StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 346 Yamato Cannon

Chapter 346 Yamato Cannon

The Gist planet, which became the main hive world of the Zerg, was turned into a huge stone that was slowly cooling under the blow of the Tassadar protoss fleet.The huge combined human and protoss fleet then turned around and headed for the world of Helsanne, on the edge of the Federation.

So far, starting from the core world of Vadona, the United Fleet has crossed half of the territory of the Tyrann Federation, and witnessed the escape and final destruction of more than a dozen colonies.

The fleet also destroyed or expelled the swarm Behemoth and the Leviathan fleet wandering in the human territory, buying precious time for the people in the colony to evacuate.

A rumor about a huge rescue fleet is circulating in many marginal worlds-they always arrive in time when a certain world is in the most critical moment, saving people from fire and water.

But unless they saw it with their own eyes, few people would believe such rumors. Believing that a fleet composed of humans and protoss was saving lives in the Koprulu sector was no different from hearing that cats and mice were walking together.

The flagship Hyperion where Augustus is located has also entered an unbearable state of hyperspace transition. In addition to enduring the insomnia caused by the alternation of time and space, the crew on board must also complete the maintenance work and training on the battleship as usual .

In addition to the crew, there are two battalions of the Guards Division on the Hyperion to deal with the landing battle that may come at any time.Some newly recruited recruits are also trained on this battleship to ensure that they can enter the battlefield as soon as possible.

Carolina Davis, who had just joined the Korha Revolutionary Army, was also in this case. She also trained with some recruits from Haji and the main star of Antiga, and some of them were refugees accepted by the Revolutionary Army fleet on the way.

According to the recruit instructor's reflection to Augustus, Carolina Davis has performed outstandingly from the very beginning, and she is definitely not a pampered noble lady.Augustus gave his own evaluation in this document-wait and see, Carolina Davis' achievements in the military do not stop there.

At 14:[-] onboard time, Augustus left the captain's room and set off to inspect the armory of the Hyperion.Only Sarah Kerrigan and Jim Raynor followed him, while the captain of the guard, Faraday, was ordered to go to the ship's technology laboratory to deal with an accident caused by an experiment. Blow up the pancreas of an explosive infection.

When Augustus walked into the armory with Kerrigan and others, Swann was welding a brand new model of power armor with Hiram Fick, the original Heavenly Demon armor technician.This new power armor looks somewhat similar to the Firebat armor, but the thick steel plating makes it look even taller.

The Hyperion was once a battlecruiser of the Tyrannian Federation Navy that crashed due to a navigation system failure, and most of its internal facilities still retain their previous appearance—old but solid and reliable.

The dome of the armory leads directly to the upper platform, and the walls welded with thick pipes are connected to fans and cables. From time to time, lifting platforms fall from above with the sound of cable winches.The cables are smelted using Mar Sara's industrial catalytic elements mixed with alloys. They are harder than diamonds and are often used to tow anchored space cargo ships.

Some spider-shaped intelligent machines, not much bigger than puppies, with blade-like alloy appendages were walking around on the metal deck, like sentinels on patrol.They are the masterpieces of Victor Kaczynski, the second engineer of the Revolutionary Army. They look very lively and active. When Augustus came in, he even saw two spider-type robots fighting.

The wall of the armory facing space has a porthole that occupies the entire wall, and the dark space-time channel is outside.In that, the dimensions of time and space are indistinguishable.

Nuo Da’s arsenal is full of various square parts supply boxes, parts, and some damaged vehicles and small fighters. Revolutionary Army engineers and technicians in dark gray and bright orange uniforms are walking around, burying their heads in repairing Damaged machinery or materials are calculated against the list.

Because they are always on the go, the engineers can't keep their clothes and jumpsuits askew or stained with oil like the professional soldiers of the Revolutionary Army's Alpha Squadron or Nova Squadron.

The engineers of the Revolutionary Army come from all corners of the country—Keha IV, Cha Sara, Ma Sara, Umoyan, Moria, Port of the Dead, Heji. Most of them are not very young anymore, and many of them have gray temples .

