big week bad guy

Chapter 1215: Changes in the Immortal World

Chapter 1215: Changes in the Immortal World

After some attempts, the faceless leader's body instantly grew several times larger.

It was a great start for him.

When he can have all-round advantages, he can launch an attack on Zhao Xun.

But clearly, that's not enough yet.

The leader of the Faceless Men has a very clear understanding of his own strength.

At present, he can only cause some kind of harassment to Zhao Xun, but he cannot really cause Zhao Xun any substantial harm.

In this case, he could only choose to wait quietly for the opportunity.

When the time is right, that's when he really launches his attack.

"Now it seems that Zhao Xun is still very vigilant, and he actually noticed my presence so early. It seems that I have to cast a spell on him as soon as possible, so as to ensure that I am at the advantage from beginning to end."

If a person wants to be at an advantage from beginning to end, he must be extremely confident.

Vigilance is of course also essential.

At the beginning, the leader of the Faceless Men was still slightly lacking in these aspects, but now he has completed all the elements.

There was only one thing he wanted to guarantee, and that was to fight Zhao Xun with an almost crushing attitude.

"This is the time to start absorbing the power of the entire cyberpunk planet. At this moment, I must absorb all the power into my body."

The leader of the Faceless Men still has plenty of confidence.

The leader of the Faceless Men knew that Zhao Xun had been looking for their location. So you must be vigilant at this moment no matter what.

"We must start to confuse them at this time. Our hard power is still strong enough. So as long as we show our absolute strength, we will definitely make them feel the ultimate fear."

The leader of the Faceless Men has learned his lesson.

Therefore, in the next period of time, he will try his best to suppress Zhao Xun as much as possible.

"I have absorbed almost all the power of darkness. As long as I perform normally, I will be able to reach the best state."

The leader of the Faceless Men possesses characteristics that allow him to continue to expand. Until the opponent can be completely crushed.

"Zhao Xun should still be on guard against me now. So I can try to change my thinking. Since it is difficult for Zhao Xun to open up the situation here, I might as well start with other people. Anyway, as long as I can mentally control the academy disciples, my goal is Reached."

It would be extremely difficult for the leader of the Faceless Men to directly defeat Zhao Xun.

So he really should change his thinking appropriately.

As long as he can change the target of attack, he can achieve the desired effect.

For him, this is not a difficult task.

Sometimes people have to be as tactful and flexible as possible.

Only in this way can we go further.

Anyway, the leader of the Faceless Men felt that he could go further.

As long as he works hard, nothing will be difficult.

"Junior brother, something serious has happened."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan suddenly rushed over in a hurry, and Zhao Xun was frightened.

"What's wrong, Third Senior Brother? What happened?"

"Oh, that's it. You don't know, something happened in the fairy world."

"Something happened to the fairy world? How could something happen to the perfectly good fairy world?"

Zhao Xun felt a little puzzled.

After all, the fairy world today is not very stable, but at least there will be no unrest.

With Tianjun's influence and dominance here, ordinary people really can't cause any big problems.

"Oh, how should I put it? Now the fairy world is in chaos. It is said that a huge hole has appeared in the fairy world, and the storm in the universe has been able to sweep into the fairy world."

"Hiss, is that really true?"

Zhao Xun simply felt a little incredible.

"Why did I lie to you? Why don't you go to the fairy world and see it yourself."

Zhao Xun thought about it carefully and felt that what Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan said was reasonable, so he nodded and said: "Okay, I will go to the fairy world to take a look myself."

In fact, Zhao Xun had no such plan originally.

After all, he was practicing in seclusion before. During the period of retreat, it is impossible to leave the academy.

But now that he has stopped retreating, there is such a big problem in the fairy world again. In this way, Zhao Xun did have reason to go and see what happened for himself.

The current situation is still quite complicated for Zhao Xun.

If he can't keep the fairy world stable, there is a real possibility that the backyard will catch fire.

This is something Zhao Xun doesn't want to see anyway.

