Chapter 721
The chaos in the high-altitude orbit did not spread to Augustgrad below, and the people of the Empire were still in the grief and panic caused by the last attack.As in the past, after the disaster, they had to bury the dead, rebuild the collapsed walls, and start all over again.

During this period, all parts of Augustgrad have been shut down, and the city government departments of the Tyrannian Empire are working to restore order. They have done a good job, so they have been affirmed and rewarded by Emperor Augustus.

The new decree was issued before the emperor returned to Keha, including a series of orders to convert private enterprises to military production standards to produce military supplies, in order to establish a powerful arms production system capable of supporting inter-stellar wars.The military factories in Tarsonis, Nafu II, and Bugaliwei V are all working day and night, aiming to fully arm the empire from top to bottom.

Officers and reserve forces throughout the empire have also been mobilized. The railway networks and interstellar ports of various planets are crowded with imperial soldiers who are about to go to the front line. Huge starships carry tens of thousands of soldiers, Mechs and armored vehicles landed on the front lines among the imposing planetary fortress bases, barracks and giant supply depot complexes.

Young people born in 2485 this year have also begun to enlist in the army. They happened to be born during the guild war.Due to the low birth rate of the population during the war, the source of soldiers during this period was significantly reduced.They were born in a tragic war time, and now they are about to face the most terrible catastrophe in history.

Augustus briefly attended a news conference after the attack. He didn't deliver a long speech, but it seemed that just being in front of people was inspiring enough, at least for now.

Later, Augustus convened a pre-imperial meeting to make the final pre-war deployment. The location was on the Sky Shield orbital platform. All powerful figures attended the meeting, including more than 30 senior officials of the imperial colonies and dominions.

This was an internal meeting of the Tyrannian Empire, and the leaders of the protoss did not send envoys to attend. Obviously, they had reached a consensus with Augustus in advance.Right now, the huge combined Protoss fleet has already left the Korha galaxy.

An unprecedented grand plan unites the protoss who were originally disintegrated and hated and suspected each other. This is the long-cherished wish of Artanis and his mentor Tassadar, but when it really comes, it is unexpected.

Many important figures from the Imperial Admiralty, Marshal Horace Warfield, Matt Horner, and Alexei Stukov were not present, due to the increasingly tense situation in the border star field of the Empire, More than half of the Imperial fleet is actually still scattered in the complicated border areas, or is carrying out dangerous covert missions.

The territory of the Tyrann Empire spanning thousands of light years across the three major star regions is curled, reddened, and wrinkled like ignited paper, and the flames of war are spread all over it like ugly red spots. Everywhere Amon's army passes Ruins and ashes.

In this meeting, everyone present is convinced that what happened in the Sky Shield today will determine whether they can reverse the precarious fate of mankind.

Amon may be the most formidable foe man has ever seen, but he cannot frighten the race's determination to fight valiantly.

"We will attack Al. Destroy her if necessary."

At the beginning of the meeting, Augustus told the imperial elites under the long table in this way.This isn't the last battle, but they will fight a war that will end all wars.

"Ministers and generals, what I want to tell you is that the success or failure of this battle will determine the survival and continuation of mankind." Renault stood up from his seat, looking at the serious, cautious and silent faces over him.

It was the first time that the imperial officials and generals present knew that they were about to attack Aiur, and they couldn't help but feel puzzled.This former protoss empire has been silent for many years, and it is rarely even mentioned by the Imperial Council and the Supreme Command.At the same time, she is really far away from the Tyrann Empire, far outside the strike range of the Imperial Fleet.

Few people expected that when the empire was besieged on all sides, they would open up a new battlefield in Ayr.

Even those who claim to be the most strategically gifted military strategists and the most adept at guessing the hearts of emperors can't see the point.

The existing military power of the empire is insufficient to defend the existing star field. If they deploy heavy troops in Aiur, they will have to give up more worlds.

Of course, the empire will never make the current combat plan public, otherwise the people will definitely think that the remaining imperial fleet will not be able to guarantee their safety, and then fall into panic, and even parades and riots will break out.

Due to the long distance and relative occlusion of news, people in the border star field still don't know that the empire has mobilized two-thirds of the known fleet to guard the core world, otherwise they will definitely think that they have been abandoned. Political crises are as simple as that.

But no one would rush to raise their own doubts without knowing the situation. If the emperor had already made a decision, then he only needed to know the feasibility, instead of asking whether they really wanted to attack Aiur.

