big week bad guy

Chapter 1126 The Stronghold of the God of Darkness

The power of Haoran's righteousness is that it can get rid of evil spirits anytime and anywhere.

Evil spirits in the ordinary sense simply cannot compete with it.

Zhao Xun forcibly abandoned Haoran's righteousness and decided to continue walking deeper.

For him, there are quite a lot of things he can do in the dark world at this moment.

There is no need to hesitate at all, just do things according to your own instinct.

"Hey guys, it looks like things are getting easier."

In Zhao Xun's opinion, he is getting closer and closer to finding the true form of the God of Darkness.

In this state, he no longer needs to hesitate, he just needs to follow his feelings.

"Looks like I have to work hard to control my emotions."

Of course Zhao Xun knows very well that the closer he is to the God of Darkness, the higher the risk he will ultimately face.

If you cannot adjust your mentality in time, the situation will become even more elusive.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

He hopes that he can sum up more advantages and move forward according to this principle.

The God of Darkness has already tried to sneak attack on the Great Zhou World.

Fortunately, his mentor, Qinglian Taoist Priest Wu Quanyi, and Bamboo Forest Sword Immortal Yao Yan joined forces to finally hold on to their advantage.

In this case, what Zhao Xun needs to do is to do his part, find the true form of the God of Darkness as soon as possible, and solve this disaster.

If he doesn't do this, other crises will arise at any time. At this moment, Zhao Xun is still facing a lot of pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the details as much as possible. For him, fighting against the God of Darkness is not a simple matter. He needs to be able to perform well from beginning to end and make good use of his own advantages.

After finding the God of Darkness, there will be some other restrictions. For him, it is still unclear what level he can perform to.

"So come on, I want to take a good look at what kind of strength I can show. At this point, there is no regret medicine to take. I must show my best state and bring the Darkness to the world. God drives us into despair.”

Zhao Xun's advantages are reflected in many aspects, the most obvious one is that he has insights that ordinary people do not have.

So at this special moment, as long as Zhao Xun is willing, he can force the God of Darkness out at any time.

Of course, the premise is that he must pay a lot. If Zhao Xun didn't pay enough at this time, he still wouldn't be able to threaten the God of Darkness.

"Come on, I want to see how long you can endure it. My suppression is still very strong. Most people can't easily spend too much time with me. I must make you regret invading the Great Zhou World. We in the academy are all bad-tempered, and if you offend us, you will reap the rewards."

Zhao Xun's current state has recovered quite well, even if he is still close to the peak state.

In this case, there is no need to get too entangled, just perform normally.

"Come on, I want to see who can limit my performance in this situation. No one can do this. I will definitely make you regret it."

Sometimes you just have to be relatively decisive. If you delay, you will give your opponent a chance.

This is not what Zhao Xun wants to see.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

If the God of Darkness is given too many opportunities, it will easily lead to a counterattack by the entire Shadow Clan.

So far, Zhao Xun is still very strong.

But who knows if the God of Darkness can evolve if it continues like this?

If the God of Darkness evolves, what they will face next is a more terrifying enemy.

From this point of view, timely adjustment of mentality is indeed very critical.

There are dangers everywhere in the dark world, and even one wrong step may lead to catastrophe.

Therefore, Zhao Xun is very cautious and can be said to be walking on thin ice.

Similarly, other members of the Academy Youth League are also very cautious.

For them, at this moment, they must ensure that they have an absolute advantage and must not be restrained by the Shadow Clan.

In many cases, this is the case.

When you understand all this, you will be able to make a more reliable judgment.

There is no doubt about the strength of the God of Darkness.

Therefore, when it is time to take action, you must take action earlier, and you must not be led by the God of Darkness.

Once you really enter such a state, it is really difficult to get out.

"There seems to be a fountain ahead. Let's go there and have a look."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan had the sharpest eyes, and he discovered the key immediately.

Zhao Xun and others looked in the direction and saw a fountain.