The most ideal situation is for the fairy world to remain absolutely stable. Moreover, the immortal kings can also support the human world at any time and contribute to the academy.

In this way, even if the leader of the Faceless Men launches a large-scale attack in the future, everyone in the academy will be able to respond calmly without being led away by the opponent.

"Well, actually the current situation is that we must reach an agreement with the Immortal Lords. In this way, even if some changes occur, we can respond in time. I will go back this time, and you can help me look after the academy. Nothing outrageous should happen.”

At this moment, Zhao Xun already had a certain idea. If we continue with this idea, the final result shouldn't be too bad.

Zhao Xun went all the way up to the fairyland.

This is not difficult for a practitioner of his level.

After Zhao Xun passed the Tianmen, he went directly towards the Tiangong.

Everything in the Heavenly Palace is quite attractive.

For Zhao Xun, he naturally hopes to communicate with Tianjun as soon as possible.

Because only by communicating with Tianjun can we figure out what happened.

Only in this way can we remain invincible.

Otherwise, problems can easily arise.

Tianjun's support will bring Zhao Xun a completely different experience.

In this way, you can basically reach a completely new realm.

This road is easier than Zhao Xun imagined. So Zhao Xun walked very fast.

When he arrived in front of the Heavenly Palace, he instantly noticed the huge black hole above his head.

"Good guy, this black hole is really big."

"Could it be that there was a big explosion in the universe and this huge black hole was exploded?"

Zhao Xun is not very clear about the cause of the black hole at present, so he must find out as much information from Tianjun as possible.

You must stay calm at this time.

If you are too impulsive, it may trigger a series of chain reactions.

Zhao Xun strode into the Heavenly Palace and walked straight to the Dacheng Hall.

In the main hall, Tianjun was sitting on the throne, but he was frowning.

Zhao Xun stepped forward and asked without hesitation: "Tianjun, what happened in the fairy world?" Tianjun looked up and saw Zhao Xun coming. He smiled helplessly and said: "There was a big explosion in the universe. It exploded." A huge hole. You should have seen it when you passed by it. This will bring bad luck to the fairy world. "

"how do I say this?"

Zhao Xun still felt a little confused. Is there any connection between the two?

"Well, the current situation is that the big hole blasted out by the universe can cause the immortal energy of the immortal world to continuously leak out. Once the immortal energy of the immortal world leaks to a certain extent, it will cause the immortal world to become unbalanced. In this way, But it’s quite difficult.”

"I see."

Zhao Xun finally came to a realization after hearing this.

If this is really the case, the foundation of the fairy world will be loosened.

You must know that the reason why the fairy world is different from the human world is that it has a very powerful fairy energy.

The existence of fairy energy can make the outside world feel a different feeling.

The most important thing is that the immortal energy can nourish the immortal kings, making their magic power continue to increase.

Once the immortal energy leaks out, the nourishment that the immortal monarchs can obtain will become increasingly reduced.

This will lead to a series of changes.

These changes will make the fairy world overwhelmed.

The final result is that all the immortals in the immortal world are seriously dulled and degenerate into ordinary people.

I believe Tianjun will definitely not be able to accept such consequences.

He must withstand the pressure at this moment, otherwise a series of unacceptable things will happen.

"What's the remedy?"

Zhao Xun still hopes to help Tianjun to the maximum extent.

After all, Tianjun is his friend and has helped him before.

If dialogue is possible, Zhao Xun hopes to help Tianjun overcome this difficulty.

"The only way is to use the patching stone to patch up the hole. But the patching stone is not in the fairy world, but in the human world."

At this moment, Zhao Xun has done everything he can do.

But this sky-mending stone really stumped him.

"In the human world? If this is really the case, I can try to help you find it."

Zhao Xun paused and said, "But do you have an approximate location? I can't cross the river completely by feeling the stones, right?"

Zhao Xun hopes to help Tianjun. But Tianjun also needs to give him as much information as possible.

Otherwise, this approach of blind men trying to figure out the elephant is really not very reliable.

"Well, it should be in the Paradise State. All the stones in the Paradise State can be used as sky patching stones."