Among these engineers, some were technical experts hired by the Korhal IV foundry, and some were the chief engineer on a certain long-voyage trade starship.There are high-achieving students with senior engineer certificates, and skilled workers who first worked as plumbers on the space station or shipyard for many years.

It is not uncommon to see young people in the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps. Some of them are college students who graduated from the mechanical department, and some are mechanics who have not received higher education but have been struggling in the dirty oil of the factory since they were young. .

These people, without exception, chose to respond to Augustus Mengsk's call and contribute their own strength to this glorious and great cause.

"Hi! Guys, Augustus Mengsk, our incomparably wise and mighty Tyrannical beacon, is back! Salute to you, leader." Rory Swan, chief engineer with a thick beard, raised his hand to Augustus. Lifting his wrench, the engineers and soldiers also saluted.

Beside Swann is a Vulture car with a skull and flame logo on the windshield, which is obviously Hanak Hank's "car".

The chief engineer of the Revolutionary Army has always complained about this rebellious and extreme suspension motorcycle. Probably the mining families of the Kelmorian Federation prefer reliable and stable equipment. The new weapon, the Sidewinder, made Swan very happy. Satisfied, I think it is a tank that can shine on the future battlefield.

"Hail to you," said the others.

"The pressure is doubled." Augustus walked in front of Swan, leaning on the tower of the mechanical library and the console on the ground.

"What happened to the people of Gist, I heard some escaped there before the worms overwhelmed the militia there," Hiram Fick asked Augustus.

"Later we learned that some people survived, and they fled to the nearest few colonies, but none of those colonized planets survived." Augustus sighed: "I believe there must be Gist people survived but lost their homeland, they lost their roots like plants."

"Swan, Fick, how is the research on new weapons going?" He didn't want to discuss any more on the topic.

"The progress is gratifying, sir. You still remember that I was the prototype designer of the Firebat power armor." Hiram Fick was happy to show his new achievements in front of the old chief.With so many outstanding people around him, Marshal Augustus will inevitably forget his old love when he finds a new one.

"You need heavy soldiers, a fulcrum on the battlefield that can push forward all the time. Our ordinary soldiers can hide behind these heavily armored soldiers, avoiding spike bullets, Hydra Hydralisks or Protoss A direct attack from a particle weapon."

"Very well, I am more concerned about when my army will be able to use these new types of power armor." Augustus said: "The prototype of the Wolf Warrior mecha is amazingly powerful, but I can completely use a large amount of T The -280 space engineering vehicle has been transformed into a powerful combat armor."

Augustus had to admit that when the stubby and stocky Madam Swan of the Kelmorian Union Meinhall stood with the even shorter Fick, it always made people feel like dwarves and hobbits. Personality is also very similar.

Swann is open-minded and cheerful by nature, as long as he is there, he will never be cold.And Fick always has a good temper, he is very kind, and this kindness is so pure that there are no impurities.

"The birth of a new weapon is always accompanied by repeated scrutiny, drafting drawings and persistent knocking, and finally continuous improvement. If you are a perfectionist, then this matter will never end."

Swan took his big round mug from Augustus' elbow on the console and downed a Moria beer: "The armor is there, but most importantly, we And what weapons should be equipped with this new type of armor. Gauss rifles are overkill, and arc tank guns are too heavy."

"How about a howitzer? A large-caliber howitzer." Augustus suggested to Swan: "This kind of howitzer should have extremely powerful firepower, capable of destroying the protective plate of the Plaid steel bunker, and wounding the thick zerg thunder beast." The tissues beneath the chitinous plate pose a threat that cannot be ignored to the shields of the protoss."

No matter how good Augustus's relationship with Tassadar and Zeratul is now, he always insists on using the protoss as the imaginary enemy of mankind.Augustus knew very well that Tassadar and Zeratul were not enough to represent all the protoss, and the protoss in the universe were by no means more than the Aiur protoss and the Sacoolas protoss.

"A genius idea? Yes, why can't we throw those heavy and heavy artillery on the new armor." Swan immediately assured Augustus: "We will be able to carry out the battle in a few days." New experiment, but how to solve the problem of recoil? Where should the howitzer be mounted? On the shoulder, on the arm or under the crotch?"

"I guess, it must not be under the crotch." Reynolds said.

