StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 347 Hailsann

Chapter 347 Hailsann
Halcyon is a garden in the Commonwealth of Tyranids.

The planet belongs to the fringe worlds, a young colony not among the thirteen worlds that originally formed the Tyranid Federation.Helsingne is not a beautiful planet with poetic scenery, and its climate is not even so suitable for human habitation.

But like many newly colonized worlds, Hilsane is full of opportunities for development, with gold and spices buried in the soil, and milk and honey flowing in the rivers.

And the arable land in Helsingne is so fertile that people can grow endless fields and vineyards all over the mountains with golden waves of wheat blowing in the sun without fertilizing.The food produced here can easily meet the needs of people on the planet, and provide wheat, soybeans, corn and meat for the three nearby colonial worlds.

The wines of Helsingne are world famous, and famous wineries around the world are the pride of the young colony's oldest buildings and locals.The planet also produces brandy and ale, and is a holy place for alcohol lovers in the Tyranid Federation.

Despite being classified as a fringe world, Helsanne is geographically close to Tarsonis, even closer than Vadona Prime, which means that the route to the Prime world is always clear.This has also brought Helsanne unimaginable development opportunities for backward marginal worlds such as Mar Sara, and the rapid development has greatly accelerated the modernization process of this colony.

By the time Augustus' Combined Fleet made the jump to the planet Hilsern, the planet was already known as a developed emerging world.

In Helsern, a dense urban complex of modern steel and glass coexists harmoniously with fertile farmland.Every time the harvest is approaching, rows of green-painted combine harvesters push across the golden wheat fields under the command of drones until the grain is piled up like a mountain.

Half of the inter-galactic enterprises and technology companies in the entire Tyrannian Federation have established branches in Helsingne, and many enterprises rank among the top in terms of market value.

For those in the Tyranid Federation who cannot survive due to oppression and unfair treatment, Helsingne is definitely an ideal place.Job opportunities abound in Helsingne if you pay attention.What is commendable is that as long as they work hard, the people who immigrate to Helsern will get matching rewards.

The University of Helsingne is known for its rigorous academic philosophy and world-renowned scientific research achievements, which also means that the children of Helsinger people can get a good education.

For such a newly colonized planet, hope has never been lacking.

But that was before the swarm came.

"Send my order to start airborne after the next round of orbital bombardment, Alpha Squadron will be the first force to airborne to Helsanne and engage the Zerg, followed by the Secret Rock Legion in Port of the Dead, and then Rondos Tyne's two divisions. Raynor's Rangers were formed into the third attack echelon. The Guards divisions were kept in reserve."

Augustus walked quickly through the long interior corridor of the Norad II, and the sound of the tapping of combat boots echoed in the corridor for a long time.Only Lieutenant Kerrigan and Corporal Faraday accompanied Augustus, while Jim Raynor had to command his own brigade.

"Our allies are the ground forces of the Protoss, including several Zealot legions and a large number of Dragoon mechas, and the Dark Templar will also provide assistance to all human allies they see." He said.

"This is but a small invasion of the zerg, whose numbers are insignificant compared to what we encountered on Mar Sara, Antiga, and Char. We will triumph again—as we have always done."

"We are righteous, and that's why we always win when we face evil enemies."

"The commander of this battle is me, I am Augustus, and I am with you." Augustus said in the commander's channel while walking.

After passing by a team of technicians and sergeants in a hurry again, Augustus came to the dock launch bay of the Norad II. At this moment, Wraith fighter jets and APOD transport ships were heading to starry sky.

When Hyperion was further upgrading its weapon system, Augustus once again used the former Alpha Squadron's flagship Norad II as his flagship.The predecessor of the Hyperion was just an ordinary federal behemoth-class battlecruiser, while the Norad II was completely built according to the flagship standard.