"Bliss State? I really haven't heard of this place."

Zhao Xun was indeed a little confused at the moment.

In his opinion, the current choice is very important. If you can't figure out the root cause from the beginning, you will continue to get deeper and deeper into it.

This is not a good sign.

"Well, the Paradise State should be in the extreme south. At the end of the Great Zhou World."

Tianjun never thought that Zhao Xun had never heard of the Paradise State, so he could only explain to him patiently: "You can give it a try. As long as you find the Paradise State and obtain the Sky-Mending Stone to repair the holes, it should be effective. ”

Zhao Xun now feels that he is riding a tiger.

He had basically promised Tianjun before. If he couldn't bring back the Sky-Mending Stone, he would be in trouble in terms of face.

But he has indeed never been to this paradise state. God knows what will happen next.

This requires him to lay out the entire plan in more detail.

As long as all kinds of factors can be taken into consideration, it can still be foolproof.

"Actually, the current situation is that we must ensure that we will not be monitored. Obviously this was done by the leader of the Faceless Men. He did this just to distract me. So I have to make sure that he will not hide. In the dark, he won’t rush out to disturb me at any time.”

"I think we can try to confuse him with illusions."

Tianjun heard this and offered advice.

"It is indeed a way. But I don't intend to fight with him unless it is a last resort."

Zhao Xun knew that everything the leader of the Faceless Men was doing was ultimately to distract him so that he could not concentrate on practicing mind control spells.

Therefore, Zhao Xun also had to distribute his physical energy as reasonably as possible to ensure that the leader of the Faceless Men would not succeed.

At this time, the two sides are actually engaged in a mutual game process. It is still unclear who will have the upper hand.

But Zhao Xun decided to try more strategies.

As long as he can lure out the leader of the Faceless Men, then his goal will be achieved.

"Well, you should really be cautious. After all, no one knows what will happen next at this time."

The leader of the Faceless Men changed so quickly that Tianjun had to be careful.

"But we still have to get the Sky-Mending Stone. Only by obtaining the Sky-Mending Stone can we solve the urgent needs of the immortal world."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to fulfill what I promised you."

Zhao Xun also gave Tianjun a reassurance at this time.

"At this time, as long as we can obtain the Sky-Mending Stone, we can destroy the conspiracy of the leader of the Faceless Men. It is still very worthwhile."

"Well, good luck to you then."

Tianjun cannot leave the fairy world, he must stay here.

The only help he could give Zhao Xun was this blessing.

Zhao Xun didn't care much. He smiled slightly and said, "I'm still very confident about this. Just wait for my good news."

Zhao Xun returned to Haoran Academy immediately after descending from the immortal world.

Seeing Zhao Xun's troubled expression, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "How are you, Junior Brother? Are you in any trouble?"

"Well, it's a long story."

Zhao Xun sighed and said: "The thing is like this. The leader of the Faceless Men opened a big hole in the immortal world and let the immortal energy leak out in this way. Once the immortal energy leaks to a certain extent, the magic power of the immortal kings will be reduced." Loss, or even become a mortal. Tianjun was worried about this. When I just saw him, he was almost speechless. So, we must make up this hole, and if we want to make up this hole. We have to mine the Sky Mending Stone.”

"Tian Mending Stone?"

As soon as Zhao Xun finished speaking, Third Senior Brother Long Qingquan asked curiously: "Where can I get this thing?"

"Well, according to Tianjun, it is in the Paradise State at the southernmost point of the Great Zhou world. The stones there can be used as sky-mending stones."

"Good guy, I have never heard of the existence of Paradise State before. It sounds like it is very powerful."

"Yes, but I don't think Tianjun will lie to me. Since he said so, I am going to help him after all."

Zhao Xun's attitude was very decisive, and third senior brother Long Qingquan couldn't say much.

He nodded and said: "In that case, let's do it this way. But my junior brother, I think the most important thing now is to establish an echelon as soon as possible. This way, everyone will not be in chaos when you are away."

(End of this chapter)

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