big week bad guy

Chapter 1216 Sky-Mending Stone

As long as Zhao Xun decides on something, he will naturally proceed according to his own plan.

Once he sets a course, he won't change it easily.

Since he was going to Paradise State, Zhao Xun of course had to go to the academy library first.

He wants to fully understand everything about the Paradise State so that he can be prepared for any danger.

In many cases, people feel confused because they don’t know enough about a place.

This will lead to the emergence of many uncontrollable factors.

What Zhao Xun has to do is to downplay these things as much as possible.

The Academy Library is his best friend.

As long as the academy library can give him enough useful information, Zhao Xun will not make mistakes in these places again.

Sometimes choice is greater than effort.

If you choose the wrong track, no matter how hard you try, it will be of no avail.

But if you choose the right track, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

After arriving at the academy's library, Zhao Xun did not hide it, but asked directly: "I'm going to Paradise State. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Soon the Academy Library gave Zhao Xun feedback.

"You are going to Paradise State? Why is that?"

"Because I am going to Paradise State to find the Sky-Mending Stone and bring the Sky-Mending Stone back to the Immortal Realm."

"Did Tianjun ask you to do this?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"That's not true. But do you know that the Paradise State can easily cause practitioners to hallucinate and stay there, leading to intoxication and dreaming?"

"Is there still such a thing?"

Zhao Xun was really shocked when he heard this.

"Yes. People with weak willpower can easily have hallucinations there. Even people with super strong willpower will occasionally experience this kind of situation."

"At this special moment, we must try to keep our emotions as stable as possible. As long as we are emotionally stable, there is nothing to worry about."

"But this alone is not enough. The Bliss State will weaken your power. It will make you fall into a state of nothingness. Once you enter such a state, the overall rhythm will become extremely bad. This is unacceptable."

"Well, if you look at it this way, there will definitely be many variables in the future. As long as there is a crisis, it will cause my willpower to become even weaker. This is a vicious cycle."

"So you have to become stronger. This is the most important thing at this stage. Only when you become stronger can you withstand most crises. You have to do this no matter what. "

"So, essentially, I have to constantly strengthen my consciousness, right?"

"Yes, that's what it means. So you must be absolutely calm at this stage. Otherwise, you will definitely be subject to many restrictions."

"Then if that's the case, I really have to be careful. Otherwise, if these guys really find the opportunity to leave me in Paradise State, all the academy's plans will come to nothing."

"Actually, you don't have to be too afraid. Just do your own thing seriously. Generally speaking, there won't be any big problems. At that time, you will mobilize all the Confucian awe-inspiring righteousness to protect your body. In this way, you will be Will not be left behind."

"Yeah, I understand. Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Besides, don't look back. Because you will most likely be petrified."


"Yes, people who have an unstable Taoist heart can easily be petrified. Although your Taoist heart is very stable, to be on the safe side, don't look back. Since you are going to get the Sky Mending Stone, remember one thing , that is, no matter who strikes up a conversation with you, just ignore it.”

Zhao Xun has now obtained enough information from the Academy Library. Although there is no guarantee that there will be no problems, it is at least better than diving in without knowing anything.

Zhao Xun had to screen all the details very carefully.

Only by clarifying all these details can we avoid being confused by the enemy's illusions.

"Is there anything special about the Sky-Building Stone? Otherwise, how would I know that it is the Sky-Building Stone?"

Then Zhao Xun raised another very useful question.

After all, there are so many stones there. Zhao Xun would be very confused if he couldn't tell which one was the Sky-Mending Stone.

"There is a word Tao on the Sky Mending Stone."

"Well. If this is true, it is indeed quite recognizable."

"But we still need to screen out the most suitable Sky-Mending Stones as quickly as possible. Because according to Tianjun, if you can't screen out the most valuable Sky-Mending Stones and just randomly find one and take it away, the final effect may not be the same. How good.”

Zhao Xun felt that there was no need to hide in front of the academy library.

He will say what he thinks in his heart without hesitation.

"Well, your concern is actually necessary. Because the Sky-Mending Stones do have levels. The highest-level ones are called Heaven-level Sky-Mending Stones. The ones with lower levels are called Earth-level Sky-Mending Stones. The last The worse one is called the human-level sky-repairing stone. If you can get the heaven-level sky-repairing stone, it will definitely be the most suitable."

"Then the question comes. What are the characteristics of this Heaven-level Sky-Mending Stone? How can I figure out where this Heaven-level Sky-Mending Stone is?"

Zhao Xun's problems have always been about practicality.

He will not ask some random questions, but will try his best to solve practical problems.

"If the Dao character of the Heavenly Grade Sky-Building Stone is illuminated by Haoran's righteous energy, it will reveal a Heavenly character. Now you understand."

Good guy, I didn’t expect that the words on this Sky-Mending Stone could change?

This was really beyond Zhao Xun's expectation.

"So, I can only rely on this method to screen the Sky Mending Stone? Isn't it a little too slow?"

"It's the only way. I can only wish you good luck."

Zhao Xun helplessly spread his hands and said: "Okay, okay, I understand. If I just take the Sky Mending Stone, there shouldn't be any big problem, right?"

"Just take it away, there won't be any problems. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that if the weather changes, you must protect the Sky Mending Stone, because once the Sky Mending Stone is contaminated with rain, the mana will attenuate a lot. Again It’s just that the weather in Elysium is gloomy and dreary. It may be bright and rainy one moment, so you must be prepared if you really need to open the protective cover.”

"Do I need to bring a helper with me?"

Then Zhao Xun raised another question.

"No need. Just go there by yourself. There are too many people going to places like Paradise State, and it's easy for some weird things to happen."

