StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 348 Death Comes

Chapter 348 Death Comes
Panicked people scurried across the green fields, through the man-high wheat fields of Helsingne.Thick barley stalks were pushed down and trampled in pieces, and the fragrance of the juice was mixed with the stench of blood and carrion.

The man-eating monster nimbly chased the panicking Hiltersens through the wheat fields, and knocked them down one by one.Someone tried to shoot at the Zerg with rifles and shotguns in their hands, but these sporadic gunshots were quickly covered by the roar of the alien monster.

The flight was doomed to be futile, no matter how far they ran, the swarm would catch up and eat them.It is still far away from the city, and news of the city being attacked by Zerg has spread a long time ago.

For the people of Helsinne Farm, the nightmare has only just begun.

A pair of young siblings are driving a combine harvester galloping across the fields, their wheat-colored faces are full of panic and collapse. One of them is 16 years old and the other is only 12 years old.

Their parents were the first victims of the zerg since they appeared on the farm. Those two hard-working and wise couples, together with the entire rural building complex, became a horrible, eerie and distorted pool of chitins. A mixture of carapace and distorted tissue.

This harvester has been around for some years. When my sister was born, it has become an important and important member of the Fox family.Today, this old large machine is rumbling out turbid smoke, strenuously crossing the field ridges and driving towards the solid road.

Before the federal garrison in Helsingne was completely wiped out, people at least had some idea of ​​where to flee to. It was either a heavily guarded military base or a densely populated city. At least there was a launch port that could evacuate the planet.

Now all hope is gone, farms are in ruins, factories and cities are billowing with black smoke.Where can helpless people flee.

There are zerg everywhere.

The vast farming area of ​​Helsingne is an endless plain, and large vehicles and machinery will not be affected by the rough terrain, but the only problem at this time is that the fuel of this harvester has begun to bottom out.

"Istel, shoot two shots in the back to fight back those monsters." Lorraine Foss is the elder sister, and the harvester seems to have a soul in her hands, and she can always save the day in the most critical moment.

"They're not afraid of guns and gunshots, they're not even afraid of Aunt Irene's screams." Easter poked his head out of the passenger window, holding a shotgun that his father used to hunt birds that ruined the crops. Two shots were fired.

That didn't kill the springtails, with their bright orange carapaces and slender wings, which almost hopped on after the harvester's taillights.Easter was not afraid of these monsters at all, he was still a newborn calf and spit a few mouthfuls at the monsters that followed him.

"Whatever it is, if they don't give up, little brother, we will be caught up sooner or later." Lorraine raised his head from the fuel gauge tremblingly, his purple lips were the same as the old cockpit frame of the harvester is shaking.

"Everyone in the town is dead, Aunt Irene, Cowes Carpenter, Elson Billy and we're all that's left."

"You like Elson, I know that," Easter said.

"But I've heard he died with no dignity."

Easter looked at her trembling sister and said, "If they catch up to us, then I will kill you first and then commit suicide."

"I've seen how Ireland died, and he was alive when an alien dog ate his lower half," he said.

"Don't say that, Easter, we will survive, we will." Lorraine said: "The radio channel of the harvester received a broadcast from the Human Revolutionary Army not long ago, and they are finally coming. I tried Sending a distress signal with old equipment, someone will come to rescue us."

"Don't be naive, Lorraine, they won't come here to save the peasant's children. Remember what those soldiers told us—they can't even save themselves, how can they save us."

"Augustus Mengsk's Revolutionary Army is different. They are different from the Federation Marine Corps." Lorraine bit his lips tightly, and saw two jumping and advancing springtails through the glass next to the driver's seat of the harvester .

She didn't know if those were the ones that followed them from the start, all zerg were the same after all.

"What's the difference?" Estelle snarled her sister habitually, but she also hoped that Lorraine was right.

"They're going to jump up!" screamed my sister, weeping as she cried, wiping the unstoppable tears so they wouldn't obscure her vision.

Just as I was speaking, there was a bang, and a howling springtail jumped up at an inconceivably high speed and climbed onto the barn of the harvester. Gives people goosebumps.

Both the siblings could hear the rattling sound of the alien monster crawling on the roof of the car, and the iron sheet was even lifted off piece by piece.

Sister Lorraine tried her best to speed up the classic car that had been pushed to the limit, but it even gradually slowed down because of the bottom of the gas.

For a few seconds, the scratching sound stopped abruptly, and the siblings even thought that the monster lying on the roof of the car had been thrown off.At this time, the harvester was driving into a section of road that was potholed by the bombing, and the body was shaking all the time.

"Is it gone?" Lorraine asked cautiously.

"I don't know." Easter hugged the shotgun tightly. It was not only his father's only relic, but also the only thing that could protect them besides the harvester at the moment.

After a moment of calm, a monster with a brightly colored crown and a long snake-like kiss poked its head out from behind the car window on Lorraine's side like lightning. It opened its mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth. The razor-like rows of teeth and minced flesh are clearly visible.

Lorraine almost jumped out of her seat in fright, stretched her neck like a panicked goose, and screamed:

"Do something, God, do something! Easter!"

At this time, the springtail had stretched out its front paws and smashed the car window glass and stuck its head in. There was almost only a thin line between its bright red bloody mouth and Lorraine's cheek.

"Bang!" Easter shot at her sister's side, smashing the monster's face with a single shot, but it just howled and turned its head, stretching out its claws to grab Lorraine go out.

Easter shot one after another with a calm face, then stood up and smashed the monster's injured face with the butt of the gun, but the monster kept clinging to the window frame, as if it didn't know the pain and retreated.With almost all the bullets he fired, he looked the monster straight in the eyes with fearless courage and shot into its gaping mouth before knocking it down.

