Chapter 325 Orega

Augustus was excited by Razagal's words, not just because he was infected by the determination and courage in the words.

Now Haiji's Xel'Naga Portal, which is under the control of the Revolutionary Army, is directly connected to the home world of the Dark Templar, Sacoolas, which means that once the Zerg invades this world again, they will definitely face the Dark Templar The rage of the samurai.

If the Federation fleet invades Heji, Augustus can also ask Saguras for help-although he thinks it is very unlikely that the Dark Templar will intervene in the internal disputes of humans, they will not allow a connection to Saguras. Si's Xel'Naga portal fell into the control of the Tyrannian Federation.

"Mother, I am willing to join this expedition." At this time, Vorazun, the daughter of the matriarch Rashagar, walked to her mother and said softly.

"I am very glad that you will fight side by side with the warriors of our clan. You will grow and hone yourself until you return to the clan again." Razagal readily agreed.

"Zeratul." She then turned to the Dark Priest beside her.

"I hope you will lead these brave warriors. Far from Sacoolas and his kin, young dark templars need the guidance of elders."

"It is my responsibility." Zeratul accepted the matriarch's appointment.

For a long time, as the Dark Master, Zeratul has been traveling in distant worlds far from Sacoolas, following the footsteps of the Naganaga.Compared with Mohandar, the venerable dark master, Zeratul has almost never managed the affairs of the family.

After speaking, Razagal looked towards Augustus and Tassadar, asking them to follow him to the top of the tower.

Augustus took Tychus and Corporal Faraday and followed Razagal up a spiral staircase studded with green and vermilion crystals, to the circular platform at the top of the tower where shuttles and aircraft were moored .

The spire is the tallest structure after the Xel'Naga Temple, and its wind-surrounding spiers stand above the thick fog that hangs over the city.Thousands of shining spiers shine brightly in the hazy mist, and hundreds of giant circular floating transport platforms and parking platforms stacked on each other are like clusters of mushroom canopies.

Sacoolas is a world in twilight. The light of illuminated crystals in the city never stops, and the time cannot be judged by the rising and setting of the sun.

Following the preaching of the matriarch Razagal, more and more spaceships were flying over the city of Taimatros, and the dark templar and Nerazim civilians who were meditating in their residences also came out one after another.

Raszagal simply stood on the edge of the top platform, gazing out at the foggy city through the energy-shaped walls.

"We will soon be able to muster enough volunteers. The Dark Templar are the best and bravest hunters and fighters in the Nerazim," she said to Augustus and Tassadar.

Before the words fell, two dark templars in black armor appeared in front of Razagal when the black smoke rose. Their decorations were the same as Zeratul's.

Dark Master Azma, Dark Master Zoraya.

"The Shadowguard stand ready, Patriarch," said a Dark Priest.

"Dark templars who wish to participate in the expedition are gathering in the central square of Taimatros. The number of them has exceeded ten thousand. Our phase technicians and starship craftsmen also want to contribute their strength to this expedition."

"Thank you for your support," Razagal said.

"Orega of the Alessa tribe requested your summons." Another dark priest said.

"Orega? The last time I saw him was in the Temple of Wisdom (the great library that preserves the history and ancient arts of the Dark Templar) in Elna (a dry moon, holy place of the Dark Templar) , was Kreska's apprentice. His hatred and loathing for the Aiur Protoss and the Templars was already very surprising at that time," said Zeratul.

"Orega has become more and more extreme over the years. He left the holy land of Elna to spread his ideas among the dark templar of Sacoolas," Vorazun said.

"There are rumors that Orega violated Elna's rules and was expelled, but his teacher, Master Kreska, didn't want to reveal too much, just worried that Orega might hurt himself and himself because of his hatred. His people."

"Orega was not like this in the past. He was smart and meticulous. He dedicated his youth to the Temple of Wisdom in Elna. He was devout and simple. All the dark templars who saw Orega were willing to make friends with him. Friend." Zeratul's deep mental wave was like a sigh.

"Mother will not support his extreme claims. Although we have been persecuted and exiled by the El protoss, there is no need to contact them again because of hatred." Vorazun said.