Norad has a larger and more complete crew compartment, power compartment, dock and medical compartment, and its weapons and armor are also more advanced.Although after more than three years of continuous upgrades and transformations, the performance of the Hyperion has surpassed that of the Norad II, but the latter is still the first choice for the flagship of the fleet.

Through the porthole on one side of the dock, Augustus could see two revolutionary battlecruisers parallel to the Norad II. They were separated by hundreds of miles, which was by no means a close distance.

Out of sight of Augustus, Tassadar's protoss fleet was moored in synchronous orbit on the far side of Helsanne.

"The federal garrison deployed in Helsingne was engulfed by swarms of insects in a wheat field an hour ago, and the highest-ranking commander in the area has completely lost contact with his command center." Kerrigan opened her eyes at this time A data terminal carried, reported to Augustus.

"Are they crazy? At this time, they still dare to fight the Zerg in an area without any fortifications as a support." Augustus sighed.It has to be said that at least the courage of these federal fighters is worthy of respect.

"Obviously, they have stepped into the trap carefully designed by the cerebrates - the bait is a small city under heavy siege, where the most important pharmaceutical factory in the area is located." Kerrigan said, shaking his long fiery red hair .

"Many Tarsonis founding families are investors in this pharmaceutical company."

"I thought they were there to rescue civilians." Augustus shook his head.

"I shouldn't have expected anything from the Federal Army."

"In addition, Tassadar's fleet has destroyed 90.00% of the main hive and the zerg entrenched in it according to plan... The rest is much simpler." Kerrigan continued to report.

"What about the loss of the main town of Halseyn?" said Augustus. "I had just read a report of this a few hours ago, but that was a few hours ago."

"Things are much worse now, with nearly a third of the city of Helsingne lost, and the zerg are slaughtering unarmed civilians. Men, women, and children, they kill anyone they see," Kerrigan continued.

"The zerg seem to have figured out that humans live off the ground beneath their feet."

"It's urgent." Augustus sighed, hoping that Duke's Alpha Squadron had already landed in Helsingne.

At this time, a group of revolutionary soldiers in heavy armor walked past Augustus.Their armor is an upgraded version of the Firebat CMC250, which uses Umoyan's armor reinforcement frame and refined alloy steel armor. Drive this set of power armor that is heavier than ordinary CMC.

These power armors are like real behemoths, giants among individual power armors. Their helmets abandon the design of matte visors and replace them with prototype helmets with cross-shaped viewing ports.The mechanical palm used to hold the rifle was completely replaced with the AGG-17 grenade launcher. This grenade launcher is not the latest design of the Revolutionary Army military industry, but just a bigger and thicker version of the Federation's old AGG-12 grenade launcher. .

The No. 12 grenade could have destroyed dozens of zerg gathered together at once, and its upgraded version undoubtedly possessed even more astonishing power.

Firebat Power Armor designer Hiram Fick was the final finisher of the armor, and he also received many valuable suggestions from masters such as Rory Swan and Victor Kaczynski - as well as Make sure this armor comes closer to what Field Marshal Augustus Mengsk dreamed of.

It is said that when selecting a suitable grenade launcher for this heavy type, there are not many options before the chief engineer Swan. For a while, he even had to use the AGP-2 grenade launcher of the Condor car for experiments.Although the grenade launcher is equally powerful, Swan still believes that it is as unreliable as the Vulture itself.

In the stage of designing prototype weapons, more novel designs were also proposed, such as installing a rail gun for the new armor, but this proposal was finally shelved due to technical and financial problems, and probably only the rich and powerful Umoyan Only people can mass produce this kind of armor.

All in all, Swan and Fick's team can try some more attractive combinations, but for now, the Revolutionary Army needs a standard weapon that can be deployed on a large scale rather than an expensive mascot.

The fine steel armor and amazing firepower undoubtedly make it the first choice to deal with Zerg Thunderbeast and Protoss Dragon Knight on the frontal battlefield. Once this armor came out, it was considered an epoch-making progress, and it can destroy more enemies. It also means that more soldiers and people are saved.