Misfortunes never come singly, and the old classic car let out a final whimper as it slowed down.At this time, both Lorraine and Easter knew that their lives were coming to an end.

The springtails surrounded the harvester that was about to stop. Dozens of pairs of dim yellow eyes stared at the prey that was about to arrive. The swarm never lacked patience.

Easter opened the mechanical barrel arm full of sharp blades in front of the harvester through the control panel. These blades, which can easily crush the dried rhizomes of barley, rotated at an extremely fast speed, crushing the springtails that jumped up in an instant.

"Go to hell!" Easter almost smashed the control panel that was about to fall off. At the same time, Lorraine also gritted his teeth and turned the harvester, using the remaining power to hit the attacking springtail.

In the very beginning, they drove the harvester to strangle a few zerglings when they were in a desperate situation, but the zerglings of these flexible zergs immediately avoided the sharp cutting blades by jumping and dodging like grasshoppers in the field. The much larger harvester seemed clumsy and sluggish.

More springtails dodged the spinning cutting blades and jumped onto the harvester, furious as if to dismantle the giant machine.

By the time the harvester finally came to a halt, Easter had fired all the bullets and watched as more zerglings approached.His older sister was so scared she forgot how to cry and just whimpered to die.

Easter is a child raised by a farmer, and his independent personality makes him far stronger than other children of the same age.

He once aspired to become a general, and began to read the ancient heroes of the earth, Alexander, Caesar, Augustus, Napoleon and legends of galactic heroes since he was a child, but these dreams will eventually come to naught.

However, at this moment, the springtails climbing outside the cockpit of the harvester reacted before the two siblings. They all looked in a certain direction, muttering uneasy grunts in their mouths, like It's a vigilant cat.

"Look." Estelle said to her sister.

"That direction." He pointed out the front window.

At first, they were just black shadows, and then their wings were clearly visible.The boom of the injectors grew louder, sounding like wheat waves across the fields, and the alert zerglings responded with louder growls.

At a height of several hundred feet, soldiers with wings behind their backs descended from the sky, and the orange flames spewed from the jetpacks behind them seemed to be the tail wings of a phoenix.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they have come to the siblings with the bang of the electromagnetic rifle and the explosion of the grenade. They used the weapons in their hands to harvest the lives of the springtails silently and condescendingly. .Some were holding double guns, others were holding Gauss rifles, and a few flying men with a large handful of electromagnetic grenades in their arms were throwing bombs down wantonly.

During the chaos, Easter could vaguely see the logo of the Keha Revolutionary Army on the shoulder armor of these flying trapezemen. Their battle uniforms basically maintained the same style-the crimson battle uniform with the golden light shining. Phnom Penh.

Almost all Reapers wear helmets and breathing masks, but there are always some true warriors and machos who choose to forego them.

In addition to some Keha veterans in the death company, there are also outlaws from the port of the dead, rock lovers who have spent their lives chasing excitement in the slums of Heji, and criminals from Altera.

Among them, Altera's criminals accounted for the majority. They trained in the purgatory-like prison planet to be ruthless and cruel that ordinary soldiers of the Revolutionary Army did not possess, and they were willing to do anything in exchange for a real victory.

Marshal Augustus Mengsk once promised that once the Reapers of Altera achieved meritorious service on the battlefield or persisted until they retired, all their sins would be written off.In any case, their record of killing so many zergs is enough to make these scumbags who once struggled to survive in the stinky gutters heroes.

Altera's Grim Reapers wear only a few breathing tubes to avoid suffocation during high-speed flight, and they always believe that their unique cockscomb head can intimidate the enemy in battle.

The gods of death flew over the heads of Easter and Lorraine like fighter planes, did not stay for a moment, but then flew in another direction.

The so-called Reapers are not kangaroos or desert jerboas who are good at crossing slopes and hills. Just like the energy provided by jetpacks, Reapers can use backpacks to carry out long-term airborne flights.

The Reapers of the Revolutionary Army are always falling from the sky, and no one has ever been able to catch them.

The gods of death flew into the distance one after another, looking for another group of people who needed to be saved, and disappeared just as suddenly and elusively as they came.

Before Easter and Lorraine could react, two more revolutionary army transport ships painted in gold and red landed in the wheat field, and the wake of the propeller burned a large clump of vigorously growing barley into black. carbon.

Soldiers in red power armor lined up from the ramps lowered on both sides of the transport ship, shoulder to shoulder to lay out the defense line at the landing site.Then, more transport ships appeared in the clouds above, some of them were transport ships much larger than APOD-33, it was hard to imagine how many heavily armed soldiers were carried on those ships that cast huge shadows on the ground .

Easter pulled his sister, who was stunned by the violent emotional fluctuations, off the harvester that was almost chopped up by the springtails, and walked towards the soldiers, because he was sure that he and his sister were safe.

The soldiers did not stop Easter from walking towards one of the transport ships, they just focused on what was directly ahead of them.

The transport ship didn't look very prominent at first, but when Easter walked there, two sergeants in military uniforms with stand-up collars first stepped down from the gangway, followed by officers without military ranks on their shoulders but imposing.

Finally, a corporal and a slim red-haired woman in tights came down from the top, and then a senior commander in a dark gray cloak and a military cap with a golden wolf badge.

This face was no stranger to Easter and his sister.

Known as the leader of the Korha rebels who brought destruction, Field Marshal Augustus Mengsk.

"Give them a cup of barley tea and some chocolate," said the Marshal. "These poor children must be very frightened."

 I'm busy moving today, and I feel in a bad state.

(End of this chapter)

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