"You're right, cowboy." Swan smiled at Renault, and then looked at Augustus: "If this weapon has to carry a large number of heavy shells, logistics is also very problematic."

Swan also liked Raynor, a young farm boy from Shiloh, and thought he had a great sense of justice.At times, however, Reynaud's idealistic and headless personality is revealed when compared to Augustus.Renault's friends always thought that if he wanted to become a leader like a marshal, he still had to make a lot of effort.

"Then try to organize them into a new military branch to provide independent logistics supply, or find another way to solve this problem." Augustus said: "This is something you should solve, after all, I am not an engineer. Don't let me down, old fellas, with enough money."

"Write it down, sir." Fick said to Augustus, smiling.

"There is nothing I can't do." Swan thought of those Protoss engineers who could build warships like works of art: "Of course, the things I'm talking about must be within the scope of what humans can do. If you want me to build A protoss carrier or something, then I'm out of luck."

"Maybe there's no need to build an identical one," said Augustus, with a nod to Fick, and a shrug.

"I received a report that a breakthrough has been made in the new design of the fusion cannon." This is why Augustus came to the armory to ask Swan.

"I originally thought that the Umoyan National Defense Army would be the first to make a breakthrough, but I didn't expect us to be the first to make a breakthrough. I have to say that this is a miracle."

The engineering regiment and prototype weapon laboratory of the Keha Revolutionary Army gathered all the elites of Keha IV. Keha IV is a highly developed scientific and technological planet under the rule of the Tyrann Federation. Federal scientists rescued by the Army sometimes join them.

"Yes, if you don't ask that, I will find a chance to tell you." Swan laughed, obviously very proud of it.Although this new weapon is not an experimental project led by Swan, it is also the result of the joint efforts of engineers.

"This is an unparalleled giant cannon. Its caliber is rare in the world, and it occupies almost one-seventh of the width of the bow. This giant cannon will use the Titan reactor as its energy source, and the controllable nuclear explosion will be concentrated by a strong magnetic field. Beam energy in bunches," Swan said.

"The phase technicians in Tassadar gave us a lot of suggestions and ideas. We owe it to them to make a breakthrough before the Umoyans and the Federation. In the eyes of the protoss, this weapon may not have much beauty. , but to me it's breathtakingly beautiful."

Hiram Fick went on to say: "At the beginning, we installed this giant cannon on an interstellar tugboat-this kind of tugboat is mainly used to transport the mined crystal ore, and the power mainly comes from nuclear power. Fusion reactors, but still need a whole generator set to power the other components."

"We fired at the wreckage of a Tyranid Federation Leviathan-class battlecruiser that was about to be pulled into a neutron star, completely destroying it with one shot."

"It's like God's punishment."

Fick said: "I believe you have seen the actual recording of the camera. It can severely damage a battlecruiser with one shot. Even the armor of the Behemoth class is vulnerable."

"The cannon takes a certain amount of time to recharge after each shot, but that's nothing compared to its incredible power."

"At that time, my mood was the same as seeing the scene when the first nuclear bomb of mankind exploded." Augustus nodded.

"When will we be able to use this giant cannon on the battleships of the Revolutionary Army?" he continued.

"Remodeling takes a lot of time and money." Swan thought for a while and said, "We can only modify a very limited number of warships, and the combat effectiveness of these warships will be greatly reduced during the transformation."

"The question is, how much do you want to transform?"

"Of course, the more the better." Augustus said: "I will upgrade the Hyperion first, and I will use the Norad II as my flagship during this period."

As the flagship of the Revolutionary Army, the Hyperion is undergoing upgrades and transformations all the time. It is not only the starting point of the Revolutionary Army's fleet, but also considered a symbol of the revolutionary spirit.

"Okay, now this giant cannon still lacks a name, and we finally decided to hand over the right to you." Fick said to Augustus with a smile.

"I'm glad you can say that." Augustus felt sincere joy.

"Let's call it Yamato Cannon."

"I don't have a clue about the name." Swan scratched his head: "However, if the people of the Federation and Umoyan create this kind of cannon in the future, its name and rating standards must be based on ours."

(End of this chapter)

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