Augustus named the armor the 5-4 Marauder Power Armor in honor of the armor being finalized and produced on May 5 - but some records indicate that the Marshal apparently got this date wrong.

Since then, soldiers in 5-4 power armor have also been called marauders.

Marauder power armor is very popular in the revolutionary army. Compared with its popularity, a small amount of trial-produced wolf armor equipped with the main force is just a thing of the past.

When the senior officers of the Revolutionary Army announced the advent of the Marauder Armor at the Army Equipment Headquarters, they almost broke their heads for this power armor. They always have their own reasons. Belonging to his unit, and Duke of the Navy is belittling this armor while taking more orders.

As for Firebat's Hanak Hank, he spent more than half of his Navy vs. Army sparring about how fucking cool this thing is.

Now, hundreds of Marauder power armor sets have been issued to Army and Airborne Division units to make up for their lack of heavy support firepower on the battlefield.On the battlefield, ordinary soldiers can rely on the firepower and heavy armor of the looters to stand firm in the frontal impact of the Ultralisks.

"I have praised Fick and Swann for their contributions more than once." Augustus was watching the pair of marauders pass by in front of him, his huge anti-fall boots stepping on the alloy Voices on the ground.

Marauders carry close to a hundred Punisher grenades, which account for most of their load.Once the ammunition is exhausted, they will switch to the Gauss rifle in the back.

Since the last time Augustus had seen Swann in the Armory, the new armor had been improved surprisingly quickly, almost entirely while the Hyperion was still in the Chrono-Sky.

"You were really elated at the time." Kerrigan smiled and said to Augustus, "I haven't seen you so happy since the Zerg invasion. You spent half an hour praising Engineers, talk about the value of Marauder armor."

"Each of them is a hero," said Augustus, "and I am only lucky enough that, as it happens, these heroes are willing to listen to my opinion."

"It's not because of your luck, you found each of them one by one from light-years away." Kerrigan said: "This sentence is enough to be recorded in the marshal's quotations, waiting for you to become famous all over the world , and all the Talonians are talking about it."

"What quotation?" Augustus was startled.

"There is no such thing." Faraday quickly denied it.

"." Augustus didn't stay on this issue for too long. In his opinion, this is simply irrelevant.

Not long after, another group of distinctive soldiers ran from the other side to the transport ship moored in the dock.Today, exoskeleton armor and skimpy combat uniforms are rare in the main force of the revolutionary army.

Soldiers in light combat uniforms and breastplates each have a huge turbojet backpack on their backs. Hundred feet in the air.An experienced wearer can also use the jetpack to fly in mid-air, sliding and leaping over buildings and people.

This is also from Hiram Fick's design. A few years ago, he designed a power armor that can assist airborne troops to land, and the Tyrann Federation also has a more complete design.

Fick has improved the armor, abandoning the heavy armor, and using a powerful turbo backpack to provide power.And even after improvements, this battle suit and jetpack are the equipment that caused the most non-combat casualties to the wearer.

A soldier who is determined to wear this combat uniform as an airborne force must pass extremely rigorous training to control it. Only the most experienced Revolutionary Reaper can perfectly fall from the sky above the enemy's head.A trained recruit platoon has a 20.00 to [-] percent mortality rate before graduation, so it's really a game for the brave.

Marshal Augustus uninspiredly called the only company equipped with this uniform the Reapers.The number of Death Company has been maintained between 500 and [-] people. They only enlist the most fearless extreme challengers among the veterans and recruits who have experienced many battles.

The Reapers of the Revolutionary Army will carry D-type explosives, P-25 electromagnetic pistols and electromagnetic rifles. They mainly perform assault and reconnaissance missions, and are also known as the Reapers of Augustus.

When the Reapers of Augustus were thrown into battle, that also meant that it was the area where the fighting was fiercest.

(End of this chapter)

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