big week bad guy

Chapter 1217 Paradise State

Chapter 1217 Paradise State

Paradise State is far away, but also very close.

The key depends on whether you have chosen a good direction.

Zhao Xun went to Paradise State using the route given by the Academy Library, which can be said to be quite perfect.

This route should be the closest and will not encounter much resistance during the entire process.

Many times, the reason why you feel chaotic is because you chose the wrong route at the beginning.

After this, the whole person will become quite awkward.

In the process of chaos, we will also encounter quite a few crises.

But if you choose the right path, everything will go much smoother.

In essence, Zhao Xun's current choice is the most appropriate.

The whole process encountered little resistance.

Of course, there may still be some changes next. Zhao Xun was also well prepared.

However, with the company of Pippi Xiabai Jiaolong, he will feel very at ease.

"Well, it looks like this should be the entrance to Paradise State."

Zhao Xun's eyes can now be described as piercing eyes.

No matter what changes occurred, he could easily detect them.

Pipi Xiabai Jiaolong was snoring excitedly at this time.

Zhao Xun came to this place and awakened the white dragon's spirituality.

After all, the spiritual energy in Paradise State is the most abundant in the entire Great Zhou world.

"It looks like we should have come to this place earlier."

Zhao Xun also feels that this place is very spiritual.

Now it seems that even if it is not to obtain the Sky Mending Stone, he still wants to come here to find out.

It’s just that the whole process may seem a bit lengthy.

"It looks like we're going to have to step up our guard."

While Zhao Xun felt the spiritual energy, he also felt a murderous aura.

As a top practitioner, his sixth sense is still very accurate.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious in this situation.

Zhao Xun chose to bring out Haoran's righteousness as much as possible.

People can often burst out with powerful tension at the most critical moments.

The same is true for Zhao Xun.

For him, only by continuously gaining recognition can it be possible to give positive feedback to the academy.

After entering Paradise State, the first thing Zhao Xun saw was a swamp.

This swamp is so large that it looks no different from the ocean from a distance.

"Good guy, there shouldn't be any giant beast hidden here."

Zhao Xun's battle with monsters in the East China Sea had already left a psychological shadow. So he hopes to avoid the monsters as much as possible.

Of course, the Academy Library did not mention that there were monsters in Paradise State, so Zhao Xun did not need to worry so much.

"No matter, let's go ahead and take a look."

Zhao Xun was sufficiently low-key at the moment.

Showing off or showing off is the worst thing to do at this time.

With Pipi Xia as his companion, Zhao Xun will basically not be attacked by surprise.

In this case, there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to advance steadily.

Not everyone can encounter the mythical beast. What Zhao Xun has to do is to have a clear conscience.

As long as he doesn't look back, he will basically not be affected.

In the swamp, the most convenient way is to fly with a sword.

However, because of the existence of Pipixiabaijiaolong, Zhao Xun still chose the more labor-saving dragon flying.

Because the Pipi Shrimp White Dragon is blessed with spiritual power, it will be easier to fly.

Flying over the swamp, Zhao Xun was able to observe the entire swamp.

The swamp is in the shape of a gourd.

"Good guys, it looks like we are going to rush through this Hulukou location. After passing here, we should reach a brand new realm."

At this moment, Zhao Xun suddenly heard a scream. The sound was so harsh that even if Zhao Xun tried to isolate it, he couldn't completely isolate it.

"Good guy, what on earth is going on."

Pipi Xia Bai Jiaolong's condition has also obviously changed.

Zhao Xun could notice that the Pipi Shrimp White Dragon began to fall rapidly.

This is not good news.

Zhao Xun quickly used Haoran's righteousness to block the harsh sound.

Facts have proved that Zhao Xun's choice is quite correct.

After trying to block it with Haoran Zhengqi, everything became better.

"Is Pipi Shrimp feeling better?"

Zhao Xun began to pay attention to Pipi Xia's condition.

Pipi Shrimp snorted in response.

"Well, you scared me half to death just now. But I'm glad you're okay."

Zhao Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a deep voice: "Actually, the most important thing now is to adjust the mood. After all, we have just experienced abnormal fluctuations. But I don't think the problem will be too big."

While Zhao Xun was comforting Pippi Shrimp and White Dragon, he continued to observe the topography of this area of ​​Paradise.