This is the internal division among the Sacoolas protoss. Some Dark Templars have forgotten the history of being expelled from Aiur by the Supreme Council in the past, while others still have that memory deeply in their hearts.Orega of the Alessa tribe among the Nerazim tribes is an example of extreme hatred of the templar.

"Tell Orega" when Lazagal was about to say something.

A half-kneeling dark templar had appeared in front of everyone. He was wearing a blue-black robe and veil, and the nerve bundles cut off by Qigen were bound together with dark gold hoops and other accessories.

"Who allowed him in?" Vorazun asked sharply.

"I'm here for the expedition." Orega kept kneeling on one knee, looking down at the ground: "I will fight for my people and defend our homeland. The threat of Zerg must be eliminated, otherwise they will one day Sacoolas will be found."


When the dark templar named Aurega slowly raised his head, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Tassadar and Augustus standing side by side.Tassadar's shining gold-blue armor and blue eyes were incompatible with the dark templar, quite conspicuous in a kind of dark black and dark gold armor.

"Why does Sacoolas have a templar—an executive officer, has the executioner of the Supreme Council found Sacoolas?" Orega narrowed his dark green eyes, and slowly raised his eyes. raised a hand.

A long staff inlaid with green crystals appeared in Orega's hand, and with the crackling sound, two curved and long green sickle-shaped psionic blades appeared at both ends of the staff, like two rotationally symmetrical wheels missing month.

The next moment, the dark templar dressed in a blue-black robe appeared in front of Tassadar, and the curved light blade in his hand almost brushed against Augustus's and swung towards Tassadar.

Although he did not expect to be attacked by the Dark Templar, Tassadar still reacted quickly. He clenched his right hand into a fist, unleashing a fiery blue psionic blade to fight against the incoming green curved light. When the blades collided, there was a crackling sound like sparks exploding.

Tychus Finley and Corporal Faraday, one after the other, rushed to Augustus to protect him, but Augustus stood still calmly.Augustus wasn't out of his wits, he was just convinced that in the presence of so many Dark Templar masters and matriarch Razagal, it was impossible for him to be harmed.

The battle between Tassadar and the dark templar Orrega was like a duel between swordsmen and swordsmen, moving forward and backward at a distance of only a few steps with smooth and graceful steps, drawing swords with graceful skill and terrible precision, they The unimaginable speed and strength of swinging the psionic blade have advantages far beyond human beings.

Augustus has learned swordsmanship since he was a child. He is sure that both swordsmanship and strength are superior to ordinary people, but if Orega's enemy is him, then Augustus can't even hold on for two seconds.

The blade of the psychic blade was against the blade, separated several times and fought again. Every move of Tassadar and Orega was resolved by the other party artistically, like actors dancing in an opera house.This is an artistic, highly aesthetic battle.

Under the watchful eyes of Tychus and Faraday, Augustus put his hands behind his back and suppressed the urge to shout "Don't fight any more".

"What the hell is going on, they started fighting among themselves?" Tychus looked like he was joking: "I knew that this group of Protoss wasn't monolithic."


The dark templars present were all surprised that Orega could be on par with an executive officer. He was originally just a scholar rather than a veteran powerful dark templar.

"Put down your blade, Orega, in front of the patriarch is not a place for you to be presumptuous." Zeratul appeared between them with the rising black smoke, separating Tassadar and Orega.

"You want to stop me? Brother?" Orega said in an unbelievable tone as the green flames in his eyes shone brighter.

"He's a Templar, our sworn enemy!"

"The High Templar Tassadar is not the enemy of the Dark Templar, he understands our culture and customs." Zeratul explained to Orrega: "He has broken with the Supreme Council and is no longer an enemy. Quite the contrary, Tassadar is now our ally."

"You actually listened to the rhetoric of the templar!" Orega's emotions were almost out of control, and the overflowing void energy was agitating his silk robes, and its powerful power even made the matriarch Lazagal look sideways. .

"You betrayed the Nerazim! Zeratul! You traitor!"

"Retreat, Orega, this is my decision." Lazagal retorted Orega majestically and resolutely.