"Soon, the eyes of the whole world will be on Ayer, on us." Augustus looked tired, and a few strands of gray hair on his forehead were frizzy, but his resolute eyebrows were still majestic. Significantly.In the past dozen hours, he went back and forth between Augustgrad and the orbiting fleet twice, without even having time to drink.

"We are going to declare war on the former Creator under the spotlight of the world." When Prince Arcturus spoke, he seemed to spit out clanging steel from his mouth: "Then choked his throat fiercely."

"If he really had a throat," Raynor quipped as he sat down, but no one laughed.

A burst of unglamorous green light immediately lit up on the long conference table, and countless shining stars and planets gathered into fine dust to appear on the vast holographic star map.Among them, the Eyre galaxy and many neighboring galaxies have been marked, and the entire star field seems to be shrouded in a shocking dark red mist.

When Augustus was speaking, the perspective on the holographic star map quickly traveled through the vast interstellar dust, and was finally locked on the planet Aiur.Aiur orbits a golden sun, which the ancient Protoss tribe of Sirak called the Orb of Day, and in a farther orbit is another planet in the galaxy, Aleun. ).

The axial inclination of Ayr is smaller than that of the earth, so the area of ​​the temperate zone is larger, the climate is relatively warmer and more humid, and the surface is covered with a vast tropical rainforest formed by a large amount of green vegetation.The ecology of this planet is well protected, almost primitive, with magnificent natural landscapes, and the dense atmosphere creates the iconic stormy climate.

However, this was already a few years ago. The Overlord crushed Al, and the terrifying swarm really made this beautiful planet very sick.As for now, Al is falling into the void, and will be in this process forever, she will be infinitely close to the void, but will never be a part of the void.

Now Al looks like a black eyeball inlaid on the boundary between void and reality, with a bloody iris in the middle.The Firstborn of the Gods are reluctant to admit that their sacred home has never been more daunting.Al is already a purgatory, where life was once a paradise, and now the death harvesters of the dark god run rampant on the bones.

"The fallen Xel'naga Amon created a hybrid incarnation in Al's Eye of the Void, and used it as a vehicle for him to come to our universe." Augustus glanced at the more than 100 participants present, staring Looking at those pairs of eyes, it seems to be examining their inner courage: "Once he succeeds"

"We will never turn around."

It wasn't easy for them to figure out the xel'naga and avatar concepts, but if they didn't, there was no way to explain why they had to attack Aiur immediately.Fortunately, everyone here is a core figure in the empire, and they know much more about Nagar and the void than ordinary people.

A blessing in disguise, Augustgrad's attack has dispelled the doubts in the hearts of those who did not believe in the real existence of the Creator and void creatures.

What Augustus must emphasize to them is that the Naganaga are not gods, they are just an extremely ancient race with the peak of technology and civilization, this race once reached the apex of the universe, they once created everything in the universe, but even So they are still not gods.

"Amon the Fallen of Xel'Naga rules the void, but the void is not the same as our universe." Arcturus said: "Constrained by this, Amon has little control over our universe, but if he When the will of the evil god descends on this evil god's body, this boundary can be broken. At that time, the balance between void and reality will be broken."

"Everyone, we are fighting on multiple fronts with the protoss and Zerg controlled by Amon. Hundreds of worlds are fighting at the same time. Thousands of imperial soldiers are bleeding and dying, but the front lines are constantly retreating." He said:
"The enemy's strength is ten thousand times stronger than ours, and their number is also ten thousand times that of ours. If the enemies in the void are counted, there will be no last hope of victory left."

The truth is far more desperate than the public really knows.

"This evil god host of Amon must be destroyed." Augustus continued.

Augustus originally thought that after the Juggernaut's body was swallowed by the Eye of the Void, Amon would choose to create his own avatar on other planets, and it would be extremely difficult to find this avatar.But now it seems that Amon's plan has not actually been affected. I am afraid that he created the Eye of the Void in order to avoid the destruction of the ruler's corpse.

After sending multiple special forces to Ayer and confirming with the protoss, Augustus finally believed that the host of the evil god was in Ayer's Void Eye.

Augustus had to worry that this might be a trap, but considering that even Amon himself in the original timeline failed to keep the host of Artanis after being informed of its location, it seems nothing to worry about .