The shape of this fountain is very similar to what is described in fantasy novels.

After reading it, Zhao Xun felt that things were definitely not simple.

Being able to find so many things here, he must be more vigilant.

Who knows if the God of Darkness will suddenly appear next. If they are not prepared, it can be quite dangerous.

Many times people just need to be able to prepare for a rainy day.

If this can be done, most crises can be avoided.

For him, what he can do at this moment is to rely on his own strength to force the God of Darkness to make mistakes.

For them, the party that makes the first mistake is definitely the most passive.

And if you can control the field well, you can avoid many unnecessary crises.

Zhao Xun was calm enough at this moment, and he was able to think about many issues that ordinary people couldn't think about.

At the moment, this is definitely a major suppression for the God of Darkness.

Zhao Xun has always been the one who likes to take the initiative.

As long as he dares to try, he can control most situations.

At least so far, everything is pretty wonderful.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's absolutely amazing. We have to see what this fountain can dig out."

Now that he has made up his mind, Zhao Xun will naturally not change his mind easily.

For him, everything is perfect right now.

So he must carry out all this.

"The patterns here seem to be exactly the same as the patterns we saw in the temple before. There must be some very special connection between the two."

"Yes, it seems now that there should be many relationships between the two, and we must spend more time on this aspect."

Zhao Xun has already summarized quite a lot at this moment. For him, the most important thing is to control his emotions as much as possible and do things that others can't do.

Many times people just need to be able to recognize themselves.

If you have never been able to have a very calm understanding of yourself, it will definitely lead to a series of problems.

"Hahaha, so...who is controlling the field? Is it the God of Darkness himself who is doing these things? If so, it means that things are really as we imagined."

Zhao Xun has been actively exploring the origin of the matter.

In his opinion, doing this is very important.

When you have an unusual way of dealing with problems, everything becomes different.

"Let's go into the fountain's enchantment and take a look."

Sixth senior brother Lu Guangdou discovered the fountain's barrier immediately.

Generally speaking, if there is a barrier, there will be a whole new world inside.

It's like a chessboard space.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary chessboard. But inside, you can clearly recognize that it is a brand new world.

Searching in such a new world, you will find quite a few differences.

As long as you actively explore, you will definitely be able to find something.

Now that Zhao Xun and the others have discovered the existence of this barrier, there is absolutely no reason to have any further difficulties.

At this moment, you must come up with some extraordinary feelings, work hard to actively explore, and work hard to understand.


Breathe in and out. For Zhao Xun, this is something that must be done before further exploration.

In his mind, there was nothing he couldn't do. As long as he wants to try, there will definitely be a chance.

"Let me see what happens next."

Zhao Xun has now reached a height that ordinary people cannot reach.

Actively exploring the barrier, Zhao Xun entered a completely different space.

Countless stone pillars gathered together to form a unique stone forest. From a distance, these stone pillars look exactly the same, but if you take a closer look, you will find that they are quite different.

At this moment, Zhao Xun must make a positive judgment without any confusion.

Because if he does this, it will affect the judgment of other members of the Academy Youth League.

Zhao Xun is a very rational person.

Of course he will let himself judge the most reasonable conclusion.

"Let's go into this stone forest and have a look."

Even though you are here, it would be unreasonable if you don’t go and take a look.

What's more, in Zhao Xun's opinion, some other differences will definitely be discovered next.

Sometimes you just need to be able to dig deeper into something.

Only by achieving this can we achieve a deeper understanding.

Zhao Xun has never been a hypocritical person. For him, as long as he can continue to explore, he can get some more meaningful conclusions.

After entering the stone forest, Zhao Xun was surprised to find that the arrangement of these stone pillars was similar to some arrangements in the bamboo forest.

Although it is not exactly the same, it can make people feel a lot of emotion.

"Hahaha, we must record all this at this time, and we must not let go of such a good opportunity."

There are never any big problems with Zhao Xun's thinking.

As long as it is something he believes in, he must actively do it well.