For him, an overall observation at this time will help advance many things.

It is obviously inappropriate to start searching for the Sky Mending Stone now.

Therefore, he hopes to have a general understanding of the world as much as possible first, and then dig deeper.

This logic is self-consistent.

"It seems that the Academy Library did not lie to us. We should really be cautious enough at this time."

Zhao Xun knew that many changes would occur, but he did not want these changes to affect their next judgment.

"It seems that we must be more cautious, Pipi Shrimp. If you feel anything strange, you must tell me as soon as possible."

Zhao Xun knows that caution can resolve most crises.

But we can’t just be cautious.

Blind caution will make people see themselves as weak.

Zhao Xun didn't realize that someone was observing him in the distance.

He is still flying at extremely high speeds.

Only when countless rocks suddenly fell from the sky did Zhao Xun react and quickly used Pipi Shrimp to dodge.

The white dragon had a spirit, and cleverly avoided the falling rocks, and then dived to avoid the stone bridge in front of him.

This change shocked him into a cold sweat.

"There shouldn't be any sky-repairing stones among these stones, right?"

Zhao Xun suddenly had a very bold idea.

Right now, he really should take a closer look at everything around him. If any changes occur, adjustments should be made promptly.

"But it shouldn't be so easy to find. If the Sky Mending Stone is so worthless, there is no need to come all the way to Paradise State."

The more Zhao Xun thought about it, the more he felt that his judgment was correct.

In the current mode, the most important thing is to be able to select key information as quickly as possible.

If you are confused by this confusing information, you will actually be very passive.

"It doesn't matter, we still have time. Next, we will actively explore the nearby land to see if we can find traces of the Sky Mending Stone."

For Zhao Xun, the exploration of Jilezhou has just begun.

In this case, what he had to do was to explore every inch of the land below with Pippi Shrimp and White Dragon.

Not even a single detail can be missed.

Because Zhao Xun knew very well that what could be excavated here was enough for them to help the fairy world tide over the difficulties.

If the hole in the fairy world cannot be repaired in time, a series of chain reactions will follow.

Since Zhao Xun decided to fight the Faceless Man, he naturally wanted to minimize the danger.

If conflicts continue to intensify, many things will not be able to move forward. Everything now requires careful judgment for Zhao Xun.

"It looks like there should be traces of the Sky Mending Stone here."

At this time, the golden compass in Zhao Xun's hand began to shake violently.

This thing is the magic weapon of Lu Guangdou, the sixth senior brother, and it can be said to be very effective.

Now that the Golden Compass has begun to respond, it means that the Sky Mending Stone is really close.

“So I have to be more focused at this time.”

Zhao Xun knew that he couldn't miss any details at this time.

Because if you miss it, there will be irreparable losses.

Zhao Xun also activated the Great Search Technique, using the Golden Compass to search everything around him.

The current exploration model can be said to be extremely thorough.

As long as you maintain this pattern, you will definitely gain something.

Zhao Xun is convinced of this.

"Actually, there is no need to worry about it now. Because the other party will definitely be unable to bear it first."

Zhao Xun's judgment is not unreasonable.

Because generally speaking, those who lose their temper first are the evil forces.

If they want to take the lead, they can only choose this time to take action.

Sure enough, just as Zhao Xun was riding a dragon across a shoal, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew up.

If he is not prepared, Zhao Xun is likely to fall directly.

But he had been on guard for a long time, so he avoided this crisis very calmly.

"It seems like someone really wants to fight me."

Zhao Xun sneered and then chose to rush in the opposite direction.

This change in positioning must have been something the beast in the dark had not expected.

With this flip, Zhao Xun directly saw the guy's true face.

Good guy, it turned out to be a huge bat!

"There's someone on top of the bat!"

Yes it's not just a bat, it's a Batrider!

Zhao Xun was still shocked. Originally, in his impression, Bat Knight only existed in legends!

It's too late, but it's soon.

Zhao Xun clearly felt that the Bat Knight began to spin around. Then a halo of light flashed over.

Zhao Xun quickly asked Pipi Xia to dodge, and then avoided the general.

"Good guy, you are really insidious. We have never met before. This is the first time we have met. Why risk our lives?"

But the other party didn't seem to have any intention of having a good chat with Zhao Xun, and then he fired countless poisonous arrows.