"How terrifying is this evil god host hybrid, we must send a large fleet to destroy it." Colonial Affairs Officer Billy Bob said at this time under the eyes of all his colleagues: "If that's the case , how do we fight against Durham's golden fleet and Juggernaut's celestial hive. In the past few standard weeks, we have lost too many worlds to lose more."

"More than one void gate has been opened on Aiur, which seems to be a paradise where void creatures are rampant. In addition, there is a whole swarm of Aiur guarding her." Augustus said:

"And if Aiur is attacked, Amon will definitely dispatch the golden fleet and the dominator swarm back to defend to ensure the safety of the host of the evil god, and then our frontal threat will naturally disappear."

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, we cannot be sure that Amon will definitely do that." The Minister of Munitions Morrison usually does not express his opinions in such meetings, but even he thinks such a battle plan is incredible:

"If that's the case, it won't take long for the frontline support to be defeated."

"There has never been a war with a 100% chance of winning. In the past, we could analyze the habits and tendencies of the enemy generals and infer the enemy's response and deployment, but we knew nothing about Amon." Thomas Mahler, Minister of Economic Warfare Mahler): "It's a good thing he doesn't know us either."

"To turn defeat into victory, you must surprise Eamon!"

Thomas Mahler was a well-known figure in the Tyrannian Empire. He once spent nine years in the Federal New Folsom Prison for political crimes, and he was still a great hero when he was released from prison.

Amon knew about humans, of course, but he didn't know about Augustus Mengsk.Only Augustus knew how to lead to victory, for him it was a grand road.

The war situation in front of them has surpassed the previous interstellar wars, and the past strategies are no longer applicable. What they need now is an adventure that can turn the tide of battle.Different from the static defense strategy adopted by the empire in the face of the swarm attack in the past, this time Augustus's plan is: attack, attack, and attack again.

"If Amon didn't call back his army, our current army could support us for a few more months." Augustus said, "In addition to our army, there are also huge Cerberus swarms that can join the battlefield, And even the Taldarin Protoss and Primordial Zerg will help us to delay the attack of Amon's army to a certain extent."

Attacking Aiur was only the first step, but Augustus didn't need to mention the rest.All here are imperial elites, loyal and loyal. Augustus is not worried about leaking secrets, but human spirits are too fragile compared to protoss, brain worms, and hybrids. It's the same as being naked.

"The empire already has more fleet power than you imagined, so there will be no problem." Renault said with a smile, "Some people accuse the Tyranid Empire of being militaristic, but such accusations are not even strong enough."

This is an enormous fleet force, and it comes at a high price.The number of imperial warships in different construction processes every year is extremely staggering. In order to maintain the expansion of the army and the huge number of shipbuilding plans, the funds invested by the empire are absolutely crazy in the eyes of people in the federal era.

One-tenth of the empire's current warships is enough to dominate the Koprulu sector. If the actual number is announced, the people will only think that they are now going to war against the Earth Federation or the gods.

The conclusion is that from the very beginning, when everyone, including the protoss, knew nothing about the threat in the void, Augustus prepared the Tyranid Empire for a doomsday battle.

"If you think we can hold out against the enemy, then I think so." Bob sighed.He knew that the emperor was always right, but if he made a mistake once, human beings would be lost forever.

"So, now we need a detailed battle plan." After a while, when no one spoke, Renault stood up again and said.

"The plan is in place," said Augustus. "For an attack on Ayr, Korha's fleet is sufficient."

"In addition, we will have the full support of the protoss. The protoss have put all their hopes into the battle in Aiur, and for this reason, they have assembled their last fleet."

"How many ships do they have?" asked Arcturus.

"More than 4000 capital ships, Protoss, have drained their fortunes, and even moved out old antiques that have been dismantled and used as museums. Otherwise, they will have to fight with stone ropes and spears." Renault said.

Since the Golden Fleet was corrupted and Sacoolas was destroyed, the Dalam Protoss, who had recovered a lot of vitality, was hit hard again. There was no one in the powerful fleet. From the place where the new fleet is pulled, it seems to grow out of the ground.

"While attacking Aiur, we must also attract the attention of the Golden Fleet and the Overlord Swarm, and keep them as far away from Aiur as possible."

 A few days ago, my sleep completely collapsed, and I didn't close my eyes for the longest two days, and I almost died.

  Today I found out that it might be Eryang. Before my aunt came back to my house, she had sunburn and lay in bed for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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