big week bad guy

Chapter 1125 Entering the Dark World

After a round of tentative attacks, the God of Darkness discovered that things were not as simple as imagined.

At least at this moment, he needs to carefully grasp the details. If many inevitable things happen, the God of Darkness must make a choice.

Which one is more important, he must have a number in mind, and he must not let all the rhythm fall into the academy.

If this is the case, it can easily lead to the situation getting out of control.

The current strength of the Shadow Clan is here. As long as they don't stretch their hips in all directions, they can eventually reach a fairly good situation.

At this moment, the God of Darkness must take some responsibility.

At this moment, he could never let the situation develop.

Zhao Xun's strength far exceeds the imagination of the God of Darkness.

At this time, if the God of Darkness cannot grasp all of this reasonably, it will be easy for the rhythm to completely fall to Zhao Xun's side.

As a result, the overall rhythm will become quite complicated, which is not a good thing.

"So, actually, where is the root of the problem? What can I do to change the rhythm to the side of the dark forces? The threat currently faced by the Shadow Clan is still not small. So we must do our best. Optimize all the details and try our best to have a certain ability to withstand pressure. Otherwise, if Zhao Xun leads the academy to charge, our situation will still be very passive."

At this stage, there are still many issues that the God of Darkness needs to consider.

When facing a crisis, as long as you can solve the problem, that's good.

What I'm afraid of is falling into a blind spot.

Once you fall into such a state and cannot see the essence of the problem clearly in time, you will easily become frustrated.

In the eyes of the God of Darkness, this is also a problem he often made before.

Therefore, in the next confrontation with Zhao Xun, he will continue to optimize these details and avoid repeating the same mistakes as much as possible.

The so-called crisis essentially stems from a lack of confidence.

But now the God of Darkness has become very confident.

When he can optimize the details, everything will be fine.

"I want to see if Zhao Xun's strength is as amazing as the rumors say. This is the time for me to show my best, so let's wait and see. I will definitely suppress him."

"Zhao Xun, it seems that I should give you as much strength as possible. I will never let you find my true body at this moment."

In terms of deep tricks, it has to be the God of Darkness.

He is proficient in all kinds of tricks. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will never give his opponent any chance to react.

At this moment, he is the absolute master, and no one can compete with him at this moment.

The God of Darkness can unify the universe if he wishes.

The key is to see how it plays out in the next period of time.

At this stage, the God of Darkness does not have any ability to destroy the world, so he needs to delay it as much as possible. The longer it is delayed, the stronger the final result will be.

"Zhao Xun, Zhao Xun, I will definitely let you understand. The Shadow Clan will be the one with the last laugh."

"The dark world is getting closer and closer to us. I can even smell this very obvious rancid smell."

For Zhao Xun, he must be cautious enough at this moment.

Because you may face the illusion of the God of Darkness anytime and anywhere. Once faced with such a situation, many uncontrollable factors will occur. This is no joke.

"I'm going to start to control the situation. I have to remove all the traps of the God of Darkness."

Zhao Xun was quite cautious at this moment.

The situation he had to face was unprecedented.

In this case, if you cannot break through, you will easily be counterattacked.

"Junior brother, have you seen the vortex in front of you?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan had sharp eyes and discovered the whirlpool immediately.

Zhao Xun looked in the direction pointed by his third senior brother Long Qingquan and felt a very sharp feeling.

"Hahaha, absolutely amazing."

"So, in fact, this is a magic circle set up by the God of Darkness, right? As long as we can pass through this vortex, we can be one step closer to the God of Darkness."

The God of Darkness is still very powerful.

For him, he is fully capable of setting up such a powerful magic circle.

Zhao Xun needs to put in a lot of effort to break this magic circle. He cannot do it simply by relying on his own efforts. He also needs to give full play to the strength of the Academy Youth League.

At this moment, their strength together can reach a relative peak.

"Okay, let's start working together."

At this time, the school youth league must work together.

When they can work together, there is no need to fear anything. However, if the combined force cannot be achieved, there is indeed a possibility of stretching the crotch.

