StarCraft: Tyranid Empire.

Chapter 722 Golden Fleet What Are You Doing?

Chapter 722 Golden Fleet What Are You Doing?
Vice Admiral Pryor of the Imperial Navy woke up from a long sleep, and a beam of cold white light like moonlight suddenly shined through the viewing window of the outer cabin of Flashpoint's captain's cabin, illuminating his face. Zhang was dripping with sweat, as if his face was soaked in water.

A Valkyrie frigate with a beautiful shape and a smooth hull is speeding past the window. The ion jet of the orange thruster at her tail is dragging behind her for a long time. From a distance, it looks like a flying broom with mysterious magical power , which is amazing.

A number of Viking battleships approached from below, passed through the dark green matrix force field activated by Operation Flashpoint during the space jump, loomed in the huge shadow of the battleships, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Good morning, General. The voyage from Ignus is over, and we are now at the edge of the star system where the former Protoss world of Torenis Prime resides."

This is a cold female voice, coming from a series of machine-synthesized voices that follow logical operations.Prior is a nostalgic person, he is still using the old mechanical adjutant, although her system is old, can't think, like a piece of scrap iron.

Occasionally, he would remember the difficult days of Mar Sara, and miss the ignorant age when humans could look at the starry sky without worry before the arrival of the protoss and the zerg.

When Player got up, he found that he had a severe headache, and frequent spatial jumps had a great impact on the human body.Perhaps he should have slept soundly in the hibernation pod without even having a nightmare.

"Where's Senfa?"

Senfa was Prior's second-in-command, a brave young man who had been with him since Total War II.

"He's on the line," the adjutant said.

"Very good, let him wait for me on the command bridge." Pryor put on a navy coat, which had no other logos except the black and red slashed imperial emblem.

Prior stood for a moment under the portrait of Emperor Augustus Mengsk, meticulously arranging his clothes.He then saluted the emperor's portrait again and headed straight for the bridge.

Operation Flashpoint is a Minotaur-class battlecruiser, not much different from battleships of the same class, the special feature is that the warp engine of this ship has been upgraded with the Nagar technology based on the "time-space fragmentation device" , allowing her to perform up to three jumps at a time without having to stop for a long time to recharge.

Not only the flagship Flashpoint, but all the warships and spaceships in Pryor's fleet have undergone related upgrades.When this technology first came out, Pryor was keenly aware of how much this technology could bring about a huge improvement in the maneuverability of starships, so as to completely change the conventional strategic and tactical pattern of fleet operations.

For this reason Prior was compelled to compliment Lorry Swan unconscionably, persuade him with words as sweet as drowning a fly, and coax him to agree to send his best engineer.

When he's not dealing with screws, Swan likes to be the center of the conversation, and if there's something nice to say about the stubborn Mrs. Mainholt, he'll be more than happy to help you—but even the most enthusiastic Chief Engineer It will not bear the part related to military expenditure.

Everything is worth it, this technology costs a lot, and the Imperial Navy Department, which seems extremely stingy in some respects, has not yet completed the upgrade of all Imperial warships.

Some in the Admiralty were simply short-sighted, or if they noticed these problems, they couldn't fix them anytime soon.

In the final analysis, it is still incompetent.

"General, the probe has not detected any traces of the transition in the Torrenis galaxy. It seems that the golden fleet has not arrived here yet." Pryor's adjutant Senfa said immediately when he saw him walk into the bridge.

Here is a spirited, strong lad, fashioned into steel by the war among the stars.

Senfa hails from Zanadar Prime, a place where war has never broken out, but until the Empire took over the government there, Zanadar's government has always been synonymous with crime and chaos, and politicians are always dealing with endless scandals Linked to political assassination.

The empire's solution was simple. It directly arranged an area in New Folsom Prison to accept Zanadar politicians.However, the intricate political environment of the main star of Zanadar is inseparable from the local aristocratic class and chaebol groups that are deeply rooted in the area, but doing so is only a temporary solution, not a root cause.

"We came earlier than them, just as expected." Prior walked into the bridge: "The battle plan has been half successful."

The bridge of Operation Flashpoint has a wide field of vision, and the surrounding wide-angle display overlooks the battlefield. Below it is the tower bridge with countless instruments, and hundreds of people are busy walking around.

"What about Torrenis?" Prior looked at the slowly rotating green planet on the main holographic screen.

Torrenis is considered to be a Dharam protoss world, and the Tyranid Empire knows little about this planet, except that the protoss once fought a war with the Zerg here.But judging from the state in front of the planet, at least she finally escaped the bad luck of being infected by the swarm.

"Colonel Pound sent a drone reconnaissance team to Torrenis, and they have found several huge ruins of protoss cities on the edge of the planet's subcontinent." Senfa said to Pryor:

"It seems that regardless of whether the protoss has established a colony on this planet or not, they have already abandoned her, just like most remote worlds in the protoss empire."

