razagal said.

"The Zerg is the enemy of the protoss, and it is the responsibility of the dark templar to eradicate them. That is not only a war for the human race, but also ours."

Razagal's guarantee convinced Augustus that he would gain something from coming to Sacoolas.If the discovery of the Xel'Naga Temple at Hege was a surprise, all Augustus had to do was seize the opportunity to seek help.

At this moment, Razagal realized that he seemed to have left Tassadar, the executive officer of the templar, aside, and turned to look at him.

"Hello, Executor Tassadar, please forgive my 'disrespect'. Your clothes are exactly the same as that of Adun." Razagal looked at Tassadar.

"Adun—my mentor, your name is still uttered with reverence by the Dark Templar," she said in a nostalgic tone.

"Will I ever see you again?"

"En Taro Adun." Tassadar stretched out his hands, palms up in front of him.This is a gesture of friendliness and non-aggression: "Aden, his heroic legend is sung by poets and all the protoss, and it is sung to this day. My ideal is to be an executive like him, leading Protoss is once again heading for a golden age of revival."

"En Aru'din Adun." Rashagal responded to Tassadar, and said gently: "Executor, you are just like Adun. Not only in clothes, but also in your kind and benevolent souls. I have heard What happened to you."

"It used to be Adun who was held accountable by the Supreme Council for protecting the Dark Templar, but now you are convicted for protecting humanity."

"A long time ago, I was arrested by the Supreme Council and thrown into prison for refusing to join the Kara. They tried me for heresy and decided to execute me and my followers from other tribes," she said. It was Arden who saved us."

"At that time, I swore to him: such a kindness, I will remember it in my heart forever. We will follow your order and use the void power you taught us to hide ourselves to ensure that we will not be discovered by the pursuers of the Supreme Council .”

"When the time comes, we will be happy to reunite with our brothers and sisters of the Kara. We, the Dark Templar, have never opposed the will of our fellow Templars, we just want to remain ourselves and follow our own paths. "

"I praise you for your tolerance." Tassadar bowed and said.

"I heard that Al was also invaded by Zerg." Razagal sighed again: "I am one of the few dark templars who still remember our ancient homeland, Al's lush green rainforest, blue sky And the jewel-like lakes and seas are so fascinating, it seems like I can still see them all."

"Yes." Tassadar lamented the fact: "The Zerg invaded Aiur, what a catastrophe."

"The bravest Templars guarding our sacred homeland, Aiur, are the most fearsome enemies the Protoss Empire has ever seen. The arrogance and underestimation of the Supreme Council will surely lead to strategic failure." He says.

"The zerg's carapaces could easily be sliced ​​through by the blades of the templar, but they are endless. Without the void energy of the dark templar, the cerebrates keep dying and coming back to life, and the swarm keeps coming back to life. And our Templars are limited."

"I worry if the Supreme Council doesn't summon those armadas scattered across the universe, Al."

"Unfortunately, even if the Dark Templar wants to help you, the Supreme Council will never allow it." Razagar looked at Tassadar and said, "However, the power of the void is not something that only we can master."

"Including the templars, all protoss can master it, because it is the power that exists in our origin." Her words surprised Tassadar: "In the era before Kara appeared, our ancestors had already mastered it. psionic."

"That kind of primitive power is void psionic power, a primitive energy that has not been restrained by Kara and has not undergone a cycle of repression. As long as you are trained and learn how to meditate and sharpen yourself, you can master the power of the void like us." Razagal As he spoke, he raised his hand under the brown-red sleeve, without using the psionic blade wrist guard, a shining green psionic blade suddenly formed in her hand.

This green spiritual energy blade itself was not icy cold, but Augustus who stood beside him still felt a piercing chill.

"So, I can also become a Dark Templar?" Tassadar asked joyfully.

"The power of the void is hidden in your body." Rashagal pointed to the location of Tassadar's three hearts.

"You don't think the power of the Dark Templar is corrupt and sinful?"

"I don't think so. The dark templars are just living in their own way. They are just those who have different opinions from the majority." Tassadar said frankly: "There is no difference between justice and evil in power. It's about who uses it."

"You are a powerful apostle of Kara, and you have been trained since birth on how to control your impulses and how to control their thinking so that your innate power will not get out of control." Razagal readily accepted.

"You are extremely talented, and you will soon learn how to master the energy of the void." There was a slight smile in her words.

"But if you want to become a dark templar, you must pass our trial - shadow walk. The dark master Zeratul will teach you how to master the power of the void, you After all, we have known each other for a while."

"As long as we can save my people, we are willing to try anything." Tassadar responded immediately.

"Wow, can I learn it too? Magic." Only Tychus would interject at this point.

All the protoss looked at Tychus, and then at each other blankly.

"You don't show any talent in psychic power, human being." Only Razagal still gently and patiently explained to Tychus: "Besides, we can only teach human psykers to coordinate their own psychic powers and master them proficiently." And the idea of ​​using it doesn't give you control over it from scratch."

"Damn it, Colonel Finley, your PSI talent is almost nonexistent." Corporal Faraday gently reminded Tychus that he had no psychic powers.

"That means you're a Squib, no, you're supposed to be a Muggle." Augustus was quoting a Harry Potter meme, which Tychus couldn't understand anyway.

But this gave Augustus some inspiration.

The psionic development system of the protoss has been quite mature after a long period of development. Presumably, the use of psionic energy by the young race of humans is still quite primitive.The Tyrann Federal Ghost Academy has only been built for a few decades, and high-level psykers often lose control, which cannot exist in the Protoss.

If the protoss were allowed to train human psykers, they would undoubtedly become more stable and prevent the possibility of losing control.After mastering their psionic abilities, they will also become stronger than before.

Augustus decided that when he had a better relationship with Tassadar or Zeratul, he asked them to teach the psykers of the Revolutionary Army.

"Ah——now is not the time to talk about this." Lassagal walked past Augustus and Tassadar, all the way to the spherical console in the rotunda.

"Um, your boss, what is she going to do?" Tychus, who was a little disappointed, asked Zeratul who was passing by.

".The matriarch wants to summon our warriors through the void mind crystals of Sacoolas." Zeratul said after a moment of silence: "Originally, Sacoolas is still far away from the Koprulu sector, but the new Thrall The discovery of the Naga Portal allows us to rush to the rescue of Kopru, and even Aiur."

Augustus also followed Razagal. He originally thought that the leader of the Dark Templar would summon at most one or two Shadow Guards or Centurions, but it seemed that she was going to send more than that.

However, considering that the population base and size of the Sacoolas Protoss are still far smaller than their compatriots in Aiur, the number of this expeditionary force should not be too large, after all, they still have to reserve troops to guard themselves homes.

"My people."

Augustus stared and listened to Razagal's speech.Because the Dark Templar does not have Kara, their communication will still be based on face-to-face spiritual communication and psychic vocalization.

"You all already know about the existence of the Zerg, and these abominations that are wreaking havoc in the universe must be eradicated," Razagal said.

"From now on, all Shadow Masters and Dark Templars will walk the path of shadow again, bringing death and fear to our enemies. Our blades will illuminate this dark age until the day of triumph." She Say.

"I will call forth an expeditionary force composed of the bravest shadow hunters. Warriors, draw your swords in the name of the gods!"

"Anht Zagatir Nas." (Protoss Khalani language, meaning the gods are watching you.)
(End of this chapter)

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