At this time point, Zhao Xun's role is very obvious.

He must give full play to his expertise and advantages and must not slack off in any way.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

At this moment, Zhao Xun's performance is very critical.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I must find the center of this vortex from the beginning."

Since it is a magic circle, there must be a circle eye.

Zhao Xun knew this very well in his heart. There can be no entanglement at all at this moment. You just need to decide on something at the beginning and then implement it according to your own ideas.

As long as the final result is not too outrageous, it is relatively easy to accept.

"Hahaha, it looks like things are indeed very different from what I imagined. At this stage, I have to work harder to control the field."

Zhao Xun's comprehensive ability at this moment can be said to be full.

In this case he had reached a dreamlike state.

In this state, it is difficult for ordinary people to influence him.

Even a top powerhouse like the God of Darkness still has some weaknesses and room for breakthrough.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to find this space without hesitation and make a breakthrough.

For him, it's as simple as hooking his fingers.

Many times, many things are not that complicated. When you think about the key points clearly, you will find that everything is so simple.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, here we go, let's start."

At this moment, Zhao Xun already had some possibilities to break through the formation. When he began to possess this unique trait, he could accomplish all this with a crushing attitude.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really amazing. It seems like we can do more and more things."

Zhao Xun has now reached a peak level in all aspects.

For him, it's just a matter of performing normally.

After finding the formation eye, Zhao Xun began to output like crazy.

The resistance formed by this vortex surrounded Zhao Xun at this moment.

But Zhao Xun did not hesitate or hesitate. Because he knows that this is actually a process of competing with each other. Whoever can gain the absolute upper hand in this process will have the last laugh.

"Hahaha, it's absolutely amazing. It's really amazing."

Overall, Zhao Xun's performance was relatively perfect.

So far he has almost no flaws to speak of. As for what will happen next, no one knows.

Zhao Xun will not set too many restrictions on his future self.

Follow your feelings and make yourself more delicate.

This is what Zhao Xun hopes to achieve most during this period.

"Hahaha, I'm going to start exerting my strength."

Zhao Xun has realized something at this stage. For him, as long as he can continuously gain advantages, he can reach a dream-like situation.


"Wow, it seems that I have broken through the magic circle set up by the God of Darkness."

The current comprehensive strength of Zhao Xun is indeed very strong, and he can hardly find any flaws.

The God of Darkness tried to restrict him in this way, but Zhao Xun could use his own methods to break this blind spot.

This is indeed something that no one could have imagined at the beginning. But Zhao Xun did it.

He is the best in the world.

At this moment, Zhao Xun took on what he should have taken on.

Zhao Xun has done extraordinary things that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Hahaha, so this is actually the entrance to the dark world."

The God of Darkness spread suspicion just to restrict Zhao Xun's movement.

Now it seems that Zhao Xun's performance can be said to be quite perfect. He gave his opponent almost no room to operate, so Zhao Xun was almost able to reach a peak level.

"Are we going in?"

Senior sister Xiao Ning asked with a frown.

In her opinion, this is actually the most important issue that the Academy Youth League has faced in recent times.

If they can solve this problem, the next thing will be very wonderful.

But if this problem cannot be solved, the final state will definitely become more and more stretched.

"Of course we have to enter this area. The God of Darkness is almost in front of us now. If we don't have the courage to explore at this time, it will be unreasonable anyway. As for whether there is danger in the dark world, I think of course it is. There will be. But this does not constitute a certain problem. I think as long as we dare to try, we can solve the problems left by the God of Darkness."

"Well, come on, we must do what we can do at this stage. The rest depends on God's will."

Second senior sister Liu Yingying also felt that there was nothing wrong with what Zhao Xun said.

At this moment, we really need the courage to risk everything and make a desperate move.

If you are hesitant about everything, the final state will definitely be very crotch-stretching.

Since everyone is rolling, just roll to the end.

If you just roll it to the end, the final state won't be too bad.