At this time, the bridge console has sent back the pictures taken by the drone, the picture is very clear, countless crystal shards and gleaming metal remains are scattered among the collapsed ancient walls, and the cyan vegetation has once again occupied the area land.

"I don't think so." Prior scanned the pictures and quickly picked out the ones he thought were important.

There are also several abandoned stargates on the orbit of Torrenis, which are dimmed due to the loss of the energy supply of the psionic matrix, like shells buried in the sand, waiting for others to rediscover, polish and revitalize.

"These marks of destruction don't look like they were left a long time ago. No one but us and the zerg dare challenge the once overlords of the galaxy, even as they decline."

"Civil war," Senfa said.

"Amon corrupted Kara, and his anger filled the entire sea of ​​spirits. In every world of the Protoss Empire, the protoss who lost their minds began to kill each other." He thought of something and said:
"I heard that they suffered heavy casualties and suffered great losses."

"There may be survivors hiding somewhere on the planet, and if we can find them, we'll know what happened here," Prior said, with little hope.

Amon didn't deliberately control the protoss of the Kalai class other than the templars, and even disdain to cast a little gaze, but the whole Kara was corrupted.The endless hatred and fury of the God of Darkness still spread like a virus among the protoss, which was enough to drive the untrained and relatively weak Kale class into madness.

Corruption is like tarsal maggots. The only way to completely get rid of this corruption is to cut off one's own nerve bundles. Even if it is not controlled by Amon, this is an extremely difficult thing.Before the protoss regained their senses, they may have committed crimes that they would regret for the rest of their lives.

But instead of sympathizing with the Protoss, it is better to care about humans first.

"There is a new communication, the communication signal is translated by the psionic signal, and it is sent by the dark master Azma." Senfa said at this time.

"He never missed an appointment," Prior said.

An extremely detailed star field map appeared on the main screen of Operation Flashpoint, including Torrenis and dozens of galaxies around it, with a diameter of hundreds of light years, and the detection distance of the radar was not far enough.The star map is full of dots of light, and the dark templars have marked every place they think is valuable. Pryor believes that every mark is exactly right.

Warriors and scholars, the Dark Templar are also excellent navigators and natural scouts.Their spaceships are not so gorgeous, just like their personalities are low-key and restrained, only releasing fury during battle.

Since the destruction of Sacoolas, the dark templar exiled in the interstellar world have volunteered to act as scouts, and the intelligence they have come has greatly made up for the lack of the Tyranid Empire in this regard.

The intelligence department of the empire is not trustworthy. This is a consensus. Even the best commanders cannot rely on them to make the right choice with outdated intelligence.

"They're here." Senfa took a deep breath.

In the direction in front of them, there is a whole golden fleet.Even the advance fleet of the Golden Fleet is extremely large, and blocking their way is to kill themselves.

"There is no doubt that this is the main force of the Golden Fleet. It is impossible for us to stop them. This is hitting a high wall that cannot be broken!" The adjutant did not notice that his voice had unconsciously increased a lot At least, this is not the first time they have fought against the corrupted golden fleet, but that was just a small-scale, harmless attack on the flank of its huge fleet.

"It's too early to talk about failure." Pryor said: "The largest fleet in the history of the Protoss Empire is ahead, but besides winning, do we have other options?"

"General, I'm afraid we are not the opponent of the Golden Fleet." Seeing what his general said, Senfa didn't say anything dead.

There are quite a few capital ships in Pryor's fleet. There are more than 140 battlecruisers. Although they are all Minotaur-class warships, they are more than enough to deal with a war that broke out on the border of the empire.

Head-to-head with the Golden Fleet?Then one of us must be crazy.

After quickly defecting to Emon, the Golden Fleet can turn around and head towards the core of the Koprulu sector from the direction of Ayr.

A month ago, a squadron of the Golden Fleet defeated Royce's orbital fleet in less than half a standard hour, and several old-fashioned behemoth battlecruisers that the locals were proud of It exploded into shards of molten steel.

Royce's Planetary Defense Forces fought valiantly, but they were unable to stop the Protoss fleet from orbit slaughtering all life on the planet.

Terrible beams of particles descended from the sky, sweeping across the trembling earth, and the city was divided into two by a canyon thousands of feet wide, the edges of which were as neat as cut glass.The heat of death stirred Royce's clouds and oceans, and in an instant the planet's poles melted, boiled, and enveloped the entire sky in a scalding mist.

Fourteen million people were reduced to ashes, and the last comm signals mingled with the desperate cries of the planet.

It was only later that the Tyrann Empire learned that it was only a fleet of the Golden Fleet that mainly performed reconnaissance missions.

"That's it, we're still going to fight." Prior sounded as if he simply wanted to roll up his sleeves and get into a fight.

