StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 45 Howe Fortress

Chapter 45 Howe Fortress
"This is an order I gave you, Ryder." Augustus pointed to the exit of A-220 Commercial Street: "Go in that direction."

"Yes, sir." Ryred made an exemplary military salute, turned and ran towards the exit.

Augustus watched Ryred pass through the front several squads. Amidst their stunned and shouting, the marine who was a murderer and turned into a resocialized soldier stepped out of the entrance at a steady pace.

"Get ready, Rick."

"Understood, Mengsk. With my sniper badge on, there's no way I'm going to miss."

Rick Kidd gripped the sniper rifle, and the built-in computer in the armor was calculating the temperature, humidity, altitude and air pressure on the display screen in the eyepiece, and it could also help him calibrate the altitude and deflection difference.In a heartbeat, Rick pulled the trigger for the first step.At this time, the sound of the outside world, everything seems to be isolated from it.

Now, he has to pay attention to the flash of fire when the sniper rifle fires on the tall building opposite, and then catch the sniper and kill him before he retreats and changes the sniper point again.

After Rick concentrated all his energy on the reticle of the scope, where he couldn't find it, a touch of extremely pale gold appeared in his round eyes, which is one of the characteristics of a psyker when he activates his psychic power one.Stronger human psykers can cause their eyes to glow the color of molten gold when they use their psychic powers.

Now, the rain was falling more slowly.

In Rick's world, the flow of time slows down, as if in another deceleration space that overlaps with the real world.

This made it easier for Rick to time his snipe shots, and with a single flick of a finger, he was able to lift the skulls of each target.So far, Rick has never missed a shot except when interrupted by irresistible external factors.

At one point, Rick catches a fleeting flash of light on an electronics building opposite.In less than one breath, he locked on to the target, and before the sniper in the hooded gray robe pulled away, with a heavy impact between the gunstock and the shoulder armor, the flow of time returned to normal.

There was a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that Rick had never felt in the 18 years he had grown up as the heir to the Bennett family.The joy of sniping fascinates Rick and is gradually transforming him into a brilliant and ruthless killer.

Rick has accepted his new role and is happy with it.

"I killed him, and I will continue to monitor you as you pass through this square." Rick quickly left his original position.

"Fine," Augustus replied on the other side of the comm channel.

When Rick set up his sniper rifle on the other floor, he could see a troop in silver-gray power armor running across the central square through his eyepiece, watching the last of them pass through the entrance of the square and enter the more advanced area. Wide open Route 40.

All of a sudden, Rick started thinking about how Augustus got the sniper to shoot so decisively.But soon he put this problem behind him, in Rick's heart, there is nothing that Augustus can't do.

After Augustus' troops set foot on Highway 40, they gradually merged with the [-]th Battalion and other battalion companies.On this road, the federal army only encountered resistance from a small number of Kel Morian troops plus a few tanks.

Camerian's tanks are not so much tanks as they are tracked heavy armored vehicles converted from mining tractors. These tractor converted tanks are welded with plain steel plates, skirt armor and tracks. The steel plate of the front fender is full of sharp spikes.Turrets also come in a variety of styles and calibers.

Some Camerian tanks were even equipped with two main guns, front and rear, and the turret could not be moved.

The tractor engine is cooled by an external water tank, and when the engine roars like a giant, a burst of steam rises from the hood of the tank.

The combat style of these Camerian tanks is also extremely wild, and the crazy tank drivers are more willing to drive the tanks to rush towards the Federation marines when there are still a lot of shells left, and crush them to death.

However, the small number of tanks was not enough to defeat the federal army, and these tanks were quickly destroyed by federal anti-tank weapons.The road to the city center was now clear, and Augustus' troops followed the rest of the company westward.

At the same time, the Federation's offensive forces from different directions had already entered the urban area, and the fortresses and defensive positions built by the Kymerians around the command center, satellite communication base stations, and heavy factories were also conquered one after another.

The fleet battle on the Turasis II synchronous orbit has also come to an end. In the Alpha and Delta squadrons, nearly ten Leviathan and Behemoth-class battlecruisers, as well as their assault ships and frigates, are attacking the huge fleet. Below, Kel-Morian's last three battlecruisers warped out of synchronous orbit.

In the deep space, the wreckage of the battleship fell into eternal silence after burning out the last trace of oxygen in it. Thousands of shattered steel fragments revolved around the planet, and every flattened and molten cabin and deck They have all become cold graves where dozens or hundreds of souls are buried.

Due to the lack of support from the fleet and air force, the armies closest to Polk's Pride were also at war with the federal forces. By 14:[-] pm, even the toughest war supervisor in the Kel Morian command center believed that their defeat was doomed.

By the time Augustus's class reached the city center, the few remaining Kel-Morian forces began surrendering to the Confederacy under the command of their commander.

At 17:[-] in the afternoon, the last Kelmorian force still fighting was defeated by the federal army.

The [-]th Battalion of the [-]th Brigade assembled on a tarmac in the Kelmorian command center, and then Augustus, a sad-faced Renault and others sat on the tarmac waiting for the arrival of the transport plane.

At 19:[-], a heavy APOD transport aircraft carrying Augustus's squad flew over the Padik River back to the [-]th Battalion garrison.No sooner had they disembarked from the transport plane than a [-]nd sergeant major at the camp called to tell Augustus that Omo had been doing badly since he was taken to the Marine Corps hospital in Polk's Pride.

Augustus immediately boarded the supply vehicle with Renault to the hospital from the Fifth Battalion. Along the way, he looked tired and remained silent.Renault showed much more grief and pain than Augustus, and he didn't even know how to bring it up to his family and Omo's parents.

Even if Omo can survive, he may only rely on artificial organs and mechanical prosthetics to live a normal life in the future.

To be more realistic, their trip was just to see Omo for the last time.

Originally, before entering the hospital, Augustus and Renault had already adjusted their mentality, thinking that Omo must not be affected by their bad emotions.But when the nurse pushed the flatbed cart carrying Omo's body past them, neither of them held back and shed tears.

A week later, the ashes of Benjamin and Omo were sent back to their hometown for burial.The [-]th Battalion of the [-]th Brigade was transferred from Polk's Pride. Augustus's squad followed the company by train to Fort Howe, a thousand miles away, and entered the fort on the night of arrival to relieve the garrison there. The ever-increasing pressure of the increasingly active Kel-Morian higorn army in its vicinity.

(End of this chapter)

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