StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 44 You must be ruthless

Chapter 44 You must be ruthless

Renault's tears were about to fall.

"It's just a small injury." Augustus felt something blocking his throat, making it a little painful.

"We've got to do something for Tom," Raynor said. "We've got to take him and Benjamin."

Before Augustus could make a decision, another federal army gradually caught up behind them.There was about one platoon of them, and the leader was a lieutenant. Judging from the designation, it should be the troops of the second brigade.

"Who is your commander?" The lieutenant walked up to Augustus, and his troops stopped.The lieutenant obviously noticed the Goliath walker lying aside.

"I'm Corporal Mengsk. Anyway, as you can see, medical soldiers are needed here, and the sooner the better." Augustus stood up and said to the lieutenant.

"Now you can talk about the situation here, preferably in one or two sentences." After a pause of two seconds, the lieutenant said after a few words on the communication channel.

"A Kel-Morian Goliath attacked us hidden in the underground parking lot in the alley," Augustus said. "As you can see, we took it out."

"Are you in command of these people? Well done." The lieutenant glanced at the Goliath: "The Goliaths of the Kelmerians have caused us far more losses than their Rippers, No matter how many losses and sacrifices you pay, it's worth it."

"Follow me with your men, there's still a way to go to take down the Kel-Morian command center. The Kel-Morian bastards are hiding all over the city like rats in the sewers. To get back This ruin, too many people have died for this damned stinking ditch," he said.

"We can only go one way to the dark, young sergeant."

"This is fucking war."

While Augustus was reporting to the lieutenant, four medics came out of the company on a stretcher. They used laser components to remove Omo's breastplate and plastron, and took a few minutes to remove other parts.

After a simple bandage, they carried Omo, who had fallen into a coma, onto a stretcher and walked towards the direction they came from.As they left, the medical soldiers dropped a few more body bags.

"These bags are made with the latest nano-textile technology, which can preserve the body before recycling." A soft, but emotionless female voice came through the loudspeaker.

"Recycle, what to recycle?" Renault put away the body bag.

"Power armor," said the medic.

"What's wrong with him? Where are you going?" Zander asked after the stretcher.

But the medical soldiers just shook their heads without answering.

After placing the bodies of Benjamin and the other dead marines in body bags, Augustus led the rest to follow the lieutenant's team.During this period of time, no one spoke again, and everyone was in a bad mood, especially Renault, who was shaking with grief for a while.

Grief and self-blame afflicted Augustus as well, but it wasn't enough to break him. On the contrary, the pain made his thinking clearer and more precise than ever.

Gradually, they are getting closer and closer to the exit of the A-220 commercial street. The exit is a central square composed of large buildings such as a bookstore, an electronic shopping mall, and a department store. In the center of the square paved with cobblestones is a fountain that has dried up.

As long as they pass through this square, Augustus and others can return to the road.At this time, the bright light was getting closer and closer to them. In the surrounding streets, the sound of gunfire and artillery became more and more intense. Every federal army that entered the business district was ambushed by the Kel-Morians.

The lieutenant of the second brigade was in the lead, the first to step out of the mall.At the exit, the officer waved his hand back vigorously before turning and moving on.

"Don't stop!" he yelled.

But suddenly, without warning, the officer staggered a few steps before falling to the ground.Almost everyone watched the lieutenant fall, and from Augustus's position he could just see the bullet hole in his helmet.

"Sniper!" A non-commissioned officer in the lieutenant's platoon yelled, which caused a series of chain reactions. Because they didn't know where the sniper was, the marines shot at the surrounding shops and tall buildings.The gunfire died down after shattering the few dozen remaining panes of glass in the area.

"Rick, can you kill him?" Augustus asked on the communication channel.

"Yes, but you must determine the location of the enemy sniper." Rick replied, "See those tall buildings in the square? He could be on any floor of any of them, and the gun was aimed The entrance to this street. He may have left it by now, or is still quietly waiting for the next target worthy of his shooting."

"The shot just now may have been the last shot. He just needs to let us know that there is a killer staring at our heads."

While Augustus was talking to Rick, the lieutenant's squad leaders were having a heated discussion on their platoon channels, but they were more arguing about who would command the platoon after the lieutenant's death.

"I can only rush through with all my might," Harnack said.

"If we don't take out that sniper, we're going to die as many shots as he can before we get off the street," Reynolds said.

"How about a detour to the other street?" Zander said. "Or we wait for the troops on the other street to go out first."

"But what if that bastard is already on us? As long as he's still there, who knows if his next shot will hit one of us among the hundreds," Ward said.

"Rick, how to determine the position of the enemy sniper." Augustus asked.

"I need him to shoot again." Rick had already climbed to the top floor of a department store at the exit of the commercial street, set up a sniper rifle at a window on the top floor, aimed at the central square, and aimed at the center square. Move slowly from left to right at half an inch per second.

Rick's sniper rifle is designed for warriors in power armor, and it's built for sniping.The trigger of the boatswain FN-92 is designed as a two-step click mode. After the first step is pulled, the second trigger only needs a slight touch to make the firing pin in the barrel bounce.

After hearing Rick's words, Augustus was silent.The most rational thinking told him that they can't stay in this commercial area for too long, otherwise who knows if a Ripper army or a Goliath will suddenly pop up nearby.

"Ryred." While the squad leaders were still arguing, Augustus suddenly turned to the resocialized soldiers he had met before, and now, there were only three of them left.Without any hesitation or hesitation, Augustus chose the most effective solution to the problem he thought at the moment. He wanted these resocialized soldiers to attract enemy snipers to shoot.

Benjamin's death and Omo's serious injury are turning Augustus hard.

Ryder immediately walked to Augustus' side.

"Rick, you have three chances," Augustus said.

"Once is enough." Rick said, "What are you going to do?"

"Try to induce him to shoot, but not too risky."

"From now on, Rick, concentrate on finding the sniper's position, and kill him before he escapes." Augustus cut off the communication channel after finishing speaking.

"Private First Class Ryred, come here."

At this time, Augustus was very close to Ryred, and he found a string of ID numbers in small font on the helmet of the resocialized soldier.After entering this number, Augustus found the following information through the built-in computer:

Lyred Gaine, killed ten grown men, ate six of them, and salted the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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