"It's right here." Senfa has become accustomed to thinking in Pryor's way of thinking: "The Golden Fleet will first send a small fleet to destroy individual galaxies one by one, and will not send more fleets unless their attack in a certain direction is blocked .The Golden Fleet has been doing this for a long time. They are like machines carrying out the order of exterminating the world, but they seem to lack a sharp brain."

"The Golden Fleet has many excellent commanders, but they seem to have disappeared after being controlled by Amon." He continued: "Amon doesn't care about the loss of the Golden Fleet. He uses the protoss like a swarm."

"Then this advance fleet is our target." Pryor said, "In general, Amon is not a good creator."

"The eldest son of God, Protoss has a good father."

After a lot of analysis and demonstrations, the Imperial High Command believes that the one controlling the Golden Fleet may be Amon, not Tassadar, Phoenix, or Yuerlan, because the response of the Golden Fleet is really slow and unseemly.Judging from the performance, Amon's control over the protoss is accomplished through direct possession, rather than directly distorting thoughts and changing positions.

However, although Amon, as Naganaga, is proficient in all the knowledge in the universe, it does not necessarily include the philosophy of war.

"I have many familiar friends in the Protoss, and some of them are even on the opposite battleship. If they see me again, they will definitely ask me to kill them, just like those infected by the Zerg virus Like a poor mortal."

Prior is reluctant to fight his former ally, but he won't show mercy.At this point, he will jump into the enemy's mothership with a miniature nuclear bomb, as long as it can be exchanged for the ultimate victory.This is something that the people of the Tyrannian Empire would do.

This man known as the "Tyran Butcher" fought in the outer world of the Tyrann Empire, which had been in a state of wildness, expanding the territory for his emperor and guarding one side.He is a shooting star, even though it once shone in the night sky, only those who looked up at the sky at that time could notice it.

The Imperial High Command originally did not expect Prior to be able to resist the overwhelmingly pressing Golden Fleet with his troops, but only asked him to slow down the attacking pace of the Golden Fleet as much as possible.At present, Keha can't send more troops and supplies, and can only rely on him to find a way. Now that the entire empire is tight, there is no other way.

Pryor's understanding of the order of the High Command was that as long as it can win, the rest will be fucked.If it were Augustus, he would say that entering cheats is unstoppable.

Some would even accuse them of being too brutal in dealing with the Zerg, but fortunately, this kind of speech does not prevail in the mainstream media now.For God's sake, a Marine about to be ripped apart by a Zergling doesn't care if he kills his enemies humanely or not.

Although they have always adhered to the covenant with the Protoss, the Tyranid Empire is not afraid of them.

Admiral Matt Horner of the Imperial Navy said: Remember it to me, it was not us who fired the first shot, it was them.If they dare to challenge our bottom line again, we will accompany us to the end.

They stand tall, but we aim well.

"We had to," Senfa said. "But Torrenis is a Protoss planet, and I thought they'd at least show mercy."

Whether it is for human beings or their own planet, the Golden Fleet treats them equally. This kind of cruel fairness will not make human beings feel more balanced.

Some people say they are crazy, but a lunatic would not be so calm and efficient in leveling every planet he passes by.The Golden Fleet, once the glory of Durham, has been reduced to the world's most ruthless and destructive killing machine.

"Kill this fleet, one blow back, and the Golden Fleet will put in more power again. Then, we will appear again in the other direction." Pryor said: "Eamon is not stupid, he just Thinking I'm super smart and thinking we're all idiots."

"It would be great if we could create the illusion that there is a huge imperial fleet here. Senfa, send more ships with communication equipment to create signs that the imperial fleet is gathering here. If the golden fleet If the protoss will also intercept our communications, they may not be able to calm down and discern the authenticity."


After the Pryor fleet arrived at No.19 standard time in Torrenis, the first gold fleet finally arrived long ago.Twenty reconnaissance planes protected the three void glow ships in the center. A few minutes later, the second fleet also arrived, bringing more elegant and powerful warships.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the warships of the Protoss Empire are exquisite and elegant like works of art, shining golden and beautiful.But when it comes to the horror of their destruction of the planet and the burning of all time, this amazing beauty and grace is also lost.

It is unimaginable that these beautiful warships have destroyed thousands of innocent planets before this, including the homes of protoss and humans.

"All fleets." Pryor stood on the bridge of Operation Flashpoint, and the golden-blue golden fleet was unfolding in front of him. foot high blue waves.

"Assault formation!"

This was the most dangerous war since the Brood War, and they had to fight both the golden fleet of the Dharam Protoss and the Overmind Swarm.Humans are the most brave and tenacious race in this star area. They have thrown themselves into this war with no boundaries and no hope without hesitation, just like Don Quixote who challenged the windmill.

(End of this chapter)

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