In this way, most problems can be avoided.


After breathing in and out for a while, Zhao Xun began to walk toward the depths of the stone forest.

He saw a lake in the distance.

The surface of this lake has a reflective feel.

At this moment, Zhao Xun clearly felt a different feeling.

At this moment, everything is different.

"Good guy"

Zhao Xun began to take a deep breath.

He knew that there must be something hidden at the bottom of the lake, so he had to actively seize this opportunity and never let his judgment go wrong.

"Brothers and sisters, we must deal with these problems more calmly next. We must be able to dig out what is hidden at the bottom of the lake. No matter what is hidden inside, we need to be absolutely calm and find ourselves. The way to deal with the problem is so that we can fight against the God of Darkness more securely."

Zhao Xun is not a hypocritical person.

Once he makes a decision, he will never change it easily.

At this moment, the Academy Youth League is naturally more united than ever before.

For them, this moment is about getting the details right.

Any mistakes are not allowed.

"Hahaha, it seems that the situation is getting more complicated. What we have to do now is to actively grasp all this."

Zhao Xun is now quite cautious.

Before sinking to the bottom of the lake, he had summoned a large amount of Haoran's righteousness in advance for protection.

This way you can avoid most problems.

In many cases, crises are caused by one's own fear.

Once you can possess some of the most basic qualities, you can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Enter the bottom of the lake."

The members of the Academy Youth League entered the bottom of the lake one by one.

For them, this stage of exploration is quite necessary.

At this moment, no one should have too many distracting thoughts, but should follow their own heart and actively explore.

"There are a lot of coral groups here. Why are there corals in a lake?"

Zhao Xun is puzzled by this phenomenon.

This moment must be examined with sufficient caution.

Being too impulsive can easily lead to a series of problems.

At this moment, Zhao Xun began to become very meticulous.

"Ahaha, actually the situation is much more complicated than I imagined. I think it is possible that hundreds of millions of years ago, this lake was connected to the sea. Due to some specific reasons, they were separated. . So a series of problems will arise. We must actively grasp and actively control our mentality, so as to ensure that we can figure out the truth of many things."

Zhao Xun was actually very calm at this moment.

For him, what he has to do at this stage is to act as a guide.

The Academy Youth League is now following his lead.

So as long as Zhao Xun finds a direction, others will work hard in that direction without hesitation.

At this moment, Zhao Xun became increasingly calm.

He walked towards the coral group.

The deeper you walk into the coral reefs, the clearer you can see countless schools of fish swimming by.

The types of fish in these schools are completely different.

Zhao Xun became very cautious at this stage.

He knew that he couldn't panic, otherwise, all his efforts would be in vain in an instant.

This is something Zhao Xun cannot accept in any case.

When a person becomes quite calm, no difficulties are of any concern.

"There are many reflections of the God of Darkness here. There are also many statues of the God of Darkness."

After digging deeper, Zhao Xun had quite a lot of calm judgment.

"Hahaha, so, what exactly is going on?"

At present, he has become a little confused.

It is still very difficult to truly get out of this blind spot.

He needs to control his emotions as much as possible and reach a very calm point.

Once there is any discrepancy, it will cause a different situation.

"Junior brother, I think this may be a stronghold of the God of Darkness. After he is sealed, he will try to draw power from this type of stronghold. As long as he draws enough power, he can Break free from the seal and come back again."

At this moment, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan came up with a conclusion that shocked everyone.

"Really? If this is the case, it is indeed quite terrifying. We cannot remove all the strongholds of the God of Darkness in a short time. So the God of Darkness can be resurrected indefinitely? Right?"

I have to say that this discovery is indeed somewhat shocking.

No matter what other people think, in Zhao Xun's opinion, this makes him feel a little embarrassed.

At this moment, you must keep your mentality in order to have a greater impact on the God of Darkness.

Otherwise, it will really become very passive.

"No matter what, we must destroy this stronghold of the God of Darkness first!"

(End of this chapter)

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