Seeing that the academy library was not going to talk anymore, Zhao Xun did not persist, but nodded and said: "Okay, then I understand. I will go there as soon as possible. As long as I can get enough useful information, I will be invincible.”

Zhao Xun was a little eager to set off.

After all, staying here won't make any progress.

Since Tianjun is so anxious and Zhao Xun has this ability, why not show his strength?

At this moment, Zhao Xun wanted to find out what would happen.

"We'll see you later. I'll be back as soon as I go."

"How are you, little junior brother? Did the Academy Library give you enough useful information?" Third senior brother Long Qingquan can be said to be the person who cares most about Zhao Xun right now.

No matter what the details were, he didn't want to let them go.

"Well, that's about it. The information provided by the academy's library is enough. As long as I can record all this information, I should be able to successfully bring back the Sky Mending Stone."

Zhao Xun did not intend to tell his third senior brother Long Qingquan all the specific details.

The main reason is that these details are very complicated and of little use to the third senior brother Long Qingquan.

"Um. Do you need me to go with you?"

Third senior brother Long Qingquan seemed a little confused.

"No need, the academy library said it's best for me to go alone. Having too many people there won't be helpful, and may have the opposite effect."

Zhao Xun seemed very focused at this moment, because he knew that only by ensuring concentration could he complete the task efficiently.

Of course he also wanted to go with his third senior brother Long Qingquan, but since the Academy Library did not recommend it, there was no need for him to force it.

Generally speaking, there is not much of a problem in choosing an academy library.

In this case, Zhao Xun should go to Paradise State as quickly as possible to complete this phased task.

After all, mending the sky is only the first step, who knows what will happen next.

Only by preparing for a rainy day and doing the details in advance can we ensure that no major problems will occur.

"Well, in that case, I wish my junior brother good luck. If you encounter any problems, you can connect with me at any time. We will also do our best to help you."

Third senior brother Long Qingquan, as the person Zhao Xun trusted the most, was able to say these words, which undoubtedly made Zhao Xun very happy.

"Hahaha, actually the situation is like this now. Junior brother, you don't have to worry so much. As long as we do it according to our own rhythm, we will be able to achieve good results. Come on, junior brother. We are your eternal backing. "

"Pippi Shrimp, it's time for us to go."

When Zhao Xun summoned the Pipi Shrimp White Dragon, this guy immediately started rubbing his head with Zhao Xun.

In fact, Zhao Xun considered using the teleportation array to directly reach Paradise State.

But there was a serious problem, which was that he did not have the precise location of Paradise State.

In this case, there will be serious deviations in using teleportation.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Xun still felt that Yulong Flying was better.

This way, if something does go wrong, it will be much easier to adjust.

Furthermore, since the white dragon has a spirit, it will be more direct to judge the location.

Now that Zhao Xun has enough experience, what he lacks is the ability to respond on the spot.

He believes that through this trip to the Paradise State, his condition will improve even better.

In this way, even if he encounters various situations, he will be able to handle them effectively.

"Actually, the place we are going to is a bit far, but with your speed, it's actually not bad. How about it, are Pipi Shrimp ready?"

Zhao Xun rarely travels alone with Pipi Xia, so this time is a good try.

He decided to give it a try with the little guy. If it really worked well, he could arrange it more often in the future.

Vaguely, the leader of the Faceless Men felt a throbbing.

It seemed that there was some movement on Zhao Xun's side, which caused him to have some reactions.

"Could it be that Zhao Xun started taking action again?"

The leader of the Faceless Men finally opened a big hole in the immortal world to allow the immortal energy to continuously leak out. Could it be that Zhao Xun has already realized this matter and started to solve it?

Many times the choice is a matter of a thought.

Once a mistake occurs, there is no chance to make amends.

There is actually no big problem with the direction chosen by the leader of the Faceless Men.

But it is actually difficult to ensure the continuity of the overall idea.

"It seems that this guy has already been in contact with people from the fairy world. If this is the case, I have to change my thinking. I must not let him continue to search according to this routine. Otherwise, if he really finds the Sky Mending Stone, then It’s no joke.”

The leader of the Faceless Men actually made many plans.

Now that Zhao Xun has made changes, he has to adjust his plan in time according to Zhao Xun's changes.

This kind of game is actually about constant adjustments.

Only constant adjustments can achieve a relatively perfect situation.

"I want to follow Zhao Xun and change my plan based on his movements."

The ultimate goal of the leader of the Faceless Men is actually to restrict Zhao Xun's movement.

So once Zhao Xun's position changes, he will be the most affected.

So, he must make changes.

let's go!

Flying on a dragon is not a difficult task for Zhao Xun.

He even found this method very comfortable.

Although it is not as fast as the teleportation technique, it is full of experience.

"It seems now that the leader of the Faceless Men probably doesn't know that I'm going to the Elysian State. I'll try to go back as quickly as possible and get the matter settled before he realizes it."

Zhao Xun knew very well that what he had to do at this time was to grab the rhythm.

Rhythm is really a bit mysterious sometimes.

The less you pay attention to it, the more it will come into play at critical times.

"Well, so, actually, the most important thing now is to control my emotions. There must be no problems with my emotions."

The state of bliss still has a great impact on emotions.

Zhao Xun had been reminded by the academy's library, so he had made adequate preparations in this regard.

"Now the situation is more complicated than I imagined. So I must not be deceived by illusions. If the leader of the Faceless Men knows about it, he will intervene as quickly as possible. He will interfere with me at all costs. I must Make sure not to be disturbed, do your best to get the Sky Mending Stone, and return to the Immortal Realm as quickly as possible."

Zhao Xun did not intend to stay in Paradise Prefecture for any longer.

As soon as he completes his mission, he will return immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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