"Hahaha, we must be careful at this moment. I think other aspects are easy to talk about, but one thing must be implemented, that is, we must unite closely and never act separately. . As long as we don’t separate, the God of Darkness can’t do anything to us. But if we separate, it will be easy to be defeated by each one.”

Zhao Xun really understands the God of Darkness very well.

At this moment, Zhao Xun can be said to know exactly what the God of Darkness is thinking.

Therefore, they need to grasp this balance even more and must not let the God of Darkness manipulate them.

Sometimes you just need to keep trying.

Maybe you will feel the resistance is huge at the beginning.

But after getting used to it for a while, the overall rhythm will develop completely differently.

At this moment, Zhao Xun has realized something, but there is still some chaos.

So at this moment, he needs to grasp it carefully and understand it carefully.

If it can be successfully achieved, the final effect will be quite perfect.

"Hahaha, I'm starting to realize my potential. All this is very easy for me."

Zhao Xun's overall strength is very strong. As long as he is willing to study hard, his final state will not be too bad.

At this moment, Zhao Xun had already realized the truth.

For him, as long as he continues to perform, he can completely defeat the God of Darkness.

Having come to this point, Zhao Xun will not have any reservations.

"Ahaha, I want them to understand who is truly strong. I want them to understand who can have the last laugh,"

The God of Darkness looked at the crystal ball silently.

He did not expect that the Academy Youth League could break through the whirlpool array he had set up so easily.

They have entered the dark world.

This must be a huge challenge for the God of Darkness.

How to adjust is something he must consider in the next period of time.

If you can handle these things, the situation will become very wonderful.

But if there are some flaws in the processing, the situation will change quickly.

The challenges facing the Dark God are immense.

But somehow, he felt a little excited.

Maybe it's a decisive battle with Zhao Xun?

At this moment, Zhao Xun is still very powerful.

A strong dialogue may bring the God of Darkness to a higher level of cultivation.

The more this kind of moment happens, the more the God of Darkness needs to seize the opportunity.

It may make people feel some pressure, but as long as you try hard, there is always hope.

Zhao Xun may be the most powerful enemy the God of Darkness has ever faced.

But the Dark God is fearless.

He even hoped to confront Zhao Xun head-on in this way, so as to wash away the previous humiliation.

At this moment, the God of Darkness must use some power.

For him, this moment had to make a difference.

"Start letting the Shadow Clan stop them."

After much thought, the God of Darkness still felt that the so-called wheel tactic should be used.

Unlimited military strength is the greatest advantage of the Shadow Clan.

If the God of Darkness can make good use of this, the final effect that can be achieved is pretty good.

In this way, the God of Darkness has almost nothing to hesitate.

Zhao Xun felt a very strange feeling after entering the dark world.

He felt as if someone was surrounding him.

That feeling is quite bad.

"Good guy, what is going on?"

Zhao Xun must work hard to control his emotions at this moment, otherwise, it may lead to distraction.

"There seem to be a lot of Shadow Clan coming in our direction."

At this moment, Sixth Senior Brother Lu Guangdou captured some details very keenly.

He knew this was the moment to take action.

If they were allowed to be surrounded by the Shadow Clan, the final outcome would definitely be very miserable.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

At this time, the academy youth league must stick together tightly.

On the basis of teamwork, they also have to show off their unique skills as much as possible.

This moment is no longer a time to hide and tuck in. If you have any unique skills, you must use them as soon as possible.

“I don’t think anyone will ever reach our level again.”

Zhao Xun gave a loud shout and then used the Heshen Technique.

The Art of Heshen is one of the most powerful cultivation spells and one of the unique skills of Confucianism.

They all agree that key battles require unique skills.

Zhao Xun really didn't need any more hesitation at this moment.

It is also time for him to show his leadership as a top powerhouse.

Under the leadership of Zhao Xun, the Academy Youth League worked together to achieve their own magic in the shortest time.

"Evil spirits retreat!"

Zhao Xun shouted loudly.

Countless awe-inspiring righteousness went in all directions, and the golden light was dazzling for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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