If Zhao Xun hadn't been sharp-eyed, these hidden arrows might have penetrated his body directly.

But Zhao Xun reacted quickly and summoned a protective shield immediately.

This is also due to the Academy Library.

Because before setting off, the Academy Library had specifically told Zhao Xun to make preparations in advance instead of making temporary arrangements when he got there.

In this way, Zhao Xun was able to respond as quickly as possible.

If he continues at this speed, it won't be long before Zhao Xun can completely crush his opponent.

"Good guy, do you have any backup plans? Why not use them all at once."

At this time, Zhao Xun began to show off his special skills.

His special skill is the legendary provoking method.

No matter what opponent you face, this tactic can be considered a tried and tested strategy.

As long as Zhao Xun uses this method, he can always force the opponent's heart to break.

"Hahaha, that's it? That's it?"

Zhao Xun kept trying to anger the other party.

But Batrider didn't seem to be offended.

He immediately flew up into the sky.

Zhao Xun was stunned.

what's the situation?

This guy was not angered by the Jijiangfa?

Is there such a character?

Zhao Xun had no choice but to tighten the reins and said sternly: "Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

The white dragon had a spirit, and after hearing Zhao Xun's instructions, it immediately rushed into the sky.

Zhao Xun's condition is still quite good.

At this moment, what you have to do is to control your emotions as much as possible.

"Come on, let the mule or the horse come out for a ride."

It is impossible for Zhao Xun to let this Bat Knight go at this time.

Because in his opinion, this Bat Knight is just an outpost.

Despite this, Zhao Xun was able to squeeze out enough useful information from this Bat Knight.

In this case, Zhao Xun naturally wanted to pursue him.

Bat Knight obviously did not expect that Zhao Xun would directly chase him and tried to accelerate in a short distance to get rid of Zhao Xun.

But Zhao Xun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With the cooperation of him and Pipi Shrimp White Dragon, no matter how disguised Bat Knight is, he can't get rid of him!

After approaching the Bat Knight, Zhao Xun used his natal sword without hesitation.

Although his swordsmanship is not as exquisite as that of his third senior brother Long Qingquan. Although his swordsmanship is not as fancy as that of the Bamboo Forest Swordsman Yao Yan, Zhao Xun's sword intention is so direct.

As long as he uses this set of swordsmanship, he can force the opponent to face off with his fierce force.

There is a principle in martial arts duels, which is to never show your back to your opponent.

Unless your absolute strength is far superior to the other party.

Apparently, Batrider made a fatal mistake.

Zhao Xun will make him pay the price.


Zhao Xun slashed his sword, and one of Bat Knight's wings was cut off.

Blood dripped, and for a moment Bat Knight was in agony.

Zhao Xun had no intention of making fun of them at this time.

"Still dancing?"


But after hearing a roar, the Bat Knight rushed straight towards Zhao Xun.

"What's going on? Do you want to self-destruct?"

Zhao Xun naturally would not give Bat Knight a chance to self-destruct.

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go."

Under Zhao Xun's very light control, Pipi Shrimp White Dragon flew directly above.

Bat Knight's collision failed, which was equivalent to losing his last chance.

Zhao Xun didn't show any mercy and thrust his sword straight down.

But with a pop, Zhao Xun's natal sword penetrated the Bat Knight's Tianling Cap.

Then Zhao Xun poured sword energy into it, and in an instant, the Bat Knight was shattered into a pile of flesh and blood.

Zhao Xun's sword energy can be said to be extremely powerful.

When he fully demonstrates this suppressive power, he doesn't have to be afraid of any opponent.

"Good guy, it's not my fault. It's you who wants to die."

After Zhao Xun stopped his hand, he immediately put his natal sword into its scabbard.

"If you don't do anything else, I didn't intend to take your life."

Originally, Zhao Xun planned to get some useful information from this guy, but now it seems he can only think of other ways. But it seems that the world of Paradise State is indeed very dangerous, and Zhao Xun should still be prepared to fight at any time.

The Academy Library did not lie to him.

At this stage, they must do their best to control their mentality.

Attitude determines everything. Especially in the Paradise State.

Zhao Xun has already prepared his emotions and only hopes to be in a relatively advantageous position in the next process.

(End of this chapter)

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