"This is your decision. Let this ever be persecuted." Orega seemed to respect Razagal very much, but retreated unhappily. He announced loudly to Tassadar and the dark templar present.

"Templar, if you intentionally hurt my people, I will definitely hunt you down to the ends of the earth. I will never forget that our ancestors were driven into exile in the universe by you on the Xel'Naga spaceship." He said Look to Razagal.

"Must the expeditionary force cooperate with this templar?"

"If it must be done," Razagal replied, "The zerg are a threat capable of devouring the entire universe, and I will not and will not allow a war against the Aiur Protoss."

"...If this is what you do." Orega was silent for a while, thinking he understood: "I understand, now is not the time to start a war, and the power of the El Protoss is still very strong."

Although Razagal's strength has begun to weaken over the years, her meticulous thoughts are still not comprehensible to others.Sacoolas Protoss does not have Kara, so they themselves cannot understand each other and have more disagreements than Al Protoss.

Before Lazagal could say anything, Orega had disappeared without a trace in the rising black smoke.From the beginning to the end, Orega didn't care about Augustus beside Tassadar. In his eyes, he only had anger towards the templar Tassadar.

"Orega was just too addicted to the pain of the past, which created an irreparable rift deep in his heart." Razagal said with a sigh.

Tassadar also put away his psychic blade: "I can understand him, Patriarch."

"I don't think I can allow him to participate in this crusade again, or it will probably start a conflict between us and the Templar," Razagal said.

"That Protoss named Orega is very dangerous." Augustus told the people around him, "But we have nothing to do with it for the time being."

Next, dark templars continued to come to Razagal to report the latest progress of the expedition.Thousands of dark templar swore to join the crusade, and the protoss of Sacoolas poured into the squares and streets with enthusiasm, so many protoss enlisted that Razagal finally had to limit number of people.

Augustus, who was the guest of Sacoolas, couldn't wait there until the expeditionary force was assembled. By the time a large number of shuttles and warships full of dark templars were ready to enter Haiji through the Xel'Naga portal, Augustus had already communicated with Tower Sardar returned to Haiji through the Xel'Naga portal on the protoss shuttle that he had come to, and rested at the governor's mansion in Grande City for one night.

On the second day, Augustus was told that Sacoolas' Dark Templar had jumped a city near the Xel'Naga Portal at the North Pole of Haji, a force of about twenty ships larger than a battlecruiser A fleet of Nerazim battleships and thousands of shuttles jumped into Heji.

The aircraft carriers of the Dark Templar are not as old as those built by the Tassadar Protoss Expeditionary Force in the later period of the Havoc. They were built only a few centuries ago, and the number is limited.After all, the Sacoolas Protoss is a branch of the army that separated from China 1000 years ago, and it does not have the huge military power of the Armada of the Protoss Empire.

But according to the information Augustus received from Zeratul, these warships and spaceships carried at least [-] to [-] Dark Templars.As far as the protoss has a small population but extremely powerful individual combat power, this is definitely a force that will destroy the world.

Just Zeratul and his more than 100 dark templars had already caused the overlord to lose two cerebrates. Tens of thousands of dark templars were enough for the overlord to re-evaluate the relationship with the protoss and the human revolutionary army. war.

Augustus stayed in Haiji for another week to ensure that the Haiji people displaced by the Zerg invasion had been properly resettled. He set about rebuilding agriculture, mining, parts processing and military industries. The rich resources will build it into the future military factory of the revolutionary army.

Afterwards, Augustus decided to hand over the post of Governor to a professional politician of Keha IV who was born in the Pan-Tyran Revolutionary Party. supporter.

On January 1th, Augustus decided to return to the main star of Antiga to completely eliminate the Zerg that was flooding that star field.

And this is what Tassadar and Zeratul are planning to do. They will not return to aid Aiur now. First, no one believes that Aiur will fall in a short time. Second, once they return to Aiur, the Supreme Council will Immediately they will draw their swords to each other.

But this time, there are already two large-scale Protoss fleets behind Augustus.

(End of this chapter)

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